CC MINS 19741015 M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 15, 1974 The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. at Ridgecrest Intermediate School, 28915 Northbay Road. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, led by Den 2, Pack 1165 from Vista Grande School, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: Councilman Ken Dyda, Francis D. Ruth, Robert E. Ryan and Mayor Marilyn Ryan ABSENT: Councilman Gunther Buerk Also present were Planning Director and Assistant City Manager Sharon Hightower, Community Services Officer Doris Brown, Assistant City Attorney Pat Coughlan, and Deputy City Clerk Donna Krebs. MINUTES APPROVAL It was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan, and carried, that the Minutes of October 1, 1974 be approved as distributed. AUDIENCE QUESTION Chris Wuerker, 4036 Via Pima, Palos Verdes Street Use Estates, representing the Peninsula 4-H Clubs, (208) requested permission from Council for a 4-H sponsored walk and bike ride on Palos Verdes Drives South and West on November 3, 1974 to help pay medical expenses for William Wilcox, son of Peninsula residents, who was seriously burned recently. The Council approved the request subject to any City departmental requirements. PUBLIC HEARING - ZONE ORD. AMEND. The Clerk reporting notice given with evidence VETERINARY CLINICS on file, Mayor Ryan opened the hearing on a (1801) proposed amendment to allow veterinary clinics in C-1 zones with a conditional use permit. Dr. Bernard Lauloff having previously appeared before the Council in favor of the proposal, with a proposed lease of space in Golden Cove, indicated he had no new information to present. Dr. Dennis Moore, 6532 Via Sienna, Rancho Palos Verdes, spoke in opposition, indicating he believed there was a definite need for veterinary clinics within the City but felt there was a misunderstanding since he had been requested to wait for General Plan completion when he _inquired about locating in the City. Receiving no further com- ments or questions from the audience, the Mayor declared the hearing closed. In discussion by Council, Councilman Ruth said he would like to see a clinic supported by a number of doctors rather than limited to one practice. Councilman Ryan expressed concern that it was difficult to determine the real needs of the City based on available information. It was then moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan, and carried, that no action be taken until such time as the City's zoning ordinance is developed after com- pletion of the General Plan. ORD. 57 ORDINANCE NO. 57 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS MORATORIUM EXEMPTION VERDES REMOVING CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM THE Great Lakes Properties EXISTING MORATORIUM ON CERTAIN PERMITS AND MAPS (1801) AND AMENDING ORDINANCES NOS. 54 and 54U OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES was read by title, first reading having been given October 1, 1974. It was moved by Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilman Dyda, and unanimously carried, Council 230 October 15, 1974 that Council waive further reading and adopt Ordinance No. 57. On roll call vote: AYES: Dyda, Ruth, R. Ryan, M. Ryan NOES: None ABSENT: Buerk ORD. 58 ORDINANCE NO. 58 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF PERS CONTRACT THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES AUTHORIZING (1313) A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES AND THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION, PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM was read by title, first reading having been given October 1, 1974. It was moved by Councilman Ruth, seconded by Councilman Dyda, and unanimously carried, that Council waive further reading and adopt Ordinance No. 58. On roll call vote: AYES: Dyda, Ruth, R. Ryan, M. Ryan NOES: None ABSENT: Buerk SETBACK MODIFICATION APPEAL Council received an appeal from the Planning (1803) Advisory Committee concerning denial of Set- back Modification No. 26. Applicant Nick Trani and his attorney, Herb Abrams, presented plans and pictures of the property located at 4329 Via Frascati and urged Council to grant the request on the basis of hardship. The Planning Director reviewed the Planning Advisory Committee action, noting the proposed modification would allow only 12 feet of the required 20 foot front yard setback, and the Committee felt there were sufficient alternate designs. On a motion by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Mayor Ryan, and carried, the Council upheld Planning Advisory Committee's action and denied the appeal. It was suggested Mr. Trani go back to Planning Advisory Committee with alternate plans. ARCHERY RANGE Mr. George Zidbeck, 421 W. 224th, Carson, (1801) spoke on behalf of the South Bay Archery Club requesting the use of 12 acres in the Portuguese Bend slide area for an archery range. The Assistant City Attorney said the range is included in the interim moratorium zone and also would require a con- ditional use permit. On motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ruth, and carried, the Council deferred any action until such time as the City zoning ordinance is developed after completion of the General Plan. RECESS At 9:15 p.m. , the Mayor declared a 10-minute recess. Council reconvened at 9:30 p.m. with the same members present. TRACTS 29593, 29594 & 29596 Acting on the City Engineer's recommendation, (1409) it was moved by Councilman Ruth, seconded by Mayor Ryan, and carried, that the walls in Tract 29593, 29594, and 29596 (Ridgegate, Hawthorne and Highridge) be approved and Performance Bonds for each tract be released. TRACT 28205 Acting on the City Engineer's recommendation, (1409) it was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan, and carried, that survey monuments in Tract 28205 (Seagate, Hawthorne and Ocean Crest) be approved and the Performance Bond be released. Council 231 October 15, 1974 t'L6T 'ST aeg04o0 Z£Z TTouno0 •eT4T4 Aq peal s'eM '9179 H011o2IHS 9Z9 saaawnN ativwaa '17 z'£S T'L£S$ 3O Wns am NI Samvwaa OINV SN IWID N IVJ1 I o OM IMO'I'IY saa3 3n SOTIa OHONV2i 30 ASIO am 30 aioNnoo AIM am ao 06-VL 'ON NOISnZOSaU 'uoT4PuLio;uT aam.WnJ sat as ao usisiO3 I buTpuad L179 •ON 4uPaaPm go uoT49Tep Ja4JV 06-1'L 'ON NOisn'IOS3I •:uauibpn C 4s aq uio .Tate. o4 burp.t000p SuoT4nTosaa am. uo a4on aouaaa3uo0 TPnuu\ au. o4 sa4pbaTap at. 4eu4 paatbp TTOunoO egg- (ZOTT) 'suonnTosaa pasodoad go uoissnosip buTMOTTOa SaISIO 'aI'1V3 a0 anOVg'I •paTTJ pine paATaoaa SPM se: aSPa.xOUT off. •0•n•d au. aao;aq uOT4L OTTddP UP 'paTaapo pup 'U AA upurI Touno0 Aq (T09T) papuooas 'Epica uew1 zouno0 go UOT om uo '0I'IddV 'O'n'd - 'igs 0ILI3Vd •paTaaPo pup 'uPAj ureUITTOUnop Aq papuooas 'Ppca u uTIOUnop go uoT4om uo Pe TT; pug paATaoaa SPM sapaan SoTPd otpued go A 3TO ate. Aq pa4uPab asT ouPag .zapun s:TTbT1 asToaaxa o; 8DU9TU8AUOD o-Tgnd (T09T '3alx - S09) go a4poTgT4aao bun uPab .tapao •0•n•d V Liao '0'n'd - NOSIag ''Iv0 'OS •suaaouoo s 1 TTOUno3 buT:e4s '0'n'd 8114 114Tm la4gaT P aTT3 'a:PTadoaddP :T 'pun sasPaaou-r a4Pa pasodoad MaTAaa PTnOus as:4TUnuo3 8STT Ouv13 au4 paaabp sPM 4T 'uoTssnos-p