CC MINS 19790605 M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JUNE 5, 1979 The meeting was called to order at 7:37 P.M. by Mayor Ann Shaw at the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District Building, 30942 Hawthorne Boulevard. After the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: RYAN, BUERK, HEIN, DYDA AND MAYOR SHAW Also present were City Attorney Patrick Coughlan, City Manager Leonard G. Wood, Director of Planning Sharon W. Hightower, Director of Public Works Dennis Pikus, Administrative Services Officer George Wunderlin, Associate Planner Keith Turner, and Deputy City Clerk Mary Jo Lofthus. CEREMONIAL MATTER: Mayor Shaw presented a commemorative resolution to Al Rosenthal in recog- nition of his leadership and civic dedication as the first Chairman of the City's Parks and Recreation Committee from November 18, 1975 to May 5, 1979. Mayor Shaw also presented a commemorative resolution to Mel Hughes in recognition of his term as Chairman of the City's Planning Commission from April 18, 1978 to May 15, 1979. APPROVAL OF AGENDA After addition of Marineland (Ryan) , Plaza Palos Verdes (Shaw) and removal of No. 16 (Agency Shop Bill) , the amended agenda was approved on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilwoman Hein and unanimously carried. WAIVER OF FULL READING OF Councilman Buerk moved, seconded by RESOLUTIONS & ORDINANCES Councilwoman Hein, and unanimously carried to waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions adopted at this meeting with consent to the waiver of reading to be deemed to be given by all members of Council after the reading of title, unless specific request was made at that time for the reading of such ordinance or resolution. CONSENT CALENDAR After deletion of No. 1 (Minutes of May 15) , No. 3 (Stop Regulations) , and No. 7 (Parking Restrictions) , the amended Consent Calendar was approved as follows on motion of Councilman Buerk, seconded by Councilman Ryan: RESOLUTION NO. 79-51 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 79-51 OF THE REGISTER OF DEMANDS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $895,212.44, DEMAND NUMBERS 6313 THROUGH 6389. RESOLUTION NO. 79-52 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 79-52 OF THE CLOSING INDIAN PEAK ROAD CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO (305) PALOS VERDES TEMPORARILY CLOSING A PORTION OF INDIAN PEAK ROAD ON JULY 14, 1979. -1- RESOLUTION NO. 79-53 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 79-53 OF THE COUNTY AID TO CITIES CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO (1404) PALOS VERDES REQUESTING AN ALLOCATION AND PAYMENT OF COUNTY AID TO CITIES FUNDS FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF SELECT SYSTEM STREETS. TRACT NO. 29795 Accepted the Grant Deed and instructed SANITARY SEWER PURPOSES the City Clerk to record said deed. (1411) The motion to approve the Consent Calendar carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: RYAN, BUERK, HEIN, DYDA AND MAYOR SHAW NOES: NONE C.U.P. NO. 48 John Vanderlip, representing the APPLICANT: LESTER BARRON applicant requested that this matter LOCATION: CRESTRIDGE ROAD be continued to the first Council (1804) meeting in July. Councilman Ryan so moved, seconded by Councilman Buerk and unanimously carried. ANTENNA ORDINANCE City Attorney Coughlan distributed copies (1801) of the revised Antenna Ordinance to the members of Council; he highlighted the changes made. In order to give Councilmembers the opportunity to read the revised Ordinance, Council- man Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein and unanimously carried, to continue the discussion of this matter after the recess. EASTVIEW ANNEXATION City Attorney Coughlan referred to his (105) letter of May 29th concerning the providing of services in the annexation area. Basically, this letter pointed out that annexations have been treated differently than incorporations, and there are no provisions providing for continuation of County services. If the County is not inclined to provide services for the area through the next fiscal year, it would probably be advisable to complete the annexation this fiscal year in order to apply for bail-out funds that might become available. Since severe time constraints exist, he advised that this matter be dealt with immediately. City Manager Wood further commented on the amount of property tax that may be lost if the annexation is not completed before the end of the fiscal year and the personnel requirements in providing services for the area. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein and unanimously carried to re- affirm the schedule for the public hearing on the annexation for Friday, June 29, 1979 at 7:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING: LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1 Mayor Shaw opened the hearing and the RESOLUTION NO. 79-54 Clerk reported that notice had been (901) published. Director Pikus summarized the Engineer's Report for Landscape and Open Space Maintenance District No. 1 for Fiscal Year 1979-80 which explained the plans and specifications for the improvements, estimate of costs, diagram for the assessment district and the assessment for each parcel. -2- 6/5/79 City Council -8- TTDuno3 AgTD 6L/S/9 •ic:f3 auk suoTqupuammooa1 aquTadoaddu puu s2uzpuTj s,ic: uno3 aq: anbrnao uau: pTnom : s-c oToa2 AgTD a1I •mama. TI noaotF:. 103 : sT oIoa2 ic:.unop aq:: al. paggTmqns aq ua1p pTno1 s:insaa :sad. 'paaTnbaa 2uTgsai alp auzuiiagap qsT OToa2 s,A l3 auk q M laatu 'Ea;E ate Jo spunoq puu sgaam aq 2uTquozpuz AgTD alp 01. gsanbat u tons 1Tmgns :uaiu uinT10:E1om auk. moij uoTsnToxa 2uz sanbaa 1oJ poggam am. passnoszp uagl TTounop •ua au mnTioquzoW apTTspuw7 auk uioaj papnToxa aq toad: Aq paumo saT tadoad uTulaao Imp paqsanba t uazuri WW6Z ACuN 30 ;a::aT s,Auudmoo sTg o: paaaajaa saTgaadoad Sap.IaA SOTEd 103 (T08T) aa2uuuyl Tu:auaD qU STSsV 'uugoox auk' vd2Iv Wf1I2IOZV2IOW :QI'ISQNv1 'TTT3Puu7 sapaaA SoTEd auk. :E sTuoiulago Jo 2uzdmnp auk ;to:zuom iau: Mott goTalsz[ uoTqugTuus am. jo a.tTnbuT mugs aoXEy1 quip. paqsanbaa TTounoa •)IJOM pzp 1T lugq uoTquaqsuomap autos :nou:.l m uapz sT1T: uo spunJ goTagsTU asn o: equTadoadduuT sum Tt :em. Snsuasuoo auk sum :z `Tusodoid slip Jo uozssnoszp s,TTouno3 ;agjy •Tapom 2uz)T.zom aTuos TTnJ u doTanap of goTagsTQ uoTqugTuus at�� mo;tj spun] 2up aas ST puu mags1s aaJsuuaq (Z0t7T) laTzulq-0q-)10n11. ail: 30 Tapom aTEOS +7/T E IVSOd02Id 2IddSN z 2Id'II`d2IZ-OZ-?IOf12Is suq az1Q U A •ay1 quip pagaoda. Mugs iokuyl ANVdNOO ONIlId2NIONd II21Q NVA •paTaaup ATsnomzuuun puu uTaH uutuomTT ounop Aq papuooas 'EpAQ uumTTZUnoO Jo UOTgOM UO GILdOQy puu amq Aq puai sum Z 'ON ZOI2IZSIQ dDNVNdLNIVIHI dDVdS NddO QNY ddVOSQNV1 2103 SINdWSSdSSV GMV WV2IOVIQ dHI ONIN TIdNOD Sac2IaA SOIYd OHONV2I dO ALIO dHZ dO 'IIONf1OO AIIO aHZ d0 cc-6L 'ON NOIZf170Sd2I •pasoTo 2uTLuatl alp paauToap aus 'J UOmTgsaq o-Tgnd .to j Tlaa s,zokEN alp oq asuodsaa ou 2uzaq atagz •Tao1ud goua uo quamssassu au: puu Squamanoadur asaqq jo sqsoo aq jo aquuizgsa uu paivasaad 'Squauiano.tdmz alp 103 SUOT TUDTJT3adS puu SuuTd aq pagz.zosap t-ozum 08-6 L6T 1BaA TEOSTa `Z '°1\I goz.zWra aouuuaquzuyl aouds uadO puu aduospuui ;oj laodax s, iaauT2ud ate: pazTauUImns smud aoloa1TQ •pat.'szTgnd (T06) uaaq pug aoz qou quip pagaodai )1xaTO Sc-6L 'ON NOIIfl'IOSd2I aq:: :uado &JT uaq alp paauToap mugs aoAuy1 Z 'ON IDI2IZSIQ dDMVNdINIVW ddVOSQNWI •paz 1a1O LTsnomtuuun puu UT H uutuomTzouno3 Aq papuooas 'upAQ uuUITzounop JO UOTI.OM UO G Ld0QV puu aT:za. Aq puaa sum T 'ON IDI2IZSIQ aDNVNaLNIVW d3Vds Ndd0 QNY ddVOSQNV'I 2104 smakNSSdssV QNV NVUOVIG dHZ ONIM IdN0O SdG2IdA SOlVd OHONVII dO ALIO an dO 'IIONf OD AIID dHI dO t7c-6 L 'ON NOIITI0Sd2I •pasoTo &uTauaq au: paauToap ails 'IUOfzlsaq ;t q:;nj ;toj TTEO s,;oAEy1 aq: (pl. asuodsaa ou 2uzaq aaauz •squama1Tnba.t A;t SS oau alp Jo mag1 asTnpu TTzm 3Jugs `13zaqszp u-O azagq jo uoTquuzuoJ am. uT digs -1apuaT aq:: apTAoad uaie alp uT saauMoamoq atlq JI •gaodax s,aaauT2ud agq uT pasodo.td su goTagsTQ aouuuaquzuyl aq: gq-cm paaoo.zd TTouno0 Jo Snsuasuoo alp sum qT `AJTO alp oq squamaaa2u asotli quasaad puu 's,2mO puamu `qoT gsTp uT saaumoamoq TTu 3o Juasuoo agq qa2 'p9UUOJ aq qsnm uoTquTooss$ ,SaaumoaWOI u :Sgoz1l.szp uMo 1TatT MIOJ o: S1auMoamoq alp xoj L.t SSaoau SquamaaTnbaa aq jo uoTssnoszp 1aq3V •aouuualuzuui alp miojiad off. uoTquToossu Uu p9UUOJ saaUMOauzoq agq JT goTagsTp aq� aATosszp o: TTounoa A TO am. UOT Tgad pTnoo gouaq alp jo squapzsaa agq quip :TTzq xu: aaq uo a2augo ou sum aaaq: ;tai U11flZ alp 103 TuIJ 1 papuodsa1 sn�Td aogoa1TQ •aouuuaquTEm atop apTAoad pTnoo SanTasuzagq squapzsaa JT puu 'paduospuwT aq pTnom suaau quqm 'TTzq xul .Iau UO paqoaTjaa sum quamssassu STtp JT paaTnbuz `aATIQ ugsTA uqTV 69L9 `zquTD aaoua7 John McCarthy, representing the Portuguese Bend leaseholders, told the Council that all 51 of the homeowners had signed the leases on their property and were anxious to be excluded from the moratorium because it was delaying the close of escrow. Mr. McCarthy was advised that it would be necessary to have Palos Verdes Properties