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CC MINS 19740102
M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 2, 1974 The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. at Ridgecrest Intermediate School, 28915 Northbay Road. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: Councilmen Gunther Buerk, Ken Dyda, Francis D. Ruth, Robert E. Ryan and Mayor Marilyn Ryan ABSENT: None Als© present were City Manager Leonard G. Wood, City Attorney Glenn Watson, Deputy City Clerk Doris Brown and Planning Advisor Larry Derr. MINUTES APPROVAL The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 18, 1973 were approved as submitted on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan. AUDIENCE QUESTIONS Responding to the Mayor's call for questions from SIGNS & STREET LIGHTING the audience on items not appearing on the agenda were Dr. P. R. Bronner, 30231 Cheret Place, and Ann Richardson, both requesting information as to what could be done on the problem of signs. The questions were referred to the City Manager for response, and it was indicated that the City Council would be taking up consideration of a sign ordinance at the soonest possible date. Mrs. Richardson also asked that the lack of street lighting on Crest at LeCroix be checked because the street is curved and especially dangerous on foggy nights. This matter was also referred to the City Manager. Mrs. Richardson noted that the Hughes Market sign should be lowered and the air-conditioning equipment on the roof top should be fenced so that it would not be a nuisance to the homes in the Upper Monaco area. INTERIM ZONING Public Hearing was opened on the proposed exten- ORD. 16U & ORD. 16 sion of Interim Zoning regulations for the City PUBLIC HEARING by Ordinance No. 16U and Ordinance No. 16, with 1801 the Clerk reporting that notice of the hearing had been given, with evidence on file, and no written communications received. The ordinance was reviewed in its entirety by the City Attorney and also reported and commented upon by the Planning Advisor, who noted that it would carry an underlying zone of RA-1-1 Acre for the entire City, that in an area designated red by map no building permits would be issued during the term of the ordinance, and that in the other areas building and grading permits would be considered on legally recorded lots but would be subject to the Environmental Quality Act, which would require an assess- ment for determining if such development would have a significant impact on the area. Public comment and questions were presented as follows: A question by John Alden if commercial and multiple residential development would be allowed was answered negatively; regarding setbacks, that they would have the requirement set forth in the County Zoning Ordinance which