CC MINS 19740618 M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 18, 1974 The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. at Ridgecrest Intermediate School, 28915 Northbay Road. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: Councilmen Gunther Buerk, Ken Dyda, Francis D. Ruth, Robert E. Ryan and Mayor Marilyn Ryan 11/ ABSENT: None * 41-4f7A'tert-ed 27A/77,0,641-= Also present were City Manager Leonard G. Wood, City Attorney Glenn Watson, Planning Director Sharon Hightower, Community Services Officer Doris Brown and Administrative Services Officer David B. Smith. MINUTES APPROVAL It was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan and passed, that the Minutes of the meetings of June 5, 1974, and June 10, 1974, be approved as distributed. ORD. 38 - UTILITIES - ORDINANCE NO. 38 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO UNDERGROUNDING FACILITIES PALOS VERDES ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES FOR THE REMOVAL OF OVERHEAD UTILITY FACILITIES AND THE INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND FACILITIES IN UNDERGROUND DISTRICTS AND AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE was read by title, first reading having been given June 5, 1974. It was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan, to waive further reading and adopt the ordinance. On roll call vote: AYES: Buerk, Dyda, Ruth, R. Ryan, M. Ryan NOES: None ABSENT: None Following discussion, it was moved by Councilman Buerk, seconded by Councilman Dyda, that Council consider at the end of the meeting the Planning Advisory Committee moratorium policy recommendation, the Planning Advisory Committee recommendation for moratorium policy for exclusions and inclusions of areas, and the adoption of Ordinance No. 41, which would remove the Tarr property from the moratorium area, and that Council consider together the Area "G" disaster preparedness and an agreement with the School District for use of schools dur- ing an emergency or disaster. The motion carried. RES. 74-43 - FILING FEE - Planning Director reported staff recom- ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT mendation establishing a $10 fee for the QUESTIONNAIRE (1803) filing of an Environmental Assessment Questionnaire. RESOLUTION NO. 74-43 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A FEE FOR THE FILING OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT QUESTIONNAIRE, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 74-28 was read by title. It was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan and passed unanimously, that further reading be waived and Council adopt the resolution. *Mayor Ryan left the meeting at 11:59 p.m. Council 171 June 18, 1974 i7L6T '8T aunr ZLT TTounop .40V saaMOd quTor am. go :uawaaabv auk. uT buTxa4ua go SabP4uPApe am. pup papog buTuuPTd ssaU -peapdaad aagspsTQ „O„ Laav am. buTUToC go sgT3auaq uo T-rouno0 pajaTaq uoT4P4s (TOD') SS3Naauvaa Id ;3-r.xat,Is xouuar alp go uosdureS 4upo&toS uaIsvSIa - .0. yard •uaATb aq a3Tgou .zadoad Tetiq pue '17L6T '9T Ain aoj paTnpauPS aq xagq.wuz sTU. uo buTi aq a-rTgnd ; T_ 'paT.zapO pug 'epAQ U UI[TaunoO Aq papuooas 'N.zang u xITOUno3 !q paAOW SPM 41 .pox pagp3Tpap P 04 peTTdde :vim SP ;uauiaoao;ua mawapH03m3 0-U3 14 amps aATaoa.z pPo?I :To3 -DTI: saauvo 3L IV Is - (aVO i -auiou ppaa 4To3 go 1sanbaa panTaoa.z TTOUno0 s1I00) s33?nis SIVAIHd •TTouno3 cq pari; pup paATaoa.z SPM reTaa4pm au: puL 'paTTE3 0861 UT peTdWATO au4 go saureb aaununs am. sot off- pTq (OT£) avIdwAZO SaTabuV sal go A4T0 auk. gaoddns oq. uoT4OW \ uawwns 0861 •paATOAUT ssauTsnq am. buTprrbaa MaagaTTTX *saw 4oPquoo jjP4S zem. 