CC MINS 19740205 M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting February 5 , 1974 The meeting was called to order at 7: 45 p.m. at Ridgecrest Inter- mediate School, 28915 Northbay Road. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, roll call was answered as follows : PRESENT: Councilmen Gunther Buerk, Ken Dyda, Francis D. Ruth, Robert E. Ryan and Mayor Marilyn Ryan ABSENT: None Also present were City Manager Leonard G. Wood, City Attorney Glenn Watson, Planning Advisor Larry Derr and Deputy City Clerk Doris Brown. MINUTES APPROVAL Council considered Minutes of meetings dated January 12 , 1974 , January 15 , 1974 , January 19 , 1974 , January 22 , 1974 and January 29 , 1974. Correction of the Minutes of January 15 , 1974 , page 88 , the deletion of the last sentence of the first paragraph on the South Bay Corridor Study was made. The Minutes of the five meetings were then approved, as corrected, on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Council- man Ryan. AUDIENCE QUESTIONS In response to a question by Leo INTERIM ZONING Poxon regarding removal of cer- tain property in the Via Campesina area from the moratorium zone, Mayor Ryan reported that the Council planned a study session to discuss possible changes to the moratorium areas and suggested Mr. Poxon contact the City Manager and the Planning Director in this regard. PUBLIC HEARING Hearing was opened on Conditional C.U.P. NO. 1 (1804) Use Permit No. 1 filed by Ascension Lutheran Church to continue opera- tion of existing church and nursery school at 26231 Silver Spur Road. The Clerk reported notice of the hearing given with evidence on file, and read a letter from the City of Rolling Hills Estates indicating no objection to the granting of the Permit. Council then heard a review of written report and recommendations by the Planning Advisor, who also suggested: (1) modification of recommended condition No. 7 to require the present number of park- ing spaces be retained; and (2) possible requirement of offer of dedication for future street widening. Henry E. Erickson, Pastor of Ascension Lutheran Church, spoke on behalf of the application. There being no response to the call for testimony in opposition, the hearing was closed. It was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan, that Council ADOPT THE FINDINGS OF FACT STATED IN STAFF REPORT DATED Council 095 Feb. 5, 1974 2/5/74 AND APPROVE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 1 SUBJECT TO CONDI- TIONS CONTAINED IN SAID REPORT, with the following exceptions : (a) Conditions 6 and 8 regarding landscaping were deleted. (b) Condition 7 changed to require present number of park- ing spaces be retained. (c) Condition 10 changed to allow operation until 4 : 00 p.m. On roll call vote: AYES: Buerk, Dyda, Ruth, R. Ryan, M. Ryan NOES: None ABSENT: None VERDE RIDGE ROAD Charles Sutton, Traffic Engineer (1503) of the County Road Department, reported on warning signs placed and other possible solutions to the problem of run-away vehicles on Verde Ridge Road and other similar streets . Council heard comments from Dr. Robert Hanel, Mrs. Helen Lococo and Mr. John McTaggart. Dr. Hanel presented a letter and sketch which had been developed by the residents on Verde Ridge as a pos- sible solution to the accident problem. It was suggested Dr. Hanel work with the City Manager, the City Attorney and the Traffic Engi- neer to come up with possible alternative solutions and costs for each. HAWTHORNE BLVD. Mr. Sutton also reported on a left- LEFT-TURN POCKET turn pocket to be installed at (140 3) Hawthorne Boulevard and Ridgegate Road as a requirement of Tract 29595. It was pointed out that Ridgegate Road is a continuation of Granvia Altamira, and Mayor Ryan requested the City Manager to investigate the change in name of Ridgegate Road to Granvia Altamira before residency begins in that area. SO. CALIF. EDISON Filing of revised tariff schedules TARIFF SCHEDULE - P.U.C. with P.U.C. pertaining to lighting (1601) modifications resulting from energy conservation requests was received by Council. Councilman Buerk requested that the SCE franchise application be placed on the next agenda and Stu Avera, Area Manager, be invited to attend. RES. 74-15 & Earl Conklin, Department of Real RES. 74-16 - Estate Management of the County of RIGHT-OF-WAY Los Angeles, briefed Council on ABANDONMENTS Mossbank Drive future street and (1408) slope easement vacations . RESOLUTION NO. 74-15 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO VACATE SLOPE EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY SITUATED ALONG MOSSBANK DRIVE NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF GRAYS- LAKE ROAD and RESOLUTION NO. 74-16 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO VACATE THE MOSSBANK DRIVE SLOPE EASEMENT (setting public hearings for Tuesday, March 5 , 1974) were presented by title, further reading waived, and adopted on unanimous motion of Councilman Buerk, seconded by Councilman Dyda. Council 096 Feb. 5 , 1974 tL6T ' S 'gad L60 TTounoD auoN :ZNaSEIV auoN :SaON uPAH •14 'UPAH •H 'u:nu 'ppca ' {rang :SaAv :agon TTP° TTO. UQ •aoupuTp.zo Aouaban UP SP pagdopL aq aoupuTpao alp pup paATpM aq buTpPaa .zauptn; Tem. 'ppAa uPwT TounoO 1q papuooas uputTTounoa Aq panom S M qI •Aauaoqw A TO auq- Aq pezT.z -puzuzns pup aTgn cq paonpo.zquT sPM aoauaHS AONaoun gHS ONIuW'IOaa QNV 'aQOO avdIOINnW Sgcr IaA SO'IVd OHONCI gHS QNY 2QOa ONIQ'Ilna gHS ONIQNaNV QNY 'AONVdnOOO ao SaveDIf IJ IDO (To Z) 'drmmO 3O OS ONISV'1g2I saauan SOTVEd OHONV I '1,2ig0 ' SZIW Iad dO AI ID gHS 3O n 0 Z 'ON g3NVNIQ2IO -au 'QNawv - noz 'Qu0 auoN :ZNgsgV auoN :SaON up1u •w 'upAu •H 'uf-nu 'pp&a 'N;ang :S aAv :agon TTP° TTO. uO •paqdopp aq LT aoupuTpao pup paATPM aq buTpeaa .zaggan; qeu. 'q nu upuzTTounoa Aq papuooas 'ppAa uPuiT Tounoa Aq panouz sPM q I 'I L 6T ' Z Z AJP11UP f uo uanTf uaaq buTA q buTpPa.z gs'TJ Aq pP9.1 S M aaop '1lZdIOINnW SaauaA SO'IVd OHONVU gHS QNV 2000 ONIQ'Ilna gHS ONIQNaWV QNV 'xamvdnDOO ao S gIVOI1 IZ IDO (T o Z) Ho,: ONIQIAOUd saauaA SO'IVd OHONVU ( 'dnmm° IO 'Iuao) 'QNawv 30 AZ IO mu 30 LT 'ON aD NVNI U IO gUOO 'OQ'Ih - LT 'QUO '9-1L uofnTosau gdopp TTounoa puP paATPM aq buTpPaa ioq inj Tem. 'paTaaPo AT snomTueun puP ufuIT Touno3 Aq papuooas 'ppAa upluT Tounoa cq panouz sPM qT , (sAppsangI uq47 puP puZ) TS 'ON NOIZnrIOSg2I ONI -QNIosau QNv aaaziwWOO A IOSIniV ONINNV'Id HILL 3O SONIJ20W CIO D WId QNV gwI', am ONI isiaavIsa SX Td A SO'IVd OHONcra 10 AZIO gHS 3O 'IIONnOO (S 0 Z T) AZIa gHS 3O 9-fi'L 'ON NoimaoS2 i SILVQ ONIIaaw o3 eTgT.4 jo buTpPaa buTMOTTo,I Odd - 9- 'L 'SS.2T •pagdopp aq L-T L UO flTosau pup panTPM aq buTppe. aatpanj :Puq- 'paTa.z2o AT snomTupun pup upuiT Touno3 Aq papuooas 'PpAa UPW -TTounoD cq panoW S M qT ' airs vssrn '1os os anNaAv aNNOg2IVN dO gWVN JIgaIIILS gHS ONIONVHO saanan So'1Ida OHONV I IO ASIO gHS dO 'I IaNnOO (9 017 T) AZIO gHS X30 L-I L 'ON NOISn'1OSMT DONVHO altiVN IaauIs Jo aT4T. cq buTpeaa au. buTMOTToa L-17L 'sa i 'WVIOO2Id ILNawaIvaV arson-Ian QaNOQNvav gHS NI NOIIVd -IOIJ iVd 2iOd '101111M AVMHOIH VIN21O3I'IVD gHS HLLIM ZOVISLNOO V 110,3 ONI -ZrIvD saauan SO'T cld OHONV I IO AZIO gHS 30 LT- 'L 'ON Noimaosau gdope TTounoa pup paATeM aq buTpPax aaq.an; Tem. paT.z.zio ATsnomTupun pup upAH ueuiTTounoa iq papuooas pup epka ueu1TTouno0 iq panouz S M qI •buTppaa puooas oq passed aq aoupuTpao au. puP panTeM aq buTppaa .zaur.zn3 Tem. 