buTMOTToa •TTouno0 Aq paATaoaa alai 917617S .0N uOT4BOTTddd uo E UT IaH go aoT4oN puP aSPa.XOUT a4pa P Jo; •0•n•a 9114 aio;eq 86TSS 'ON (509) uoT:poTTddv s,uoSTpg ETuacgTTP3 u.zatl4nOs •OIZddV '0'n'd - NOSIaa ''IV 'OS •paTpiio pup 'upAj umwTTOuno3 Aq papuooas 'ppca uPuITTouno0 go uoT4om uo paTT; pU paATaoaa SPM .a. uonTsodoad asaopua (OT£) o; saosTn.zadns go paPog ate. mo.z j 4s anbat v INawaNawv 2I J1 IVH0 I LNn00 •2cauunI pue uo4su:.z0 saoT2uas puP' 'TTeg upwssa.xbuo0 'uosxapuv uPtussa.xbuo0 o; ques aq oq saidoo T ;TM pa;dope uoT;nTosa.t auk. pue paAreM SPM buTpPa1 aatpin; 'paT1;t o ATsnowTuuun pug 'uPic u�eu'TTouno0 �q papuooas '�p u uT-rouno0 go UOT4OW 110 •SI SN IJ1 SSVW avuaaaa ONIa2IVE2 16 S8 ZT 2UH ONISZIOddfS s:aian SOUVd OH3NV 1 ao AIM aHL ao ZIDNnO0 OLIO am 30 T6-17L '0N NOISnZOSa I aT4T4 Aq pPaa pup aouaaanouoo pa4poTpuT TTaun.o0 •4Tsup14 SSPW TPaapa3 buTp.XLbaa 658ZT '0N TTTS SaAT4P4uasaada1 go asnof go 4ioddns buT4sanbax STTTH buTTToj Jo ic:z0 au4 pue uosaapuj UPui SOSI -ssaabuo0 moag S1a44aT paATaoaa TTOUnop SSVW gvuaaaa •uoT4Tsod sTm. buT4p;s 4OTz4sTa 4TSU 2s pTddH PTU1o3TTp3 uaamnos au4 o: ia44aT P as daad off. ;;E4s 4oaxTp puP 4TSUPa4 SsPui go 4toddns uT „vat uoT4Tsodoad :oTTeg 2c:uno0 asaopua TTounop auk. 4pm. 'paT.;po pup 'ppkj uew1Touno0 (SO ST) Aq papuooas 'uPAH aoAAy1 Aq panoiu SPM ;I SSVW - 'MUDS •uoT4piodaooui o4 ao rid uoT4PooT sT114 buTsuaoTT o4 uoT4oaCgo butnuTluoO s i A4T0 9144 buT P3TpUT p.z'eog To.z uo0 abpaanag 3T[Ot400Tw 8144 04 le449I .P a.zPdaad 04 pa4oaaTp SPM 33 :s 'paTaapo pup 'ppAa ureuiTiouno0 Aq papuooas 'u'eAj upuxTToun.o0 go uor ow uo pup ,paATaoaa SPM aUJOIRMPH 'S 1t 08Z 4P aao:s TT-L :P asuaoTT auTM puL aaag aTPS-3;0 go (ZOT) aa3suPa4 uosaad-o4-uosaad ao; uo-r 4PoTTddy HSNaDIZ OSV It was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan, that further reading be waived and Resolution No. 74-90 be adopted. On roll call vote: AYES: Dyda, Ruth, R. Ryan, M. Ryan NOES: None ABSENT: Buerk NIKE SITE The Council considered the proposals for UTILIZATION STUDY the Nike Site Utilization Study. (601) On motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan, the Council approved the staff recommended priority rating list of consulting firms and endorsed the firm of Arthur D. Little as the top choice. The Planning Director will submit these evaluations and proposals to the E.D.A. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Councilman Ryan requested that staff look into the dumping of swimming pool materials into vacant lots; reported that the Parks & Recreation Committee are checking into pos- sibilities of tennis court construction through non-profit organizations; requested status report on the progress of the General Plan; and reported that he is working with the school district in conjunction with using cable TV. Councilman Dyda filed pictures taken at Marineland on occasion of City birthday celebration. LEARNING TREE SCHOOL Councilman Dyda filed a petition on the PARKING traffic problem and parking at Learning (1503) Tree School. It was suggested that the Traffic Engineer investigate and report on the situation. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 10:30 p.m. , Council adjourned to Execu- tive Session to discuss matters of potential litigation, reconvening at 10:43 p.m. ADJOURNMENT At 10:44 p.m. , on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan, and carried, the meeting was adjourned to October 26, 1974, 1:00 p.m. , in the City Offices for a field trip to the Nike Site. • Ma LEONARD G. WOOD, CITY CLERK AND EX OFFICIO CLERK OF THE COUNCIL By Deputy Council 233 October 15, 1974