was adopted by reference. Gary Gits of the Presley Company and Thomas Childers of 0. Melviny & Myers, attorney representing the Filiorum Corporation, noted his client had in escrow 70 acres to the Presley Company and stated opposition to the moratorium in the red or undeveloped area. Mr. Childers also stated his belief that there was no evidence to justify the basic zone of one acre minimum. Dr. Bronner's questions regarding development within the areas allowed under the administrative pro- cedures were answered by the City Attorney. Walt Keusder, representing Butler and Sea View, asked about timing on applying for an EIR. The Manager noted that the anticipated procedures would be brought back to the City Council at its next regular meeting. Mr.Schuegraf commented on the membership and participation of the Art Jury in the Council 076 Jan. 2, 1974 tL6T `Z 'UVr LLO Tzouno0 dO ALNIIOJ 1HI dO E000 H,L1VLH 1H,L f (LO£S 'ON 'Q2i0) SR1R9NV SO'I dO AINf103 IHI d0 1ONVNIUNO SQ21VZVH 1V2iLNd0 1H.L = (6ZL-17 'ON 'ONO) Sd7d9NV SO'I dO AINf103 IH.L dO dJNVNIQ210 1O LNOJ 'IWNINV 1HI `• (17159 'ON 'ONO) S11R9NV SO'I dO AINf10J 1HI dO d3NVNIQ210 3IddV L HHI f (Ltt6Z 'ON 'QUO) SU1R9Nv S01 d0 A,LNf1OJ 1H,L 21Od IQO3 NOIIN1Ad21d d21Id V 9NIHSI11VZS1 1JNVNIQ21O Nd„ 1ONd2iddd2i AU 9NIIdOQV SKQ2iHA SO'ldd OHJNd21 dO ALID 1HI dO SI 'ON 1ONVNIU O •pasoTO sum 2uTieaq a1I: Auoutz4sa4 ioj Lipp s,JoXEyi alp o4 asuodsai ou 2uiaq °JouZ •paAiaoaJ suoi4uozunututoa ou puu `aT zj uo aouapTAa 4uaAz2 a3Z4ou 2uT4aodaJ AaaT3 ago 144Tm `SapJaA SoTud ogouuu ;o A:z j alp Jog saouvuzpio pup 8 O TT sapoo A4unoj uiu4iao jo aoua,zajai Aq uoT4dopu aq4 SHOW A,LNfIOJ d0 NOIIdOQV 2uisodoid ST 'ON aouuuzpJO uo pauado sum 2uTJ1aH SI 'QUO - 9NIHV 1H 3IZgfld •uoT4ou aAT4pa .szuzutpu Jog jj-e4s ag4 o4 uoT4upuauauooaJ Joj aa44zunuop AJoSTnpd 2uTUU1Td age- 04 paJJajaJ aq pTnoM puu MaTAaJ aa44tuaao0 AJOSTApV 2uTuuuTd off. 43a Cgns sum OSTE asuo szua. 4-eg4 uiAll aakew Aq 71* paTna SvM 4z '17 'ON 4zutaad :uautdo TanaU wTJa4uI 170 8 T uo suoz4o1 aTgzssod go uozssnoszp u 2uJMOTTOd V IIK2idd .LN 1NdO11AdU NI21dINI Wi;447.51// Sa1,7z4.l <# /1101 1,73 f0 as •jju4s aq: Aq uot4op aATTea4SZUTmpu 1oj uoz4BpuaunuooaJ alum o4 aa44zunuo0 AJOSTApV 2utuuvId afl 04 paJJajaa sum 4oaCoid pasodoid aqa. uuutTTOUnop Aq papuooas `xiang uumTzouno3 jo uoz4out uo 'JJu4s ag4 ao aa44Tmmo0 XJosIApd 2uTUURTd aq:. iaq4za Aq uodn pa4ou aq pTnogs 4z Lug4 4nq `paJznbaJ Ja2uoT ou sum ainpaooid 4uautdoTaAap mTJo:uz aq4 aouzs uax[4 aq uoT4ou lions autos 4-eq4 papuaunuooaJ AaUJO 1 \J A4TO aqL •paAToAuT Aoeg4as aq4 go asnuoaq aa44immop AJosTApd 2uzuu1Td aq4 01. 