Work Session - Adjourned Meeting
December 17, 1977
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Dyda at 8:42 a.m. in the City Hall.
The roll call was answered as follows:
PRESENT: Buerk, Shaw, Mayor Pro Tem Dyda
ABSENT: Ruth, Mayor Ryan
II/ ALSO PRESENT: Director of Planning, Sharon W. Hightower
COASTAL PLAN It was agreed that prior to adoption of the Plan
all approved revisions and charts not yet in-
cluded will be integrated and reviewed by
Council. Also the text will be changed to consistently use the term "Coastal Specific
Plan", and all acronyms within the text of the Plan will be spelled out.
The following revisions were approved:
Page I-1, right column, 2nd paragraph:
. . .locally defined public resource. . (Delete remainder of sentence.)
1-2, left column, 2nd paragraph:
. . .a microcosm whleh-is-aft-integral-eompeneet of the California coastline.
1-2, right column, 1st paragraph:
. . .development pattere of the Rancho Palos Verdes coastline, the most impressive
point is that eeee no pattern prevails.
Staff will revise to add other homeowner associations' involvement.
1-3, right column, first full paragraph, sentence 2
. . .have been considered under their dominant development pattern er--iefis-
dletieeal-eeetrel and, for this reason. . . .
1-4, left column, second line
This was established through the various criteria and conclusions of the
City's General Plan.
1-5, left column, second paragraph, sentence 5
. . .to conduct a coastal walk field study aimed at assessing. . . .
-Disposal7Lreeeve y systems (sanitation, flood control)
1-8, first full paragraph, sentence 2
The acquisition costs for these two seelal beaefits facilities will be discussed. . .
Staff will check the first paragraph
1-8, second full paragraph
. . o an appraisal of whether projected revenues will cover defieits costs may
be accomplished._ by-eemparing-the-Geaeral-Peed--tevenees-erected-eaeh-year-by
Grate-sebveetiens-and-the-geaetai-geverament---eests-the-Glty- s-sebjeet-te-ea
N-1, right column, first full sentence
wh}le-the-ialtlal-aetlens-whieh-lead--te-the-siteetiee- only- egeired-slmpIistie
nears-ighted-act i-o►n:--LtaF1y- Two adverse actions. ..
Page N-2, left column, first line
. . .areas, whieh-has-been-synthesised-te-the-de ree-neeess
g any_f ee_the
N-2, left column, first full paragraph
6limatie-elements;-when-mentiened-in-repents--sash-as-thi - _
lest-in-ther-tine-value.--- this it-this-it-is-mee g ens, ewe west-ef ten
y nt-that Climatic conditions in an
area present criteria in to which both site and structural design should respond._te- -Reweve ;-at-th}s-paint-}n-time--f ew-designers7idevelepers-awe-sans}time
N-2. left column, first full paragraph, sentence 5
With this growing awareness, it-is-heped_that future design •
esign techniques will
respond. . .
N-2, right column, second paragraph, sentence 1
The coastal region is heavily involved in fog banks
eendensed-te-fine- anti g �$-(a -amass-ef-water-map
P ales-at-eE-iest-abeve-the-eath=s-serfeee which ac
for. . . cou
N-3, last sentence
. .'.measurements recorded at Lunada Bay which, beeanse-of-sill -
eend itiens although not in Rancho Palos a -el��aat�te-
los Verdes, serves as a reasonable in-
dication of relative humidity in the Rancho Palos
Verdes coastal region.
N-6, right column, first full paragraph, last sentence
histey-ef-tst�nami-eeen�renee-• nee-ef-8-�e�e-def���t��e
N-8, right column, last paragraph, first sentence
The introduction of pollutants into the marine environment of Rancho Palos Verdes in the form of. . . nment can occurs primarily
N-9, left column, third paragraph, last sentence
. . .having an adverse effect on most living organisms.
N-9, left column, fourth paragraph
Staff will add reference.
N-11, left column, first sentence
. . .ail-brines-and-refinery industrial wastes are. . .
N-11, left column, first full paragraph, first sentence
Marineland ef-the-Paeifie, in he its dail y era •
o P tions. . .but controls placed
on them this facility. . . .
N-11, left column, second full paragraph, first sentence
Petroleum wastes are a result of many sources which •
include e�r4-tanber-de-
g; collisions of water borne vessels, sew$ e_efflnent-
seepage, and offshore oil drilling accidents. g � natural
g dents. 8f-these-9etrree9; It is the
offshore drilling accidents that offer the reates
g t threat to the marine
environment. Oil spillage can result in severe degradation
destruction to beaches. . . and dealt$tie
N-11, left column, third full paragraph, first sentence
. . .the effects of accidents elsewhere are--still-felt, could •
uld impact this area.
