CC MINS 19780221 MINUTES RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 21, 1978 The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Robert E. Ryan at the Rancho Palos Verdes Unified School District Building, 30942 Hawthorne Boulevard. Follow- ing the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: SHAW, RUTH, DYDA & MAYOR RYAN LATE ARRIVAL: BUERK (at 7:37 P.M. ) APPROVAL OF AGENDA: After addition of the Portuguese Bend Horse Show (Ruth) ; and, California Contract Cities Meeting (Ryan) , the agenda was approved on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilwoman Shaw. There being no objection, MAYOR RYAN SO ORDERED. WAIVER OF FULL READING OF Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Council- ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS woman Shaw, to waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions adopted at this meeting with consent to the waiver of read- ing to be deemed to be given by all Councilmembers after the reading of the title, unless specific request was made at that time for the reading of such ordinance or resolution. There being no objection, MAYOR RYAN SO ORDERED. ORDINANCE NO. 95 - ORDINANCE NO. 95, AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES AUTHORIZING AN AMEND- SYSTEM MENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL (1202) AND THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM was presented for second reading and adoption by title. Further reading having been waived, Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman Shaw to adopt ORDINANCE NO. 95. There being no objection, MAYOR RYAN SO ORDERED. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT The Director of Planning gave an explanation (701) and summarization of the provisions of the General Plan dealing with zoning. After Council discussion of whether or not there should be a General Plan Amendment for this parcel: what would be the most beneficial zoning for the area, and the pri- ority that should be given this Amendment, Councilman Ruth moved to open the process for a General Plan Amendment. The motion was seconded by Councilman Dyda and carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: SHAW, RUTH, DYDA, & MAYOR RYAN ,ate. �7 i NOES: BUERK 3�fy 4,,i) C.U.P. #37 Mike Downs, General Manager of Hanna/Barbera HANNA/BARBERA MARINELAND Marineland recommended adding provision No. 12 (1804) to the Conditional Use Permit issued to that organization. That provision was as follows: If Marineland decides to apply for a Conditional Use Permit or any other approval re- . quired to construct one or more of those other improvements described in the "Initial Study for Environmental Assessment No. 326", but not applied for and approved by Conditional Use Permit No. 37, it must submit to the City a draft Environmental Impact Report for processing pursuant to City ordinances and the California Environmental Quality Act. The provisions of this Condition No. 12 will not be revoked, waived or modified in any manner. 2/21/78 785 8L6T `TZ Launagad 98L 2UTlaaW TTouno0 'Ga IMI° OS NVXXI 2IOAVW `uoTgoa Cqo ou 2uzaq aaags •uo-t:.upuaunuooaa jjuq s q dopE off. Mugs ur uoiTTouno0 Aq papuooas 'paAOm EpiI uuuITTouno0 •pa:uua2 aq qsanbaa sTgq qugq uoTqupuauIUIooaa JJEgs sum :z 's1uauzanom uan: : jaT uT paAToAUT s:uappoe Jo aaqumu aq: aonpaa dTaq pTnoM uoTgoas -aaquT s-tg: qv sTuuBT s oT J JEaq ao j 2uz sugd uan: :jaT ag1 JO U0ITUTTEgsUT alp. :vg: :ouj au: uo pasug •saqugsg sTTTH 2uTTTo2i Jo Al-TO aq (COST) o: ands aaATTs 'S auaogqMEH 1u TEu2Ts oT j juaq iflds aq: go uoTgozpszan C cauaodmaq 2uzpuua2 ao j 2IdA'IIS K2 'GYM d flTOHIMVH suosuaa agq pauTT:no gozgi `8L61 `ST Aaunagad IV ONISVHd NUM Zdd7 - jo iaodaa jjuqs NI. paquasaad sn)zd aogoaaTG NOIZOIHSI2Iflj' dO ImasNv2IZ GuaQ?IO OS Nvx2I UOAwIwI `uozpoa Cqo ou 2uzaq aaau.i •upia uu i Touno0 icq papuooas sum uozpoui aqs •uozqupuammooaa jjugs idaoou off. paAOW )jaang UEUJTzouno0 •uzaTgoad uozsoaa aqq uTuquoo oq aAT1G pTaT jq sua Jo gpnos ' sua aATaQ sapaaA soTud Jo apTs gsaM aq: 2uoTE 2uz1uWTd puu 2uTpua2 Aaussaoau uuopaad oq aogoaazj svoi onTgnd age azTaogqnu Tzouno0 ic:rD aqq :uq:. SUM uozpupuaunuooaa aaggind •Toaquoo uozsoaa puu saTI-TTzou J a2uuTuap iuuuaganddu '2uTpua2 aadoad jo uoironpoaquz auq ggTm maTgoad szqq aluTAeTTu ATTEnquaAa pTnot Beau aqq uT sivamdoTaAap TEZquapzsaa puu TuuoTquaaoaa aangnj puu 'aapTnogs q:aou aq: off. :uaou Cpu sjuaun uuquia aAoqu spTaTj paqu2TaaT jo gTnsaa qoaaTp E sum uoTJTpuoo szgq aouzs g1nos aAT1G SapaaA soTEd uo ua3ruq aq uoipou ou :i q: uoT:1 puaunuo -oaa jJEgs sum :I •: sud puu qqnos aAT1Q SapaaA (5017T) soTud 2uoTE uoTquTnumoou pnui JO smaTqoad 2uza ZSvd QNV HZfIOS -anoaa aq: pagiaosap 11.3TgL `8L61 'ST iaunagad aAI2IQ SXQ2IdA SOlVd ONO'IY Jo iaodaa jju:s aqq paztauumms snIzd aogoaaTa NOIZV'inNnoDV am •2uTgaam TTouno0 qxau aq: qv uoTququasaad aog gaodaa puu 2urpxap E aaudaad jjugs qugq snsuasuoo aqi sum :z puu aouuuipao gg2Tag aqq aquToTA qg2Tm uoTgTppu szgq Moq UO paLOTToJ uagq uozssnosgj •uoTqTppt sTgq o: (T08T) kTddE Knoll :z sE aouuuipao gg2Taq age go uoTquo dONVNIGHO -T Ta To paisanbaa aaq:ang aH •asnog szq oluo IHOIEH dO NOIIVOIZddV - pTznq oq pasodoad ag uoTgTppu aqq TTouno0 agp of ONOUISKUV a owsaa pagzaosap ' T-1.0q ucA ZCTOC `2uoagsuuy puouzsaQ SNOISSanb dDNdianv •ic:uno0 saTauv soq uT saTqTD quapuadapuT Jo saaquamuouno0 puu saoAEN oq aaqqaT auras aq: puas oq jjuis pagonagsuT osTu TTouno0 •00d7I oq aATququasaadaa aqp su aTETO •:s qog aoj agoA off. :ou magp 2uT2an ££uno0 -v-i uT saTgT0 qoualuo0 JO saaquzauiTzouno0 puu saokEN agq o: aaagaT u puas o:. uBXj (OTC) OMEN Aq pa uooas 'paAoui upAQ uutulTouno0 NOIZvIOOSSv saIZIO IDWINOO e./WE' 8, eV7,244( '.7777( 1 3,7z?,,,ft - ,-ils,),30k,,, •�.zuzzad szgp 2UT Uua2 uT paMOTToJ aq oq anuTquoo 11/ ssaooad asn I UU L4. aq� �uq� snsuasuoa age sum �I -molls asaoH aq� ao� �zuzzad asn T�uoz� , u ao� A1TTunuuu 2uTkTddu moa J q duraxa\aq pTnoo gnTO puag asan�n�.aod age. qou ao aaq:a oq su paaTnbUT ggng uuiuTTouno0 MOHS dS}IOH am ISdflDf J HOd To704r0/:-0/ •BEN-pzyl Oq papuaqxa uaaq pug Apn:s uoTgoagoad aaTd agq ao3 aiup (C09) uoTgaTduioo ag: qugp pagaodaa upAQ uumiTouno0 AaniS NOIID L02Id d2IId 'a mac2I0 OS WAX 2IOAVI `uoTgoa Cqo ou 2uzaq aaags •ZT •oN not sTAOad 2uTppu icq LE .01N1 gzuzaad asn TEUOTVzpUOD puaure oq upAQ uuu1Tzouno0 Aq papuooas 'paAOUZ Mugs uuuzomiTouno0 ORDINANCE NO. 96 ORDINANCE NO. 96 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE AMENDING PLUMBING CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES AMENDING THE CODE PLUMBING CODE RELATING TO GALVANIZED IRON, (201) WROUGHT IRON, AND STEEL AND AMENDING THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES MUNICIPAL CODE was intro- duced by title, further reading having been waived. Councilman Buerk moved to pass to a second reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Dyda. There being no objection, MAYOR RYAN SO ORDERED. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE Administrative Services Officer George (1202) Wunderlin presented the Staff report of February 14, 1978 which contained an expla- nation of the legislation requiring the City to obtain unemployment insurance for City employees. This report listed four alternatives for the financing of this insurance. Staff recommendation was that the City approve participation in the Local Public Entity Employees Fund. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Ruth to adopt Staff recommendation. There being no objection, MAYOR RYAN SO ORDERED. MARTINGALE EQUESTRIAN TRAIL Parks & Recreation Director Law presented the (701) Staff report of February 21, 1978 which de- scribed the background of this proposed equestrian trail which traversed Lots 20 and 21 of Tract 22909. Additionally, this report presented solutions for the development of this trail within the 120 day time limit. It was Staff recommendation that the Council authorize the Staff to design the trail and accept the offer of financial support and necessary manpower from the Equestrian Trails Incorporated Group for the development of this trail. Councilwoman Shaw moved, seconded by Councilman Buerk to adopt Staff recommendation. There being no objection, MAYOR RYAN SO ORDERED. RECESS At 9:02 P.M. , Mayor Ryan declared a brief recess. At 9:20 P.M. the meeting reconvened with the same members present. APPEAL OF HEIGHT VARIATION Planning Director Hightower presented the NO. 71 Staff report of February 21, 1978. Staff APPELLANTS: ELIZABETH LAM & recommendation was that the Council uphold MARY ANN LOU the Planning Commission decision and deny LOCATION: 12 PACKET ROAD the appeal based on inability to make all ( 1804) of the required findings in Section 9113 A of the Development Code. With the use of photographs and drawings, Mrs. Lam, the appellant in this matter, described the details of her proposed addition. Speaking in opposition to this addition was Mr. Klaus Landers whose home was located next to Mrs. Lam. His objection was based on the fact that his light and air would be restricted. Additionally, he stated that it would reduce the value of his home. Also speaking in opposition were William Gussman, 11 Packet Road; Mrs. J. Nerko, 6 Packet Road; James Hurst, 9 Packet Road; R.E. Pelton, 2 Packet Road; and Judge Anderson, 8 Sea Cove Drive. These objections were based on appearance and also the alleged incompatibility of a two story home in that area. Mrs. Lam spoke in rebuttal to these comments, citing the fact that two story homes already existed in the neighborhood. In support of this statement, Mrs. Lam dis- tributed photographs of several two story homes in the neighborhood. The City Attorney advised the Council that in denying or upholding this appeal, it would be necessary to consider each of the criteria of Section 9113, Paragraph A, of the Development Code. Council Meeting 787 February 21, 1978 Section 9113, Subparagraph a: Councilman Dyda moved to support this finding in that the provisions of this section had been fulfilled since Staff had sent notice of this application to build a house exceeding sixteen (16) feet in height to property owners within five hundred (500) feet of the lot. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ruth. There being no objection, MAYOR RYAN SO ORDERED. Subparagraph b: Councilman Dyda moved that since evidence presented showed the existence of two story, split level and second story additions above garages, that this proposed structure would be compatible with existing structures in the neigh- borhood. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Shaw. There being no objection, MAYOR RYAN SO ORDERED. Subparagraph c: Councilman Dyda stated that with respect to view as has been used by the City, and based on the fact that the proposed structure would be obscured by trees which in one area were taller than the structure, that this structure did not change the vista or the view. He then moved to support the finding that this proposed second story addition was situated in such a manner as to minimize view obstruction. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ruth. There being no objection, MAYOR RYAN SO ORDERED. Subparagraph d: Councilman Dyda moved that the cumulative effect of the proposed structure, or future structures of a similar character which could be constructed in the neighborhood, would not adversely impact the neighborhood view. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Shaw. There being no objection, MAYOR RYAN SO ORDERED. Subparagraph e: Councilman Dyda moved that since the proposed structure was not located on a ridge or promotory that this second story would not accentuate the impact on the neighborhood view. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ruth. There being no objection, MAYOR RYAN SO ORDERED. Subparagraph f: Councilman Dyda moved that this proposed structure would not unreasonably interfere with the neighborhood view. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ruth. There being no objection, MAYOR RYAN SO ORDERED. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Ruth, to reverse the decision of the Planning Commission and grant the appeal. There being no objection, MAYOR RYAN SO ORDERED. CONSENT CALENDAR: After removal of Item No. 13 (Design of landscaping for Highridge Road) the Consent Calendar was approved on motion of Council- man Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ruth: INSTALLATION OF CROSSWALK Approved Installation of School Crosswalk @ IRONWOOD ST. & BIRCHFIELD at Ironwood St. & Birchfield Avenue. (1503) RESOLUTION NO. 78-9 Adopted Resol. No. 78-9 - A RESOLUTION OF REGISTER OF DEMANDS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS (1504) - VERDES ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $221,447.22, DEMAND NUMBERS 4466 THROUGH 4520. Council Meeting 788 February 21, 1978 RESOLUTION NO. 78-10 Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 78-10 - A RESOLUTION SCAG HOUSING MODEL OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO (310 X 1203) PALOS VERDES OBJECTING TO THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS REGIONAL HOUSING MODEL. RESOLUTION NO. 78-11 Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 78-11 - A RESOLUTION ORDERING CANVASS OF OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO ELECTION PALOS VERDES ORDERING THE CANVASS OF THE (501) GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE 7TH DAY OF MARCH, 1978, TO BE MADE BY THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES. The motion to approve the Consent Calendar carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: SHAW, RUTH, DYDA, BUERK & MAYOR RYAN NOES: NONE # # # ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: PROPOSAL FOR THE DESIGN The Director of Public Works reported that OF LANDSCAPING FOR he had checked the background of those bidding HIGHRIDGE ROAD for this work and found them to be satisfac- (1404) tory. On motion of Councilman Buerk, seconded by Councilman Dyda, the City Council authorized the Mayor to sign the Agreement with Jerry Cummings Associates, Inc. for professional services as outlined in their proposal. EXECUTIVE SESSION At 10:39 P.M. on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ruth, Council recessed to Executive Session to discuss legal matters. At 11:30 P.M. , Council reconvened with the same members present. ADJOURNMENT: Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Council- woman Shaw to adjourn the meeting, the time being 11:34 P.M. The motion carried unanimously. P- MAYOR ,/ ATTEST: LEONARD G. WOOD, CITY CLERK AND EX OFFICIO CLERK OF THE COUNCIL jj ,, A • opff CI I LERK Council Meeting 789 February 21, 1978