Regular Meeting
May 18, 1976
Mayor Buerk called the meeting to order at 7:41 p.m. at the Palos Verdes Peninsula
Unified School District Building, 30942 Hawthorne Boulevard. Following the Pledge
of Allegiance to the Flag, roll call was announced as follows:
PRESENT: Councilmembers Dyda, Ruth, R. Ryan, M. Ryan and Mayor Buerk
Also present were City Manager Leonard G. Wood, Director of Public Works Dennis
Pikus, City Attorney Pat Coughlan, Community Relations Officer Charles Engelbart,
Administrative Services Officer George Wunderlin, Community Services Officer Tom
Bandy, and Deputy City Clerk Mary Jo Lof thus.
CEREMONIAL MATTER Mayor Buerk presented Dwight Oliver with a
(304) proclamation of the City of Rancho Palos
Verdes recognizing his professional as well
as personal involvement and outstanding contribution toward the betterment of com-
munity life and service within our City.
AGENDA APPROVAL The City Manager requested that Item 10 be
removed from the Agenda. On motion of
Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan
and carried, the Agenda was approved.
WAIVER OF FULL READING OF It was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by
ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS Councilman Ryan and unanimously carried, to
waive further reading in full of all ordi-
nances and resolutions adopted at this meet-
ing with consent to the waiver of reading deemed to be given by all Councilmembers
after reading of the title, unless specific request was made at that time for the
reading of such ordinance or resolution.
CONSENT CALENDAR On motion of Councilwoman Ryan, seconded by
Councilman Dyda and carried, the Consent
Calendar was approved and staff recommenda-
tions accepted as follows:
MINUTES Approved, as presented, Minutes of Council
Meeting of May 4, 1976.
Approved acceptance of work on Palos Verdes
PALOS VERDES DRIVE EAST Drive East Walkway Project.
LOS ANGELES BICENTENNIAL Received and filed communication of May 4,
PARADE 1976, from William J. McCann, Councilman
(305) from the City of Santa Fe Springs.
JUNE 6, 1976.
# # # #
Council May 18, 1976
BARRIER ON FORRESTAL DRIVE The Council requested at its last meeting
(1404 x 1503) on May 4, 1976, that the staff make an up-
dated report on the Forrestal Drive barrier
matter. It was determined that the cost of the barrier would be $1,500, and that
this expenditure would come out of the gas tax fund. It was questioned whether or
not this barrier was adequate, since it was reported earlier in the discussion that
the barrier had been broken down five times already. Director of Public Works
responded that the cost of installing any stronger barricade would be too costly.
Councilwoman Ryan motioned, with second by Councilman Dyda, that this expenditure
should come out of next year's budget. The motion was defeated for lack of support.
On roll call vote:
AYES: M. Ryan, Ruth
NOES: Dyda, R. Ryan, Buerk
Councilman Ryan motioned, with second by Councilman Dyda, that Council accept staff's
proposed barrier and that this should come out of this year's budget. Councilman
Dyda suggested that we try to secure the cooperation of neighboring cities to cut off
access to the area.
VIA SIENA SPEED ZONING Director of Public Works reported to the
RES. NO. 76-33 Council on the request from the Miraleste
(150 2) Homeowners Association on the matter of lower-
ing the speed limit on Via Siena. He summar-
ized the report dated April 23, 1976, of the Traffic Engineer to the City Manager
wherein it was recommended to lower the speed limit to 20 m.p.h. on that street.
Mayor Buerk recommended that Council adopt the staff's recommendation and upon motion
by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan, RESOLUTION NO. 76-33 OF THE CITY OF
GANADO DRIVE CROSSWALK Prior to discussion of this matter, the City
RES. NO. 76-34 Manager requested that Section 2 be struck
(150 3) from this resolution. Director Pikus reported
on the request of the Mira Catalina Elemen-
tary School PTA for a crosswalk across Ganado Drive at the school's walkway easement.
