CC MINS 19760601 M I N U T E S
Regular Meeting
June 1, 1976
Mayor Buerk called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. at the Palos Verdes Peninsula
Unified School District Building, 30942 Hawthorne Boulevard. Following the Pledge
of Allegiance to the Flag, roll call was answered as follows:
PRESENT: Councilmembers M. Ryan, Dyda and Mayor Buerk
ABSENT: Councilmembers R. Ryan and Ruth
II/ ARRIVAL: Councilman Ryan at 7:41 p.m.
Councilman Ruth at 7:42 p.m.
Also present were City Manager Leonard G. Wood, Director of Planning Sharon W.
Hightower, Administrative Assistant Trish Eby, City Attorney Pat Coughlan,
Administrative Services Officer George Wunderlin, Community Services Officer Tom
Bandy, and Deputy City Clerk Mary Jo Lof thus.
AUDIENCE QUESTIONS Mr. Elmer Zirkel, 7233 Rue La Fleur, Rancho
Palos Verdes, inquired if there was some way
of protesting the proposed property tax
Councilman Ryan moved that the matter of property taxes be considered as part of
Item No. 10 under City Council reports.
An inquiry was made as to whether or not the City was enforcing the law whereby
property owners were required to clear away brush on undeveloped property, parti-
cularly with regard to property located close to this citizen's home. Council
directed staff to get the address of such property and inform the owners that the
area had to be cleared due to the fire hazard it presented.
AGENDA APPROVAL Councilman Dyda requested that the SCAG
Housing Model issue be added to the City
Council Reports portion of the agenda.
Mayor Buerk requested that more specific information be presented to the Council
on matters appearing under City Council Reports section. The Mayor further re-
quested the following changes in the agenda:
- Coastal Legislation moved to Continued Business
- Resignation of Frank Zimmer moved to Written Communications
- Participation in Essay Contest moved to Written Communications
- Averill report on Tennis Court moved to Written Communications
- Nomination of Chairman of Environmental Assessment Committee moved to
City Council Reports.
On motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan, and carried, the Agenda
was approved.
WAIVER OF FULL READING OF It was moved by Councilwoman Ryan, seconded
ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS by Councilman Dyda, and unanimously carried,
to waive further reading in full of all ord-
inances and resolutions adopted at this
meeting with consent to the waiver of reading deemed to be given by all Council-
members after reading of the title, unless specific request was made at that time
for the reading of such ordinance or resolution.
MINUTES Approved, as presented, Minutes of meeting
of May 18, 1976.
Council June 1, 1976
RESOLUTION NO. 76-36 - Councilman Ruth inquired if compensation was
APPOINTING THE CITY MANAGER paid to the Deputy City Treasurer. City
TO ACT AS CITY TREASURER Manager Wood responded that since this posi-
(1504) tion had now become part of the duties of
the Administrative Assistant, no compensa-
tion was paid to the Deputy City Treasurer.
Upon motion by Councilwoman Ryan, seconded by Councilman Dyda, RESOLUTION NO. 76-36,
# # # # #
BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE Community Services Officer Tom Bandy sum-
(305) marized the May 25 report of the Bicenten-
nial Committee to the Council. Janet Smith,
Chairwoman of the Committee, reported that upon receipt of suggestions from the
community, the names of Fred Hesse, Jr. and Frank A. Vanderlip had been chosen for
the park sites. Mayor Buerk directed the Staff to prepare a background report on
these two people so it could be presented at the City's Birthday Celebration. Upon
motion by Councilwoman Ryan, seconded by Councilman Ryan, the Bicentennial Commit-
tee's recommendations of the Fred Hesse, Jr. Memorial Park (Crestmont Site) and
Frank A. Vanderlip Memorial Park (Highland Site) were approved by Council.
COASTAL LEGISLATION Mayor Buerk reported briefly on a report re-
(309) ceived from the County Regional Planning
Commission. He advised Councilmembers to keep
abreast of legislation and this matter would be brought up again at the next City
Council Meeting on June 15 and Council should strive for preparation of finalizing
their policy on this matter at that time.
FASCO INVESTMENT, INC. Administrative Services Officer George Wunderlin
(605) summarized the May 21, 1976, application of
Fasco Investment, Inc. for a rate increase.
