CC MINS 19740605 M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 5, 1974 The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. at Miraleste High School, 29323 Palos Verdes Drive East, having been adjourned from the regular meeting place because of lack of space. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: Councilmen Gunther Buerk, Ken Dyda, Francis D. Ruth, Robert E. Ryan and Mayor Marilyn Ryan ABSENT: None Also present were City Manager Leonard G. Wood, City Attorney Glenn Watson, Planning Director Sharon Hightower, Community Services Officer Doris Brown and Administrative Services Officer David B. Smith. MINUTES APPROVAL Following correction on Page 160, first para- graph under Tent. Tr. Map 31871 (Treacy) to read that Councilman Ryan seconded the motion, the Minutes of May 21, 1974, were approved, on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan. It was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Buerk, that Council con- sider the Planning Advisory Committee moratorium policy recommendation and Tenta- tive Tract No. 31871 (Treacy) prior to Ordinance No. 37 on the agenda. Motion carried, with Councilman Ryan voting in opposition. PAC RECOMMENDATION - Planning Director summarized the Planning MORATORIUM POLICY Advisory Committee policy for consideration (1801) of requests for exemptions from the moratorium area and reviewed recommended procedures for granting such exemptions. It was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Buerk, that Council adopt the Planning Advisory Committee's recommended criteria to be used in considering exemptions from the moratorium area. Following discussion, a substitute motion to table to June 18 was presented by Councilman Ruth, seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried, with Councilmen Dyda and Buerk voting in opposition. TENT. TR. Planning Director summarized staff recommenda- MAP 31871 tions of conditions for approval in addition ( 1411) to those of the County of Tentative Tract Map No. 31871 (Treacy) -- 1. A fee of $70 for the processing of the application required prior to approval of the final map; and 2. The C.C. & R's shall be revised to meet all the requirements of Ordinance No. 26, to be approved by the City Attorney -- and indicated no additional conditions had been recommended. Council 164 June 5, 1974 A motion to table to next regular meeting by Councilman Buerk, seconded by Council- man Dyda, failed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Buerk, Dyda NOES: Ruth, R. Ryan, M. Ryan ABSENT: None John McTaggart, 6916 Purpleridge Road, spoke against the approval of Tentative Tract Map 31871, pointing out deficiencies in sound characteristics of walls, lack of private open space and storage space requirements. Robert K. Marohn, 3567 Heroic Drive, requested postponement for policy review. Joseph I. Bentley, 6009 Scotmist Drive, and Richard Batt, 6028 Scotmist Drive, representing the officers and residents of the homeowner association, presented a petition to Council opposing approval of the Tentative Tract Map 31871 and offered some alternatives to the existing and proposed problems in approving the conver- sion to condominiums. Mr. Bentley indicated support of the conversion if parking restrictions could be enforced and the units be restricted to adult living. Following discussion, it was moved by Mayor Ryan, seconded by Councilman Ruth, that Council approve the conditions recommended in the staff report and all those presently contained in the Tentative Tract Map No. 31871. Councilman Buerk moved that the motion be amended to include an amendment to the conditions that the sound standards in each individual unit fulfill the standards of 55 STC for the walls