A discussion ensued describing the nature of the traffic in that area, as well as a
breakdown of the pedestrian count in the crosswalks at specific hours, particularly
at the start and dismissal of classes.
Dave Dietzel, Chairman of the Traffic Committee, summarized his committee's handling
of the matter and the reasons for their recommendation of installation of a marked
crosswalk at the walkway access to Mira Catalina School.
The suggestion was made that the Committee consider installing a flashing amber
light or hiring of a crossing guard; however, both measures were considered to be
too costly.
The Traffic Committee Chairman further pointed out that because of the terrain of
that street there was really no ideal spot for installation of a crosswalk. Mayor
Buerk voiced his concern for children in these crosswalks and suggested that a stop
sign be placed in mid-block. However, Director Pikus pointed out that this posed
even more danger with the possibility of rear-end accidents.
Councilman Dyda motioned for a reading of RESOLUTION NO. 76-34, A RESOLUTION OF
motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan, and unanimously carried,
said resolution was approved for adoption. On roll call:
AYES: Dyda, R. Ryan, M. Ryan, Ruth
NOES: Buerk
ART FOR FUN(D) 'S SAKE Community Services Director Bandy reported to
(305) the Council on the proposal received from
PVCAA with regard to their annual Art for
Fun(d) 's Sake which they requested be held at the City Hall site.
Council May 18, 1976
The Council expressed their opinion in favor of the event, but voiced concern
for the parking problem presented.
Ms. Janice Sterling, a representative for PVCAA, stated that her organization was
researching the parking situation and felt that they would have the situation
under control. She mentioned three different sites considered to facilitate par-
king and indicated that her organization was looking into using shuttle bus ser-
vice for this event. She said that her organization would make all the contacts
regarding the parking but wanted to find out the Council's feelings towards
holding this event at the City Hall site. Homeowners in the area would be con-
tacted to forewarn them of the increased traffic in their neighborhood.
The Council suggested that the staff be authorized to look into the matter and
upon receipt of a report from PVCAA on the parking situation, staff would then
make their recommendation to the Council.
City Manager Wood reported that the staff had already reviewed the proposal and
thought it would be appropriate for PVCAA to work out details on the parking and
then come back to the staff who would then proceed with presentation to the
Upon motion by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ruth, the measure was ap-
proved pending satisfactory arrangements for parking.
PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE Community Services Director Bandy summarized
REQUEST FOR STAFF ASSISTANT the Parks & Recreation request for an intern
(12 01) as outlined in his letter of May 13 to the
City Manager and Al Rosenthal's report of
May 11 on the same subject. It was determined that due to the amount of work to
be accomplished, that this assistant should start as soon as possible and that
the assignment would last up to one year.
It was the consensus of the Council that an assistant be brought in on a three-
month basis. Upon roll call:
AYES: Dyda, Ruth, R. Ryan, M. Ryan, Buerk
NOES: None
ROLLING HILLS ESTATES Mike Kochan, a representative for Great
TRACT NO. 30420 Lakes Properties, appeared before the Council
(7 01) to answer questions regarding the use of
this 95-acre site. He presented aerial maps
and pictures and gave some background, listing the various amenities of the
The Council inquired as to the changes in the contour of the area, elevations of
buildings and whether or not the streets within the project would be public or
Inquiry was made of the Public Works Director whether or not a letter had been
sent to the City of Rolling Hills Estates concerning the exits on Hawthorne
Boulevard and Oceancrest Road. City Manager Wood indicated that a letter had been
sent to Rolling Hills Estates and Palos Verdes Properties requesting their posting
of a bond for a traffic signal control device.
Byron Osterloh, 30003 Cachan Place, president of Monaco Homeowners Association,
voiced his organization's concern ,with regard to the horse lots and the number of
multiple dwellings. He also cited the traffic problems that would be created by
this development.