Upon motion of Councilwoman Ryan, seconded by Councilman Dyda, the Council motioned
that the matter be received and filed. On roll call:
AYES: R. Ryan, M. Ryan, Dyda, Ruth and Buerk
NOES: None
REQUEST FOR Since the representative of the Chamber of
COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS Commerce had not yet arrived at the meeting,
(305) City Manager Wood requested that the hearing
on the request for contribution to the Palos
Verdes Peninsula Chamber of Commerce be heard at a later time in the meeting.
Councilman Ryan objected stating that since the representatives of the Switchboard
were present, they shouldn't be made to wait until later in the meeting to present
their program. Ann Booth, the representative from the Palos Verdes Switchboard,
reported on the background of her agency and the services provided for youth on
the Peninsula.
Mayor Buerk requested that the matter of this contribution be taken up at the bud-
get work session.
Mike Medby, a representative from the Palos Verdes Chamber of Commerce, presented
the reasons for his agency requesting this contribution.
It was the consensus of the Council that both of these community contributions
should be considered at the upcoming budget work sessions on June 3 and 10.
REQUEST FROM L.A. COUNTY Councilman Dyda motioned, with seconding by
BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR Councilman Ruth, that the letter of May 25
SUBSIDY OF 25 CENT from the Board of Supervisors, Los Angeles
BUS FARE PROGRAM County, be marked "receipt and file." Mayor
Council June 1, 1976
Buerk expressed his opinion that if the program would be viable at 35 per ride,
then the fare should be increased the extra 10 rather than requesting a subsidy
from the cities in the County. Councilwoman Ryan stated that this opinion should
be expressed in a letter to the Board of Supervisors. Upon motion by Councilman
Ryan, seconded by Councilman Dyda, the motion was carried.
SOUTH BAY JUVENILE Community Services Officer Bandy reported on
DIVERSION PROJECT the communication of May 11 received from
(305) this agency. Councilman Ryan motioned, with
second by Councilman Dyda, and unanimously
carried, that Miss Robin Moser be nominated to represent the City as Youth Advisor
on the South Bay Juvenile Diversion Advisory Board.
RESIGNATION OF The Council accepted with regret the resigna-
FRANK ZIMME Lion of Frank Zimmer from the Parks and
(1201) Recreation Committee. Mayor Buerk indicated
that he would send a letter to Mr. Zimmer
expressing the thanks of the Council for Mr. Zimmer's service to the City.
Councilwoman Ryan suggested that Staff prepare a proclamation for Mr. Zimmer
honoring him for his efforts on behalf of the community.
Councilman Dyda motioned, with seconding by Councilman Ryan, and unanimously car-
ried, that Robert Gibson be nominated to fill the vacancy brought about by Mr.
Zimmer's resignation. Councilman Dyda reported that Mr. Gibson was very active in
Peninsula affairs and was familiar with the needs of youth on the Peninsula.
Councilman Dyda indicated that Mr. Gibson was agreeable to serving on this
Mayor Buerk reported that Robert Gruhn had requested that his name be withdrawn
as a member to the Environmental Assessment Committee. In his place the Mayor
motioned, with Councilman Dyda seconding, and unanimously carried, that Douglas
Hinchliffe be nominated to serve as Chairman of the Environmental Assessment
Committee. On roll call:
AYES: R. Ryan, M. Ryan, Dyda, Ruth and Buerk
NOES: None
Mayor Buerk indicated that Director Hightower would present a background on this
Committee to the new members.
PARTICIPATION Since all relevant material was not available
IN ESSAY CONTEST for the Council meeting, the Mayor reported
(304) that this matter would be brought up at the
next Council Meeting.
USER PAID Mr. William Averill was present to answer
TENNIS COURTS questions from the Council on his proposal
(1201) for user paid tennis courts. Concern was
expressed about the liability the City would
suffer if the project failed; whether or not lights should be installed for night
tennis and the ultimate effect the tennis court project would have on the master
plan for recreation in the City. It was the consensus of Council that the matter
should be referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee. Upon motion by Mayor
Buerk, seconded by Councilman Dyda, and unanimously carried, the matter was refer-
red to the Parks and Recreation Committee with the suggestion that they form some
ideas on how the project should be developed and report back to the Council. On
roll call:
AYES: R. Ryan, M. Ryan, Dyda, Ruth and Buerk
NOES: None
At 9:40 Mayor Buerk declared a 15-minute recess.
At 10:00 p.m. the meeting resumed with the same members present.