and 50 STC for the ceilings and floors, and that these be certified to by a certified engineer. The amendment was seconded by Councilman Dyda but failed with Councilmen Ruth and Ryan and Mayor Ryan voting in opposition. It was then moved by Councilman Buerk, seconded by Councilman Dyda for discussion, that the motion be amended to include an amendment to the conditions that the con- dominium be for adults only, and that this be a provision of the C.C. & R's. The motion failed with Councilmen Ruth and Ryan and Mayor Ryan voting in opposition, and Councilman Dyda abstaining. The original motion that Council approve the conditions recommended in the staff report and all those presently contained in the Tentative Tract Map No. 31871 passed on the following roll call vote: AYES: Ruth, R. Ryan, M. Ryan NOES: Bue rk, Dyda ABSENT: None It was moved by Mayor Ryan, seconded by Councilman Ryan, that Council approve Tentative Tract Map 31871 with conditions noted. Motion carried on following roll call vote: AYES: Ruth, R. Ryan, M. Ryan NOES: Bue rk, Dyda ABSENT: None RECESS At 9:50 p.m., the Mayor declared a five- minute recess. Council reconvened at 10:00 p.m. , with all members present. LANDSCAPING As a result of the proposed suggestion by the Scotmist Drive residents that heavy plantings or some type of landscaping be provided to Council 165 June 5, 1974 separate the single family dwellings from the multi-family dwellings on Peacock Ridge Road, it was moved by Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilman Ruth, that the Planning Advisory Committee review possible landscaping for this particular area. It was moved by Councilman Buerk, seconded by Councilman Dyda, that the motion be amended that the Planning Advisory Committee review all areas for multi- family residents and single family residents and determine how these problems might be solved, and recommendations be presented to Council, with special emphasis on Peacock Ridge Road. The amended motion carried. ORD. 37 - MORATORIUM ORDINANCE NO. 37 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS EXCLU. - TENT. TR. VERDES REMOVING CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM THE MAP 31871 (Treacy) EXISTING MORATORIUM ON CERTAIN PERMITS AND (1801 x 1411) MAPS AND AMENDING ORDINANCES NO. 16 AND 16U AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 29U OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES was read by title, first reading having been given May 21, 1974. It was moved by Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilman Ruth and carried unanimously, that Council waive further reading of the Ordinance. It was moved by Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilman Ruth, that Council adopt Ordinance No. 37. Those speaking in opposition to adopting Ordinance No. 37 were: Burke Belknap, 28866 Crestridge Road; Robert S. Gruhn, 27772 Palos Verdes Drive East; Barbara Hein, 30116 Via Rivera; John McTaggart, 6916 Purpleridge Drive; and Eileen Gruhn, 27772 Palos Verdes Drive East. Ordinance No. 37 was then adopted on the following roll call vote: AYES: Ruth, R. Ryan, M. Ryan NOES: Buerk, Dyda ABSENT: None ORD. 38 - UTILITIES - Mr. Martin Murphy of the County Engineer's UNDERGROUNDING FACILITIES Office summarized procedures for removal of overhead utility facilities and the installa- tion of undergrounding same. The City Attorney introduced by title ORDINANCE NO. 38 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES FOR THE REMOVAL OF OVERHEAD UTILITY FACILITIES AND THE INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND FACILITIES IN UNDERGROUND DISTRICTS AND AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE, noting some corrections made to the draft. It