Al Rosenthal, president of Mesa Palos Verdes Verdes Homeowners Association, ques-
tioned the interest of Great Lakes in the single family dwellings.
Mr. Kochan was questioned how long it would be before his company got started on
the project, and he indicated that it would be about six months from the '.date of
Council approval, and that the entire project would take three years.
Further discussion of the matter was delayed until after a ten-minute break.
At 9:14 Mayor Buerk declared a ten-minute break.
Council May 18, 1976
CEREMONIAL MATTER Mayor Buerk presented the City's proclamation
to Estelle Dodi Burkhart proclaming her as
the City's Honoree at the Eleventh Annual
County-wide OLDER AMERICAN RECOGNITION DAY being held on May 22, 1976.
The meeting reconvened at 9:35 p.m. , and the matter of Rolling Hills Estates
Tract No. 30420 was resumed.
Concern was voiced with regard to various impacts this development would have on the
City and after lengthy discussion of the mechanism to be used on solving this matter
and any situation of a like nature that might arise in the future, it was motioned
by Councilman Dyda, and seconded by Councilman Ryan, that we should send a letter
to the City of Rolling Hills Estates requesting them to defer their deliberations
on the matter until such time as our City can meet with them on the following con-
cerns: the impact of the project on our City since it is totally surrounded by our
City; traffic impact with the exits on Hawthorne Boulevard as well as the mutual
concern for the exit on Highridge; the impact of zoning that area for horses; and
the mitigating measures that would minimize the impact or eliminate it on the Agua
Amarga Canyon; access to the school site and other areas of concern that would be-
come apparent with further study. On roll call:
AYES: Dyda, Ruth, R. Ryan, M. Ryan, Buerk
NOES: None
The suggestion was made that this issue should be considered by a Four Cities Com-
mittee. Councilman Dyda moved that we have the Four Cities Committee act on this
and that the Committee should be comprised of Mayor Buerk and Dave Ruth. On roll
AYES: Dyda, Ruth, R. Ryan, M. Ryan, Buerk
NOES: None
APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSION AND Councilman Dyda presented the nomination of
COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR PARKS & Irene Rusch to be considered for appointment
RECREATION,. ENVIRONMENTAL to the Environmental Assessment Committee,
ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE AND citing that she was an active citizen in
PLANNING COMMISSION City matters. Councilman Ryan requested
(12 01 x 1212 x 180 3) that Klaus Schugraf be considered as a
member for this same committee, and Council-
woman Ryan nominated Bob Gruhn as a third member to this committee.
Councilman Dyda motioned, with Councilman Ryan seconding, that the nominations be
Councilman Dyda reported that Fred Zimmer, a member of the Parks and Recreation
Committee, was moving from the area and thus would be presenting his letter of
resignation to the Council.
Mayor Buerk requested a motion to appoint these three nominees, and upon motion of
Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan, the nominees were approved.
Mayor Buerk announced that Jane Trefts was moving from the City and had therefore
submitted her resignation from the Planning Commission.
The Council then discussed the length of time that a member of a commission or
committee could serve after they had notified the Council that they would be
leaving the City and therefore were submitting their resignation. After a dis-
cussion of what would be an appropriate length of time, it was the final consensus
of the Council that a period of 60 days seemed most reasonable.
The Council accepted with regret the resignation of Jane Trefts and cited July 1st
as the effective date of her resignation. On roll call:
AYES: M. Ryan, R. Ryan, Dyda, Buerk
NOES: Ruth
The Council recommended that the search for a replacement for Ms. Trefts start as
soon as possible so the position could be filled prior to the July 1st date.
Ann Shaw, Chairwoman of the Planning Commission, spoke before the Council and in-
dicated that Jane Trefts had been a most valuable member of the Commission, es-
pecially in regard to the antenna height ordinance.
Council May 18, 1976
Mayor Buerk requested a motion on this matter. Councilman Ruth moved that we
accept the resignation of Jane Tref is.
