CC MINS 19780330 ADJ MIN U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL Regular Adjourned Meeting March 30, 1978 The meeting was called to order at 7:36 p.m. in the City Offices, 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard, by Mayor Dyda. Roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: Councilwomen Hein and Shaw, Mayor Dyda ABSENT: Councilmen Buerk, Ryan Also present was Associate Planner Gary Weber. Councilman Buerk arrived at 7:43 p.m. and was present for the remainder of the meeting. COASTAL SPECIFIC PLAN The following revisions to the Coastal Specific Plan were approved: Page U-47 Table 15 Replace the figures under "City" heading with two asterisks and add the following note: "**The City's street standards are presently under review." Change title of Table 15 to "Design Requirements for Bikeways" U-47 Table 16 Change title to "Design Speed for Bikeways" U-48 left column, first paragraph High-Speed Bikeways High-speed- Cycling activity will be facilitated. . . . Both-high-speed-reereatierraI and-transpertatienal-cyelista-wettld-be-facilitated-with-the-minimum-amanftt-ef cenlict-with-law-speed-cyciiats;-since-a-parailel;-yet-separated;-bikeway- meetirrg-ther-needs-will-else-be-provided-slang-this-eerrider-fseeew-Speed-Bikeway} U-48 left column, second paragraph The bike lanes should be designed as a Class II bikeway_ with-ad aeent traff ic-lanes-being-mainta+ned-at-l2-leet-er-mare-f see-Figure-28}. U-49 left column, first paragraph Delete "Low Speed Bikeways" heading and entire first paragraph: Lew-&peed-Bikeways Lcw-speed-cycling-aet4v4ty-will-be-handled-slang-the-primary-cerrdcr- f Hafes-Verdes4rives-West-and-Setsth;arid-25th-Street)--and-three-secendary-eorri&ers- A-disensa4en-ef-additional-bikeways-eenf fined-te-an-individual-anbregien-cart-he found-therein---The-primary-and- econdary-bikeway-lecatiens-and-general-design criteria-are-discussed-in-the-f ellewing-rtarratve- U-49 left column, second paragraph The +ow-speed bikeway associated with the primary corridor will be located. . . . U-49 left column, add to end of second paragraph There will be Class II bikeways on both barrels of Palos Verdes Drives West and South and 25th Street, as the primary corridor. On secondary corridors, there will be Class I bikeways; where that bikeway meets the primary corridor, it will be continued as a Class I bikeway paralleling the Class II bikeway. There shall be no duplication of Class I bikeways in the Coastal Zone. Staff was directed to explore the possibliity, with the Director of Public Works, of modifying the contract for the FAU project of Palos Verdes Drive West to delete the separate bikeway. Throughout the Bikeways section, Staff will eliminate any differentiation between high and low speed bikeways, referring to them only as bikeways. Moreover, the figures should be closer to the text in which they are referenced. 805 Page U-49 right column, first full paragraph, third sentence The bikeway would be a Class I•, two-way, +2-feet-wide path. U-49 right column, second full paragraph, second sentence It is heped planned that this section could be facilitated when remodeling. . . . U-50 right column, first sentence if-agreeabie; The bike path would utilize Coast Site Drive and Sea Gate Drive. . . . U-50 last sentence The review of this nave-referred-te alternative alignment by the West Portuguese Bend Community Association. . . . U-50 Figure 25 Staff will revise the location of bikeways and walkways on Figure 25 to reflect the change