CC MINS 19791002 M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 2, 1979 The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Pro Tem Hein at the Palos Verdes Unified School District Building, 30942 Hawthorne Boulevard. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, roll call was answered as follows: 11/ PRESENT: RYAN, BUERK, DYDA & MAYOR PRO TEM HEIN ABSENT: MAYOR SHAW Also present were Acting City Attorney Mary Walker, City Manager Leonard Wood, Director of Planning Sharon W. Hightower, Director of Parks & Recreation Maynard Law, Administrative Services Officer George Wunderlin, and Deputy City Clerk Mary Jo Lofthus. APPROVAL OF AGENDA After addition of Progress Report on Abalone Cove Landslide (Dyda) , Soccer Field at Portuguese Bend (Ryan) , and Brush Clearance (Ryan) the amended agenda was approved on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan and unanimously carried. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda and unanimously carried to hear the Audience Questions portion of the agenda at 9:00 P.M. WAIVER OF FULL READING OF Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS Councilman Ryan and unanimously carried to waive reading in full of all ordi- nances and resolutions adopted at this meeting with consent to the waiver of reading to be deemed to be given by all members of Council after the reading of title unless specific request was made at that time for the reading of such ordinance or resolu- t ion. II # II # CONSENT CALENDAR After removal of Item No. 5 (Letter from Parks & Recreation Committee) the remainder of the Consent Calendar was approved as follows on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Buerk: MINUTES Approved as presented the Minutes of the City Council Meeting of September 4, 1979. RESOLUTION NO. 79-77 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 79-77 OF THE CITY 11/ REGISTER OF DEMANDS COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $304,612.32, DEMAND NUMBER 6481 THROUGH 6884. RENEWAL OF STREET SWEEPING Authorized the Mayor to enter into an CONTRACT (1405) agreement with South Bay Sweeping Company for street sweeping services at $9.75/per curb mile and that $4,062 be transferred from the Highway and Trans- portation Fund unappropriated balances to the street sweeping account. SIDEWALK REPAIR PROJECT Authorized the Mayor to enter into an (1405) agreement with Mushroom Construction Company for the remaining part of Phase 1. The motion to approve the Consent Calendar carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: RYAN, BUERK, DYDA & MAYOR PRO TEM HEIN NOES: NONE ABSENT: MAYOR SHAW # # # # LANDSLIDE CONSTRUCTION Director Hightower summarized the CONCERNS staff report of October 2, 1979 which (1801) outlined the Council's action taken at their Adjourned Meeting of September 11, 1979. With regard to Recommendation No. 5, Council expressed concern about the method for determining property lines in this moving area. The suggestion was made to use the right-of-way on Palos Verdes Drive South as the boundary for this area. Mr. Alfred Marin, 8 Roseapple, requested that Council grant him permission to complete the work on his home. Mr. Bob McJones, 1 Lime Tree Lane, requested that the Council take action to allow him continue building since the rainy season would be starting shortly. Mr. Bob Smalley, 56 Lime Tree Lane, told the Council he felt people in the slide area should have the same privileges as other residents in making changes to their homes. He concurred with having the residents sign the hold harmless agreements; requested that Council maintain the electrical and plumbing codes and allow the importation of dirt to fill fissures and cracks on both private and public property. Referring to the recommendations listed in the October 2, 1979 staff memorandum, Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Buerk and unanimously carried to initiate a Code amendment to Section 9412, F as follows: F. Within areas currently experiencing downslope movement, only residential single family buildings and structures existing on the effective date of this Ordinance (1975) may be used, or restored providing: 1. The owner files a non-suit covenant with the City of Rancho Palos Verdes relieving said City of responsibility related to whatever hazard may exist. 2. Said restoration will not aggravate the present condition. 3. Homes must be occupied or the owners must undertake meaningful action to restore within one year of damage. 4. Restoration shall be limited to the same square footage as the original home. 5. Setbacks may be waived for restoration upon application to the the Director of Planning. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Buerk, and unanimously carried to adopt the policy statement recommended by staff and that the following definitions shall apply as used in various City plans and codes: 1. Maintain is to keep in a particular safe condition. 2. Repair is to bring back to a safe condition after partial decay or destruction. 3. Restore is to bring back to the original condition. 4. Replace is to exchange a damaged or worn-out portion for a new, repaired or equivalent portion without changing form or function. City Council -2- October 2, 1979 S. Alter is to change in some but not all respects where necessary to continue the use of, and where repair, replacement and restora- tion are not possible. 6. The proposed Code amendment, Section A above, is City policy until the amendment is approved and when approved will be policy in the entire landslide moratorium area. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Buerk and unanimously carried, that Council make determination on the following unfinished items in time to be included in the code amendment: (1) any necessary new terminology to replace "existing founda- tion;" (2) Expansion and additions to homes; and (3) dealing with the building code problem with regard to the portions that should be enforced to allow for innovative structures. Since staff testimony indicated that the circumstances surrounding Mr. Marin's situation fell within the repair and restoration sections just adopted as policy and within the definitions, Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan to take appropriate steps to allow Mr. Marin to repair and restore his home. This would include application for proper permits. Discussion then followed regarding inspection standards used for approval of the foundation for the Marin house and the development of a code to allow for innovative building methods which would provide safe standards. Roll call vote in response to Councilman Buerk's request to call for the question was answered as follows: AYES: BUERK NOES: RYAN, DYDA & MAYOR PRO TEM HEIN Council discussion then centered on how the Marin application could be processed through the County Engineer's office taking into consideration its unusual foundation. Director Hightower stated that in conversation with the District Engineer it was her impression that this type of foundation could be handled through a plan check for the foundation's strength; this procedure has been followed in the past and permits have been issued. Councilman Buerk moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda to amend the motion by adding that staff was to inform the County of the City's desire to have this case processed; that the foundation be especially reviewed with regard to safety, but not according to traditional standards; that it be expedited within two weeks. If any problems exist, staff is to report back to Council at the next meeting. The amendment carried unanimously. The main motion to allow Mr. Marin to repair and restore carried unanimously. AUDIENCE QUESTIONS There was no response to the Mayor Pro Tem's call for audience questions. RECESS At 9:00 P.M. Mayor Pro Tem Hein declared a brief recess. At 9:10 the meeting re- convened. CHANGE IN AGENDA To facilitate public testimony, Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda to change the order of the agenda and discuss Item No. 14 after the completion of the discussion on the landslide construction concerns. LANDSLIDE CONSTRUCTION CONCERNS Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman - Robert McJones Dyda to remand this matter back to the (1801) Subcommittee for consultation with the County Building Department. Councilman Dyda proposed a substitute motion, seconded by Councilman Ryan, that the subcommittee, in consultation with the staff and County Engineer, bring back a process that recognizes the need for permits as well as the requirement for innovative solutions to situations in the slide area. The substitute motion carried unanimously. City Council -3- October 2, 1979 6L6T `Z iagog00 ITouno0 ATz0 '6L6T `TT (TOZT x ZTT) ragmagda5 go ouiaui aaggzunuo0 UoTquaroaH I'IISISNOdS�2I -sTrud alp pa zT rummns pooh ra2BUUk1 1gz0 SIAMIS AS 1IV I g)II I •TTuqua pTnom Apn:s B Bons qugm oq su Tzouno0 o: pouq qrodar puu raqqBm alp a1u2TgsaAUT pTnom au qugq paqugs poop raftuuk1 Afz0 •goadsar quip uT maTgoid u aru sNuuq oTldas JT auTmaagap puu maTAar J JBqs quqq pazrruo ATsnomTUBUn puu upA[ UBUU[Touno0 Aq papuooas `panouz hang uuuJTTouno0 `aPTTs go asnuo age. aq qg2Tm Aagq qugq Agmgzssod alp puu apzs qSB[ alp UO UOXUBO alp oquz uzuap quqq S)Juuq ozidas go asn alp off. 2uTrrajau •ATsnomzuuun paTaauo UoTgom uTUU1 au •ATsnomzuuun pazrruo puu uBAH uuu1TTouno0 Aq papuooas sum quatupuaur au •sictp 2uTNaob uaq uzggTm ic:z0 aq: oq grodar A2oToa2 aqi gTmgns gszT2ua •rks :ugq arznbar o: papuauru ragganj aq uozgom alp qugq pagsanbar upAQ uumTTouno0 •icT snouizuuun paTaauo puu uBicg uuu1TT ouno0 icq papuooas sum quampuamu au •Izouno0 aq: oq jouq gaodar oq sT ggugs suiaTgord Auu are aragj gI •gsTT2uE •.zy1 Aq paggTmqns