4uaS aq pTnogs 4T 4TOJ aq :uq: pa4uammoO U k?1 uuutTTOUnop •2uzuoz WTJa4uz uo TTOUnop A4TO aq4 Aq uaAu4 4snC uoz4OY aq4 go MIA uz malt aq O . papaau £ 'oN 4zfJad 2uautdoTaAaU utTJa:.ul 1oj paTnpagos 2ut1vaH 1708T ozTgnd aqf gz Aau.1o44d A4z3 age paxsu uiAll JoAiN £ IIN21dd LNLNdO1dn1Q NI2id.LNI •pa zha13O AT Snouttupun puu uuAli uuutT IOUnop Aq papuooas uuutTzouno0 jo uoza.out uo 2uTpiai puooas 04 passed sum aouuuzpi0 aq�. pup paATEM sum 2uzpiai 1alpJnd •2utp1aJ 1.SJzj JoJ ATJ1Tn2aa paonpoa4uT sum RDNRURdRU AU i6t7T 'ON `d3NVNIQ21O ONINOZ S['IR9NV SOFT EHI ONIIdOQV `AIIO 1HI dO HIQNIVNd21 1HI NI Sd21f1Qd0021d IHOd R1 J 3VdNI 1VIN1NNOHIANd O.L 'Dams 1ONdf1SSI SIH.L ONINVYN QNd `Sl�d2id N I V L2iH J NI SI I N 1 1d ON I CI QNV ON I Q1 I lg dO £DNdf1S S I 1H.L NO YNf1I 210ZNHON VON I -21d1JLQ `SISdg NI21d,LNI NV NO SEQ211A SO1Vd OHONdfi dO A,LI3 1H,L NIHZIM dO 9NIAdI -SSdrI J QNV ONINOZ rHZ OZ 9NIIV1 R1 SLUH 1A SO'Idd OHONVdi dO AII J 1HI dO 91 'ON dJNVNI Q2i0 auoN :,LNdSgy auoN :SdON uuXu •14 `uuA i 'u '1441111 `EPA(' `)Jong :SLAV :a4on T TAO T TOJ 2uiMOT Toj uo paAoJddu sum aoupuzpao Aouain up su n9T 'ON aoufuzpJO 4dopp o: `g4nu uumI zounoJ Aq papuooas uumT zouno0 Aq uot4out d *uall uuut -T IOUnop Aq papuooas `rang uuUIT TOUnop go uoza.out snoutzuuun uo paAfEM 2utpuaJ JagfJnj pug aT4z4 Aq paonpoi4uz sum dOd21[HI A3Nd021f1 dHS 9NIWflJLQ QNV dJNd21ddd21 AU 1'6VT 'ON 'HMV -NIQ2i0 ONINOZ AINl00 SI119NV SO'I 1H.L ONIidOQV `AID IH,L dO 21dUNIVN R1 all NI Sd21f1Qd0021d Z2i0dd2i ,LOddNI IVINENNO 1IAN 1 OZ ,LDdrgf1S 1ONdf1SSI SIHI ONINVN QNd `SV fl1V NIVJ 1HD NI SIIN21dd 9NIQVH9 QNV ONIQ'Ilflg dO 1ONdf1SSI 1H,L NO Nf1IH0.Lt HON V ONIUTIDRQ `SISdg NINRINI NV NO SLQ21dn SO1dd OHDNV I dO AII3 1H.L NIHIIM AZ2idd02Id d0 9NIAdISSV13 QNd ONINOZ 1H,L OI 9NIZX1d21 S1Q21dn SO1dd OHJNVH dO AIIO 1HI dO lI3Nf10J AIIl IHI dO fl9T 'ON d3NVNIGUO •i.uauidoTaAap goua uo wodaa u aiznbai ATTJBssaoau 4ou pTnoM puu uoT4uauTOap aAI L12au aTgzssod u 114TM 4uawssassu uu aq ATTun4Ou pTnoM 4z pauiaouoz sz wodau 4oudutl Tu4uautuoJTAug aq4 Su Jujosuz 4uq4 puu `ST Aaunuur uo ATqugoJd `aTgzssod su uoos su uoz4dopu ioj T TOUnop A4I J aq4 o4 pa4uasaid aq pTnoM aanpaooid aAT4ua4siuiutpu puu Ezaa4zao aqa. 4ug4 uuAj iokew Aq pa4ou sum 41 •MaTAOJ Aq 4uu4 op pTnoO aa2uuvw aq4 2uq: „`saA„ papuodsaa Aauio44d A.TD au •suoT4ort4sai paap aqa. ! TM aoupTTdutoO uz aq pTnoM 4oa Coid s zq :z paxsu aq pTnoo 4Tmaad 2uzpT znq u io j 4uuo i T dd1 uu j T paxsu )Jang uutuT TOUnop •SJauMO Awadoid 2uaou Cpu a.sn C umqp .zaga.o suann MaTA uzu4iao uz papaau sum a3t4ou a4unbapu 4uq: aanpaooid aAT4ua4szuzutpu aq4 o4 pau2ai uz pa4uaunuo3 upAQ uuutTTOunop •pasoTo sum 2uTJTag alp 4Auoutz4sa4 Jaq:Jnj ou 2uiaq atagj •u-eAu um UTTOUnoD jo 4sanbai aq4 4u paau oouuoN VL6I `Z 'uer 8L0 ITOUnop auoN :INdSgd auoN :SRON uuAH •W `uekd ' `114n21 `EpAQ 'rang :SLAV :a4oA I JVO I Io1 2uTmoTToj aq4 uO pa4dopu SUM uoT:nTosaJ au,I, • n o T T TuAu a �. O� pine Aouanoo�e off. s�e paTjTJan uaaq putt spu�euuap IIe 4ug4 2uT sPu � � �.I .gI. u -4aodaa Ja2uuvN A:T3 aq4 ga.TM `af lT4 Aq paonpoi4uT svM 081 H9f102IH,L S91 SIMI/MN QNVWHU St'ZLBZ$ dO ICS HHI NI SQNVW1Q UNV SWIV'Il NId 'Ir ,L2id� ONI M 0 IV SIQHLA SO1Vd OHDMV d dO AZ I D Ii O S T HHI dO 1 13Nf103 AIID LH.L dO I-fiL 'ON NOI11flOS flI SQNVWdQ dO 2IIIS I - I-VL 'SRN .114n11 uuWI TOUnop A q papuooas `E AQ uuTounoD Jo uo-pow uo paAoJdde sum aa44Tuuoj AaosTApd 2uTuueld aq� fo uoT4upuaunuooaJ au •sasJoq jo 2uTdaax aq4 2uT4oadsai aouvuTpio uu jo swauIala TuT1 -uassa aq4 I .IOUnop A:TD aq4 off. uo 4 uu upuauooaJ u g4TM MOTTO pine sasJoq jo 2uTdaax aq4 uo OuTJEa q oTlgnd plow off. aa44TwmoD XaosTApd 2uTuuuTd 4OatTp ITOUnop A4T3 aq4 4v114 4 papuaunuooaJ aa44TunuoD au •sasJoq jo 2uTdaax aq4 2uTpau2ai `£L6I '8z iagmaOau pa4up I TOUnop A:T J aq4 utnpuvJoutaut u uT pauTul.UOO aa44TmmoD AJosTA d 2uTuuuld aq4 uzo g: uoT4upuaut fi 08 T -utooaa t pal.uasaid Lieu Aiiug IOSTApV 2UTuuuld SIS OH 'dOd 9NINOZ •paTJaeo A snouiTuvun ue rang u�etuT TounoJ Aq papuooas `epXQ u�etuT Tounop jo uoT4om uo 2uTpeaJ puooas I P o� passed aouvuTpio aq: pine paATuM sum 2uTpuaJ lag4and •ala.T4 Aq paonpoi4uT sum MOD 1Vd I J INf1W S[Q2I LA SOZdd OHJNYN HHI 9N I QNdWV (INd QNfld Xd,L dS I lXd 'Id,LNdWN02i I ANd NV 9NIHSI'I 1VISd `S9NIQ1Iflg ZVINISf1QNI QNd Pi/IMO/MOD `SIINQ ONITI[MQ 1VIINEQISd2I dO ADNdd -f1D00 QNd NO I.LDf12iLSNOJ HHI 9N I XV,L S R III LA SO1Vd OHDNYN dO A,L I D dH,L dO VI 'ON d3NVN I U HO •pa4dopi SCI snomTueun sum papuaure su uo-pout aqi '0001$ s2uTpTTnq T T4uapTsaJ uo WnmTxEuc aqf. OJVCOl pine : oo: aiunbs iad 4)0E o:. 4uamdolaAap IuTJ: snpuT pine IuTo.zaututoo ,zoj aouuuTpJO all4 Jo SOZ9 uoT43aS uT pa4u4s aa.EJ aq4 a2uugO O . `puooas aq4 :o aouaiJnOUOO q4TM `papuaure sum uoT4ouI aq: w :J: sn uT pine TuTO1awmoo jo �eaa�e aq4 uT AIUO aq as�eaiOUT aq�. 4pga. g4nli u�eUJI Tounop Aq 1 P . uoT4sa22ns E pue ITOUnop A4TJ aq4 jo siaqutaut Aq uoTssnosTp alquiapTsuoz 2uTM011od •1uTo -aaunuo° pine JuTJ .snpuT uo woj aaunbs iad 4OS off. pine IvT4uapTsaa uo OOSI$ 04 pasuaio -uT aq mnmpcum aq4 4pg4 uvA 1 uuUIT TOUnop Aq papuooas `rang uuutT TOUno3 Aq paAout sum 4I •s2uTpl Tng IuToaaunuoo puu IeTJ4snpuT Mau Joj paJu ssoJ2 jo 2ooj axenbs iad 1SI pine `OuTpunq TuT4uapTsaJ ,zoo 4Tun 2uTIIaMp iad 000T$ jo utnutTxum u 44TH utooipaq iad 00S$ sum 4yeap aq4 uT pagsTIqu4sa aTua au,i, 'A:T j aq4 UTgl_IM 2uTpl Tnq IuTa4snpuT pine I . eO1ammoo pine s�.Tun 2uTIIaMp TuT4uapTsaa :o TOST T Aouedn000 pine uoT4onJ4suoo au4 uo re4 u gsTlqu4sa XVI LSIJXI o4 aouuuT.P Jo uu jo 4yeJp u pa1apT suoO I TOUnoD 1VINdWNON I11Nd - VI 'GNO auoN :JNdSgd auoN :SQON uvAN •W •11 :S dAd :a4oA IIuO IIOJ 2uTM011oj aq: uo paAoJddu sum aOUvulpJo aqa. 4dopu pine 2uTpeai iap tnn aATuM oa. `upAQ uuuq TOunop Aq papuooas uutuJTounoD Jo uoT:out V 'cL6I `81 aaqutaoaQ uo uaAT2 uaaq 2uTJVeq 2uTp�eaJ 