CC MINS 19770606 JNT •
JUNE 6 , 1977
The meeting was called to order at 7 :40 p.m. by Mayor Ryan at
30942 Hawthorne Boulevard.
Also present were .City Manager Leonard Wood, Director of Planning
Sharon Hightower and Administrative Assistant Trish Hanelin.
UNSTABLE LAND Chairman McTaggart requested policy
direction from the City Council
regarding whether a developer may
count unstable land in the area to be held in common by the residents,
even though the developer may not take density credit for it. Several
Councilmembers expressed concern about requiring residents to bear the
burden of unstable land. The concensus was for the Planning Commission
to establish a rule and let the developers appeal to the City Council
if they so desired.
TIME SCHEDULE: Councilman Buerk indicated his feeling
that the process for approving major
projects -- such as the grading and
tree trimmin g ordinances -- needs to be speeded up. He suggested. that
pro 'ects be better prepared for presentation to the Planning Commission
and that the Commission spend less time on details and instead use
their best judgment on what is and is not important in an application.
Councilman i Dyda said that the Commission could not be faulted for its
concern with detail but that the real problem is one of determining
priorities -- how important one project is compared with another and how many people will be impacted.
g suggested Commissioner
Rosenber su ested that the Planning Commission be able
to refer matters directly to other committees without Council approval.
After considerable discussion, it was the Council' s concensus that
referrals from one committee or commission to another should continue
to come through the Council for approval. Councilmen Dyda and Buerk
suggested that the Commission rely more heavily on expert staff opinion.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS: Commissioner Bacharach expressed her
opinion that EIRs are of little value
to the Planning Commission because the
IIproject ect is often changed substantially between the EIR and final ap--
P y
roval by the Commission and because the EIR does not address enough
issues . She suggested that the Planning Commission meet with the
Environmental Committee to discuss the EIR process.
Councilman Buerk suggested that the Commission also meet with the
Planning Director to discuss what additional information could be
required in the EIR or the application. 7/1-5-1"?/44.44°--g-
ROADS ON UNSTABLE LAND: Commissioner McTag a stated that the
county geologist requires a stability
factor of 1.5 to - or more to consider
land "buildable" in terms of structures. However, the applicant's'
geologist will 'allow roads to be built on lands that do not meet the
stability requirements. The Planning Commission feels that the stability
factor should also apply to roads.
It was the Council concensus that roads should have to meet the same
stability factor requirements as structures. The Commission should
deny the requests and let the developer. appeal to the Council.
632(a) -
PLANNING COMMISSION Commissioner McTaggart inquired as
RESPONSIBILITY: to the Commission's responsibility for
reviewing the City's Capital Improve-
ments Program. Planning Director
Hightower indicated that it is laid out as a responsibility. The City
Manager agreed to provide further guidance on what is required.
WORK SESSIONS PRIOR TO Commissioner Hughes suggested that the
PUBLIC HEARINGS: Commission hold a work session to review
major projects prior to a public hearing
to identify areas where more information
is needed. Planning Director Hightower cautioned that the Commission
would have to be careful not to express approval or disapproval of a
project prior to the public hearing. The Mayor asked her to check with
the City Attorney about the amount of latitude that the Commission has
in discussing projects prior to a public hearing.
CITY ATTORNEY INVOLVEMENT: -Commissioner McTaggart indicated that
it had been helpful to have the City
Attorney present at a previous meeting
and requested that the attorney be present at future meetings where
delicate legal matters are involved. Councilman Buerk suggested that
ordinances be sent to the attorney prior to review by the City Council
rather than having the attorney at work sessions . Planning Director
Hightower suggested that requests for legal opinions from the attorney
be expanded to include more background .information.
Commissioner McTaggart suggested that final Commission work sessions
be held the same night as Council meetings so that the attorney could
attend both. It was agreed that this was a good idea.
Councilman Buerk also suggested that the Council and Commission not
try to draft ordinances themselves, but rather put them in common
language and have the City Attorney draft the legal version.
POSTING AGENDAS: Commissioner Hughes suggested that
copies of the complete agenda packets
for Council and Commission meetings be
posted in the lobby of the meeting room. It was. agreed that the agenda
and reports regarding major planning items would be posted.
AGENDA ORDER: Commissioner Hughes pointed out that
the current procedure in presenting
Commission items to the Council is to
have the Commission report and then public testimony. He suggested
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that the order be reversed so that the Commission report could be more
responsive to citizen testimony. It was agreed to try the new order.
STAFF/COMMISSION REPORTS: Commissioner Rosenberg pointed out that
at a recent Council meeting, staff had
made a recommendation to the Council
that was contrary to the recommendation made by the majority of the
Planning Commission. He asked if that was appropriate. It was agreed
that differences of opinion are legitimate and that both points of
view should be expressed to the Council.
SETTING PLANNING COMMISSION Councilman Buerk inquired as to whether,
PRIORITIES: when referring a new item to the Plan-
ning Commission, it would be helpful
for the Council to establish a suggested
deadline for its completion. It was agreed that this might be tried if
the Planning Director were first consulted regarding reasonableness of
the date set, and if it were recognized as a target date that might not
always be met.
Council 632 (b) June 6, 1977
EXCUSED ABSENCES : Commissioner McTaggart requested
direction as to what would be con-
sidered an excused absence from a
Commission meeting. Mayor Ryan indicated that notice to either staff
or the Chairman before a meeting will constitute an excused absence.
In emergency situations , contact may be made after the meeting and
be considered by the Commission at the next meeting.
TAPE RECORDINGS OF Councilman Dyda inquired as to whether
MEETINGS: the City can or must keep tape recordinc
of public hearings after the minutes of
the meeting are approved, and what
provision could be made for members of Council or Commissions who are
sick and unable to attend a public hearing. The Council directed the
City Manager to seek an opinion from the Attorney on whether a member
absent from a hearing had to listen to the tapes in order to be
allowed to vote on the issue.
ADJOURNMENT: At 10 :22 p.m. , on motion of Councilman
Dyda, seconded by Councilwoman Shaw,
and carried, the meeting was adjourned
to June 7 , 1977 at 7 : 30 p.m.
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BY Ale
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Council 632 (c) June 6, 1977