made to paragraph 2, page U-49. Moreover, rather than the existing Figure 25, which includes both walkways and bikeways, Staff will prepare separate figures for walkways and bikeways. U-51 left column, second sentence Hence, the alternative alignment was dropped. t-is-anticipated-that-the home-- ewner'-s-asseeiatlen-associated-with-the-Pals-Verdes-$ay-a+nb-wenid-I ikewise ebleet-te-Chia-route-f aftheugh-ne-direct-response-te-this-ef fact-has-been-voiced- at-this-time}- However, further consideration of this route may be warranted if the following condition was were to arise. U-51 left column, delete second full paragraph: if-this-sienation-gees-arse;-then-the-rante-shonid-be-investigated-in-conInnctien with-the-twe-homeowners-aaseeiatiens-te-see-if-the-ratite-eets3d-be-faciii±ated-- in-a-e mpatibie-manner-- U-51 right column, second full paragraph, last sentence . . .and every effort has been made to keep such conflict to a-bare-minimum an acceptable level. Throughout the Walkways section, Staff will eliminate all reference to high and low speed walkways, referring to them only as walkways. U-52 Table 18 - Change title to, "Walkway Design Requirements". U-54 right column, partial paragraph at top of page Staff will rewrite this paragraph to simplify and clarify. U-55 left column, second full paragraph, last sentence . . .should could be developed in conjunction with adequate protective measures. U-56, left column, first full paragraph 3}---Paint-Vieente-is-the-ieeatien-fe a-pubic-access-which-is-to-be-developed by-has-Angeies-Eounty-as-part-of-a-proposed-park.---This-access-wiii-be-- faciiitated-by-a-steei-stairway-connecting-the-b+uff-top-and-shereiine {Paint-Vicente-Pine-Steffen-Site-and-beaeh-ste-prefects-Draft-PiH; December-i9;-iW57- City Council 806 March 30, 1978 U-56 right column, first full paragraph, last sentence The acquisition can be accomplished through dedication or easement require- ments. thu9-eintieating-nen-reettrring-fseai-impaet- U-56 right column, third full paragraph, second sentence . . .shettid could be sealed off, threugh-the-piantieg-ef-eaettts-er-ether -t-i -e-- r-st- t . v a-sn ers-thr der-tYr-di-scr arag e-t rerirTrs-e. U-58 Figure 28, left-hand section: Proposed Class II bikeway and-walkway U-58 Figure 28, right-hand section: Eliminate Class I Bikeway U-59 right colump, second full paragraph Additional right-of-way may need to be acquired_ whieh-shettld-eeme-heap eels alarms-the-few-eeenem e-value-ef.-land-}n-ths-area.- Even with the additional right-of-way, major modifications to the typical cross section will be required. There-wlii-be-ne-need-ler-a-medlar-area;-eee-laee-ei treffie- n-e$eh-direetien-will-be-faeliltated-rather-than-twe;-grade-sepsratlen e -the-bikeway-and-walkway-wll-be-prehbited;-and-existeg-abeve-greurid-lefra- strueture-wll-lt-the-wdth-ef-the-eerrider---The-maintalnleg-ei-netwerks threugh-this-area-wii-pese-a-hgher-expenditure-than-nermaily-regttlred-due-te the-frequen -reptir9-that-wlil-be-needed- U-60 left column, second full paragraph The-Pales-Verdes-Drve-Getth-and-Pales-Verdes-Drive-East-lnterseetien-ls-pearly designed;-therefore;-interseetien-safety-is-redhead---Until-seek-t me-a9-the intereeelee- s- mproved;-bath-preeautenary-sgning-and-strlping-should-be presided-along-the-iniefrd-side-e -the-eerrider-te- mprove-eetwerk-s$lety- U-60 left column, third full paragraph Thorofare-only-high-speed-eyeling-and-j•egging-aetvites-ear-be-isellitated- This-wlii-requre-sgning-and-strpng- U-61 Figure 29 Eliminate Class