4sJT; q uoT4dope pie 2uTpeaa puooas aoj p aon oa uT seM dOd2dHS A�Ng Hf RHI 9NI TIDRU QNd `HOOD 1Vd I J I Nf1W SRUNUA SO1Vd OHJNY11 LHI SN I QNdWV u l(8 L V b 'ON 'GNO) Sd'I d9Nd SO1 dO AINf1OJ 1H,L dO DONVNIUNO NOISIAIQgf1S HHI ! (VVS6 'ON 'QUO) S IR9NV SO'I dO AINfIOJ IH,L dO ROOD 1VJI -NVHJIW 1HI (69ZZ 'ON 'u i0) SH1R9NV SO'I d0 AINnOD EHI dO 1QOD 9NlgNfl'Id IHI f (ZSZZ 'ON 'no) SHZa9NV SO'I d0 AINf1OJ HHI dO ROOD 'IVDP LJd'Id HHI f (SZZZ 'ON 'CINO) Sd1R9NV SOl d0 A.LNQOD 1HJ dO IQOJ SNIQ'I Iflg LHL f(L6SS 'ON 'GEO) AZNf1OD SR1R9NV SO1 dO 1DNVNIQHO ,LINd Id AVMH9IH IHi f (0985 .ON 'u i0) Sd'IR9Nd SOZ dO AJ Nf1OJ LHI dO dd2ld QdId2IOd2IODNINf1 EHI NI SQSSLNISflg 9NISNHJI1 QNV 9NIIV1fl9d2I IINVNIQHO NV f (OS I9 'ON 'QUO) SridONv SOZ d0 AINnOD rHI dO IDNVNIU O d.LSVM 1VINISf1QNI QNd 2IIM1S A2id,LINVS HHI f (E8SL 'ON 'Q2i0) SR1R9NV SO1 GRADING ORD. Responding to a comment by Councilman Buerk that an ordinance regulating grading should be drafted, Mayor Ryan noted that the Planning Advisory Committee has a subcommittee studying this subject. Councilman Buerk volun- teered to serve with the subcommittee and it was agreed that this would be in order. COUNCIL STUDY SESSIONS Council discussed a number of subjects on which it would be desirable to have work sessions and it was agreed that the following tentative schedule would be considered: January 7 - A. Environmental Impact Report on Fashion Center prepared by consultant for City of Rancho Palos Verdes B. Procedure for establishment and naming of Citizens Advisory Committee for the General Plan (with further evaluation and interviews placed on a future agenda for Executive Session) January 22 - A. Recreation and Parks Element of the General Plan B. Possible continuation of Citizens Advisory Committee Future - A. Road Conditions B. Sign Ordinance Councilman Ryan discussed with other Council members a proposal for a tennis club on the Cayman property, a number of problems relating to signs on utility poles and traffic conditions, which will be acted upon by the City Manager. Councilman Buerk reported that the Franchise Committee had met with the Southern California Edison Company and requested the application be placed on the next regular meeting agenda. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 10:40 p.m. , on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan, the City Council adjourned to Executive Session for approximately one hour to discuss personnel matters. The Council reconvened at 12:45 a.m. with the same Council members present. ADJOURNMENT At 12:46 a.m. , on motion of Councilman Buerk, seconded by Councilman Ruth, the City Council adjourned to 7:30 p.m. , Monday, January 7, 1974, in the City Offices. jt'14,?:÷- AYOR II/ c;) WzYtA,0 A.-I_ a /4)(4., CITY CLERK r Council 079 Jan. 2, 1974