'paT.ztp3 pup U AH upuz1TOUno3 Aq papuooas 'PpAQ u�uz -TTOUnoD cq paAom SPM 4T 'sassauTsnq s,ALTO go uoT4Paado go sanou buTptpbaa MaagaTTTN auTp1e1aO woij paATaoa.z ia: ei uo buT4DV 'S?IH 'MS AIIO 'S888 'off 4oPaquo0 aq.PAT.zd '£08Z '0N dew Taoapd '4SP3 aAT1Q SapaeA SoTpd uo pup =TSL8 '0N 40Paquo0 a4PATad 'S6S6Z 'oN qo I 'a:pbabpTH uo =ZZS8 'oN ;opa:uo0 a4PAT.zd '00£6Z '0N 43 1L '4saap uP900 UO S.zaMas A.zp4TUps auk. asn OTTgnd ,zoo (ZOVT) :daooP pup sa.uamaaabv .zaMaS AlP4TUPS aLI-a. 5888 'ON Od 'EO8Z 'ON Nd Aq palTnbaa SP pagaTdWoo xaoM al. anozddd =TSL8 'ON Od 'S6S6Z 'ON 'Hs TTOUno3 :P144 'paTt1Po puP mmu upuzTTounOO cq =ZZS8 'ON Od '00£6Z 'ON papuooas 'ppAa uWWTTOUno3 Aq paiiom SPM 41 'HI - S2ia as xavaiNvs •p ad abpTH ePTS AuunS uo goT14STp 103 SbuTpaaoo1d go 4U0111 -uopupgq am. ano.zddp TT Ounoo Tem. 'p aTaapo pup U AH upu1TTouno3 Aq papuooas 'ppic u uTTOUno3 Aq paAoui SPM qT pup :pauopupqp aq ppoH (1091) avo i 3OaIH 3aIs abp;rd aPTS IUUnS uo uoTs.zaAuoO sa-mTT U ANNt1S NO SLN3WNOQNV8V Tem. :senba: uo TTOUno3 pagaTaq aabPU ALTO - NOISHEANO0 SaIZI'IISIl •buTppa1 pumas o� sspd pug buTppaa iat.anj 8ATPM 04 'ATsnourtupun paTaapo pup ppAQ upuiTTOUno3 Aq papuooas ')pang upuITTouno3 Aq panoui sPM 41 •buTpeaa gs1T3 .zoJ aT4p Aq paonpozquT SPM 3000 'IYaIDINIIN saaii3n SOUVd OHONV 1 am. ONIQN2WV UNV s333 NIVJ2Iao 2iO3 ONI -UTAO Id 'MOD 'IVdIOINnN saaH3n SO' Vd OHON I (ENT) am. NI ONINOZ OZ ONIZV'I32I SNOISIAO Id NOISVOI'IddV 30NVNIa2I0 NIVS2i3O ONIOV'Id S3a2I3n SO'IVd NOISV'OI1IQOW x3vsL3S OHONVH 30 AZIO am. 30 ZI7 'ON 3ONVNIa2IO ?303 333 - ZT7 'CHO 1L6T '8T aunt £LT TTounop •l pn:s TpTapngop Up op 04 sum o4 gopaquoo au. ubTS 04 pazTaomnP aq .zoApys auk. qpu. 'paTaavo pup upAH upuzTTOUno3 Aq papuooas 'ppkj uptuTTOunoO Aq paAoux SPM 41 '1L6T 'Z !Tnt uo TTounop paquesaad aq pTnoO abpxopd sq.T;auaq abuTag p buTptpbaa uoTgppuaunuooaa p paq.poTpuT pup ulags!s (£T£T) -aaTgaH saaAoTduia oTTgnd am Aq pauuo;xad AQnJS '1VI I 'f1SOV aq Apngs TPT'pngop aog j jP4s Aq qsanbai - WSISAS Wawa iiai 2i au. uo TTounop A3T3 pa;aTaq aabpuPw A4TO saaxo'Idw3 on and •S TT6 Z uT sq.uemanoadur ppoz ao; poTaau'V go Aupdmo3 aoupansui Tpxaua0 pup •op buTpTTng pooMTp3 qsutpbp gtns eTT3 oq. Aau.xo44V ic:TO ate 4onaq.suT pup 000'0 S£$ go 4unoure au. uT '6961 'ST Apw uo poTaa"V go Aupdmo3 aoupansui Tp.zaua0 Aq panssT puog aoupur.To;lad Tn;n-Tp3 go aan;Tagao; asnpo pup 4uapuaiuTaadns 4aaa4s go uoT4ppuaunuooa.z MoTToJ TTounop 4pm. 'paTaapo pup ppAQ upuITTouno3 Aq STT6Z 'ON ZOV2Is papuooas 'rang upmTTouno3 Aq panom SPM 4I - QNO8 30 aanIi332I03 •uoT4nTosaa ate. 4dopp TTounop :pm. 