It was mentioned that appointments to commissions and committees appeared later on
the Agenda under Item 16; however, it was felt that a definitive procedure should
be established for handling this type of situation.
SUMMER YOUTH EMPLOYMENT Administrative Services Officer Wunderlin
(1705) summarized from his report of May 13 to the
City Manager outlining the facts of the
CETA program. Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan, motioned to accept
Staff's recommendation that the City proceed with the application to conduct the
1976 summer youth employment program. On roll call:
AYES: Ruth, Dyda, M. Ryan, R. Ryan, Buerk
11/ NOES: None
MARINELAND REPLY REGARDING Community Services Director Bandy summarized
BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION the response of Marineland to the City re-
(305) garding the Fourth of July Fireworks display.
It was discussed that the Kiwanis Club would
sponsor the fireworks and would handle the parking in the area. The extent of the
City involvement would be to coordinate police and traffic control.
Mayor Buerk requested that a response be sent to Marineland.
AYSO Community Services Director Bandy summarized
(12 01) his report of May 12 to the City Manager and
indicated that the staff recommended that
this request be referred to the Parks and Recreation Committee. Councilman Ryan
moved that it be passed to the Parks and Recreation Commission, but not be held up
to be considered in the context of a general plan; that it is a special school
district arrangement and also would like to have the staff investigate the matter
before it comes back to Council; and also to take care of the necessary formali-
ties with the school district since the project is sitting on school property.
Councilman Dyda motioned that the matter be referred to the Parks and Recreation
Committee. On roll call:
AYES: Ruth, Dyda, M. Ryan, R. Ryan, Buerk
NOES: None
REGISTER OF DEMANDS Councilman Ryan motioned for approval of
(1504) the Register of Demands. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Dyda. On roll
call vote:
AYES: Dyda, Ruth, M. Ryan, R. Ryan, Buerk
NOES: None
FURTHER AUDIENCE QUESTIONS Charles Mandell inquired if any action had
been taken on the Highridge Bike Trail.
Mayor Buerk indicated that he had written
a letter to Mayor Anderson of Rolling Hills Estates suggesting that representatives
of the Traffic Committee and staff get together and agree to a meeting. Rolling
Hills Estates will present the matter to their Trails and Traffic Committee and
we should be receiving a letter from Rolling Hills Estates within the next few days.
CRENSHAW BARRIER Councilman Dyda discussed his letter of
(1404 x 1109 x 1503) May 15 regarding the Del Cerro Homeowners
Annual Meeting. Councilman Dyda motioned,
seconded by Councilman Ryan that the Council move on Alternate #2 as it is the
least expensive and provides the protection needed. Some discussion followed as
to how much fence was required and the cost of such. Councilman Dyda amended his
Council May 18, 1976
motion to extend the barrier to make it a contiguous barrier. Councilman Ryan
seconded the amendment. On roll call:
AYES: Dyda, Ruth, R. Ryan, M. Ryan, Buerk
NOES: None
POLICY REGARDING COMMITTEE AND Since this matter was previously discussed,
COMMISSION MEMBERS WHO HAVE Mayor Buerk inquired if there were further
MOVED OUTSIDE OF CITY LIMITS comments on the subject. After discussion of
(307) several approaches to the matter, it was mo-
tioned by Councilman Ryan, seconded by Council-
man Dyda, to instruct the staff to prepare a resolution which would state explic-
itely that residence in the City was a prerequisite to being appointed, serving
and remaining on any committee or commission. On roll call:
AYES: Dyda, Ruth, M. Ryan, R. Ryan, Buerk
NOES: None
BEACH COMMITTEE Councilwoman Ryan reported that she had learned
(109) through the newspaper of a Beach Committee
hearing to be held at Margate Intermediate
School to discuss the development of Abalone Cove. It was suggested that members
of the Beach Committee go to this hearing and bring back their recommendations to
the Council.