I jogging trail and change text accordingly. U-61 right column, first full paragraph, last sentence if-a-partlettlar-erettmstanee-requires-a-further-enereaehment;-railing-should be-a taedatery-eensideratien- U-62 right column, last paragraph (continued on Page U-63) Essentially, the purpose of these guidelines is to insure that the-end preduets-ef varied development interests and designers within the Coastal Region contribute to the aesthetic and functional improvementenhaneement of the community while meeting both planning objectives and limits ( number of units, densities) . and-developer-eeenemie-eb±eetives-idevelepment-east;-provde marketng-'-sellng-paints'-}- Additionally, their the purpose of these guidelines is to insure that areas between developments. . . . U-63 left column, first full paragraph within-a-reeently-lneerperated-bu -largely-developed-eity-stteh-as Rancho Palos Verdes whieh has had a relatively "unstructured" development history. with-respeet-te-planning-aed-desgn-gui defnes-fether-than-basie-Bening-and bttiiding-eedes-during-Getxnty-ef-ilea-Angeles-responsbility}-an-attempt-te-- diseern-er Therefore it is not feasible to develop a Ranehe-Pales-Verdes- uniform 'design ethie concept' for Rancho Palos Verdes. *sueh-as-eharaeterireo the-maierity-ef-early-Pales-Verdes-Estates}- s-largely-an-impassbility-and-is- net-attempted- re-this-stedy- City Council 807 March 30, 1978 U-63 right column, third full paragraph These guidelines have been developed in several categories: o Site planning o Structure design • Landscape o Miscellaneious Design Elements U-64 left column, second full paragraph O Prevlde-}rteeetives-ier-des gnats-te-exeeed-the-gtr deI4nes-threttgh-the-Intre- dttet4ert-ef-ereatIve-eiemeets-Ie-ehelr-des4ge-ef-struetttres-sed-eemplemes-Rise e4-9eler-energy-9yetem9;- eereesed-epee-speee;-ate +- ° prey de-sttf i e ellt-14at ts-eri-ehe-rerlge-ef-des4ga-sed-plerittitig-ehe.ieee-te-- prevertt-art-emeess-ef-ver et}er1;-btft-sttf foe}emit-f+ex1b41 ty-te-gveld-meeeteey. U-64 right column, second full paragraph O Relationship of proposed development to ali-mg±er the grading ordinance. stttet4e119- U-65 left column O Overall project site planning shall be considered in terms of total visual impact of units as seen from higher elevations. 9e-th$t-ettmt4atIve-1 1eef seepes' O Overall site planning shall seek to minimize straight lengths of street---te-less there-499- eet-femeept-where-eee9treAee4-by-tepegraphy+ and shall seek to minimize. . . . () All grading should appear as natural as possible. O Ali-ettls-de-see-shell-be-prey.ided-wth-seeerld$ry-seees -petent4ft s-der emer=geriey-veh eies-f sed- er-emergerley-pedestr4ee-egress-by- es deers+ threttgh-istegratIee-w th rt-the-evere�l eert4ders-eettaerk-emeept where-tepegrephy-preveets;- e-wh4eh-e$se-pedestr4$e-l-ieke-shsll-be-pre- whded- 0 Where-the-gred4sg-erd4rteriee-regt4remeets-reIsted-to-mitx4 mttm-perm4ss4ble site-er:ee-to-be-graded-preveet-er-hamper-t.he-rise-ef-esturial eed-grsd4rtg teehr4etfee;-elee-te- egb}i ty-ee-etherw 5e-reeeee.i+e-prepesed-e$ttmlI4eed gre d4sg-w4th-adjeeerlt-eetttrsl—ee-rttetxrs;-vet4st4ees-ehettld-be-perm4tted wh4eh-will-eeeempl sh-ths-B eet-f retther-th$s-rise-ef-retels.lrig-weIIs;- ettt-siepes;-mote-+-when-eaeeltte vely-demertstreted-ee-e-grgd4eg-pletn-shew4ftgj 0 er4g4rr7Le34st4eg-s4te-eerttettrs-where-rlettinsl-slepe-bets-fiat-beee prey ettsly-metes-graded-far-deveIermerl - 0 Where-prey}arts-m$se-gred4eg-bets-eeeerred;-es-sppre34met ee-of-what rZett r$f eed-eerttettrs-ra