CC MINS 19780105 ADJ M I N U T E S
City of Rancho Palos Verdes
City Council Work Session
Adjourned Meeting
January 5, 1978
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Ryan at 7:50 p.m. in the City Hall. Roll
call was answered as follows:
PRESENT: Buerk, Dyda, Ruth, Shaw, Mayor Ryan
Also present was Director of Planning Sharon W. Hightower.
RANCHO PALOS VERDES/ROLLING Following a brief discussion of the Morga.
HILLS ESTATES MERGER Act and its ramifications with regard to a
merger of Rancho Palos Verdes and Rolling
Hills Estates, it was moved by Councilman
Buerk, seconded by Councilman Dyda and passed, to appoint councilmembers Buerk and
Ruth to a sub-committee to study the feasibility of merging the Cities of Rancho
Palos Verdes and Rolling Hills Estates.
COASTAL PLAN It was agreed that the text would be re-written
to remove all policy statements.
The following revisions were approved:
Page U-9
Delete last paragraph of Planning Commission revision and substitute "The
City will continue to apply the same policies on housing as applied in the
General Plan."
U-l0, right column, first paragraph
. . .and the City ehem -eent4ftee-te-merAter-stsek-ppre sesals may be able
to take advantage of such proposals in the future.
Staff will check the 6 du/ac figure in the table
U-12, right column, add the following section after the second paragraph:
Two environmental conditions are associated with the coastal bluffs which
discourage accessory, limited intensity activities. First, extreme geo-
logic conditions are present and have been noted by E.S.A. as posing a
hazard to even human passage (see Natural Environmental Section) . Second,
both vegetative and wildlife communities are dependent on the unaltered
state of the Coastal Bluff face (England and Nelson) . For this reason, the
City should limit this activity.
U-12, right column, housing policies
1. Ree t4re--p repeseel-lanci-el}yisierts-irt-est$hlisheel-- reighberheec s-te- r c ieate-
h ew-the-sabel+v+seen--ee erm9 -te-the-ex at4 ;g-nelghb►esheed--pattern
2. Ree n}re-prepesed-heeling-pre±eets-- -ester slr sired-ftegbb-erheeds-te- ftdi,eate
hew-the-ertIts-eenf erm- te-the--ex sting-fteighbe rheed--hauling t
3. Explore all sources for funding of low and moderate income housing in the
City and obtain funds whenever feasible.
4. Discourage accessory and/or limited intensity recreational structures from
locatin: within the coastal bluff in Subre:ions 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7.
U-13, right column,
Staff will rewrite Retail section.
Page U-13, left column, second paragraph, final sentence
Pee-this-reasan;-eey-raetiert-eleeme4-freeesgary-ee-apprape4ate- ft- ts
eperstle t-shoes}d-be-eneettraged-by-bhe-Gty;-se-leftg-ag-sueh-aetiert-is
net-cleer mentel-er-results- rt-eft-eciverge-ef.f.eet-ee-surretrae} eg-areas-
U-13, left column, third paragraph
T here-are--three-servee-&ee Hefts-ift-&peraten- eftg-Peles-Verries-Hr+ve-South
that-Fall-within-the-eenf nes-ef-tIte-eeestal-region---Only--one-ef-these-statens;
a-Texi ee-stat4en-ieeated-en-Marineigne}'s-premises;-warrant&-me ifttainiftg:--Th.
eerteitrsien-is-based-eft-the-staton e-prexlm ty-te-e--eemmereal-aetvity-ef-
eeastal-dependency-whleh-relies--eft-an-extens e-patronage-etllelrtg-vehiettlar-
transpertaten---The-remaining-statie3rt-sites-ere-prepaseel-to-eenve rt-tee
U-18, left column, second setence
The-sett+rtg-ef-ths--fee-shetziet--be--estabisheei Such a fee could be attached
following the adoption of this Plan and apply throughout the City.
U-18, left column, first full paragraph, last sentence
this-ehureh--ors-f rani-in--the-Sesbreg}en-3-seettiert
U-19, right column, last paragraph
The advantage to the-Oty-&rnei,-its residents brought about by. . . .
U-21, right column, second full sentence
The relatively low market value. . . .
U-21, last paragraph (continued on page U-22)
with-art-existing-strnetnre-ef-velar- n-f ttlf ing--leeal-reerestional-needs
This-site's-reereatertal-value-she iel-be-evaluated-at-e-base-when--the--Fire
Department--makes-a-formal-eemmltment-te-ebaneleri-the-site-anti -ia-eertiunetie n
with--the-G lty e-Park-er4el-Peereetleft-Sorely;
U-23, left column, first line
. . .use of the marine resources, the-Gty-s4testrici- peri®Sleeily-arertlter-*threingh
ether-seurees}-the-fish-pegpuiatiens- -the-rtearslzere-waters-adlaeent-te-its-
ceastine-te-determirte-wheth er-prepesals- fer--preteetive-mease res-shark-be
made monitoring and control of this activity is the responsibility of State
U-23, right column, first full paragraph, sentence 2
The-etnkrtewledgeable-*end-knewiedgeetble} Even knowledgeable tide pool users can. , .
