CC MINS 19770609 ADJ M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Regular Meeting June 9, 1977 The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Mayor Robert Ryan at the Palos Verdes School District Building, 30942 Hawthorne Boulevard. Roll call was an- swered as follows: PRESENT: Shaw, Ruth, Buerk, Dyda and Mayor Ryan ABSENT: None Also present were City Manager Leonard G. Wood, Administrative Services Officer George Wunderlin, Public Works Director Dennis Pikus, and Administrative Assist- ant Trish Hanelin. ADJOURNMENT TIME It was moved by Councilman Buerk, seconded by Councilman Dyda and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 10:30 p.m. The City Manager then proceeded to highlight the remainder of the budget that was not covered at the first work session. During the course of the meeting, the following requests for information were made: 1. Councilman Buerk requested a copy of the ordinance establishing the Environmental Excise Tax. 2. Councilman Buerk requested that the budget narrative describe the purpose for which Reserve Funds were being reserved. 3. Mayor Ryan requested that any movement of funds from one account number to another be highlighted with an asterisk. 4. Councilman Buerk requested a report on whether the Therapeutic Recreation Program would be a duplication of existing County programs. 5. Councilman Buerk requested information on possible increases in law enforcement costs that might be generated by new park devel- opment. 6. Councilman Buerk requested that community groups that received funds from the City last year indicate the projects on which those monies were spent. 7. Mayor Ryan asked the City Manager to find out if the City would be able to continue its free use of the School District Building if the District receives the property free from the Federal gov- ernment. 8. Councilman Dyda requested that staff look at the possibility of increasing the reserve for 1980. The Council then discussed the proposed Park and Recreation Budget at some length. Councilman Dyda noted that the City staff should be congratulated on the success of its sick leave policy. ADJOURNMENT At 10:40 p.m. , Councilwoman Shaw moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Dyda and unanimously carried. 639 Fr MA OR LEONARD G. WOOD, CITY CLERK AND EX OFFICIO CLERK OF THE COUNCIL lilOr By id_ ,:., '0.i_ /ep/y Council 640 June 9, 1977