CC MINS 19750429 ADJ RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Meeting April 29, 1975 The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. at the Palos Verdes Unified School District Building, 30942 Hawthorne Boulevard. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: Councilman Ken Dyda, Francis D. Ruth and Mayor Marilyn Ryan ABSENT: Councilman Gunther Buerk and Robert Ryan Councilman Buerk arrived at 7:55 p.m. and Councilman Ryan arrived at 7:58 p.m. , and both were present for the remainder of the meeting. Also present were City Manager Leonard G. Wood, Planning Director Sharon Hightower and Planning Staff members Larry Davis and Gary Weber, Acting City Attorney Pat Coughlan, Administrative Services Officer George Wunderlin, and Deputy City Clerk Dee Krebs. DRAFT GENERAL PLAN The Planning Director said the purpose of the PRESENTATION meeting was the presentation of the staff draft (701) of the General Plan. Mrs. Hightower said the Plan was divided into five elements; Natural Environment, Socio/Cultural, Urban Environment, Land Use, and Implementation and Fiscal, and added that the Draft had been designed to integrate the elements with the required Environmental Impact Report. The Draft Plan was to be viewed as a working document and would be revised during May and June. Mrs. Hightower said that inputs and suggestions from the community were welcome and encouraged, and the greatest impact would be to have written comments. Mrs. Hightower then introduced Mr. John Corrough and Mr. Jared Ikeda of EDAW. NATURAL ENVIRONMENT Mr. Corrough spoke on the Natural Environment ELEMENT Element of the Plan, and stated that the concept of natural environment in Rancho Palos Verdes is one that needs to be treated uniquely; that open space planning needs to be antici- patory, and policies for development on Peninsula should be balanced with retention of open space. Mr. Corrough and Mr. Ikeda then presented visual material in the form of slides while they expanded on various areas of the Natural Environment Element including: climate, air quality, slope analysis and slope stability, seacliff erosion, water system and drainage, types of vegetation and marine life. Within the framework of the Natural Environment, they discussed areas for consideration of public health and safety, and preservation of natural resources including regulating development and use of land in extreme and steep slope areas, prohibiting structures of a permanent nature in active slide area, monitoring of seacliff erosion, and preservation of tide pool areas. SOCIO/CULTURAL The Planning Director briefly commented on the ELEMENT Socio/Cultural Element including the Paleon- tological section; and within the Historical section she stated that several physical structures have been identified, the primary one being Pt. Vicente Lighthouse, and recommended its preservation as important to the City. In the Archaeological section Mrs. Hightower said there are several sig- nificant sites in the City. In the area of Social, Service and Cultural organizations, she stated the concentration has been primarily on the need for facilities, and the Social Services section approached on an interim policy basis. The Social Services section calls for an assessment of the human and social needs of the community and restates the goals of the Citizens' Goals Committee. INFRASTRUCTURE Gary Weber of the Planning Staff discussed the & SAFETY Infrastructure and Safety Element. Mr. Weber defined the infrastructure as any system that supports urban development and divided the infrastructure into four components: re- sources systems, disposal recovery systems, communication systems, and locomotion systems. The resources systems consist of water, electricity and gas; disposal re- covery includes flood control, sewage facilities and solid waste disposal; communi- cation systems include broadcast facilities such as radio, television and cable; com- ponents of locomotion include vehicular systems, and public transportation and personal conveyance networks. Council 309 April 29', 1975 Mr. Weber said the City is well served in respect to the services provided by the total infrastructure but based upon the Citizens' Goals report he recommended the following policies: encourage energy conservation wherever possible, investigation of alternative energy sources and systems, consideration given to which utilities may be better handled by the City, and mitigation of the sometimes harsh look of utilities. Under vehicular systems Mr. Weber identified the categories of freeways and streets (arterials, connectors and locals) and discussed the impact of the City's trans- portation system on outlying areas. He said bikeways, walkways, and equestrian trails are included under personal conveyance networks and provided a design of a conceptual bikeway path which would link up with other areas in the South Bay. He also presented a similar map showing conceptual walkways. In discussing safety, Mr. Weber stated the primary goal is maximum protection of life and property from man-made and natural hazards and proposed the development of two primary policies: establishment of codes, ordinances and regulations which would set stringent criteria for construction, landscaping and related programs; preparation of emergency plans in event of any major disaster. ACTIVITY AREAS Larry Davis of the Planning Staff said the first task in the Housing area was to select density ranges. Mr. Davis said the prime philosophy was the natural sensitivity