'paTaapo pup up1;H upWT T ounop Aq papuooas 'ppAQ upuTT ouno0 Aq panoui SPM 41 •TTnJ uT ppaa SPM saDinuas N IVIL I3O 3QI110U d OJ NOISV32!O32I UNV SN Tid 3O INawaHVd3Q S3rI30NV son 30 ASNfl00 am, (TOZT) ONIJ sanoa I sau2iaz SO'IVa OHONVH 3O AIIO 3HZ ?Rudd S3 tI2A SOrlVd 30 ao 'IIONf100 AZIO ALT, 30 817-tL 'ON NoIJ,flrlos3u aJNvN3,LNIvw - 8V-VL 'SCI •uoTgnTosaH atc pa;dope pup buTppaa aaman; panTpM TT-0=0D 'ATsno*uTupun paTaapo pup upAH upUITTouno3 Aq papuooas 'pp/cc upuITTOUnop go u0T40 i u0 •aTlTl Aq pPea SPM IN31ni332IOK Sa3I11aas SNawaou03N3 MCI 3HJ, uaaNn INamuVd3Q S,aaluaHS ASNf10O S3rI3JNV son 3HJ1 WOU3 s:aa:A SOrlVd OHONVU 30 AZ IO 3HS NIHZIM sao mu S SNawao2iO3N3 MYI TiNOls IQQV ONII S3nO32I SaU2I311 SO'IKd OHONV 13O MID am 3O rIIONf100 AZ IO 30 i7'-VL 'ON NOisfl'IOS3H pup MIOJ uoT4nTosaa uT pauTT-4.no aaaM S90TAI8S AaPTPTsqnS •gUamga dau s,;3T euS Aquno3 saTabuv son at. 1.14TM saoTAaas ;uauiao.o;ua MPT Tpxauab .zo3 quamaeabp au. a4noaxa oq pazTaomnp aq fV-fL 'SM.I UNV A TO ate :p144 'peTaapo pup Naang U WTTOUno3 INapiaausv saoI112i3S Aq papuooas 'ppia upuITT ouno3 Aq paAom 5 M 41 INawap2iO3N3 M�rI •aagspsTp ao Aouabaawa Up JO aspo UT sToogos go asn .zoj 43Ta4sTQ Toouos et14 1.14TM quamaaibp o4uT .zaq.ua o: pazT.ouq.np aq ioApw (Toil) 'ZSIQ at. 4ptt: 'paTaaPo pup upAH upu1TTOUnop Aq '+THOS HZIM S,NawaauOV papuooas 'ppAQ upUJTTouno3 Aq pe om SpM 41 - 2ISISVSIQ/AON201IaW3 I 'ON NOIO3U 3SN333Q rIIAIO 3HZ 30 .D. V32IV 3O S a miV d 2ILL SNOWY IN3W332IEV NV ON I S2i OQN3 S 3Q2i 311 SOTdd OHONV 13O AIM O 3HS 3O rIIONf100 AZIO 3HS 30 9i'-'L 'ON NOIZflrlOS3eI idopp pup buTppax iat inn eAT M TTounop :pm. 'paTaapo pup mnu U U1TTounop Aq papuooas 'rang uemTTOUno3 Aq panom SPM 41 BUDGET - Following discussion, it was moved by FY 1974-75 Mayor Ryan, seconded by Councilman Dyda and carried, that Council accept the City Manager's budget report and that public hearing be scheduled July 23, 1974, at Ridgecrest Elementary School. ENVIRONMENTAL EXCISE Following discussion, it was also moved by & BUSINESS LICENSE Councilman Buerk, seconded by Councilman TAX Dyda and carried, that all business license taxes paid by builders and developers under Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code Sec- tion 6424 be appropriated to the Environ- mental Fund provided for in Rancho Palos Verdes Municipal Code Section 6707, adopted as part of the Environmental Excise Tax Ordinance. CITY OF L.A. vs. Administrative Services Officer reviewed CO. OF L.A. , CITY suit filed by the City of Los Angeles OF ARTESIA, ETC. , against the County of Los Angeles and Con- ET AL. (103) tract Cities regarding the charging of County administrative overhead costs for police service. It was moved by Councilman Buerk, seconded by Councilman Dyda and carried, that Council follow staff recommendation and participate in the suit at the fee of .1 of 1% of 80% of the proposed Sheriff operating budget for FY 1974-75. RECESS At 9:30 p.m. , the Mayor declared a five- minute recess. Council reconvened at 9:40 p.m. , with same members present. PAC - MORATORIUM Planning Director summarized the recommended POLICY RECOMMENDATION policy of the Planning Advisory Committee (1801) for consideration of requests for exemption from the moratorium, criteria to be used in considering exemptions, and the recommended