was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan and unanimously carried, that further reading be waived and the Ordinance be passed to second reading. ORD. 39 - HEALTH CODE - ORDINANCE NO. 39 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS AMEND. TO MUNICIPAL CODE VERDES ADOPTING BY REFERENCE, PURSUANT TO SECTION 50022.2 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE, ORDINANCE NO. 7583 OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A HEALTH CODE" AND AMENDING THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES MUNICIPAL CODE, was introduced by title. It was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Buerk and unani- mously carried, that further reading be waived and the Ordinance be passed to second reading. It was moved by Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilman Dyda and unanimously carried, that Public Hearing on the Ordinance be set for July 2, 1974. Council 166 June 5, 1974 VL6T 'S aunt L9T TTouno0 auoN :ZH3SSV Pp 'Niang : Q N up1H •ys 'upAH •H 'ttlnt :SHAv :a4OA TTPO TTo.1 uo paAoaddI uam a.xai suoT4Tpuoo papueme ati •puooas P 30 )OPT ao3 p9Tp sauTT aagpm Doti ate uo peTTP;suT aq saagam TpnpTATpuT uonTpuoo P oO Naang umiTTaunop Aq uo-r ow V H.011 bUTa.OA UPAH U W[TOUno0 114TM peTaaPO UO flOW •aTgP4daoop sauTmaa4ap TTotmo0 SP buT4Pa aassaT 20 4911z eq oss ss 4pti: uoflTpuoo P snTd 'anoqe pe4STT SP 'pepuaunuooea suoT4Tp -uoo 33P4s eaniq egg apnTouT L6ETE drw 4oPas eAT4p4uas go suompuoO a.pt 'rang U UITTouno0 Aq papuooas 'PpAG u uITTouno0 Aq paAom SPM 4T 'suoTgTpuoo at uo bu floV •pa4peg ap S M L6ETE d 4oPaI anT�pa.uas cuap TTOUnoO :v t . 'Name U UiTTOUno3 cq papuooas 'Ppi[ urmTTOUno3 1q Uo-ra.ouz •O4a 'sTTe1 go DI,S go aSpaaouT 'aoPds ebptoa.s go aspaaouT buTp1ebea Tzouno0 go suoT4sanb paaaAsue "our 'sTrnuapTsai buTATa aausTa I builuasaIdaa 'TTalang urns •9ATaa abpTaaTdand 9169 '4apbbrsoW utior pup :aATaa PsaW r4sTA 89LZ 'btaquasoll •ys • J 919M L6ETE dew a.OPas aATa.pa.uas go Tpnoadde oo uo-ra.-rsoddo uT buT)ads asotu •dpui TPuTg aria. go TPnoaddd o: aoz.Id STTPM aria. go uoT4poT3TpoW aaTnbo;t Lem TTOUnOO am uOT4pmaoguT tIons go 4dzaoa.I uodn puP SS 04 paspaaouT aq pTnoo STTPM uounuoO ate. go buT4pa O,,S aria. Mots 04 SP u0T4pmao3uT apTnoad o4 palTnbaa aq tzpoTTddp atis • •np/•:3 •no 0017 ao3 a.uauza1Tnboa a3UpuTp10 aria. 114TM 1Tdu100 04 paPTA0 d aq TTetis abpao: s aq.pATad TpU0fl ppp •£ -- suoT4Tpuo3 TeuoT4 Tppe 0M: papuaunuoOaa pue Aeuio: V A T3 am Aq panoadde aq 04 '9Z •OH aoupuTpap go Squaura.ITnbaa aria. TTP 499M o4 pasTAa.1 aq TTeus s,H 5 •0.0 aril, •Z dem TeuT3 am go TPnoaddI 04 xoTid palTnbat aq TTetis uoT4 -PoTTddt. 8t14 go buTSSaooad aria. aog (°0P £L' x OSZ$) OS'Z8T$ go a93 V •T (T Vi T) (::S) -- (aaP5) L6£1£ d�1nt goPaI aAzppquas go Teno.Idde L6ETE dVWT go Suompuoo pazTammuns 1O4oaaTQ buTUUrTd •HS 'SHEL •17L6T 'Z ATnr ao3 aoueutp1p aria. U0 buTaPoH DTTgnd 49s TTOUno3 a-rua. 'paTtiio ATsnourtutun pue EpAQ U UITTouno0 Aq papuooas 'UTAH uwwTTouno0 Aq paAom SPM 4' •buzpeOI puooas o: Sspd pue butpPaa .Iatia.:n3 OATeM TTOUn00 Tetfl. 'paT.1ap3 ATsnoWTupun pup upAH uptuTTOUno3 Aq papuooas 'Naang U WTTouno0 cq paAom SPM 41 •aTa.TP Aq peonpo,I4uz svm gQOO 'IVdIOiMflW sau2iat SO'IVd OHOMVI 3HS ONIQN2NV QNV ,1S3Z30NV SO'I 30 ALNflOO 3HS NI QNfOHO ONIQV32IdS HO M I SVg S IHg:Q 'H I OAU aS 32I ''I SNNVH0 nIOHSNO o Qo0'I3 ao oAOHHv 'HSVM 'wv2 is s '2 r at ni ANV 30 ?IMV am NO HO QHgWV3ISS am NI NOISOnHSSgO ARK 30 ONI3V Id HO HSlggfl?i ANV 30 ONIdWQU ONISIgIHOHd GNV '?3oaaual S SIL1HHd V ZflOHJLIM S3'I30NV SO'I 30 ASNnOO am III SOIHSSIQ 'IOHSNOO QOO'I3 ASNfOO S3'I30NV SO'I am AS QHTIOHSNOO HO Q3NIVSNIV W 'Q3SOnaIs -NOD 'Q3NMO ASHHd0Hd HEHSO ANV HO s33 HSHnadV 'ASI'IIoV3 '3anLOnHSS NOISVAH3SNOo HHIVM HO NIVTQ MOSS "IOHSNOO QOO'I3 Aga 30 3sn HO NOISOf1HSSHQ '401 aawria 'HsIM 3DNauaaa3JNI H3NVNIQiIO NV QHZSISN3 S 3'I2DNV SO'I 3o manoO 3HS 3O 6 fi'S T 'ON 3oNaN IQHO 'moo ZN3wM I2Aop aHS ao Z'Z Z OO S NO IZ03S os SNVnsHna 'H3N3H333H AZ ONLLdOG`d SHQ I A 'IS:NNVHO IOHSUO3 Sozva OH0NVH 3o MID HHS 3o OV •ON 33NVNIQaO QOO'I3 - O' •OHO t'L6T 'S aunt 89T TTouno0 •saug s,NaaTO Ic:.TO Agndeo uT Trsodap .o; :i oAvw auk. 144Tm p a T T J pue panoadde aq s a a oT 3;o AgT3 1o3 puoq geuq. 