aq oq lrodar i2oToa2 age sNaam omq uzqpzm maTAar raauT2ua Aquno0 alp gsanbar j jujs quqq aqugs oq papuaue aq uoTgom aqq quip paqsanbar Naang uumTzouno0 •iauuutu paqonrqsgoun uu uT Agradord szq uo asrnoo raqum agq uTuqUTBW oq paaTnbar aq gszT2UE •iI,1 iugP `osTy •aaauT ug ic:uno0 alp icq pamaTAar aq JT quqq puu irodar i2oToa2 paaTnbar alp uT papuammooa r su 2uzpur2 IuTpamar op o:. uoTquoTTddu 2uzpur2 u r0J sTuz;alum paaTnbar TTu gTmgns o: paaTnbar aq gsTT2ua •iN : q: uuig uumTTouno0 Aq papuooas `panom upAQ uumTTouno0 •STS Tuuu AauuTmTTard u iTuo qnq gaodar A2oToa2 agaTduioo u 1ou sum grodar `6L61 `Z ragoqo0 s,poomNoor •aw qugw pagou raq:rng TTouno0 •TTT3 paqrodmT qoU puu `pasn aq gaTp „agTs„ papuammooar `6L61 `Z aagogo0 go grodar LruuTmTTard s,poomNoo7 •ij uana quip Tiouno0 Aq paqou sum qI •panouia r IITP ITTJ paqrodmz age anug off. Aauroqgv goTrgsTQ age gfzm paaoord oq uoTquaquz raq sum qT `aszmragqo pzus TTouno0 aq: SsaTun qugq paquammoo ramoqg2zH 10g3a1TQ •uo1uuo aq: oq poor ssaoou JO pUT) aiuos uT 2uTqqnd rapzsuo0 A TD aqq :ugh puu uoJuuo alp uzggTm do paduros aq pTnoo qug1 TuTaalum aougans ggTm .zo pagrodmz aq gaTp ggzm raggTa uT paTIT J aq sNau.zo TBlp :asanoo aaqum alp 2uTuzuquTSm ro; aTgzsuodsar sum oqm oq su aura sTgq qu quamaqugs Auu ajuui qou A1TD alp quip paisanbar aH 'Baru aPTTs aq: uT :.ou puu Agradord sTq JO apzs alp of nano paoBTd kiiUarrno sum 1T quqq puu gaTp sTgq ggTm S)ouro uT ITHH oq uoTquaJuT szq sum qT Iugq paqugs raggrnJ aH •apo0 s,Agz0 age JO UozluToTA uT sum gTmaad u JnoggTm gaTp szgp uT 2uT2uTaq :Bgp OS pap aq amT1 alp Iu aroma sum au quip puu 11TP ITTJ alp pagaodmT pug aq qugq pzus gsTT2ua •1J4 `AaTnbuz s,TTouno0 o: asuodsar uI •aPTm :aaj 08 0.3 OZ aram maq: go autos aouzs igradord szq UO SNoura alp uT TTTJ aq quip TuoT IT10 sum qT 1TaJ aH •arnqumard sum 2uTpu.12 TuTpamar op oq quauiaaTnbar aqq :aTquuosuarun aram AgTD aqq Aq apuui sqsanbar age quqq TTouno0 alp pTo: all '6L6T `Z ragog00 raggo PUB 996T `6Z garukl PaquP auo :qsT2oToa2 2uTJTnsuoo `poom)OOZ aonrg uio1 J sgrodar omq ggTm TTouno0 aqq paquasard `IzuH dos Z ` TSTI Ug anug •1J4 •gsTT2u[ •1w UO SquauzatTnbar 1cuu 2uTsodmT oq mild sqrodar i2oToa2 uzuggo pTnogs A1T0 alp gg2nogq ag qugq pTBS `puog asrog2upoog 017 `STrro14 •'I 'M •rinl •uo1uuo aq: go moqgoq aqq qu asrnoo raqum aqq Jo a2BjooTq aqi puu gaTp go uoTqugaodmT TunUT1uoo S,gSTT�u� •z11 `uaau alp Jo AST TgBI.s age 1.nogB uraouoo passardxa •puoH qIoO 5582 ` pzuig0S iclBO *saki 3 •1J4 puu :puoH gTOO TT8Z `TTzurg urugrug :PBOg gTOO TZBZ nosorL'qng •rk1 :auu7 ITB T doi 0T `TTagAuQ clog •1J4 :Baru alp go squapTsar 2uTmoT -T03 aq: aram gSTT2ua •rw Aq TTH JO uoTquqrodmT puu 2uTpur2 alp qsuTu2u 2UT)uad5 •auu7 ITBH. dos qu aPTTsPuBT aq� 2uTpru2a1 puZ ragoqo0 go uinpuurouiatu (T08T) ggu:s alp pamaTAar ramogg2TH roqoatTQ KQI1SQNV'I HSI'IONa GIAVU Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Buerk that the staff prepare a letter for the Mayor's signature telling the Committee of Council's concurrence with their memo, but indicating that P & R recommendations are subject to the approval of the Traffic Committee. The motion carried unanimously. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 5 Mayor Pro Tem Hein declared the public (701) hearing open on this proposed amendment to change the land use designation of two former school sites from Institutional - Educational to Residential 2-4 dwelling units per acre. The City Clerk reported that notice had been given, with evidence on file, and that no written protests had been filed. Planning Director Hightower reviewed the recommendations of the Planning Commission and staff for approval of this amendment. Representing the owners and developers of this property was Clark Leonard of Lanco Engineering. He said that he concurred with the Planning Commission's recommendation. In response to Council's inquiry if other alternatives had been considered, Planning Commissioner Harvey Brown said that the Commission felt that the 2-4 units per acre was more compatible with the surrounding area than the 1-2 units per acre. There being no response to the Mayor Pro Tem's call for additional testimony, she then declared the hearing closed. To make the Planning Commission's October 2nd memorandum consistent with their recommendation, Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hein, that recommendation "C" be corrected to read: "That an Urban Appearance Overlay Control District be designated for the former Los Cerros School Site. " The motion carried unanimously. Resolution No. 79-78 of the City Council of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, California adopting General Plan Amendment No. 5 of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes was read by title. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan to ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 79-78 with the amendment to Section 3. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: RYAN, DYDA & MAYOR PRO TEM HEIN NOES: BUERK ABSENT: MAYOR SHAW COUNCIL RETREAT Mayor Pro Tem Hein suggested that the (307) Council hold a retreat. It was the consensus of Council that a straw agenda be prepared and circulated among councilmembers, then they could determine a mutually acceptable date. CETA RESOLUTIONS Referring to Resolution No. 79-98 adopted (601) by the City of Huntington Park, and adopted by the League at their annual meeting, Mayor Pro Tem Hein inquired of Council what their position was regarding this matter. Councilman Buerk moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hein that the City Council adopt a policy to oppose the current CETA program. The motion carried on a three - one vote with Councilman Ryan abstaining. REPORT ON TESTIMONY BEFORE Commenting that she had distributed copies SUPERVISOR BURKE of her speech to the members of Council, (109 x 306) Mayor Pro Tem Hein said that the City should be hearing from the County Depart- ment of Beaches, and Supervisor Burke regarding questions raised in her testimony. REPORT ON LEAGUE MEETING The Mayor Pro Tem distributed to Council (310 x 1102) copies of a report on the actions taken by the League at their meeting in San Francisco. City Council -5- October 2, 1979 LANDSLIDE SUBCOMMITTEE REPORT Councilman Dyda reported that the sub- (306) committee had met with officers of the non-profit corporation and reviewed a proposal about activity that the corporation is about to undertake. The corporation is now going to get a proposal for the performance of that work. PORTUGUESE BEND SOCCER FIELD Reporting on some vandalism at the (1206) Portuguese Bend soccer field and other acts of minor vandalism at school sites, Councilman Ryan requested that the City Manager talk with the Sheriff's Department to see if they would consider including the school sites on the patrol rounds. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan to direct staff to request the Sheriff's Department prepare a short report on their ability within their current structure to provide patrols not only within the residential area but also within the school sites. The motion carried unanimously. CLEARANCE OF BRUSH Councilman Ryan reported that there were several lots on Dauntless that needed to be cleared of brush. TRACT NOS. 34834 & 32991 Director Hightower presented the staff REQUEST TO GRADE memorandum of October 2, 1979, concerning (1411) this request to allow grading on these tracts prior to final approval and recordation. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda to approve staff recommendation. The motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC WORKS ORGANIZATION City Manager Wood presented the memorandum (302) of September 27th and the September 24, 1979, Proposal for Public Works Management Services prepared by Roy Jorgensen Associates, Inc. Referring to the first paragraph under the title "Fee" on Page 9, Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Buerk, that the last sentence be changed to read: ". . .balance of the cost will be submitted upon acceptance of the final report." The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Maynard A. Crowther, Engineer-Manager for Roy Jorgensen Associated, told the Council that he was looking forward to doing the research needed to make improvements in the way Public Works operations are managed and performed. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan to accept the proposal from Roy Jorgensen Associates and authorize the mayor to sign a contract in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in their proposal. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: RYAN, BUERK, DYDA & MAYOR PRO TEM HEIN NOES: NONE ABSENT: MAYOR SHAW # ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: LETTER FROM THE PARKS & Mayor Pro Tem Hein's motion to send a RECREATION COMMITTEE RE letter to the Miraleste Parks and Recrea- MIRALESTE P & R DISTRICT tion District failed on a 4 - 0 vote. (1201) Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Buerk to authroize the Mayor to meet with the Board of Directors of the Miraleste Parks & Recreation District to diplomatically discuss the contents of the Committee's letter. The motion carried unanimously City Council -6- October 2, 1979 RECESS TO EXECUTIVE SESSION At 11:30 P.M. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by the Mayor Pro Tem to recess to executive session for discussion of pending litigation. RECONVENE & ADJOURNMENT The meeting reconvened with all members present and was immediately adjourned at 12:00 A.M. on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Hein and carried unanimously. No action was taken by Council. MAYOR LEONARD G. WOOD, CITY CLERK & EX OFFICIO CLERK OF THE COUNCIL 4106(6. Ag■ Ad!' ir CI VLERK City Council -7- October 2, 1979