U-23, left column, second full paragraph, last sentence
. . .the submerged rocks, an& reefs, and new-extaat beds of kelp.
U-23, left column,
strike third and fourth full paragraphs
Skn-and-settbet-dimming-aetiv}ty-ran-be-neneerteumptl ee-er-eensesmpt+ve-dependir
art-the-aetvity---The-Gty-shectle -errefttrage-the--rten-ern t:mptl�re-uses-by-n ak*
cl vers-aware-ef-the-damage-that-msy-eeeer;-earl-by-efteesttraging-responsble
Party-beast-ar:d-prvate=-pleesttjre-eref t-e4vIng-hare-approximately-+the--ware- m
Council 765 January 5, 1978
Page U-23, right column, second full paragraph, first sentence
. . .to the shoreline, the City shetriel-ssrive has taken steps to establish
marine reserves. . . .
U-25, right column, first sentence
Therefore, the City mttse can seek out programs. . ..
U-25, last sentence
A-e}renmsseeee-mey--em4se-where-e-larrecewrrer-wiehes---te--t ransier-gene+ty-ellesments
te-tart-,areta-rtes-leeeted--irt-the-of+eete4- aubeegert---In-aneh-eases- the-elty
Eeenell-wen14-eeftg e}er-the- mpftets-them--kennel-be-ineurred-by-saeh-aetien-and
suppers-these-transf tartarwheh-ere-eempatble-w fir- the-reeeving--site-arid
of f eetee}-eree
IJ-26, left column, third indented paragraph
-The City could expect to acquire lands, following compensation for development
right values, for 10% to 25% of the current market values. -Using-- 9 6 'data;
this would range from roughly $2,200 to $16,500 per acre.
U-26, right column, third full indented paragraph
-Therefore, the cost of maintaining agricultural land through public ownership
+s-a-pesitive-setiert-irr-Might-ef-the--p b.iie-byenef4!ts may be worthwhile.
U-26, right column, second full paragraph, sentence 3
The City shet!ld can aetively pursue-U-27, right column, first full paragraph, sentence 4
For this reason, it--ls-im-She-best-pinterest---ef the City may want to lend its
support to arty fishery management programs. . . .
U-33, right column, first line
. . .trunk line. Theee-pttmp-sttat}erts;-i -rreeesseer --w ill-be-requires -ef-ell--new-
deveiepment-and-sheulel--be-desgn-tad-end-irtstallecc-se- eity-f eennty),-standarets:
It should be pointed out, however, that the use of multiple pump stations
shettlel-be-mirz}mce&-beeanse-ref, has d is advanga t es,. such as:
1. High installation, operation, and maintenance costs.
2. Use of energy
U-34, right column, third sentence
. . .certain aspects of this Plan. therefere;-lt-is-reeemmertded-that-efferts--be- Fieocl -Gentrr tai--Biset-rle:t-te-seedy--the
ietasibty--ef- mplementrtg-this--pregrem;--as-it-relatea-te-the-'aths-anc
Trt ila--arre}--Gerrielere-seetlen-e4-thia-dart:
U-35, right column, third paragraph, sentence 1 -- delete from third paragraph,
add to end of second paragraph
Refer to Transportation and Traffic Engineering Handbook, Institute of Traffic
Engineers, for further detail.)
Staff will recheck the percentage figures contained in the text on this page.
U-38, left column, first partial paragraph
. . .the potential to obtain additional right-of-way and improvement is good.
therefore--this-Plea-reeemr ends-that-aii-new--development- rx-the-area-be-at--least
-partieliy-respenslble-fer-the-r:eeded-improvement;--wheh-wee14--ens eubtee ly
bene t-the-e}eveiepmerrt-e9-well-ss-the-Ety7
U-39, left column, first full paragraph, second sentence
Throughout the General Plan studies, one of the mess dominant factors in the
of€eetttatlert-ef road design was. . . .
7 66
Council January 5, 1978
Page U-39, right column, fifth line
(It should be noted that a "Street Standards Study" -has been initiated by
the City. an4--511ould-be-eempleted--}n-9eteber;-19 7:
U-39 and U-40
Staff will rewrite these pages to delete numbers, to make it more general,
and to refer to the Street Standards Study.
It was questioned whether the figures on this pa a clu ed total buildout fa
all cities in the area atO4C4,121 •
U-44 "'"' I
Staff will check Southern California Rapid Transit District line numbers.