'peT.Leo pue ueAH aoAew Aq papuooas 'qq.nu ueur[Touno3 Aq panoui seM saNOg ,s aoiaa0 'T'L6T 'OZ Pue 9 aunt paTnpatlos 'buT,zeaH °TTgnd 4e A TO quesa1da.X off. Naang ueui -TT ouno0 pazTiotpne TToUno3 •q.uaurutano0 Te,zapa3 ate Aq buTpunj aTgeuoseaa 114TM pup ueTd at. uT papnTouT aq ttoeag buoZ put ea,ze APE" tI:nos 9144 qe14-4 papuaunuooai Naeng UPMIToun00 •ttoeag buou ao eaze Avg t noS ate apnTouT :ou saop 14x9:sAs ate 'atm. sTI1: : :etr pue ure.zboad 4uemeAotdmT snq pue q T suexa. pTde.t go sngegs uo pagtodax rang ueuiTTouno3 (SOST) as2i • •uoT4eiodioouT s,A TO 04 aoTad pagsTxe buTnetq asuaoTT 'uoTg. -e;ado go sp.zepuegs oq uoTpoaCgo s,A4TD bufeoTpuT ie:: aT a aaedaxd oq. paqoaxTp SeM j;eqs 'peTa eo pup epAa uvmTTounoo Aq papuooas ue�H ueUITTouno3 go uofom uo pup 'TTouno3 /q peATaoaa S M (uanaTa-L) pienaTnog auaoT MMH 114n0s T 08Z 4e asueDTT Teaaueb aTes-33o (ZOT) asmapi'I go aa3 sue.zq uosaad-off.-uos aad aog uoT4e oTTddV asva nag OI'IOHOO'IV auON :ZNaSUV auoM :SaON ue1H •L1 'ue/Ku •H 'tn.nH 'ep'a 'Na ang :S aAV :egon TTeo TToa u0 •uoTRnTosea auk :dope pup buTp eei aam.in j eATeM TTounoD sett. 'N1 ang ueUITTouno3 Aq papuooas 'epAa ueui -TTounoD Aq panom S M :i •9TlTl Aq Rea/ sLM S6£ HOfOHHS 6L£ s ia:wnN amvwaa 'ZO'ZO9L$ 3o wns aHS NI SUNVWga cNV SriIV'IO NIVJ1IaO ONIMOTIV SHa2Ign SO'IVd OHONV 130 OLIO am SaNVWga 30 3o 'IIONfloD OLIO HILL 3o Z'-VL 'ON Noisn'IOS2 I 2I LSissa - ZV-'L 'sal •uonow att. qSUTebe buflon rang pup epca uamTTouno0 tp.TM paTaavo uo-pow •buTpea.z puooas passed eq TV •ON aoueuTPa0 4etn. ueAH uvmTTounop ;q papuooas pue U ITTouno3 !q panow SeM 41 •ueAH aoAeL1 Aq papuooas 't.�nH uewTTouno3 go uoTpom SnoWTueun uo peATeM SEM buTpea,z aatpan3 •SgcN A SO'Iid OHONV2I 30 MID aHS 3o n6 Z 'ON aONVNIGUO Xg aaaNawv Sir n9 T aNy 9T 'SON Sg3NVNIa2IO ONIGNaWV UNY SdVN aNy Suwaad NIVJ1Ig3 NO wniumvaow ONISSIXg am, WOH3 AJ1gdOxd mivIa2O ONIAOWSU Sgaaati SOUVd (aaPI) L6£T£ dVW OHONV2I 30 OLIO am 30 Tip 'ON a3NVNIGHO 9T4T4 'HI 'SNg►L - -Sn'IOXg Aq pax pue pezTavumns uat. Aauaoqqy A4TO wnia SVIOW - Tip 'GUO auoN :S,NaSSV epAa ' ton g :SaON ueiH •y4 'u pA2i •j 'Ana :SaAv :a4on TTeo TToa uo panoadde uatt. SeM L6£T£ deyl 40e1s 9AT4e4u91 •A TO att. 4SUTebe SWTeTO go asvaTai Tvaeuab a Aauzogge s,queoTTdde moag panTeoaa uatn. Aouioqqy A TO PENDING AGENDA In view of the lateness of the hour, all other ITEMS items on the agenda were held over to June 18. AUDIENCE QUESTIONS John McTaggart spoke regarding political signs on utility poles, on leash law enforcement, and business licenses for newspaper firms. BUDGET City Manager distributed copies of the City's proposed 1974-75 budget and recommended June 10 and June 12 be reserved for work sessions of Council. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 12:40 a.m., on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan, Council adjourned to executive session to discuss personnel and litigation matters. The Council reconvened at 1:18 a.m. with the same members present. ADJOURNMENT At 1:20 a.m. , on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan, Council adjourned to June 10, 1974, 7:30 p.m., in the City Offices for a budget work session. MAYOR RO TEMPORE LEONARD G. WOOD, CITY CLERK AND EX OFFICIO CLERK OF THE COUNCIL 1040/GC/Ia.& 4014444 Council 169 June 5, 1974