CC MINS 19820105 M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 5, 1982 The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Jacki Bacharach at the Palos Verdes Unified School District Building, 30942 Hawthorne Boulevard. After the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: HEIN, RYAN, SHAW, DYDA & MAYOR BACHARACH ABSENT: NONE Also present were City Manager Donald Guluzzy, Assistant City Attorney Mary Walker, Director of Planning Sharon W. Hightower, Director of Public Works Carl Abel, Director of Community Services Tom Bandy, Director of Parks & Recreation Maynard Law, Director of Administrative Services Kiti Laisure, and Deputy City Clerk Mary Jo Lofthus. CEREMONIAL MATTER Mayor Bacharach presented to Edith Mayerson a commemorative proclamation from the John Anson Ford Foundation in recognition of her work on behalf of senior citizens. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Councilwoman Shaw moved, seconded by Council- woman Hein and carried to add to the Consent Calendar approval of Tract Map No. 39672. After addition of the following items: Regional Police (Dyda) , Shake Roofs (Ryan), communications with homeowner associations (Ryan) , and dates for future Council Meetings, the amended agenda was approved on motion of Councilwoman Shaw, seconded by Councilman Dyda and carried. WAIVER OF FULL READING Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Council- OF ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS woman Shaw and carried to waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions adopted at this meeting with consent to the waiver of reading deemed to be given by all members of Council after the reading of the title unless specific request was made at that time for reading of such ordinance or resolution. II 11 # 1/ # 11 # 11 11 CONSENT CALENDAR Councilwoman Shaw moved, seconded by Council- man Ryan to approve the Consent calendar as follows: MINUTES Approved the minutes of November 9, 10, 17 December 1, 7, and 9, 1981. RESOLUTION NO. 82-1 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 82-1 OF THE CITY REGISTER OF DEMANDS COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $112,576.78, DEMAND NUMBERS 10727 THROUGH 10783. RESOLUTION NO. 82-2 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 82-2 OF THE CITY SUPPLEMENTAL REGISTER OF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES DEMANDS ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $356,751.33, DEMAND NUMBERS 10784 THROUGH 10809. PELTON & BAEZ COVENANT Approved the Covenant and Agreement for #2 AND AGREEMENT FOR RIGHT- and #4 Packet Road and authorized the Mayor OF-WAY ENCROACHMENTS and City Clerk to sign and record said documents (1804) YARDUMIAN CLAIM AGAINST Rejected this claim as provided in Government THE CITY Code Section 912.6. (303) Because of her absence at that meeting, Councilwoman Hein abstained from voting on the minutes of November 17th. The motion to approve the Consent Calendar carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: HEIN, RYAN, SHAW, DYDA & MAYOR BACHARACH NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE # # # # # # # # # GRADING APPLICATION NO. 528 - Director Hightower reported that an APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION'S additional 30 days was required to APPROVAL allow completion of a review of the (1801) documents by the City Attorney. Representing the applicants in this matter was their attorney Karen Rothberg, 21515 Hawthorne Boulevard, who inquired if additional documents would be required to prove that her client can legally grant an easement to the lot in question. She was informed that the City Attorney would be in touch with her if additional documentation was required. Also representing the applicants was their architect Henry Guzman, 1940 Irene Street. Councilwoman Shaw moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried to postpone