procedure for granting exemptions, calling special attention to the following: Two situations in which exemptions should be considered: A. Public need which outweighs the importance of preserving general plan options. The consideration of such an exemption involves the weighing of conflicting public benefits; and B. Lots or parcels so situated that no significant planning options are practically available and any development permitted by the exemption will not have any impact on general plan considerations; and the fact that the following criteria are not considered appropriate for exemptions: A. Land use requiring a zoning change (not including variances) includ- ing but not limited to a multi-family use and new commercial use; and Council 174 June 18, 1974 tL6T '8T aunr SLT TTounop 'PGJP ate aoj uaaqq.pd asn pumT am. usTTq qsa you saop quamdoTanap :uasa xd eta •f7 •u:a;bpd asn putT :uasa:d auk. go quapuadapuT buTuupTd SaATasmaT. puaT PaaP am. go SUOfl zod a.uPoPA ow, •£ •MaTA pup 'aopds uado 'uoT4Pa1Oa.I 'STootlos 'oT;;p1: 'AgTsuap 'aTdurexa 103 'uoT4paapTsuoo aapun Pare ac. apTsq.no suoTgPaapTsuoo buTUUPTd SaATOnuT 4uaWdoTanap aam.tn3 •Z •suondo buTuupTd qupoTgTubTs antasa td oq. papaau sT auoz wnTaoq.Paow am. uT uoT4paapTSUOO aapun paap am. go uoTsnToui •T :paap unTPoq.Paom am. uT suoTs -nTouT buTaapTSUOO aoJ pasn aq off. aagq-cm (T08T) -uio0 AaosTnpV buTuupTd au. Aq papuaunuooa1 NOIS11'IONI 2i0m VI2IJLI2i0 pT1agTao buTMOTTog auk. paATaoaa TTounop - vaav wn]:eio1Lv iow - OFId -Pare umT10:P.zouz au4 iuoi; uoTsnTOxe aoj PTaaqTao papuaunuooaa aagq.unuoO AaosTnpV buTuupTd auk. qdaoop TTOUno0 Tem. 'ATSnoiuTUPun paTaapo pup Ppcc uuuTTOUno3 Aq papuooas 'rang upuiTTOUnop !q panom sPM q I uoTsaanuoo wnTUTmopuo0 quamdoTanap reTOaaunuoo MaN asn ATTure3 :quomdoTanap go SpuTx buT -MOTTO) 9144 a4P4TTTOP; :ou TTTM auoz mnTaoTeaouz au. moag uoTgdmaxg •L •uoT4PaapTSUOO aapun Pa.zp au. mo.zj gaPdp buTuupTd sanTasurai. puaT SoT4sTaagopapuo TpoTsiaud .zo UOTTeOOT '8ZTS go uospaa Aq '4ou Awtu STaD;pd Jo s4oT a.0 Ot?A •9 •MaTA pup 'aopds uedo 'uoT;Paaoaa 'sToouos 'oT;j z4 'A TSUap og paTTWTT 4ou aap qnq apnTouT SuoT.p.XapTSUOO 9114 apTSq.no SuoTqp.zapTSUOO buTuupTd anTonuT qou TTTM uaegq d asn pupT quasaad am. m.Tm qU UOSUoo (P 92P 4UPDPA BUTUT'eluai am. go) 4uawdoTanap aam.an3 •S •pare am. ao3 uaaqq.Pd asn pupT au; saes TTq qsa quamdoTanap quasaad •t •auoz mnT1oq.Paom au. go A1audT.zad alp uo ST uoTgp.zapTSUOO aapun pare arm. ATP-191190 •£ •auoz mnTaogpaom auk. go sax au. wo;; gouTlSTp ATT�3TUd�eaboab ST uoT4paapTsuo3 aapun �eazp ow, •Z •aTgPTTPnP ATTPOTgopad suop.do buTUUPTd qu oT3TUbzs ou aap aia •T :paap mnTaogpaom au. mo:j SUOTS -nToxa buT1apzsuoO ;oj pasn aq oq. aa;;TW (T08T) -mop AaosTnpV buTuupTd am. Aq papuaunuooaa NOIsn'IOXS 2103 VIH LI2i0 pT.zagTao buTMoTTo3 auk. paATaoaa TTOUno0 - 'a iv WII-WIN/210W - MEd •aumS buT4uPab ao; Saanpaoozd pine umT.zo4pzom am. moag SuoTgdmaxa oq. p1Pba2 ATM uoTgppuaunuooa.z as:4Tunuo3 L.zosTnpV buTuupTd am. qdope TTOUnop 4Pm. 