'ue2u uemT Touno3 cq papuooas 'rang uPuxT TounoD Aq panoui SPM qI 'aT4Tq Aq paquasaid sPM gaOO 'IVdIOINfW S U Ign SO'IVd OHONK2i B1L ONIQNaNV 'SDONVs InN Hans IO SNawaIvaV gHJ 2IOL3 saunaao -021d HZH03 ONIIIas QNV 2ONVISfN =and V as ONIUV'10ac (T 0 L T) S3'IOIHaA gAIZVIgdONI QNV aaNOQNvav ZNawaIvav g'IOIHan ONIZV'Inoau Sac J A SO'IVd OHONV I GHNOQNVHV - T Z 'U IO 30 AZIO gHS 3O T Z 'ON DONKNIc IO LT-V L 'S221 'L 6T 'S 'god 860 T To uno0 papuooas upuzTTouno3 Aq panow SPM qi •paqsanbaa ueeq ppq uoTgoa,z -zoo p pup a.tnbTJ uoTTPTndod g3a.LXODUT up uo paqpTnoTpo ueeq pptt cpngS u0 Tqpgaods up.zs Apg i;nos auk. LIT (S o S T) Aan1s uOTgpdTOTgaPd S ,ALTO ST'T .10; aa; NOIIVIHOdSNV IS1 atr3 Tem pagaoda. Naang uPmTTounoo AVE( HsflOs 3noo 3NOrI`1Td NI S3IJ I dOUd NIvam 30 S2IDDNV SO'I 30 AaNfl00 3HS AS NOIZISiflOOV 3O ZHOddflS NI S3aH3n SO'IVd OHONVI 3O ASIO mu 3O ZT-IL 'ON NOIZfl'IOS3H gdopp T Tounop pup panTpM aq buTppe t ;am..zn3 :pt.T: 'paT;ipo AT SnomTupun pup uprcu upuzT Touno3 cq papuooas (6 OT) 3n00 3NO'IYT 'ppAQ upu I TounoO Aq panouz spM qi ZT-t L •U Td T2.zaue9 auq. Jo quauzaT3 uoTppa.XOaH au. uo buT.zpaq oTTgnd aoj qas aq 61 Atpn.zga3 gpuq. 'paT.z.zpo pup 'N.zang upluT Touno3 Aq papuooas 'ppAQ upuzTTouno0 1q panout SPM qI •5UT.zpatJ .zo3 Appe; SPM pup .zogoaaTQ buTuupTd auq. oq papapM.zo; ueaq ppq quaWaTg uoTppaXOau (TO L) NWId rIVu3N3o papuauzp auk. q.Pm. pagaodaa upAH aoApw - S1N3W3aa NOIZV3H03u •uoTSSas Rpn:.s qxau syT qp TTounoD au. .zoo uoTgpquasaad p aaPdaad pup suoTpoun; aaqq-runuo0 AaosTnpv SuazTgTO eq.; aapTsuoo Oa. .zoqoaaTQ buTuupTd au. pup .zabpupw AgTO auk. qgTM )[.IoM Off. aaggTmm0D auk. pa)[Sp T Tounop 'Pprca upuzT TounoO pup ur.nu upuzT Touno3 cq pa.zpdaxd aumno up (ToL) 33ZZIWwoo JO MaTna.z pup uoTs SnosTp buTMOTTo3 ABIOSIAQV SN3z IZIO •paq.dopp act 8-17L '0N uoT:.nTosaH pup paATpM eq buTppax t at.j tn; Tem. 'paTaapo ATsnowTupun pup upAH upuzTTounop Aq papuooas 'ppAQ upuzTTouno3 Aq panout SPM -I •aT�T� Aq pax SPM NOISOf1HSSNOO SHHOM =ana 1103 SNOIZ -VOI3iO3ds T IVUNVIS WHO3INf1 au 30 NOIILIa3 £L6T 3HS ONIZdOaV S3aaan SOTSZd OHONV i 3O AZIO 'rIIONfloo (Ton •S03dS afVaNVLS AZIO mu 3O 8-t L 'ON NOILEYIOs3H 8-i7L 'S32I IL6T ' 9 qor w o:. LT 9T£ 'HI aO3 auzT�- ;o uoTSUa�.xa .zoo gsanbaa panoaddp TTouno3 'paT.z.tPo pup ppAQ upuiT Tounop Aq papuooas (6 0 t T) aKII 30 'N.zang upuIT Touno3 3o uoT�ow Uo ' LX3 - LT 9T£ 'HS •buTppaa puooas oq. passed aq aoupuTp.zo auk. pup p8ATpM aq buTppa.z .zam.an3 Tem. 'paTaapo AT SnomTupun pup 'up/Ku upuzTTouno3 Aq papuooas 'ppcc upuIT Touno3 cq panouz SPM 4I •buTppa1 q sa TJ ao j paque s aad SPM mop 'IVdIOINflW S3GH3n SOTVTd OHONVI 3HL UNK 3000 ONIa'Iiflg 3HS ONIQNMAIV UNV 'AONVafl3Do 3o saIvoiLIJ 12D (T o z) 'af1000 ao os ONIZ�I'I3u S3 hI3n So'IVa OHONVH •J I30 ' Ssi H3a 'f MI 3O AZIO mu 3O OZ 'ON 30NVNIQHO '3u 'aN3NV - O Z 'aHO by Councilman Dyda, that the City participate in the South Bay Transportation Study, with a fee limit based on the correct popu- lation figure, contingent upon the County' s participation, and the Mayor be authorized to execute a memorandum of agreement based on these two conditions. On roll call vote: AYES: Buerk, Dyda, Ruth, R. Ryan, M. Ryan NOES: None ABSENT: None In response to a question of cost formula for Phase II , Councilman Buerk indicated he will request that sales tax revenues be con- sidered for