N-11, right column, first line
Oil requires many years time before it is broken down and absorbed by the oceim.
Aesthetic and environmental damage. . . is present for •
P a leng period of time. . . .
N-11, right column, second paragraph, sentence 2
1-;;-mi}lien-$ewes-beyend-the-thee-x�l}e- -• •s�paate-taets--e�ee�}�asslr�g
State �n��sd�etlen---Lease-sale-#4$
Council 749 December 17, 1977
Page N-13, right column, second paragraph, sentence 3
However, view obstruction becomes extremely critical. . . to ensure that the
impact on residential view obstruction as well as corridor views and vistas
are--maintained is not excessive.
N-14, right column, final sentence
Altheegh-net-fermally-reeagnieed;-as-are-the- nter-tdal-eenes, They serve
as-a-useful-lbreakdown-fer-deseribing to describe activities and habitats. . .
N-17, right column, first full paragraph, sentence 2
The following five- four-category system... . .
N-19, left column, first sentence
A mlerenieatien system for the coastal region. . . .
N-19, right column, first line
. . .is warranted before discussing ground shaking response spectra response.
N-22, Table
Spell out Monterey ("M") and Terrace ("T")
N-22, left column, first paragraph
There is no current evidence of mineral resources within the Rancho Palos
Verdes coastal region. . . .
N-23, left column, third full paragraph, first sentence
The State; wbieb-has--±erisdletion--frem-mean--high-- - ode-seaward--te--the-g-mile-llml
liner has established. . . .
N-23, right column, second full paragraph
The drainage pattern on the Peninsula is very dispersed resulting--in-there
N-24, left column, second paragraph, sentence 1
The coastal region's drainage courses; being-the-end-route are at the end of
the route before surface run-off enters the oceans Therefore, they will be
continually be impacted by. . . .
N-25, left column, first sentence
At-this-tine-tie-City-is-determining-its The City will continue to review
coastal biological resources so that planning and management conservation
strategies can be developed. fer-ther--maximum--etilieatlen-and-eenservatien-
N-26, right column, third line
. . .make the natural vegetation extremely valuable for ecological and scientific
N-27, right column, first full paragraph, third line
. . .through the-eentraeting-ef •studies by biologists, and voluntary efforts. . . .
N-27, right column, first full paragraph, sentence 2
Two marine biologists and a museum volunteer from the Cabrillo Marine Museum
walked conducted a field study of the coastline of Rancho Palos Verdes. . . .
N-32, left column, first full paragraph, sentence 4
. . .the sea cliff erosion hazard is no longer a major parameter. . ..
N-32, right column, first full paragraph
. . .and any other unique natural resources within the City.
N-32, right column, second full paragraph, sentence 2
gtreng-steps-te-preserve-this-impe taut-reseuree-must-be-taken- n-ender--te-assere
the-maxlmem--predeetivlty-and-hghest-level-ef- quality-
Council 750 December 17, 1977
Page N-33, left column, first line
. . .requires the-ma ntefaeee consideration of the natural drainage system
and topography.
Page N-33, left column, final paragraph
Any-p epesed-ese-er-develepmeet-withle-these-disc lets-must- expend-te-speeiiie
develepmeet--erteva-establshed-ler-eaeh+faete -whieh-is-deselbed-hee-
N-3 3+
Staff will describe CRMs, list and check policy statements, and bring back
policy recommendations - (can be combined for CRMs).
N-34, left column, first paragraph, sentence 2
Engineering/geologic studies sheeld-be are required. . .
SC-1, right column, first sentence
However, as military defense priorities have diepped changed. . . . (discussions
dealing with potential impacts associated with this proposal are contained
in the Natural Environment Element). Changes in Federal policies and programs
may again affect the City.
SC-1, right column, second paragraph
Strike entire paragraph. Eiiett-sheeld-be-takeft-te-mettiter. .. reiieeti g-a
SC-2, right column, last sentence
.. .a citizens group known as Save Our Coastline.. ..
U-1, right column, first and second full paragraphs
Staff will rewrite these two paragraphs.
At 12:05 a.m. it was moved, seconded, and passed, to adjourn the meeting.
D 'QTY , - TY CL?
December 17, 1977