CC MINS 19790515 M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MAY 15, 1979 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Ann Shaw at the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District Building, 30942 Hawthorne Boulevard. After the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: RYAN, HEIN, DYDA AND MAYOR SHAW LATE ARRIVAL: BUERK (at 8:57 P.M.) Also present were City Attorney Patrick Coughlan, City Manager Leonard G. Wood, Director of Planning Sharon W. Hightower, Director of Public Works Dennis Pikus, Community Services Officer Tom Bandy, Administrative Services Officer George Wunderlin, Director of Parks and Recreation Maynard Law and Deputy City Clerk Mary Jo Lofthus. APPROVAL OF AGENDA After addition of SBA58 (Dyda) , Fee for moviemaking (Ryan) , Landslide Moratorium (Dyda) and resolution regarding annexation (Mayor Shaw) , the amended agenda was approved on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilwoman Hein. WAIVER OF FULL READING OF Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Council- ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS man Ryan, and unanimously carried to waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions adopted at this meeting with consent to the waiver of reading to be deemed to be given by all members of Council after the reading of title, unless specific request was made at that time for the reading of such ordinance or resolution. CONSENT CALENDAR: After deletion of Item No. 14 (Miraleste Drive Resurfacing) , the Consent Calendar was approved as follows on motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman Hein. MINUTES Approved as presented the minutes of May 1, 1979. RESOLUTION NO. 79-42 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 79-42 OF THE CITY REGISTER OF DEMANDS OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $270,127.06, DEMAND NUMBERS 6260 THROUGH 6312. RESOLUTION NO. 79-43 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 79-43 OF THE CITY APPROVING ENGINEER'S REPORT COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES (LANDSCAPE & OPEN SPACE MAINTENANCE APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S REPORT (LANDSCAPE DISTRICT NO. 1) AND OPEN SPACE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1) . (901) RESOLUTION NO. 79-44 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 79-44 OF THE CITY DECLARING INTENTION TO LEVY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES AND COLLECT ASSESSMENTS DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO LEVY AND COLLECT (901) ASSESSMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1979-80 FOR A LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCE DISTRICT (LANDSCAPE AND OPEN SPACE MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 1) . -1- 6L6T `5T Auw -Z- ujw TTounop '£-L L 'ON 13E111100 alEAT1d aapun 17T LT£ 'ON 1ZE1s 103 puog aouuui1oJ1ad Tnjq:TEd aq: puu 1apTATpgns aql puu AlTD aql a 1 uaaxlaq ivamaai y aaMas ivçuES auk pasuaTaa :dEtu aul uo uMous saaMas (1T171) A;ulTu s au: asn oTTgnd ioj paldaoou puu GNOS d0 asvaid2i GNV :uauzaa;t v Jamas AiulTuuS auk Aq paiTnbaa sE s iataS ANVIINVS d0 HONvjdaaav palaTdmoo uaaq suq quip )11oM auk paAO,zddv i7TLT£ 'ON Z0�'2IZ '£L9Z£ (T1171) •oN DoE [I uT TTEM auk �o UOT�on.z1suoo 'I'IWM NOISIAIGSl1S auk .zoo 8 7LZL 'oN puog aouEtu,zojaad 2IOd GNOS dO dsVd'Id2I Tn311:Tud PaTTaouuo puu )11oM auk. paAO1ddy £L9Z£ 'ON ZD�d2Is '£L9Z£ 'ON :Quiz ;oj aapTATpgns au: puu AlTD aul uaaMlaq luauiaaa2v magsAs ialui (TT17T) uoTsTATpgns au: pasuala1 puu luamaai y ZNgJ4a TOV magsics aaluM uoTsTATpgns alp Aq pa1Tnbaa NHISAS iaivti d0 asvaia i sE pa:aTduioo uaaq suu )11oM 1Tu TELpp punod £L9Z£ 'ON ZDV2IZ .:ov d uyl u o T S T AT p -qnS au: Jo 9'1L199 Puu T'17L1799 `17Li799 (0T17T) `5'£L1799 suoTloaS JO SUOTSTAOId auk Jo Auu 01V14 laDUyd d0 1VA02IddV alu1OTA :ou TTTM loa Coid sTgl punod £L£Z '0N dVInl 1dD2IVd 'LL9Z£ -ON loyal aoj aapTATpgns alp puu AlTD au: uaaMlaq luauiaaa2v malsAs aaluM (11171) uoTsTATpgnS au: pasuaTai puu quamaai2y ZNgwddHOv uia:s2cs 1alBM uozszAZpgns alp Aq paiTnbaa wais&s iajvt d0 aSvd'Id2I su pa:aTdmoo uaaq sEq )1aoL auk quq i punod LL9Z£ 'ON ZDV2IZ •AuudmoD a3TAaaS "aluM ETUIOJTTuD au: JO :Eu: aq asuadxa uoTluooT -a, aul :uu: 'paquoolai aq luauiasua auk (509) sarTnba1 quamdoTaAap 31.aud aanlnj jT luq i 'OD HaIA2IdS 2IdZVM VIN2IOdYlVD uoT1Tpuoo auk luauiasua aaluM u paquuao OZ ZNaJdsVa 2iaZvr •ic:.TD alp :suTE2E (£O£) 2TuH uusns uoc JO MTEID au: paTua j NvSlls 'S NOG dO NIVID 'AlTD au: lsuTu�E "TETo a�ET E aTT� of uuU nori •I ugor JO uoTTuoTTddE paTUaQ (£0£) } 2 WIV IO (Z 'ON IDD USIG dDNVN3ZNIVW IDVds NddO GNV adVDSGNVI) ZDI2iiSIG DNVNLNIVW ONIdYDSGNVI V 210d 08-6 L6T 2IVdA IVDSId 110d SZNdWSSdssV (T06) ZDETIOD GNV AAd I OZ NOIZNaLNI SZI ONI21v1D G SZNdWSSdssV AAd'I SaG2IIA SO'IVd OHDNV21 dO LIID dHI dO 'IIDNl1OD OZ NOIZNdLNI ONI2IV1D G AZID dHI dO 917-6L 'ON NOII1YIOSd2I GUZdOGV 9i7-6L 'ON NOII 1'IOSd2i (Z 'ON ZOI2IZSIG dDNVNdLNIVW dDVdS NddO GNV ddVDSGNV1) Z2IOdd2I S,2Ia NIONd aHS ONIAO2IddV SdD2IA (106) SOTcTd OHDNV1I dO ALID dHI dO IIDNIIOD AIID (Z 'ON IDI2IZSIG ddVOSGNV'I) au dO 517-6 L 'ON NOIETIOSd21 GdLdOGV 517-6L 'ON NOIZt17OSd2I PARCEL MAP NO. 6467 Found that the construction of the - ACCEPTANCE OF SANITARY SEWERS sanitary sewers for Parcel Map No. 6467 (1410) had been completed in compliance with plans and specifications and in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer. ROBERTI-Z'BERG URBAN Directed Staff to prepare the necessary SPACE GRANT documentation and resolutions for the (1201) various districts/agencies for the transfer of grant funds authorized Staff to amend the current application for SB-174 grant funds to reflect these new grant funds. The motion to approve the consent calendar carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: RYAN, HEIN, DYDA AND MAYOR SHAW NOES: NONE ABSENT: BUERK RESOLUTION NO. 79-47 Administrative Services Officer George WORKERS' COMPENSATION Wunderlin presented the Staff memorandum SELF-INSURANCE PROGRAM of May 10, 1979 which explained that the (902) proposed resolution would bind the City to the Workers' Compensation Self-Insurance Program for three years providing that a sufficient number of cities joined. The schedule calls for all cities who intend to participate in the program to adopt and submit such a resolution by May 25, 1979 thus making it necessary that the Council adopt it at this meeting. The Staff memorandum further pointed out that while the program is not perfect, it does offer an opportunity to escape the high costs and poor administration provided by the State Compensation Insurance Fund; the most prudent decision at this time would be to elect to join the program and continue to push for changes in the program that will make it more equitable. Staff recommended that the Council adopt the proposed resolution and instruct the City's delegate to the Southern California Joint Powers Insurance Authority to continue to push for changes in the program. Staff was instructed not to transmit the resolution pending the potential of a special meeting that may be required if Councilman Dyda's lobbying efforts for modification are successful. RESOLUTION NO. 79-47 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ELECTING TO PARTICIPATE IN THE WORKERS' COMPENSATION JOINT SELF-INSURANCE PROGRAM OF THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY was read by title. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and unanimously carried, to ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 79-47 but not distribute pending potential revisions. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and unanimously carried, to approve the Mayor signing a letter requesting a six-month pro rata extension of the current compensation insurance policy. C.U.P. NO. 48 & VARIANCE NO. 36 Mayor Shaw moved, seconded by Councilman LOCATION: CRESTRIDGE ROAD Dyda to reopen the agenda to consider APPLICANT: LESTER BARRON removing this item. The motion carried (1804) unanimously. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Mayor Shaw, to hear this appeal the first meeting in June. The motion carried unanimously. City Council -3- May 15, 1979 6L6T `ST kew 2uTgaaN Ttounop •SUOTSTAaa asaq: pauTvluoo gotgm gaodai alp Ttounop Jo siaquiauz alp oq paqngTagstp smud ioloaaTG •Sa.sT2oToa2 aq: of uiagp paglTmgns puu liodat dug: o1 suoi ippu puu SUOTST laa autos apum :gaodai TuuT j i sgsT2oToaO am. pamaTAa1 pug aalltuuuoogns aptTspuu7 (T08T) age qugq pagiodaa upiQ uuu1Ttounop SISI0010d0 W02Id Z2IOdd2I 'IYNId xT:ng :INdsqV MVHS 210AVJ4 :S aor �Q�Q '3 NIdH `NVA2I :Sdxv :a�o� TTuo TT GAG am. uo pa111uo uo- om s i upAQ uumTTouno0 •1TJauaq quaToTJJns Jo aq off. Waas q.ou pip uotun am. mozj SUOTTRD TJTsSPTo. utulaao apnToxa o� aun2uuT agz •STunpTATpuT 103 aoiogo Jo mopaaaj agq 2uTluTOTA uot1Z1Uotun Aaos1ndmoo o� dal s aATsoaa : saTj aq..STaaam puu Aaussaoauun ST uoTTeTsT2aT oa:uz •sTm. 1.as puu uoTquzTuotun o: aaa u o saTI.To Jo aAT1.u2oaaad quasaad am. uo pasnooj uoTssilostp TTouno0 •8S8-gS uo aa.OA ou u aSUD ATsnoao2TA of `TTzq szga. uo aouanTJuz aneq TTPM asTa tanamogm Jo ao:uuas ano ggzm aquotununuoo of 'uuAg uuiuTTounop Aq papuooas `paAouz upAQ uuuITTounop •saaAoTduza orTgnd TTu ;oj dogs Aoua2u uu sasodoid gotgm (ZOZT) TTzq szgp uo palaoda.z upAQ uuuiTtouno0 'I'IIg dOHS A3NdOV - 858-gS •ic:t0 lsa21uT agl azu am gouts paAToAuz saz:zo aagpo alp 1OJ aoTAaas Stga 2utztptsgns do pua :g2-tw c:t3 alp sduq.xad lugl passaadxa sum uiaouo0 •A1TD aql off. snoaguquuApu ATTuoTWouooa aq pTnom 1aglagm puu ldaouoo sppp passnostp uagl TTouno0 •uap1 szga. aaoTdxa iaminj (31. s)laam oma uT uTu2u :.aa z. pTnom saTaTo asaq. mo.tj saoium aqs luga. paaa2u sum 1T '2uTlaaui if •passnoszp sum ldaouoo stql aaagm ulTmoq puu sTTTH &UTTT02I `SalugS[ sTTTH &ITT-10U moa j SaATluquasaadaa q:-cm uoTquls s 1 JJTaags alp :u papualqu a1S 2uTlaam u uo paquammoo ;aglanj aqs •uoTluls ulTmo7 agl Aq paAaas uaau paquaodaoouzun aql puu saT1To gouaquoo alp 103 SaoTAaas S‘JJT1ags pazTTuuoT2a1 Jo AlTTZgtsuaj am. 2uT1u2T SaAuz Jo uapT aq: palsa22ns gotgm Saqulsg sTTTH 2uTTTo2I Jo IlTD aql 11101J 6L6T `8 JPIAI Pa:uP is:laT (90ZT) u Jo ldtaoa.z aql pa2paTmouAou mugs 1okuyl SdDIA IdS S,ddIlIaHS aanivmoioalt •icltununuoD alp 10J URN )11Pd zagSE11 TPnlda01100 alp Jo UOTTP11.1aSazd P alum of aqup u as of uoTluazoaj puu sNaud aq. azTioginu o: paTaauo ATsnomTuuun puu utaH uumomTTounop Aq papuooas `paAom upAQ uumTTouno0 •2utl.aaui u Lions pTog oq uapz pool u Sum 1.t snsuasuoo Tuaaua2 alp sum 1T :poogiogqWtau aTaga. ,zoj pauuuTd 2utaq aiam s)liud aq inoqu SluapTsaa ai: 2uTmaojut Jo aouuI.zodmt agl 2uzpau2a1 pamoTToJ ualp uotssnostp TTounop •1uamdoTanap aan:nj aoj TuTlualod aqs puu uuTd aalsuw alp jo aaumu SuazT1To (TOZT) aAum o: :lsanbaa stq: ao3 uosuaa aTagP ONIZdaInl NOLIVI42I0dNI pauzuTdxa gotgm 6L6T `6 Aux Jo mnpuu1ouiam 3IZgfld V QZOH 0,1 ssanbau s i aallTmmoD aq. paivasatd mu- aoloa1TQ ddZZINN00 NOIZVd2Dd2I GNV S)ItIVd •ATsnomTuuun paT aauo uoT lom aqs •1oz.11STQ quauissassV 211T 11-12T1 gaa.zls aql Jo uoT lumao j alp ;o j quamlaudaQ puoj Aquno0 SaTa2uV son aql Aq panssz uoTluauToaQ (5017T) aAZqu2aN aq: anoaddu oq upiQ uuuITTounop NOIIV IVID G aAIIVOaN dO 1VA02IddV - Xq papuooas 'paAotu uuAH uuuITTouno0 Z3I}IZSIQ ONIZHOI'I Zdd2us Council discussed the moratorium boundaries as shown on Figure I of this report and it was agreed that the Seaview area did not fall within those boundaries. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein and unanimously carried, to accept the final report as the completion of the contract and pay the balance due the geologists. Staff was requested to send a letter and a copy of Ordinance No. 108U to the Seaview Homeowners Association advising them that the area is not within the moratorium boundaries, Director Pikus gave a brief report on other matters dealing with the slide area; status of the contract with the geologists, report on sewer district and the schedule for the dewatering tests. City Attorney Coughlan reported that the legislation dealing with Disaster Abatement Districts (SB-1195) was set to be heard before the Senate Local Government Committee on May 21. SB-1203 dealing with liability relief was scheduled to be heard on June 5 before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Council suggested that these dates be made known to the residents of the slide area. (At 8:58 P.M. Councilman Buerk arrived and was present for the remainder of the meeting.) Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein to authorize the City Attorney to send a representative to the Local Government Committee hearing on SB-1195 on May 21 if he deems it necessary. The motion carried unanimously. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein to authorize a member of the City Council as well as the City Attorney to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee on June 5 to testify in support of SB-1203. The motion carried unanimously. RECESS: At 9:00 P.M. Mayor Shaw declared a brief recess. At 9:10 P.M. meeting reconvened with the same members present. FEE FOR MOVIEMAKING Councilman Ryan reported that other cities WITHIN THE CITY were charging substantially more for (202) moviemaking permits and questioned if the fee being charged covered all of the City's costs. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein that Staff compare the City's fees with that being charged by other cities and to determine if the charges are in line with the City's costs. The motion carried unanimously. LANDSLIDE MORATORIUM Director Hightower presented the Staff ORDINANCE NO. 118U memorandum of May 15, which explained (1801) the proposed amendments to Ordinance No. 108U. All of these amendments concerned minor projects. Although additional amendments may be required in the future, it was Staff's opinion that it was not appropriate now to consider larger projects or construction of new buildings. Additionally, the Staff report summarized three requests for exemption from the moratorium: Mr. Jack Downhill's request to replace a residence which was burned down in 1973; Mr. & Mrs. Bain's request for a grading permit to build a horse ring; and, Charles Himmelwright's request for relief from the expense of obtaining a geology report each time he needs to import fill for cracks caused by landmovement. The Staff report noted that if Council adopted the proposed amendment, no further Council action would be required on the Downhill request. Council Meeting -5- May 15, 1979 Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and unanimously carried, to amend Section 4, subparagraph (g) of the proposed ordinance as follows: (g) The City Council may also approve exemption of minor projects (projects not involving new buildings) providing a geology study is approved by the City geologist indicating that the project will not aggravate the existing situation. After Council discussion of the conditions