submit a request for exclusion as described earlier. Council requested that Staff process as quickly as possible the geologic reports and if satisfactory, to proceed with the proceeding of the Environmental Impact Report for this area. C.R. Bunten, 20 Cinnamon Lane, questioned what had been done about placing the water and gas lines above ground in the landslide area. Director Pikus responded that the City recommended that the California Water Service Company place these lines above ground because they are subject to fracture. The Water Company has decided not to put these lines above ground. After Council discussion of who would be responsible for damage that might occur as a result of these lines fracturing, and whether the PUC would preempt the City's authority in this matter, it was the consensus of Council that the City Attorney should write to the California Water Service Company advising them of the hazards of keeping these lines underground. Robin Doyno, 3 Plum Tree, told the Council that he appreciated their sensitivity to the disaster and didn't feel that this was the time to change the boundaries of the moratorium. Timothy Betts, 7 Plum Tree, referred to the May 11th letter from Burrell, Ltd. re- questing exemption from the moratorium. Since his property is so close to theirs, he inquired that if the Burrells receive an exemption, could he also. Additionally, he requested that any geologic data developed by the Burrells be made available to him. Mr. Betts was advised by Council that he would have to follow the procedure as described earlier and would be able to review any data submitted to the City. Tim Burrell, 4038 Exultant Drive, told the Council that he will make the appropriate application to Staff for exemption and would make the information available to the homeowners. RECESS At 9:15 P.M. Mayor Shaw declared a recess. At 9:25 P.M. she called the meeting back to order. ANTENNA ORDINANCE Councilmembers resumed their discussion (1801) of the proposed antenna ordinance. Councilwoman Hein moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda to add new Section 2 repealing Section 9711 C. The motion carried unanimously. Council referred to a letter from Robert Keefer, President of the Rancho Palos Verdes Amateur Radio Association requesting that the word "tower" be substituted for "antenna" throughout the ordinance. Mel Hughes, 28017 San Nicolas Drive, suggested that the ordinance refer to "antenna structures" rather than just "antennas." Councilman Dyda so moved, seconded by Mayor Shaw and carried unanimously. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Mayor Shaw and unanimously carried to strike the word "unsupported" from Section 1. Paragrpah 4. Robert Keefer, 5148 Silver Arrow Drive, read a letter requesting various changes to the proposed ordinance. Mel Hughes questioned the application of this ordinance to homes that are 30 ft. in height and if they would be prohibited from having antennas with a simple permit. City Council -4- 6/5/79 Council expressed concern that perhaps homeowners replacing TV antennas would be required to obtain a permit. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein to add to Paragraph No. 6 (Exceptions) subparagraph (2) , Subparagraph (vi.) Elimination of guy wires. The motion carried unanimously. Councilman Buerk moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda to add as Paragraph 5, in Section 1. the following: Existing antenna structures with support of 2" or less may be replaced with a similar structure without application to the City. The motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 119 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES REGULATING ANTENNAS AND AMENDING THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES MUNICIPAL CODE was introduced by title. Councilman Buerk moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda to waive further reading and INTRODUCE ORDINANCE NO. 119. The motion carried unanimously. SB-200 - PERIPHERAL CANAL Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Council- (1601) man Ryan to authorize Mayor Shaw to write a letter in support of SB-200. The motion carried unanimously. AB-1519 - STATE PROJECT Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Council- APPEALS BOARD woman Hein to authorize the Mayor to (310) oppose AB-1519. The motion carried unanimously. SB-888 - MANDATORY BINDING Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Council- ARBITRATION man Buerk to authorize the Mayor to send (310) a letter opposing SB-888. The motion carried unanimously. COASTAL LEGISLATION PENDING LEGISLATION TO AMEND Mayor Shaw referred to the June 5th THE COASTAL ACT memorandum prepared by the Director of (310) Planning which summarized the various bills proposed for amending the Coastal Act. Additionally, she referred to an omnibus bill and it was the intention of the Legislative Committee to further research this bill and bring to Council. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan to request a report from the Legislative Subcommittee at the next meeting on the pending omnibus bill and those bills not covered in the back-up on this item. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Shaw moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and unanimously carried to reopen the agenda for consideration of another matter. COUNTY SUPERVISOR Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Mayor (310) Shaw, to support the selection of a currently seated public official from the Fourth Supervisoral District to fill the vacancy for the position of County Supervisor. The motion failed on the following roll call vote: AYES: RYAN AND MAYOR SHAW NOES: BUERK, HEIN AND DYDA Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda and unanimously carried to modify the agenda and consider Item No. 18 (Underground District No. 4) as the next item of business. City Council _5_ 6/5/79 DALADIER DRIVE UNDERGROUND Director Pikus summarized the May 29, 1979 CONVERSION DISTRTCT memorandum which explained that petitions (901) had been circulated and submitted for the formation of an underground district on Miraleste Drive, Chandeleur Drive, Daladier Drive and Suana Drive. With the use of maps of the area, Stu Avera, representing the Edison Company, explained how the area would be served with the proposed undergrounding facilities. Elizabeth Hoffman, 2001 Suana Drive, representing the Homeowners on Suana Drive, presented a petition signed by the residents of that street opposing this undergrounding. Their objections were based upon the cost and the disturbance to the neighborhood. Also speaking in opposition to this undergrounding were the following residents of the area; Robert Gillingham, 2041 Suana Drive, Julian Foley, 2025 Suana Drive, E.J. Schneider, 2017 Suana Drive and Dorothy Brown, 2041 Suana Drive. Their objections were based mainly on the fact that they had partial undergrounding of their utilities, their view was free of power lines and poles, and the expense of completing this undergrounding. Speaking in favor of the undergrounding was Don Schwartz, 2038 Daladier Drive and Helen Hucich, 2058 Chandeleur Drive. Council discussion centered around the fact that because a hybrid system was installed composed of both underground and overhead facilities and Suana Drive residents paid in part for an underground system, therefore their benefit is diminished by already having a partial underground and a lesser portion-of the district cost should be applied. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Mayor Shaw to direct Staff to separate the costs for that portion of the power poles and the completion of the Suana Drive undergrounding as opposed to the entire district. The motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 79-56 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES INSTITUTING PROCEEDINGS, ACKNOWLEDGING WAIVER OF DEBT LIMIT INVESTIGATION PROCEEDINGS AND DIRECTING PREPARATION OF RESOLUTION OF INTENTION FOR THE CONVERSION OF EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE AND CABLE TELEVISION FACILITIES IN DALADIER DRIVE AND OTHER RIGHTS OF WAY. (RANCHO PALOS VERDES IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 4) was read by title and ADOPTED on motion of Councilman Buerk, seconded by Councilman Dyda and unanimously carried. MARINELAND Councilman Ryan commented that he had (1804) received complaints about band playing during the evening hours at Marineland. Mayor Shaw said that she, along with City Manager Wood and Director Hightower would be meeting with representatives from Marineland and they would discuss this with them, as well as the projected hours of operation. PLAZA PALOS VERDES Mayor Shaw commented on the receipt of a (1203) Hearing Notice from the City of Rolling Hills Estates regarding an appeal to their City Council from their Planning Commission to grant a conditional use permit for the construction and operation of an Ice Skating Rink as part of the proposed retail complex in the Peninsula Center. She said it would be appropriate to have a Staff member attend this meeting and report back to Council. Councilman Dyda so moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and unanimously carried. TRAFFIC CONTROL AT PALOS VERDES Director Pikus summarized the May 30, 1979 DRIVE EAST & VIA CANADA memorandum regarding the Traffic Committee's (1503) recommendations for the subject intersection. Further, the memo detailed the costs of these modifications. City Council -6- 6/5/79 It was the consensus of the Traffic Committee that a traffic signal was not warranted at this intersection. Council discussion then centered on the high cost for excavation of the embankment as indicated in the memorandum. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan to get a better estimate on the excavation of the embankment. The motion carried unanimously. # If # It If ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR MINUTES OF MAY 15, 1979 Page 4, SB-858 - Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein that the following be added to the discussion of this matter: "Council discussion focused on the present prerogative of cities to agree to unionization and to set this into legislation is unnecessary and merely the first erosive step to compulsory unionization violating the freedom of choice for individuals. The language to exclude certain classifications from the union did not seem to be of sufficient benefit." The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: BUERK, RYAN, HEIN AND DYDA NOES: MAYOR SHAW Page 4, Regionalized Sheriff's Services - Mayor Shaw moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein that this discussion be amended as follows: "At that meeting, it was agreed that the Mayors from the four cities would meet again in two weeks to explore this idea." The motion carried unanimously. Page 3, C.U.P. No. 48 - Council noted that another motion was made to continue this matter to the first meeting in June. Page 7, Antenna Ordinance - Council noted that the minutes should reflect that Councilwoman Hein's initial motion died on a three-two vote. The minutes as amended were adopted on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Mayor Shaw and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 79-57 Council questioned the necessity of these ESTABLISHING STOP SIGNS stop signs, whether the warrants were too (1502) liberal, and suggested that the Traffic Committee review the warrants to make sure they are meaningful for the City. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein to table this matter and get a review from the Traffic Committee as to the adequacy of the warrants for the City. The motion died on the following roll call vote: AYES: HEIN AND DYDA NOES: RYAN, BUERK AND MAYOR SHAW City Council -7- 6/5/79 y RESOLUTION NO. 79-59 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ESTABLISHING STOP REGULATIONS AT CERTAIN INTERSECTIONS WITHIN THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES was read by title and ADOPTED on motion of Councilman Buerk, seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: RYAN, BUERK, HEIN AND MAYOR SHAW NOES: DYDA PROHIBITED PARKING ZONES ON Council expressed concern that the OCEAN CREST DRIVE & installation of these street sweeping ISLAND VIEW DRIVE (1503) signs would be the start of a proliferation of signs in the City; if it would be more appropriate to consider prohibition of parking for recreational vehicles. Traf f is Committee Chairman Ray Mathys commented that this street was being used to store recreational vehicles and that the installation of these street sweeping signs was an interim measure to have them moved at least once a week. Councilman Buerk moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda, not to install parking restriction signs on Ocean Crest Drive. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: RYAN,. BUERK, HEIN & DYDA NOES: MAYOR SHAW Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda to instruct staff to investigate recreational vehicle and large vehicle parking restrictions and criteria. The motion carried unanimously. RECESS TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Council- woman Hein and unanimously carried to recess to Executive Session for discussion pending litigation. At 12:40 A.M. the meeting reconvened with no action taken. ADJOURNMENT: At 12:42 A.M. Councilman Buerk moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein to adjourn the meeting to Tuesday, June 12, 1979 at 7:30 P.M. for a Budget Work Session. C5ZL(.1 MAYOR LEONARD G. WOOD, CITY CLERK & EX OFFICIO CLERK OF THE COUNCIL 0( fT C/'K City Council -8- 6/5/79