Councilwoman Ryan also reported on a possible cutback of personnel in the Parks
WEST PORTUGUESE BEND Frank Friedman, president of West Portuguese
COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Bend Community Association, read his organi-
(14 0 8) zation's resolution regarding vacating cer-
tain streets to private possession and the
maintenance of gates and or barriers to eliminate through traffic and public parking.
At this point, Councilman Ryan made reference to the April 20 meeting wherein the
problems of trash and parking on Palos Verdes Drive South were discussed and re-
quested if any follow-up had been made by staff with regard to finding out what
position the WPBCA took on the problem. Councilman Ryan further stated that._the WPBCA
were never notified of our request to get it all together and discuss the matter.
Mayor Buerk ordered that the staff and City Attorney work with WPBCA to fulfill
all the legal requirements and also provide for the City's concern with regard to
maintenance of roads.
Councilman Dyda commented that he wanted the City to be part of any CC&R in as
much as we are in our condominium ordinances so we can have some measure of control
to insure proper maintenance.
REVIEW OF COASTAL LEGISLATION Barbara Hein continued with her report of
(310) the Coastal Legislation and inquired if the
Council would be interested in a review of
Alan Post's evaluation of the Coastal Plan. Insofar as the Council was mainly
interested in legislative action only, no summary was given.
Discussion followed stating that the Coastal Legislation was in a state of flux
and was difficult to keep abreast of the situation.
Councilman Dyda reported that at the last SCAG meeting he presented the Council's
position on this matter and this position was adopted by SCAG.
Mayor Buerk suggested that perhaps councilmembers might contact Barbara on an
individual basis.
After further discussion of the matter, it was motioned by Councilman Ryan, and
seconded by Councilman Dyda, to continue the matter to the June 1st Council meeting.
Council May 18, 1976
COUNCIL REPORTS Councilman Dyda reported that the University
Subdivision was about to tie into our storm
drain and that they did not recognize that
they had to come on City property to do so. They are now following the proper
Councilman Dyda reported that a letter had been sent to the residents of Golden
Meadow Drive requesting their viewpoints with respect to the possibility of under-
ground utility poles. He reported there was strong sentiment from homeowners who
replied that if there could be some concession with respect to views then there
would be a willingness to get to the next step and petition the City for an under-
ground district.
CITY MANAGER REPORTS City Manager Wood requested that the matters
of Animal Control and the Sheriff's Contract
be considered at the next meeting.
BUDGET CALENDAR After discussion of appropriate dates for
(1504) budget calendar, it was agreed: June 3 -
Brief ing Session; June 10 - Council Work
Session; and July 29 - formal public hearing and adoption.
PARK MAINTENANCE CONTRACT Bert CeDillos of BMC Landscape, Inc. , was
(12 01) present to answer questions of councilmembers
regarding his company's contract for park
maintenance. Motion.was made by Councilwoman Ryan, seconded by Councilman Dyda,
to accept the Park Maintenance Contract. On roll call:
AYES: Dyda, Ruth, M. Ryan, R. Ryan, Buerk
NOES: None
SHERIFF'S CONTRACT Councilman Dyda suggested that staff review
(305) the Sheriff's contract again and convey to
the Sheriff's Department what the City wanted
in the way of traffic control. Discussion followed on the fact that sheriff's cars
assigned to Rancho Palos Verdes were going into Rolling Hills Estates.
MAY CO. SUIT Councilwoman Ryan inquired of the City
(103) Attorney the status of the May Co. Suit.
Counsel replied that a reply brief had just
been filed on the matter.
Mayor Buerk expressed appreciation at the outcome of the Environmental Assessment
Tax suit.
ADJOURNMENT At 12:39 Councilman Ryan motioned for adjourn-
ment, with Councilman Dyda seconding the
By , , 4I�._4
D-j■u I City/ lerk
Council May 18, 1976