for the Himmelwright request, it was the consensus of Council that Condition No. 1 should be amended as follows: A permit for remedial grading not to exceed the maximum cubic yards or maximum term recommended by the City's geologist. ORDINANCE NO. 118U OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 108U AND DECLARING THE URGENCY THEREOF was read by title and ADOPTED as amended on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilwoman Hein. With respect to the Himelwright request, Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein, to adopt the recommended conditions as modified by Council. The motion carried unanimously. The Bain request was approved on motion of Councilman Buerk, seconded by Councilman Dyda and unanimously carried. ANNEXATION City Attorney Coughlan explained the (105) proceedings for setting a public hearing RESOLUTION NO. 79-48 for the Eastview Annexation; the City INITIATING PROCEEDINGS Council has 35 days from the May 9 date FOR ANNEXATION that LAFCO adopted its resolution making determinations and approving the proposed annexation. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and unanimously carried that the third line of the second paragraph be amended as follows: ". . .local government and would continue law enforcement, traffic control and fire protection. . ." Councilwoman Hein moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda to defer consideration of this resolution until the first meeting in June. Council then discussed the effects of delaying the public hearing on the budget; what revenue the City would lose if the annexation procedure was completed after the end of the current fiscal year. Councilwoman Hein's motion to delay adoption of the resolution failed on the following roll call vote: AYES: HEIN AND BUERK NOES: RYAN, DYDA AND MAYOR SHAW Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda, to set June 29, 1979 at 7:30 P.M. as the date for the public hearing on the annexation. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: RYAN, HEIN, DYDA AND MAYOR SHAW NOES: BUERK RESOLUTION NO. 79-47 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES INITIATING PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXATION OF THE EASTVIEW AREA TO THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES was read by title. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda to ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 79-47. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: RYAN, DYDA AND MAYOR SHAW NOES: BUERK ABSTAIN: HEIN Council Meeting -6- May 15, 1979 ANTENNA ORDINANCE Councilwoman Hein distributed her (1801) recommended amendments to the proposed antenna ordinance. Councilwoman Hein moved, seconded by Mayor Shaw to amend Section 1. B. 2(a) (1) by adding the following: "The Director shall consider the comments of property owners within 500 ft. in relationship to the substantive change in the value of their property." Discussion then followed on how property values would be- determined. Councilwoman Hein's motion died on the following roll call vote: AYES: BUERK & HEIN NOES: RYAN, DYDA & MAYOR SHAW Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Buerk to amend Section 1, B. 2. (a) (1) by adding the following after the word "lot" 11/ . . .or substantially have an adverse effect on the value of neighboring properties The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: RYAN, BUERK, HEIN AND DYDA NOES: MAYOR SHAW Councilwoman Hein moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda that the number of anntennas should be limited to two. The motion carried unanimously. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein, and unanimously carried that Section 1, B. 1. , after the words ". . .are met. . ." be amended by adding the following: ". . .the placement of the antenna minimizes such impact on the primary view as defined in Section 9113 of the Development Code." After Council discussion of the types of antennas that would be allowed under this ordinance, Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Buerk to refer this matter back to the Antenna Subcommittee and requested that they present it at the next Council meeting. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Shaw commented that if Councilmembers have specific concerns that they should communicate these to the subcommittee before the June 5 meeting. Clint Mason, 28873 Blythewood Drive, described the low profile antennas that he presently uses. Robert Keefer, 5148 Silver Arrow Drive, President of the Rancho Palos Verdes Amateur Radio Association told the Council that his organization was generally in favor of the proposed ordinance. RECESS: At 11:26 P.M. Mayor Shaw declared a brief recess. At 11:35 P.M. the meeting reconvened. APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEE AND Planning Commission - Mayor Shaw distributed COMMISSION CHAIRMEN ballots for the election of a chairman for (106) the Planning Commission. As a result of the first round of voting, Douglas Hinchliffe was selected as the Chairman of the Planning Commission for the coming year. Traffic Committee The first round of voting resulted in a (1502) tie vote. Ray Mathys was re-elected as Chairman of the Traffic Committee as the result of the second vote. Council Meeting -7- May 15, 1979 6L6T `ST APw -8- 2uTlaay1 TTounop •Eafl ag: urequrem of maga MoTTE puE smaTgoad 2u p and alp agvuTmTTa o1 Eaap aql punoau aoua j P pTTnq of a)ITT PTnoM Iaql cTnr uT aUZT:autos uT 2uTAOm aq TTTM SzauMO Mau aql puE pTos uaaq suq Alaadoad sTgl lug: TTounop aq: pTo: `Alaado.td awl Jo aadoTaAap 'aAT1a luElTnxg 8£017 `TTa,zang UJTl •aTmzad luamgouoioua up 2uTnssT JO a.TTTTISSOd aqp puu ZPS ap Tno P 2uTU2TSap 'UOT TROPA sTgl 2uTqupa2 uT SageluunpuSTp pup Sa2Pluunpu aqJ passnoSTp uagl TTOUnop •uoT1P M A laaals pasodoad aql aoj a.znpaooad alp uT2aq of 3juls azTaoglnE of 'MPgs aoiPj Aq papuooas 'paAOUI uuAH uBUlTTounop •uoTfon;:suoo aapun asnoq alp jo ptPA luoag aql of quaouCpu aouTd 2uT�Iuq sum lPga �uT�I.t d TE2aTTT puu U1STTupuun alETAaTTP off. aapao uT AuM-go-1g2Ta STgl Jo uoT1zod u alPOUn AlTO aql TPgl 2uTlsanba1 sum loT sTgl Jo aadoTanap aqz '9LCSZ 'oN : 3P1L Jo Z8 loq ol quaoE Cpu puoj asa1O aql uo dTi s AumaPd sTgl Jo glpTM pup uoTlPOOT aql (8017T) pagTaosap 1-13Tgt 6L6T `6 AEw go WnpuPtofam GYM ISM - JJulS a-Il pazTZPUnuns SmITd aoloa1TG NOLLVDVA Zdd2IIS 2IOd Is flbd2i •uOTSSTUZUIOO lsuop glnos aql off. uPTd Tu:suo3 age. 2uTquasaad uT JJulS Aq paiedaid A2aquals aql glTM paa.2P TTOUnop •paT.z;EO ATSnoUITUUUn puP uPAH uuuITTounop Aq papuooas 'EpXQ uPUITTOUno3 jo uoTlom uo GUdOQV puE aflT1 Aq puai sum Tc7AO2lddV }10d NOISSINHOO 1VZSVOO dHI OZ W1I002Id IVISVOD IVOOI SdU2Idn ST-MI OHONVII dHI ONIZZIWgf1S S3Q2IdA SOlVd OHONV2I dO AI ID HHZ dO IIONf OD AIID dHI dO OS-6L 'ON NOIZf11OSd2I •paT.z;PO iTsnomTuuun pup PpAQ uuUiiTounop Aq papuooas `UTaH uumoLTTouno3 Jo uoT:om uo GaldOUV PuP aTnTn Aq pax SvM aONVISISSv ONINNWId ZNaNaOVNVW aNOZ 'IVZSVOO ONIIsanbd2l SHGUHA SOIYd OHOMVII dO £1IO HHZ dO 'IIONf OD AIIO aHZ dO 6i7-6L 'ON NOIZf170Sd2I 'UETd Tulsuop aq: JO uoT lEluamaTdmT pup uoT qaTdmoo aq: uT AlTD aql o: aTgWTTPAE aouBISTSSE luE.z2 31 pauTPTdxa qopim laoda1 JJu1S 6L6T `ST APw (TOL) will pazTauununs aaMO1g2TH aoloa.TQ NWId OIdIOddS 'IVISVOO dNON :SaON MVHS 2IOAVWI QNV VGAG `NIGH 6)1 Idng `NVAII :SHAY :aloe TTPo TT01 2UTMOTTOJ aql UO p3] X1 O uoTlouz au '098`6$ paaoxa ol lou lunoU1P up uT Iiu12oad aouuualuTPw A TunmmoD aql