Council June 1, 1976
REGISTER OF DEMANDS Councilman Dyda moved to approve Resolution
(1504) No. 76-35, the list of regular demands as
submitted. Councilman Ruth seconded the
motion which carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: R. Ryan, M. Ryan, Dyda, Ruth and Buerk
NOES: None
CONTRACT CITIES Councilman Dyda reported on the eight sessions
(306) presented at the meeting of California
Contract Cities. He told Councilmembers that
he would be sending each of them a summary of these sessions.
Mayor Buerk expressed concern at this point about attendance of City representatives
at the various associations that the City belonged to. It was pointed out that in
many instances City meetings conflicted with meetings held by these various associ-
ations. It was the consensus of the Council that City meetings would take prece-
dence over other meetings.
At the suggestion of Mayor Buerk, each Councilmember expressed their concerns about
the proposed property tax increase. Councilman Ryan suggested that we should in-
vestigate some basis for a suit to enjoin the County assessor from reassessing Palos
Verdes Peninsula. Councilwoman Ryan suggested that the cities in the County of Los
Angeles work for reform of Government. Councilman Ruth indicated that the law suit
should be investigated and also the possibility of organizing the Peninsula into a
County. Mayor Buerk stated that he had been reappointed chairman of the South Bay
County Committee; that the idea of a South Bay County should be actively pursued,
along with seeking the help of the Legislature in changing the laws for our seces-
sion from the County of Los Angeles. The Mayor inquired of the City Attorney if
there was a basis for a law suit against the County Assessor for this most recent
reassessment. The City Attorney indicated that if the City could establish deli-
berate discrimination of this area then that would be a basis to proceed on a law
suit. Mayor Buerk requested Councilmembers Dyda and R. Ryan to pursue this matter
further with the City Attorney and to present their findings at the next City
Council meeting. City Attorney Coughlan stated that he would get a research memo-
randum out to the Council on this matter. Councilwoman Ryan motioned, with
seconding by Mayor Buerk, and unanimously carried, that the aforementioned Council-
members meet with the City Attorney to consider the possibility of litigation on
the reassessment matter.
REPORT ON FIRE AND Councilman Ryan summarized from the minutes
DISASTER PREPAREDNESS of the May 25th meeting of this subcommittee.
SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING It was pointed out that there should be some
(603 x 401) means of educating the citizens of the com-
munity on ways and means of action to be
taken in the event of a disaster. The Council directed staff to inquire into the
cost of inserting an information sheet that had been prepared by the Fire Depart-
ment into the next issue of the NEWSLETTER.
ANTENNA ORDINANCE Councilman Ryan expressed concern over the
(1802) length of time it has taken to consummate
the issue of the antenna ordinance. It was
concluded that a hearing on the matter would not come about until mid-July.
Councilman Ryan reiterated his request that the matter move as quickly as pos-
sible toward conclusion.
ABALONE COVE Councilman Ryan reported on the hearing held
(109) regarding the development of Abalone Cove.
Since no concrete proposals were submitted
at that hearing, it was suggested that the Beach Committee be directed to meet and
develop goals and policies on how this area should be developed and that said
goals would be presented to the County of Los Angeles. The motion carried by the
following roll call vote:
Council June 1, 1976
AYES: R. Ryan, M. Ryan, Dyda, Ruth and Buerk
NOES: None
TRACT NO. 30420 Mayor Buerk reported that he had attended
(701) the Rolling Hills City Council Meeting and
presented the City's concerns regarding the
development of this tract and its projected impact on the City. It was agreed at
that meeting that the staffs from both cities get together and work out satisfac-
tory arrangements for the development of this project.
SCAG HOUSING MODEL Councilman Dyda reported from his memo of
(1102) June 1 to the City Attorney wherein was out-
lined the Housing and Economic Development
Committee's interpretation of the SCAG Housing Model. After some discussion, the
Council directed City Attorney Coughlan to write a letter to SCAG outlining the
City's interpretation of the housing model and request that SCAG sign this inter-
pretation as being correct.
ANIMAL CONTROL It was decided that this matter would be con-
(1206 x 104) sidered at the budget work sessions to be
held June 3 and 10.
PARKLAND DEDICATION Director Hightower reported on some of the
(1201) aspects of the Quimby Act, stressing that
any land or any funds received from the
Quimby Act would have to go into the purchase or development of park sites that
would benefit areas which were making the contribution although not necessarily
within that area but must be reasonably available to them.
ADJOURNMENT At 11:23 p.m. Councilman Ryan motioned, with
seconding by Councilman Dyda, that the
meeting be adjourned.
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By Jam. t _A
Council June 1, 1976