of the land. He stated that in some cases, due to the situation, areas were permitted by adjoining uses to go to a higher density. Mr. Davis pre- sented a map depicting areas where major residential activity will be taking place under the Plan in its present state. Mr. Davis briefly discussed the Commercial activity and went on to explain that the Recreation approach was of an active-passive nature. He cited the development of the Crestmont school site as one of an active nature primarily developed under a master plan prepared by the community; and used examples of the County proposed rifle range and Abalone Cove as those of a passive nature. LAND USE Mr. Davis summarized the land use plan by explaining the existing developed area is 4,878 acres and the City is proposing to develop additionally 1,953 acres in various activities. He stated that the purpose of the land use plan was to bring together in a general form all the factors in the various elements having a land area requirement and these elements are: urban, mainly a collection ,of sites that will impact views; socio/cultural, and natural. IMPLEMENTATION & Mr. David L. Peterson, a consultant for the FISCAL ELEMENT City, spoke on implementation of the Plan and said that implementation is two-fold: (a) regulation and (b) fiscal or expenditure decisions. He stated the formation of policy regarding land use and the development of regulatory tools depend on a firm, factual base, and that types of land use controls were contained within the Plan. In the fiscal area, he said the City was not locked in at this point and one of the options is to seek outside funding with monitoring capability within the City to act as a filter to determine what funding is appropriate for City purposes. He said the City is not heavily dependent upon the property tax. Other sources mentioned were sales tax; the possibility of shifting to status of a Charter city where other options become available such as utility taxation, taxation on ad- missions to Marineland or similar facilities. Mr. Peterson said that if the City is managed and developed well a quality en- vironment can be created that is reflected in assessed value of properties. He also mentioned payments for improvements could be done through mortgages or homeowners' assessment payment. AUDIENCE QUESTION - Mr. Ralph Jessup, Portuguese Bend area PROPERTY TAX RATE resident, asked if the property tax rate of .1825Q for every $100 assessed value, which he quoted from a newspaper article, was sufficient to operate the City. The City Manager replied that the City's first budget had a tax rate of .1846Q and that the Council 310 April 29, 1975 City's service level is predicated presently on that tax rate. The City Manager said the City can operate now and next year and subsequent years on that tax rate if the City decides upon the same level of service. He pointed out that the property tax represents 13% of the City's total revenue budget. Councilman Dyda elaborated further saying that the fiscal part of the General Plan is an attempt to provide the tools by which decisions made can be evaluated. He talked about the process of development and modifying assumptions and, in so doing, find the process by which the City can achieve goals without a tax burden. RECESS At 10:00 p.m. a brief recess was called. The meeting reconvened at 10:10 p.m. with the same members present. COMMUNITY COMMENTS The Mayor mentioned that in receiving comments RE GENERAL PLAN from the audience, the Council would like to hear about areas in which the residents agreed as well as those where they did not agree. LETTER FROM PALOS Mr. Mike Kochan, Assistant General Manager of VERDES PROPERTIES Palos Verdes Properties, appeared before Council and read a letter stating that Palos Verdes Properties would vigorously oppose the City if it tried to prevent develop- ment and reasonable economic use of property held by Palos Verdes Properties in order to maintain open space areas for the general public without compensation. Mr. John Pollock, attorney for Palos Verdes Properties, appeared before Council and said the General Plan as presented was wholly unacceptable to Palos Verdes Properties and urged Council consider the compromise offered by Palos Verdes Properties in the form of the Gruen Associates proposal. SINGLE FAMILY In response to a question from Councilman Ryan, HOUSING City Attorney said he was not aware of any case that upheld that single family housing was unconstitutional. AUDIENCE QUESTION - Curtis Goetze, 28813 Blythewood, said he GENERAL PLAN COST thought the General Plan should outline the proposed future from a standpoint of invest- ments; what is it going to cost. AUDIENCE QUESTION - Sherman Hutchison, 77 Headland Dr. , asked ZONING whether his area was included in the one acre zoning and Planning Director replied that the existing gross density in the area of Headland Drive was one unit/acre. AUDIENCE COMMENT Dave Alger, 30201 Oceanaire Dr. , complimented 11/ the staff and entire organization and said he felt the Plan reflected the views of the various committees that were assembled to provide input. AUDIENCE COMMENT Betty Field, 10 Pomegranate Rd. , said the general effect of Plan is what many worked for. ADJOURNMENT At 10:40 p.m. , it was moved by Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan, and carried to adjourn the meeting to May 3, 8:00 a.m. , at the City Offices. LEONARD G. WOOD, CITY CLERK AND EX OFFICIO CLERK OF THE COUNCIL %c 6; Z. MA 9-1)_*;" By Council 311 April 29, 1975