that phase. BALDWIN PARK (1501) On motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Buerk and carried, Council approved in principle an agreement to enter into the Baldwin Park law suit regarding sales tax distribution, at a 3 per capita limit, and requested status reports. SCAG (306 x 1102) On motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ruth and carried, the Mayor was authorized to execute agreement for membership in the Southern California Association of Governments. Following a discussion of attendance at the General Assembly February 7 and 8 , it was moved by Councilman Buerk, seconded by Councilman Ryan, and carried that Mayor Ryan be designated as the official delegate. In her absence, the Mayor designated Council- man Ruth as alternate. MIRALESTE PARK Action on request for confirmation DISTRICT (12 01) of Mrs. Winona Walsh to fill vacancy on Miraleste Recreation and Parks District was postponed on motion of Councilman Buerk, seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried, until the City Attorney has an opportunity to provide an explanation of the City' s relationship under Public Resources Code, 57801. 1. ORD. 18U - CONFLICT ORDINANCE NO. 18U OF THE CITY OF OF INTEREST (1202) RANCHO PALOS VERDES ADOPTING GUIDELINES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GOVERNMENTAL CONFLICT OF INTERESTS ACT, AMENDING THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES MUNICIPAL CODE, DECLARING THE URGENCY THEREOF, AND PROVIDING FOR IMMEDIATE EFFECT was introduced by title and summarized by the City Attorney. Following discussion, it was suggested that the members of the Planning Commission be added to the Designation of Officials , Section 2. It was moved by Councilman Buerk, seconded by Councilman Dyda, that further reading be waived and the ordinance be adopted, with the addition, as an urgency ordinance. On roll call vote: AYES : Buerk, Dyda, Ruth, R. Ryan, M. Ryan NOES : None ABSENT: None Council 099 Feb. 5 , 1974 ORD. 18 - CONFLICT ORDINANCE NO. 18 OF THE CITY OF OF INTEREST (1202) RANCHO PALOS VERDES ADOPTING GUIDE- LINES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GOVERNMENTAL CONFLICT OF INTERESTS ACT, AMENDING THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES MUNICIPAL CODE was presented for first reading. It was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried, that further reading be waived and the ordinance be passed to second reading. RE S. 74-9 - EMPLOYMENT It was moved by Councilman Ruth, AGREEMENT - MANAGER seconded by Councilman Dyda, and (1101) carried, that further reading be waived and Council adopt RESOLU- TION NO. 74-9 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT WITH LEONARD G. WOOD (City Manager) . ORD. 19 - OFFICE OF ORDINANCE NO. 19 OF THE CITY OF CITY MANAGER (1101) RANCHO PALOS VERDES CREATING AND ESTABLISHING THE OFFICE OF CITY MANAGER, DEFINING THE DUTIES AND POWERS THEREOF AND PROVIDING COMPENSATION THEREFOR AND AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE was presented by title, further reading waived, and passed to second reading on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan, and carried. RES. 74-10 - JOB It was moved by Councilman Ryan, CLASSIFICATION AND seconded by Councilman Dyda and PAY RANGES (1202) carried, that further reading be waived and Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 74-10 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES PRO- VIDING FOR JOB CLASSIFICATION AND PAY RANGES. RES. 74-14 - SALARY It was moved by Councilman Ruth , OF CITY MANAGER (1101) seconded by Councilman Dyda, that further reading be waived and Council adopt RESOLUTION NO. 74-14 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES SETTING THE SALARY OF LEONARD G. WOOD AS CITY MANAGER OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VE RDE S. On roll call vote: AYES: Buerk, Dyda, Ruth, R. Ryan, M. Ryan NOES: None ABSENT: None RES. 74-11 - REGISTER RESOLUTION NO. 74-11 OF THE CITY OF DEMANDS (1504) COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $135,626 . 