ght-be-ever<-ehe-efttre-s+te-gbeet-develep- meet-gaedfeg- °Gr<ed sg-erl d-restfltertt-eestenre-regttlred-tinder-sir-let-4eterpretet4ee ei-the-gred4rtg-erd}rteeee-+eeItfdrtg-ell-r<etest4ee-strtxetttres-er-ether elements-rteeees tet.ed-by-reetttlremerits- °i41eet9et ee-eees hie-gra rang-eppreeeh--ieeinel ftg-speeliCe-eett ee ef-e4f4erer lees-prepesed-between--'permitted-''gred4rtg-$ed-set eras eeeessery-te-eeeempl sh-nater$l red-gred4eg- City Council 808 March 30, 1978 U-66 left column, first full paragraph o Fltehed-reefs;-shed-rees;-aftd-ether-sleping-reef-types-will-be-allewed but-shall-be-limited-te-desigs-yariaets-e -the-same-hase-reel-*ype-within iftei1744 tai-eievelepments-{ee-mimtere-ef-hip-as4-maesard;-fer-ememple*- o Ne-4lat-reefs--vaulted-reefs;-er-emeessively-steeply-pitehed-reefs-{stteh as- A-Frames-'*-wll-be-permtted-ea-resdeetlal-tttlts- o No 'pole' houses, or other houses requiring extensive and visually dominant exposed structural elements shall be permitted. Where-the-expressiee-e€ maj-er-strttettrral-elements- s-deemed-by-the-6lty-to-be-je- fihereet-deslgf f eature-eed-ref.leets-a-eeaslstertt-desge-theme-threughent-a-develemeet {rather- hart-eft-a- ew-eitIts-wth-=dl ilettitl-stes+;-seeh-features-shet ld be-per ittted;-assttmag-all-ether-reetttlremeets-are-met- U-66 right column, first full paragraph o No external masted antennas of any type will be permitted on any structure. U-66 right column, second paragraph o Ne-faeade-ef-a-trait-may-be-treated-as-art-=ttsdesgeed'--elemeet- a-eeetrast-te $- aeade-er-elevatleft-{er-ether-elevatlefts+-wheh-has-reeelved-a-m4etee-deslge treatment- All exterior facades of free-standing units shall be assumed to be equally visible tfeless-ebvetts-tepegraphle-er-ether-features-render-this-an ifpesslbillty and shall be designed to reflect uniform architectural treat- ment. Iflelbillty- rem-etttslde-e -the- udlvldttal-trait'-s-slte- o All-etrueeeres-shall-prevde-appreptlate-greutd-te-struetere-traesltleesl '-edge'--desgft;-aeeemmedatleg-maliteeaeee-e -site-sttrfaee-materl$ls-wtheut damage-er-alteratieft-e -strttetere- aeades;- reat-ralft-rutlef f-splash;-ere-;- aftd-whieh-laettre-adequate-laedseape-areas- U-66 final paragraph Staff will rewrite to incorporate wording similar to that contained in the General Plan. U-67 left column, first paragraph, second sentence These devices shall be integrated into the overall structural design of the units rather than affixed or applied to their exterior,{except in the case of existing structures, taken on an individual review basis*.e. -Basil ftet-ereate-eftestsaly.emeessve-glare;-uese;-vew-ebtreeteft;-shadews;-er- ether-eeedltierts-w14eh-exceed-beyeed-the-llmlts-ef-the- ftd}1ldnsl-ttelt-'s-ste- U-67 left column, second paragraph Variants in unit design and massing are encouraged. trader-a-everall-design acrd-site-plaaelsg-theme;-asd-ee-ldestleal-street-er-primary-aeeess-iaeade- treatmese-peapressee-will-be-peratltted-to-be-repeated-mere-ef teu-thatt-eeee-- lft-aey- eft-er4ts-f ae.i tg-eu-the-same-street- U-67 et al Delete "Materials" section. Staff will devise one structural design criteria to express the City's desire to have consistent, aesthetic design II/ of houses within a neighborhood. This criteria will be added to the Structural Design section. At 11:05 p.m. it was moved, seconded, and carried to adjourn the meeting. AL 111111,-.1 MAYOR LEONARD G. WOOD, CITY CLERK & EXOFFICIO CLERK OF THE COUNCIL Ad../ , 4,0 441.47W-- i / C/ k AO .007 City Council 809 March 30, 1978