'ATsnoUrruPun paTaapo pup rang U W[TOUno3 Aq papuooas 'PpAQ uptuTTouno3 Aq panom SLM 4I •SuoTqduiaxa buTqupab ao; saxnpaooad papuaunuooax paMaTnaa pup SuoTS.tanuoO umTuTWopuo3 04 paqTu TT 4ou qnq buTpnTouT 'dew 43E14 eAT4P4U94 P go buTTT; au4 buTITnbaa asn puPq •g 5. Inclusion of the area under consideration in the moratorium zone is necessary to preclude development, or further development inconsistent with sound planning or inconsistent with the basic planning objectives for which the city was formed, for example: High density use Multi-family use Commercial use Condominium conversions It was moved by Councilman Buerk, seconded by Councilman Dyda and carried unanimously, that Council accept the Planning Advisory Committee recommendation for criteria for inclusion in the moratorium zone. PAC - MORATORIUM AREA - Planning Director reported on the follow- 11/ CRITERIA FOR EXCLUSION ing recommendations of the Planning Advisory (1801) Committee: That the Planning Advisory Committee recommend to Council that an ordinance be introduced to include three areas in the moratorium boundaries -- Tracts 30679 and 31012, Palos Verdes Apartments; Tract 27832, Indian Valley; and the Miraleste Apartments. Following discussion, it was moved by Councilman Dyda that this matter be deferred until August at which time applicable ordinances will be reviewed. Motion was seconded by Councilman Buerk and carried unanimously. MORATORIUM EXEMPTION - Planning Director reported on application TENNIS FACILITY for commerical tennis facility to be (MARYMOUNT COLLEGE) located at Marymount College. Isidore Kamen, 37 Cresta Verde Drive, and Tom Wood, President of Marymount Col- lege, 6717 Palos Verdes Drive South, spoke in support of the application and answered questions of Council. It was moved by Councilman Ruth, seconded by Councilman Dyda and carried, that Council accept the recommendation of Planning Advisory Committee to approve exemption from the moratorium for application for a commercial tennis facility and directed the staff to prepare Code amendment to permit such facility in conjunction with an educational facility and the appropriate exemption ordinance. MORATORIUM EXEMPTION - Planning Director briefed Council on MICROWAVE FACILITY application of Southern California Edison (SO. CALI. EDISON) for exemption from the moratorium zone for construction of a microwave facility. Mr. Stu Avera, District Manager for Southern California Edison, and Mr. Kenneth Gudger, Chief Telecommunications Engineer, answered questions from Council and displayed related materials. It was moved by Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilman Dyda and carried, that Council accept the Planning Advisory Committee's recommendation for approval of exemption from the moratorium for the application of Southern California Edison for a microwave facility and that staff draft an ordinance exempting the property from the moratorium in order for Southern California Edison to make application for the required conditional use permit. Council 176 June 18, 1974 PAC - WORK PROGRAM Planning Director reviewed list of suggested FOR 1974-75 (1205) studies to be pursued by the Planning Advisory Committee for Council consideration. Fol- lowing discussion, Council recommended that high priority be given to the street tree plan, landscape buffers with emphasis on