74 DEMAND NUMBERS 194 THROUGH 231 was introduced by title, with the City Manager commenting on the investment of gas tax funds. It was moved by Councilman Buerk, seconded by Councilman Dyda, that further reading be waived and the resolution be adopted. On roll call vote: AYES : Buerk, Dyda, Ruth, R. Ryan, M. Ryan NOES : None ABSENT: None Council 100 Feb. 5 , 1974 VISTA SUDUESTE COMPLAINT It was moved by Councilman Buerk, COUNTY PARK ACQUI S. seconded by Councilman Ruth and (103) carried, that the City Attorney represent the City and provide periodic reports in the complaint for inverse condemnation filed by Vista Sudueste, Inc. RES. 74-13 - BONDS Upon reading of title and explana- FOR CITY OFFICERS tion by the City Attorney, it was (1202 x 602) moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan that RESOLUTION NO. 74-13 PROVIDING FOR BONDS FOR CERTAIN CITY OFFICERS be adopted. On roll call vote: AYES: Buerk, Dyda, Ruth, R. Ryan, M. Ryan NOES : None ABSENT: None FEDERAL LAND - Staff was requested to contact NIKE SITE (1109) Congressman Bell ' s office regard- ing the possibility of acquiring surplus land being abandoned as Nike site for City use and possible use by Fire Department and Library as well. Councilman Ruth volunteered to work with staff on this project. CONDOMINIUMS - Councilman Dyda commented briefly ARMAGA SPRINGS (1804) on the Condominium Study Report which was distributed to Council as a working paper and suggested the report be adopted prior to review of the Armaga Springs Writ for Administrative Action. Councilman Dyda was requested to point out items applicable specifically to conversions at the study session next week. FASHION CENTER Council suggested that Mr. Gault of Kennard and Silvers be present when this item is discussed at the next meeting. AUDIT (106) The City Manager reported that the audit has been completed and is ready for transmittal. GENERAL PLAN Councilman Dyda inquired as to status of extending legislation for General Plan. The City Attorney indicated a bill is being drafted for submission. MARYMOUNT HIGH SCHOOL It was reported that staff has USE AS LAB (8 01) made contact and obtained details of the proposed use and is presently working with City Attorney regard- ing legalities of potential program. Council 101 Feb. 5, 1974 PARAMEDIC UNIT (8 01) Council requested staff to explore with the Fire Department the possi- bilities for a paramedic unit. SCHOOL SITES Councilman Ruth requested that the Council Committee, Mayor Ryan and Councilman Ryan, make a report on school site disposition. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 12: 50 a.m. , the Council adjourned to Executive Session to discuss potential litigation, reconvening at 12 :58 a.m. with the same members present. ADJOURNMENT At 1: 00 a.m. , on motion of Council- man Dyda, seconded by Councilman Buerk, the City Council adjourned to 7 : 30 p.m. , Tuesday, February 12 , 1974 , in the City Offices for study session. /OP AO' MAYO V LEONARD G. WOOD, CITY CLERK EX OFFICIO CLERK OF THE COUNCIL Cta.t.'La &_ / a4- Council 102 Feb. 5 , 1974