CC MINS 19740903 M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting September 3, 1974 The meeting was called to order at 7:42 p.m. at Ridgecrest Intermediate School, 28915 Northbay Road. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: Councilmen Gunther Buerk, Ken Dyda, Francis D. Ruth, and Mayor Marilyn Ryan ABSENT: Councilman Robert E. Ryan Also present were City Manager Leonard G. Wood, City Attorney Glenn Watson, Planning Director Sharon Hightower, and Community Services Officer Doris Brown. MINUTES APPROVAL It was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Buerk and carried, that the Minutes of August 20, 1974 be approved as distributed. AUDIENCE QUESTION: Pat Scognamillo, 744 South Walker, San Pedro, requested permission from Council to discharge firearms in connection with the training of dogs, on large vacant parcels of farm land in the City. Following discussion, Council referred the matter to staff for inves- tigation and report. PUBLIC HEARING - Continued hearing was opened on Conditional C.U.P. NO. 3 AND VAR. NO. 2 Use Permit No. 3 and Variance No. 2, to permit SO. CALIF. EDISON the construction of a microwave facility in MICROWAVE FACILITY the City. There being no objection, and at the applicant's request, the hearing was continued to October 1, 1974, 7:30 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING - Hearing was opened on Ordinance No. 51U, ex- ORD. NO. 51U tending the adoption of the L.A. County ZONING ORDINANCE Zoning Ordinance as the City Zoning Ordinance. (1801) There being no one present to give testimony, the hearing was declared closed. ORDINANCE NO. 51U OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES EXTENDING INTERIM ZONING, ZONING AND CLASSIFYING PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY ON AN INTERIM BASIS AND ADOPTING BY REFERENCE, PURSUANT TO SECTION 50022.2 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE, ORDINANCE NO. 1494 OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ENTITLED "THE ZONING ORDINANCE", AMENDING THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES MUNICIPAL CODE AND DECLARING THE URGENCY THEREOF was read by title. It was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Buerk to waive further reading and adopt Ordinance No. 51U. On roll call vote: AYES: Buerk, Dyda, Ruth, M. Ryan NOES: None ABSENT: R. Ryan Council -214- Sept. 3, 1974 fi7L6T 'E '4d8S -STZ- TTOUnoO •mmu umiT T ounoO Aq papuooas 'ppca upuxTTounoO go uoT om SnowTUpun uo buTppaa puooas oq. passed pup paATpM buTpLaa aam.ang 'aT4Tl Aq pLaa sLM S3xnaaoOad ZHOdau ZDVd -WI rIVZNgWNOHIANa OZ soarans Asio am JO 2I3QNIvwau am NI SZIL12igd ONIQFZ2IO QNV ONIQ'Ilna 3O aoNVnssi ONI2IV'IO3Q II/ 'sva iv NIVZHgo NI SdVW aao23Vd 230 SdVW rIVNI3 'SdVW aAISVZNHI JO 'IVAO2IddV 1O ONISSgoo23d gHS QNV SJII Ugd NIVs23go NO (1081) WnI23oJV2IOW �HZ ONIQNaIXa saauaA SO'IVd WfI23oS ION OH0NV2i 30 AZIO am. ,30 f'S 'ON goNFINIQ2iO - VS 'QUO uPAH '21 :SNaSaV auoN :SaOM upAH •Ld 'u;nH 'ppAa 'xiang :SaAV :a;on TTPO TToa UO •aoupuTpao am. a.dopP TTounoO puP panTeM aq buTppaa aam.Wn3 4pm. tt:nH U WTTOUnoO Aq papuoaas 'PpAQ U WTTounoO Aq panom S M 4i •asnou -gnTo puP s:.anoo siuua4 pasodo.td TootloS 115TH qunomAapw am. apngoxa o4 dPm mnT1o4Paom au. aburtto pTnoM gyeqs gpgq. paaibp SPM •oqe 'stood 'saouep -Tsa: !TTUra; aTbuTS off. SuoT4TppP uTP4aao qdwaxa ptnoM goTtlM aoupuTpao auk. o� quampuaum UP aaPdaad