CC MINS 19731120 M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 20, 1973 The meeting was called to order at Ridgecrest School, 28915 Northbay Road, at 7:40 p.m. by Mayor Marilyn Ryan. Roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: Councilmen Gunther Buerk, Ken Dyda, Francis D. Ruth, Robert E. Ryan and Mayor Marilyn Ryan ABSENT: None Also present were Acting City Manager Lee Weber, Assistant City Attorney Tom Winfield, and Deputy City Clerk Doris Brown. MINUTES APPROVAL On motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Council- man Dyda and carried, the Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of November 14, 1973, were approved as submitted. ARMAGA SPRINGS CONDOMINIUM Council received a letter from Cathy Lyte, explain- 1804 ing the hardship caused her by the lack of action on an application to convert apartments to a con- dominium, with a copy of the by-laws attached. Don Davis, representing the owner of the Armaga Springs development, noted that the conversion was previously approved by the County; and that it was costing the owners $375.00 per day to continue their interim financing. The City Attorney explained that when he suggested the matter might be called to the attention of the City Council at the previous meeting, it had been his intent that perhaps there was a basis for this development being different from other pending conversions in the City; and, if that were so, there would be presented factual dis- tinguishing features in writing, and if a uniqueness so warranted, it could be set for public hearing. He recommended that, since the general matter of conversions to condominiums is before the Planning Advisory Committee, that the information presented be referred to them for use in their determination, with the understanding that they come up with a factual basis for this development being different from the others. It was agreed by the City Council that the letter and materials should be forwarded to the Planning Advisory Committee for consideration and determination. It was noted that the work session of the City Council on December 11 would be devoted to the subject of condominium conversions, and that they would like preliminary information from the Planning Advisor before that date. The other topic scheduled for that particular Council work session would be concerning the Road Department. SHOPPING CENTER IMPACT REPORT After review by the City Attorney, the City Council 103 authorized execution of a contract with planning consultants Kennard and Silvers for an impact appraisal of the proposed May Company shopping center, on motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilman Dyda and carried. INTERIM DEVELOPMENT PERMITS Council received a memorandum report from the 1205 Planning Advisor regarding the interim development permits that have been filed with the City, and recommending that the City Council hold two hearings at each weekly meeting. After discussing the dates of the City Council meetings and the work loads for each, it was agreed that the Planning Advisor should be instructed to set public hearings for the Council 73-053 Nov. 20, 1973 SL6I `OZ •AoN VSO-EL Izouno3 •s z s zpo A&taua uv uT 2uT 4u2T T aoop4no aa.t Tnf aJ PTnoo AT qugoid A:T D au. 1vuf pa4vo zpuz Aauao44d S I S IUD AS2IgNg A: T J auk. `uvAE uEuLT zouno J Jo uoTpsanb v 2uTJaMSUd - 9N1114911 2I000If10 •uozsua4xa araA aaaq4 JoJ paAoJddv uaaq pug sa4zs TOOLps aaag4 auk. uJE: ;J O . 4sanbaa s i 4ozi4sTp Toouos aq: lvg4 a4vozpuz O . o2uaUI Jous woaJ pauogdaTa4 TO1T peq SuaAa4s Jo:vuas 4vg4 pawodai uvA1 ioAiw gSfl NOLLV L ID H - SILIS 100HJS •paz11vo puu u-RAd umTzounoJ Aq papuooas `ip.41 umUT touno3 Jo uoz4ow uo `pa4dopi aq pTnoM aa44Tunuoo 2uz4PuzpJ000 v fuT4vaao uoTa.nTosaa `a4vzjdoaddi uaIM pa4ou puE `aa44zunuoo lions uo 2uTAaaS uT pa4saaa4uz SuazT4TO 2uzxaas asvaTaJ ssaJd v pazTaoufnv `Jokeyi aq4 moat wodaa au4 panoJddv ua1T: puv `auTT Ono Airununs aq4 uT pa4ou sa4vp au4 uT saf uvgo put T TounoJ •ui10E Jokey,' WoaJ uozssnosTp snoiAaJd azag4 Jo auzT4no Xiiununs v fuTATaoaJ `aa44iunuoJ AJoSTApd suazz4z3 SO E pasodoid Jo uotssnoszp s4z panupuoo ItounoD gg,L,LlsJJJJ AJOSI11Qd SN1ZIIIJ •sainpaooad 2uzsvgoand usTIqu4sa o4 aouvuzpao LOT pasodoid v Jo uoT4viapzsuoo aaJap o4 paaa2v poi Tzounoj 9NISVH3Jfld •paTJJto pine uvA1 uuuUT zounoJ Aq papuooas `rang uuutJ tounoJ Jo uoT4oW uo paAoJddv puv pa4dopv SvM `SaToTTod 4uamasJngwzaJ asuadxa pug T aAva4 2uzpuammooaJ Ja2vuvw i(:z3 Z O T T 2uT 4ov aq: moi.: `S L 6 T 'L as quzaAoN pa 4up wodai d ZNg1AIgS2 MEWL HN I HAV L •s: 1 TTU G4T L ao futpIT2 guvq Jo Ja41 LU aq: uo auzzp sTgl. 4u uoT:.oY aag4anl ou axv4 pug paT Ty Ja4:aT aq4 Japao o: TTOUnoJ A TD aq4 Jo uoiszoap aq4 SvM 4T `aoTJJO s1JjiJOgs au4 q noiip paoioJua aq pinoo :vu: Awadoid a!fl uo ssidsai4 2uzpii2ai MuT a:v4s sz a,zag4 :rfl. Aauio44d A TJ a 44 foJJ uoT4vmao UT uo fuz.od •sRu2TUU a4zx JoJ Awadoid aTag4 Jo asn aq4 Jo ueq 2ui sanbaa uoT4viodioj mnJoTTzd uioij aa44oj v paATaoaa TzounoJ SIHEI1d g,LI?I •uozsJaAuoa SaTLTTT4n puoE a2pz} apTSAuuns ioJ uoz4voTTddv auk. Jo siosuods Aq uoT Ino -1zo aoJ uoz4T4ad v aiidaid puv `4ota4STp 4uautaAoJdWT u-R aoJ vaav a4vTJdoJddF pui auop aq oi. AaoM au4 auTmaa4ap o4 JaauT2ug A4z0 auk. paz TJog4nv T zounoJ A TJ auk. `paTaavo puv xaang uvuI 1091 -TzounoJ Aq papuooas `uviCH ummouno3 Jo uoT4ow u0 NOISURAN00 S1III LLfl •aouvuzpJo uv lions Jo S4uauIaJTnbaJ Tv2aT aq4 I zouno J X TD au4 o4 xoiq 2uTJq pue TETJa4vw auk MaTAaJ o: pa4sanbai sum Aauao44d k.T3 au,I, •paTegv SaToTgan ioJ pasanquzzaJ aq puv we.z2oad stul. uT a4vdzop and o4 aouUuTpJo of 4dopi `17L6T `I AJ1nuvr off. JoTJd `pinoo A TD auk. 4vg4 2uT4ou `lit?Jfoad 4uama4vgd aToTgan pauopuugd aq: fuT -pJ12aa IzounoJ X4T3 aq4 o4 uoT4vWJO UT pa4uasa1d TO L T Toa4vd Avmg2TH vTUJO TTEJ aq4 Jo aogoaTg .zaoTJJ0 Sf DIH LA U NOQNdgd •paTnpauos sum aal4vm auk. ua{M 2uz4aau1 aa44Tmuo3 fuTUUvTd aq4 4v iiaddh o4 iaq ion a4vTJdoaddi aq pTnoM 4T 4vg4 puv aa�.�.TUnuoD AJOSTApv 2uTUUvTd auk. aioJaq fuTWOO aq I noM•as 14vut auk 4vg4 pa s TApv sum a T s T T JE J 'saw •-air aq: uioa SJauMO 2uz�.ua SaadaJ P . uoT I.T4ad v pvq aus :vu2 2uT4voTpuT `vale aaq uT 4TIds 4o1 v fuTpavfaJ uoT4vW O UT pa4sanbaa `au1g asnA133 6Z `aTsTTav3 vTawvd •Says vpua2v ow. uo f uTJ1add1 4ou SWOT uo aouaTpnv a1I IUOJJ suoT4sanb i.oJ T Teo s i ioXvyi auk. o4 2utpuodsaJ SNOI,LSgf1O gDN IIUfld •uoT4edzoz4avd oTTgnd 4svaT auk a4vaauaf pTnoM goTIM Suoz:voTTdd1 asoq: fuz1uasaad uT uoT4aaoszp asn oq 4vg4 `uoT4v4TWTT aovds aTgzssod puv plan aq TTTM 2uT4aam :vq4 aaagM o4 sv uoT4sanb TTT4s sz aaaq4 sv uonmsEut `4nq f81 aaqwaoaa Jo 2uT4aaUL It was moved by Councilman Buerk, seconded by Councilman Ryan, and carried, that the City Attorney prepare a resolution for the next meeting requesting owners not to use outside Christmas lights in view of the need for energy conservation. COMMENDATION Councilman Ryan commented upon a letter to the editor in the newspaper regarding a heroic action on the part of Craig Ruth. He asked the editor for a copy so that the Council could present a commendation to Mr. Ruth. PLANNING COMMITTEE ACTIONS Councilman Buerk requested an inventory of pending 1203 applications before the Planning Advisory Committee and the anticipated time that the Council could receive such actions. The Chairman of the Planning Committee was present and said that this could be worked out with the Planning Advisor. CENTERLINE STRIPING Michael Gorden noted a number of streets that had been repaved and the centerline striping covered, creating difficult driving in fog. Councilman Ryan noted that Crest Road also needs to be restriped. The Acting City Manager requested Mr. Gorden to contact him the following day and give him the names of the streets so that appropriate action could be taken. Councilman Buerk reported on his meeting with Mr. Butler of the Road Department regard- ing Palos Verdes Drive East, noting that a study in progress was stopped upon incor- poration, but that he has asked that the study be completed at no cost to the City. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 10:25 p.m. the meeting was recessed for approxi- mately one hour for an Executive Session on the City Manager Recruitment Program, on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried. The meeting reconvened at 11:40 p.m. with the same Councilmen present. ADJOURNMENT At 11:45 p.m, on motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilman Ruth and carried, the City Council adjourned to Friday, November 23, 1973, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Offices for an Executive Session to discuss further the City Manager Recruitment Program. 40, OR II/ et.04AA."-, CITY CLERK fir44/ Council 73-055 Nov. 20, 1973