anoaddp o: uPkj uPUZTTounop Aq papuooas 'paAoui )I1ang uPUITTouno3 •1auutUJ 1PTTmTS P uT Altadoid aTagl uTulurem pup uuaTo o: squapTsaa a2E1nooua 'ATloa1TpuT 'puE aaTJ 1OJ TPTlualod aql aonpa.t 'aaJEs sglud puE S)ITPMapTS a)IPUZ 'AlTD alp OJT:nuaq of dTaq PTnoM urni2oad aouuualuTBW sTgz •A1TD aql :nog2noaq: IuM-Jo -gg2Ta zTTgnd aql uT auop aq of ?I1oM will pauT Tlno g3TgM mnpuPaoUiaUZ J JPl S 8 keN aq: (08) pazT1EUiUZns Apuug aaoT J JO SaZTAaas AlTUnmmoD L411I002Id dOMVNdLNIVN A LINf 141403 •SaJnuTUZ asaq: Jo gaud E apPm pup olaaaq pagaellp sT piooaa 2uTloA s 1 TTounop A TO au •aallTUnmoO TPIuamuoITAUa age. JO uEUi1ztgo (SOZT) SE pa:oaTa-a1 sum JP12angos Sfl fl aallTmmoO TuluaLUUO.ITAUa •aallTUnuoO uoTluaaoag A2 S)I1Pd ag: Jo (TOZT) U UIOMtTPgo sE paloaTa SEM JJoPToS ans aallTmmoD uoT1EaaoaH puu S)I.zud With the consent of the second, Councilman Ryan withdrew his motion. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Buerk to table this matter. The motion carried unanimously. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilwoman Shaw to consider an encroachment permit for the subject property and have Staff prepare a recommendation for Council. The motion failed on the following roll call vote: AYES: RYAN NOES: BUERK, HEIN, DYDA AND MAYOR SHAW PENINSULA CENTER WORKSHOP Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Council- (1203) woman Hein to hold a Council Work Session on May 26, 1979 from 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M. to discuss the Peninsula Center. The motion carried unanimously. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: MIRALESTE DRIVE RESURFACING PROJECT Director Pikus referred to the (1404) staff memorandum of May 9, 1979; answered Council's questions regarding the longevity of this resurfacing, and the deteriorated condition of Miraleste Drive. Councilman Buerk moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda to approve the plans and spec- ifications for the Miraleste Drive resurfacing project and authorize Staff to advertise for bids. The motion carried unanimously. ADJOURNMENT: At 12:47 A.M. Councilwoman Hein moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan to adjourn to Saturday, May 26, 1979 at 9:00 A.M. for a Work Session on the Peninsula Center. The motion carried unanimously. C=5;6 „1 MAYOR ATTEST: LEONARD G. WOOD, CITY CLERK & EX OFFICIO CLERK OF THE COUNCIL I i 90 ,. :1 0( TY CLE;f Council Meeting -9- May 15, 1979 • Ballot Record • PLANNING COMMISSION Council L Member R an Buerk Hein Dyda Shad, Total Elected II/ - 4.,/ , Jacki Bacharach . Harvey Brown < --Douglas Hinchlif f e - Melvin.Hughes* . • ----.• - - John McTaggart . - , 4 r - � L t - - 0 . _ *Current chairman . Council Meeting -10 May 15, 1979 Ballot Record TRAFFIC COMMITTEE . • Council Member Ran Buerk Hein D da Shaw Total Elected EE:EE r t , Russell Maguire YY { Ray Mathys* v//f to/( • I f • • *Current Chairman Council Meeting -11- May 15, 1979- Ballot 4 .1 Record TRAFFIC COMMITTEE Council Member Ryan Buerk Hein Dyda Shaw Total. Elected I :::e ::elld « L • Arline Grotz //' Russell Maguire . . • , . • -- --� -- _ Ra y y Math s _ ______i________,______ ___77 V ,________, - i 1. . - d — *Current Chairman Council Meeting -12- May 15, 1979 Ballot Record PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE Council Member Ryan. Buerk Hein Dyda Shaw Total Elected I . Robert Gibson V Jerome Marani Al Rosenthal* Susan Soldoff f Larry Zamos . • • *Current Chairman Council Meeting -1.3- May 15, 1979 Ballot / Record ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE Council 11ember Ryan Buerk Hein Dyda Shaw Total Elected Donald Baer Alexander Muraszew . Klaus Schuegraf* -4 -- -1 • • *Current Chairman Council Meeting -14- May 15, 1979