ggPqs paqoarTp TzounoO 'uoTssnosTp buTMOTToa u'd 0 :8 Tes pauan:.a a pup -mod 0 T:8 4P aaqureua 9114 4;a T uq.nl upuIT T OUnoO •aT:Tn Aq pPaa pup uoT4dopP ao; paquasaad SLM aoaua SI XoNgf23n am. SNIavuoaU QNV Sg2inaapoud Z23odau SOFIA -WI rIVIN .WNO2IIAMa OZ Imams AIIO am, ao uaamivWg2i am NI SSIN2I d ONIQFIHO QNV ONIQ'IIng ao aoNFlnssi smiuv oaa 'Sva iv NIVZHgo NI SdVW 'Igo?3Va ?30 SdVW 'IVNI3 'SdVW aAIZVZNHI ao rIVAO iddV HO ONISSaDOHd aHS QNV ssiwuaa mnauao NO (T08T) Wnl23oJV23oW aHS oNIQNama s3Qdan SO'IVd Wnl23oJVdoW aHZ oNIQNasxa OHONV23 ao Liao gHS ,3o nv s 'ON aDNVNI Q2IO - nt s 'Q2IO uPAH 'H :ZNaS auoH :saON up/KH '14 im.nH 'PpAa 'Naang :SaAV :a4on TTeo TTo1 uO 'ES •oN aouPUTpao 4dopP 111 TTounoO pU paATpm aq buTpPaa aat��.anJ �.PT 4 'paTaapo pup pp1Q upuz1TounoO Aq papuoaas 't nH upuzTTounoO Aq panow sLM 41 't L6T 'OZ 4snbnV UOATB uaaq buTA buTppa x gsaT3 'a1�Tl Aq pax SpM SaauaA SOrIVd OHONVH ,1O ASIo 3HS ao n6 Z '01H0 xg aaamawV SV n9 T QNV 9T 'SON 'Q2i0 SNIQNaWV QNV SdVW QNV SZIW23ad NIVI (TO8T) -23a0 NO WnIuoIv ION ONISSIxa gHS NOM (anoopaS) AJ 1 do23d NIA J 13 ONIAOWaH saau A SOTId NOIZdwaxa WnI2IOJI HoW OHONVH ,IO AIIO am JO ES 'ON 2DNVNIU IO ES 'QHO •TpnoaddP 10 J 4uauzaa Abp am. qua s -aad ptnoM pup quamaaabP au. go asnPTo ssaTU :tpt_I ptoq auk. Jo UOT PDT3Tpouz bUT -paPba. Tasunoo A3unoO 1-14TM 490 pEu WI pa4PoTpuT 2cau.io: v A TD •buTqaam TTounoO VL6T 'ST aagogoO atT: Aq Appaa aq pTnous qnq 'paqpdToT;ue U m. aabuoT bupreq. a1aM mod au SSg2I0o2id suPTd ubTSap alp pa4PDTpuT ;ab&uPW ATM - asaiH aauaA 17L6T 'E •4deS -9TZ- TTounoO •puog aoupmaogaad au. Taoupo pup 'E96 •ON uTpaa agpnT1d :daoop 'STT6Z :opts uo NaoM au. anoaddp og taauTbu3 AgTO au. go uoTgppuaunuooaa au. gdaoop TTounop (V09) x (60t'T) ;pq: paTaaPo pup Naang upuzTTouno3 Aq 8L-fiiL NOISn'IOS3H papuooas 'ppAQ uPluTTouno3 Aq panom SPM 41 STT6Z S3VHS 'NIVHa NIOSS urIH 'H :INaSgV auoN :saoN uprcj •w 'Irma 'ppk1 'Naang :S3Av :agora TTpo TTOX uO •uonnTosa.z au. gdopp TTounoO pup paATpM aq buT ppa t a agg ang gpq; 't nj upuIT T ounop Aq papuooas 'ppAQ upiuT T ounop Aq panoui SPM gT 'saagmam TTouno0 auk. Aq suoT4 -sanb buTMOTTO3 •aT4Tn Aq pax SPM 8SS HOf OHHS Z E S SH3glnInN QNvwaQ '0 8'S 8 Z'L o Z$ 3O wns am NI sawiw a QNY SWIV'IO NIYdI30 ONI MST) -MOZ'I�d S3QH3A SOTId OHONV I 3O ASIO am 3O Satr waa 3O H3S1SIO3H 'IIDNnOO ASIO am. 3O 9L-17L 'ON NOISn'IOS32i 9 L-fii L 'ON 'S3H •uoTgnTosa.z au. :dope TTounoO pup panTpM aq buTppa.z aam.an; :pm. 'paTaapo ATSnoUITUpun pup ppAQ upuiTTouno3 Aq papuooas 'rang upuiTTounoO Aq panoui SPM 41 •OT4T4 Aq gee/ SPM sa2i0O32i xvi asn aNv sa'I`ds 3o NOIZVNIWVXa SaaJaA SO'IVd OHONV2i 30 AZ I o 3HZ 30 'I I oNnoo ASS I o am 3o L L-I L 'ON NOISn'IOS3H 'spaooa] xpg asn pup saTps auTuipxa 04 aaOT3J0 SaoTAIaS (TOST) anT4pI STuTmpv au. azT1oMnp pTnoM 110TUM SQHOOaH XVL asn aNY SaaVS 'uoTgnTosaa aqg pazTapuzums 1abpupw AgTO aus LL-V L 'ON 'S3H •buTppe1 puooas og passed aq aoupuTpao auk. pup panTpM aq buTppaa aam.anj gPgg paTaapo ATSnomTupun pup 'rang upuzTTounop Aq papuooas 'ppAQ upuiTTounoO Aq panoui sPm 41 •°T4Tl Aq paonpo.z4uT SPM 3QO0 TfaIOINnw S3Q2i3A Soivd OHONV I am. ONIaM WV '„3DNXNIQHO ONINOZ aHS„ Ga'TZIZNa S3'I3ONV SO'I 3O AZNnoo 3HS 3o 17617T 'ON 3ONVNIQ2IO 'moo ZN3WM I AOO 3HS 30 z'Z z o o S NOIZ03S os SLN`dnSHnd '30N3H33aH Ag ONIZdOQK QMV sisys WIHaSLNI NV NO AZIO am, NIHSIM ASH3dOHd ONIA1ISSV'I0 QNV ONINOZ (TO8T) 'DNINOZ WIHaSNI ONIQN3ZXa S3QH3A SO'IVd ONINOZ WI2I3SNI ONIQN3SXa OHOMVH 30 ASIo am, 30 ZS 'ON 33NVNIQHO - ZS *QUO upiH 'H :IN3S3K auoN :S3ON upIH •w 'u:nI 'pp4cQ 'rang :SaAv :aqon TTpo TToa uO 'T7L6T 'LT aaquzagdaS ao; gas aq buT1paq pup 'buTppaa puooas og passed aq aoupuTpao au. 