Peacock Ridge Road, view criteria, and landscaping medium strips. The zoning ordinance and specific beach access plan- ning are longer term projects for the Planning Advisory Committee. ORD. 41 - MORATORIUM ORDINANCE NO. 41 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO EXCLUS. - TENT. TR. PALOS VERDES REMOVING CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM MAP 31397 (Tarr) THE EXISTING MORATORIUM ON CERTAIN PERMITS AND MAPS AND AMENDING ORDINANCES NOS. 16 AND 16U AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 29U OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES was read by title, first reading having been given June 5, 1974. It was moved by Mayor Ryan, seconded by Councilman Ryan, that further reading of Ordinance No. 41 be waived. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Mayor Ryan, seconded by Councilman Ryan, that Council adopt Ordinance No. 41. Motion carried on following roll call vote: AYES: Ruth, R. Ryan, M. Ryan NOES: Bue rk, Dyda ABSENT: None RES. 74-45 - REGISTER RESOLUTION NO. 74-45 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF DEMANDS OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $177,447.76, DEMAND NUMBERS 396 THROUGH 431 was read by title. It was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan, that Council waive further reading and adopt the resolution. On roll call vote: AYES: Buerk, Dyda, Ruth, R. Ryan, M. Ryan NOES: None ABSENT: None RES. 74-47 - TAXES City Attorney read by title RESOLUTION (15 01 x 1101) NO. 74-47 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES CONFIRMING THE ASSIGNMENT OF AND ASSIGNING CERTAIN POWERS AND DUTIES TO THE CITY MANAGER. It was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried, that Council waive further reading and adopt the resolution. BUDGET Following discussion of the proposed budget for FY 1974-75, City Manager indicated additional data would be available prior to the public hearing scheduled for July 23, 1974. *Mayor Ryan left the meeting at this point and Mayor Pro Tem Dyda presided over the remainder of the meeting. 6 7/1/Ty eA Council 177 June 18, 1974 ROAD DEPT. - HAWTHORNE Following discussion, it was moved by BLVD. PROJECT Councilman Buerk, seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried, that the County Road Department be contacted regarding not only the arrestor beds to be constructed on Hawthorne Boulevard but also the desired landscaping, such project to be funded by the County. L.C.C. Councilman Buerk called Council's attention to the League of California Cities' legis- lative bulletins and suggested that a sub- committee be named to study and make recom- mendations to Council on those issues of concern to the City. ANIMAL CONTROL Councilman Buerk urged Council to consider a greater level of service of animal control for the City, and Councilman Ruth offered to review the current problems and present a recommendation to Council. ADJOURNMENT At 12:15 a.m., on motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilman Ruth, the meeting was adjourned. M LEONARD G. WOOD, CITY CLERK AND EX OFFICIO CLERK OF THE COUNCIL A4z4A,..2 ege.,;,d Ad2,e,i44.ty Council 178 June 18, 1974