this item for 30 days. DEL CERRO PARK - AWARD Director Law presented the staff memoran- OF CONSTRUCTION BID dum of December 23rd which listed the (1201) bids received for construction of this park. Staff recommended the following: (1) Council award the bid to Naturescapes, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $39,432. (2) That all other bids be rejected. (3) The difference in cost between the amount budgeted and that necessary to complete this project be transferred from the Hesse Park budget appropriation in the Capital Improvement Program. Council then discussed if any volunteer effort was now involved in the construction of this park, what efforts had been made to recruit volunteers, the activities included in $24,000 previously budgeted for this park, amount of maintenance required, necessity of removing the rocks at that location, and the amount of supervision involved in the use of volunteers. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan to adopt staff recommendation numbers 1 and 2. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: HEIN, RYAN, SHAW, DYDA, AND MAYOR BACHARACH NOES: NONE Councilwoman Hein moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda to have staff examine this park in terms of a volunteer program and see if such a program can be put together for future development. Mayor Bacharach requested an amendment that this request also include other parks. This amendment was seconded by Councilman Dyda and carried. The main motion carried. Councilwoman Shaw moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein and carried to adopt recommenda- tion No. 3. SCAG REGIONAL Associate Planner Negendank presented the HOUSING ALLOCATION MODEL staff memorandum of January 5, 1982 which (701) explained the SCAG projections for popula- tion within the City and the total number of very low,low and moderate income households that should be provided for in the City's housing element. Staff recommended that Council select City Distribution (Line 10) , delete Regional Distribution (Line 9) as set out in Attachment "C" (Review of Interim RHAM) . Council then discussed the definition for very low, low and moderate income households, if this goal of 23 units was realistic and achievable, the present number of such house- holds to be achieved as indicated in the General Plan and if these categories could be combined. CITY COUNCIL -2- 1/5/82 z 8/S/T -£- rI I ONnO O A113 2IOAVN ri'VTit I. 'ICI'd 0£:L Z861 `L Aaunuur off. 2uTgaam alp u.ino Cpu oq paT aauo puu uuAg UuuITT ouno0 Aq papuooas 'panoui upAQ uuuiTT ounoO •N'd S£:6 qv ZNawNUflOriv 'Z861 `SZ Puu 661 81 Aaunuur zo j s2uTgaam paTnpagos TTounoD SONIIaaN �2rnind (•pasnoxa sum Aauioqgv AvTO quuIsTSSy age •14'd 0£:6 qv) •dTgsaagmam aTaq . 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'Mugs uuuzo1TTouno3 Aq papuooas 'paAom uuAH uuuITTounoa •2uTpuaa gs1T3 u ao3 paonpo.zquT sum ipiT 'ON g3NVNIQaO ONIM2IIdN00 ENV ONIAiIZVI QNY gLVQ NOIZOa'Ia (TOO 'IVdIOINf1N WIlaNa0 V ONIHSI'IaVssg saallaA SOTVd i7t7T 'ON gDNVNIQ2IO OHONVII dO A1IO dHI dO Si7T 'ON gONVNIGUO - SAIL 'ON gDNVNIQ2IO •UoT1Tsoddo uT 2uTgoA ETA(' 79 'uzaH 'Uu2cH saaquiamTTounoO qqTM aqoA bmq - aax.tT u Uo paTTuJ uoTloui ags •J Jugs OVOS gWTM Hu u pale Jo aanpaooad uOTsTAaa u a2uTgTUT J3uls qua: gsanbaa oq gouaugoug tokeN Aq papuooas 'panom mugs UumoMTTounoD •ATsnomTuuun paT1.zuo UoTJom uTum alp :ATsnomTuuun paTaauo quauipuauiu aqs •anTuA sTTuaa atom u 1oaT Ja1 o: paqunTuna-a1 aq spaau quauzaouTdai alp qugi puampuauiu uu pasodoad uagq. uukH uemTTounoD puooas alp JO UoTssTmaad alp gITM •uoTqupuammooa.z .iTagJ WIT 2uT1aam gxau aq� qu TTounoD o: Aouq gaodaa puu 1101, quauigougqv Jo 0T .ON auTT uT pagsTT saTJO aTuo aq� duinT j jugs gsanbaa oq upAQ uuUITTounoD Aq papuooas 'paAOm uuAH UuUITTounoD DONALD F. GULUZZY, CITY CLERK & EX OFFICIO CLERK OF THE COUNCIL I Zip ".-1 f r CIT/ CLE' CITY COUNCIL -4- 1/5/82