'panTpM aq buTppa1 aam.ang gpm. 'paT.z.zpo ATSnOWTUpun pup ugna upuITTounop Aq papuooas 'ppkj upuxTTounoO Aq panoux SPM 41 •8T4Tl Aq paonpoaquT SPM 3oa-:HS A3N3OHn 3HS ONIHV'IO3Q QNV 3000 'IVdIDINnW S3auaA SO'IVd OHONVI 3HS ONIQN3NV '.33NVNIQHO ONINOZ aHS„ aa'IuZN3 sauaoNv sou 3o ASNnoo am 30 V6VT 'ON 33NVNIQHO 'moo Imaw I2 OO am 3O Z•ZZOOS NOISO3s OZ ZNVnSHnd '33N3H333H Ag ONISZOQK cNV SISVg WI2I3SNI NV NO AZIO aH1 NIHSIM ASH3dOHd ONIAiI ssvaO QNK ONINOZ (T08T) 'DNINOZ WIH3SINI ONIQN3ZX3 S3auaA SO'IVd ONINOZ WIH3SNI ONIQN3ZX3 OHOMV2i 30 ASIO a} L 3O nZS 'ON 3DNVNIQHO - nZS 'QHO RESOLUTION NO. 74-78 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CALIFORNIA REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO AC- CEPT ON BEHALF OF SAID DISTRICT A TRANSFER AND CONVEYANCE OF PRIVATE DRAIN NO. 963, IN THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, FOR FUTURE OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND IMPROVEMENT, AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER AND CONVEYANCE THEREOF was read by title. It was moved by Councilman Ruth, seconded by Councilman Dyda that further reading be waived and Council adopt the resolution. MORATORIUM EXEMPTION - At the request of the applicant, the GREAT LAKES PROPERTIES exemption request was continued to (1801) the September 17, 1974 Council meet- ing. In response to questions from Council members, the Director of Planning indicated that in approxi- mately three months (approximately the same time as the Conditional Use Permit on this project would be coming before Council) a partial housing mix study would be complete. RECESS At 8:50 p.m. the meeting was recessed for approximately ten minutes, recon- vening at 9:05 p.m. with the same members present. SURVEY MONUMENTS - Acting on the City Engineer's recom- Tracts 29593, 29594, mendation, it was moved by Council- 29595, and 29596 man Dyda, seconded by Mayor Ryan and (1409) carried, that the survey monuments Tract 29593, 29594, 29595, and 29596 be approved and the Performance Bonds for each tract be released. ORD. NO. 55 - ORDINANCE NO. 55 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO DISASTER COUNCIL PALOS VERDES ESTABLISHING A LOCAL (401) DISASTER COUNCIL AND AMENDING THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES MUNICIPAL CODE was read by title. City Attorney indicated a change in the Ordinance regarding members of the Disaster Council for the City. It was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ruth, and carried, that further reading be waived, and the ordinance be passed to second reading. RES. NO. 74-79 RESOLUTION NO. 74-79 OF THE CITY CIVIL DEFENSE MUTUAL AID COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS (401) VERDES APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CALIFORNIA DISASTER AND CIVIL DEFENSE MASTER MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT was read by title. It was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Buerk and unanimously carried, that Council waive further reading and adopt the resolution. RES. NO. 74-80 RESOLUTION NO. 74-80 OF THE CITY WORKMEN'S COMP. FOR DISASTER COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS SERVICE WORKERS VERDES RELATIVE TO WORKMEN'S COM- (401) PENSATION BENEFITS FOR REGISTERED Council -217- Sept. 3, 1974 VOLUNTEER "DISASTER SERVICE WORKERS" was read by title. It was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ruth, and unanimously carried, that Council waive further reading and adopt the resolution. RES. NO. 74-81 RESOLUTION NO. 74-81 OF THE CITY COUNCIL SURPLUS FEDERAL PROP. OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES AUTH- (401) ORIZING A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CITY TO SIGN FOR AND ACCEPT SURPLUS FEDERAL PROP- ERTY REGARDLESS OF ACQUISITION COST IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONDITIONS IMPOSED BY VARIOUS FEDERAL AGENCIES was read by title. It was moved by Councilman Buerk, seconded by Councilman Dyda, and unanimously carried that Council waive further reading and adopt the resolution. RES. NO. 74-82 RESOLUTION NO. 74-82 OF THE CITY COUNCIL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES AUTH- (401) ORIZING REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CITY TO EXECUTE AND SIGN APPLICATIONS AND DOCUMENTS FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE AS PROVIDED IN THE FEDERAL DEFENSE ACT was read by title. It was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ruth, and unanimously carried that Council waive further reading and adopt the resolution. Charles Mandala, 6457 Abbottswood Drive, urged the Council to include citizen participation in such matters. BEACH USE - A letter from Captain Beto Kienast re- RECOMMENDATION FOR garding the possibility of a tow away TOW AWAY ZONE zone and/or and increased parking fine in (1206) the Half Moon Cove area of the City was received and filed, on the motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ruth and carried. FRIENDSHIP PARK - Preliminary site plans for the Friendship PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN Park were presented to Council. It was (1201) decided that Councilmen Buerk and Ryan would meet with Larry Zamos, Supervisor Hayes' Deputy Hank Peralez, Director of Parks and Recreation, and the homeowners on the east side of the City to review the plans. LETTER COMMENDING CITY A letter from Joyce S. Taylor commending COUNCIL the City Council in working towards the goals which were the founding purpose of the City was received and filed, with the understanding that an acknowledge- ment would be sent to Ms. Taylor. EDISON FRANCHISE An application to Public Utilities Com- mission by Southern California Edison Company for certificate to exercise rights granted under the City of Rancho Palos Verdes' franchise was received and filed, on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Buerk, and carried. FOUR-CITY MEETING Mayor Ryan indicated that September 18 had been set as the tentative date for the Four-City meeting, and initiated agenda suggestions. Council -218- Sept. 3, 1974 SHERIFF SUB-STATION City Manager indicated that Council GROUNDBREAKING members had been invited to the groundbreaking for the new Sheriff's Sub-station at 262nd and Narbonne Avenue, September 5, 1974 at 10:00 a.m. ADJOURNMENT At 10:14 p.m. , Councilman Dyda moved, Councilman Ruth seconded, and it was unanimously agreed to adjourn. MAYOR LEONARD G. WOOD, CITY AND EX OFFICIO CLERK OF THE COUNCIL By ° )CiiAdLail Deputy )1C11124143 Council -219- Sept. 3, 1974