U-44, right column
The- mture-ef-the-RTB-pregram-gaii-elepe el-erg-the-respeftee-by-Retnehe-Pales-ire
reselents-eee}-the-geReesl-pttbi e----Beeause-ef-the- mpertentee-mte-the-Spec+fie
ane}-te-the-Sem*h-Bay-raglan-es-e-whale;- - s-reeemmene}ed-hart-the-f Ityy
I} Actively-eneeerage-the-RTB--te-me4 tteln--the---flew-brs--pregram
2* Eneehiege-its-resit}ants-te-tfke--full--etelvantage-ef-thle-exteec ed-servce
3} Bevelep-a-plan- n-een±nftetien-Frth-P4at4fteland- gnat-eneeersges-pgtrerts-to
uti}ee-bes-servlee-f e-g-;-recimeee}-ae}missienq-
U-45, right column, first full paragraph, last sentence
As proposed, these networks were found to be compatible bath in terms of route
location and meet or exceed minimal design requirements. . . .
U-45, right column, first full sentence
. .and Palos Verdes Estates common bettrtd any-boundaries, placed a low priority
on locating such networks within the coastal regioon. ThereEere;-path-an&--tr •
netwerks-pre$ase&-threegh-this-Pletn-are-net-interte}ee-te--f cell tette
equestrian--f eellltles:-
U-62, add policy
Investigate the feasibility of assessing new development for improvements
of major arterials in the context of a City wide policy.
S3-12 and S3-13, delete the following:
5t=--Peter►-'s-Ghtt re r-presents-g-mner-tretffle-esseelated-preblem;-+which-ls
relented-te-bath-Subreglarts-3-anal-4---S t:-Peter l s-ie-leeatee -ln-the-nerth-
eastern-west-center-ef-Sebreglart-3;-hewever;-lt-vA ta--primary--fteeess-f rem
at-f rentetge-refe}-in-Subreglan-4:-=Blsettaslerts--with-representatives-of-the-West
Pertugnese-Bartel-Bemeewnersi-Asseelertiert-f gebregien-4).-reveetle&-ceneerns-whleh
ifteltteled-Stmeley-mannng-traffic;-same-evening-traf f e;-eyed lew-parkrtg-trsirtg
Paeket-anal-Barkentlrte-Rafela -anal-f utnre-ehnreh--access-preblems-l+-the-streets
f see-5trbreglart-4;-Vehieelar-Netwetrks},---An-evetinatiert-e4-the-eetteerrts--shewed
varying-e}agrees-ei-valie4t1;-theref ere;-further-analysis--was-carried-et t7-re_
9eit}ng-in-the-f aliewing-alternatves-anal-eeneInserts-
This-eiternettive-ls-feasible;-aitheugh-the,-grade-e if f erentlal-between-•
the-parking-let-level-Betel-reaelway-penes-a-signi eant--englneering-
secfety-heteftrel;-ft-tennis-ef- rrgressi,egress-te-Paies-Vereles-BrlNre=South
f rentage-rate}-ca-west-stele---Thia-alternertlye-ls-feasible;-elthen g h- t-
wenici-be-e epertelenti-epee-the-type-anal-eertf lguratlen-ef-inture-deaelepr ant
Council 767 January 5, 1978
Alternet ve-4---Exterte en-e - See-H II-Drive-to-peev de- ftgress4egjress
hive;-witiek-is-sentet-imes-tteeel=es-aeeess-te-ehe-ebe3re t-grtd-wh}ell-appeare
te-ftsnetert--ae}eetdaely-{srltheegh-requires-trespassing ;-hewever--thie
eIterngtiye-we tiel-enly-serve-te-releeate-and-stall-the-preblem-unti
seek-t}me-es-develepr ant-eeeurreec-in-this-area
Alternatve-4---Status-gtse---This-eiterrtative-wenid-irtveive-rre- immediate
seten--btzt-weuid--be-sttbjeeet-te-the-d pes4tien-ef-the-street-eenversien
Eeneltss4enf -item-ef-this--Plan--te- gnere;.
stall;-er-reieeate-prebiema 7-hewever;- t-is-the-reeemmendaten- of-th s--
eenverslen--dees-net--aiiew-far-sueh;-in-whieh-ease;-Alternatives-1 7-
ane.- 4-f irt- that--ereler-ef-prierity)--shank -be-re--evaivatee--€ear-passible
ln-additen-te-the-pubiie-streets 7-a-psmali-ailey-Rnetwerh-ef-ahem-i44-mile
em sts-withn-the-Pane-Ver4e-eemple :--A-prepossl--te-eenvert-Lire--apartments
te-eendeminleme-ineledes-a-pjrepesel-f er-the-Gity-te-agree-te--vaeate-the-pnbi ie
alley-within-the-eemplex:- -*Nete----a-staff-reeemmendaten-will-Tbe-f ertheeming:)`
At 10:40 p.m. it was moved, seconded, and carried to adjourn the meeting to
January 10, at 7:30 p.m. in the City Offices.
‘4 ;
j • )frI4
Council 768 January 5, 1978