CC MINS 19800415 M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING APRIL 15, 1980 The meeting was called to order at 7:39 P.M. by Mayor Ann Shaw at the Palos Verdes Unified School District Building, 30942 Hawthorne Boulevard. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT RYAN, HEIN, DYDA & MAYOR SHAW ABSENT: BUERK Also present were City Attorney Patrick Coughlan, Acting City Manager Sharon W. Hightower, Administrative Assistant Julie Christensen, Director of Public Works Maynard Crowther, Community Services Officer Tom Bandy, Director of Parks & Recreation Maynard Law, Administrative Services Officer George Wunderlin and Deputy City Clerk Mary Jo Lofthus. CEREMONIAL MATTER Mayor Shaw presented former Council- man Dave Ruth with one of the City's new plaques in appreciation of his tenure on the City Council from 1973 to March, 1978. The Mayor also presented a proclamation to Mayor Pro Tem Barbara Hein in acknowledgement of her tenure as Mayor Pro Tem. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The following items were added to the agenda: Coastal Commission (Ryan) , City Selection Committee (Hein) , Re- consideration of P&R Motion (Hein) , Council Reorganization & Subcommittees (Hein) , Abalone Cove Beach (Dyda) , Proposed Development of Westmont Area (Dyda) , City Manager Selection Work Shop (Dyda) , Landslide Testimony (Dyda) , Letter from the U.S. Department of Interior (Dyda) , Legislation (Shaw) , Dial-A-Ride (Shaw) , School Clo- sures (Shaw) , and Recruitment Services (City Manager) . Item No. 17 was removed and will be placed on the May 20th agenda. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and unanimously carried to approve the agenda as amended. WAIVER OF FULL READING OF Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS Councilman Ryan and carried to waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions adopted at this meeting with consent to the waiver of reading to be deemed to be given by all councilmembers after the reading of the title, unless spe- cific request was made at that time for the reading of such ordinance or resolution. COUNCIL REORGANIZATION: RESOLUTION NO. 80-31 RESOL. NO. 80-31 OF THE CITY COUNCIL DECLARING THE RESULTS OF OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES THE APRIL 8th, 1980 ELECTION RECITING THE FACTS OF THE GENERAL (501) MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN SAID CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ON THE 8th DAY OF APRIL, 1980, was read the title. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and unanimously carried to ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 80-31. CERTIFICATES OF ELECTION & Acting City Clerk Hightower presented OATH OF OFFICE (501) Certificates of Election to newly elected Councilmembers Ryan and Bacharach and administered the Oath of Office. ELECTION OF MAYOR AND MAYOR The City Clerk called the newly elected PRO TEM (306) Council to order and declared that nom- inations for Mayor were now in order. Mayor Shaw moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda to nominate Councilwoman Hein as Mayor. Councilman Ryan moved that nominations be closed. Councilwoman Hein was elected Mayor by unanimous vote. A brief Council discussion then ensued about the order of rotation for the position of Mayor Pro Tem. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman Shaw to nominate Councilwoman Bacharach as Mayor Pro Tem. Councilwoman Shaw moved that nominations be closed. Councilwoman Bacharach was elected Mayor Pro Tem by unanimous vote. CEREMONIAL MATTER Mayor Hein then presented to Council- woman Shaw a proclamation and a cere- monial gavel in appreciation for her term as Mayor. CHANGE IN AGENDA Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilwoman Shaw and unanimously carried to reopen the agenda. Council- man Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and unanimously carried to consider Item No. 20 immediately after the adoption of the Consent Calendar. CONSENT CALENDAR After removal of Item No.s 7 and 8 the Consent Calendar was adopted as follows on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilwoman Shaw: RESOLUTION NO. 80-32 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 80-32 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS REGISTER OF DEMANDS VERDES ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DE- MANDS IN THE SUM OF $887,344.25, DEMAND NUMBERS 7672 THROUGH 7704. RESOLUTION NO. 80-33 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 80-33 OF THE REQUESTING CERTAIN SERVICES CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS FROM L.A. COUNTY FOR SPECIAL VERDES REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPER- ELECTION (501 x 1201) VISORS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY TO RENDER SPECIFIED SERVICES TO SAID CITY RELATING TO THE CONDUCT OF A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON TUESDAY, APRIL 29th, 1980. 1980 SUMMER COMMUNITY MAINTENANCE Approved the 1980 Community Maintenance PROGRAM (305) Program in an amount not to exceed $9,870. TRACT NO. 31617 - RELEASE OF Approved the work and exonerated Surety MONUMENTATION BOND Bond No. 6397924 in the amount of (1411) $3,000. TRACT NO. 32574 - RELEASE OF Approved the work as completed and re- SANITARY SEWER AGREEMENT leased Bond No. 007812 in the amount (1411) of $88,000. TRACT NO. 33034 - RELEASE OF Released Bond No. 9 ST342 101 in rec- BOND (1411) ognition of the deposit made to the California Water Service Company. TRACT NO. 32977 - APPROVAL OF Made the findings identified in the FINAL TRACT MAP (1411) March 13, 1980 letter from the City Engineer, approved Final Tract Map No. 32977 and instructed the City Clerk to sign the map. TRACT NO. 35034 - REQUEST TO Approved the issuance of the grading GRADE PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL permit prior to final tract map ap- (1411) proval since the site has been sub- stantially graded in the past. TRACT NO. 31714 - EXTENSION OF Granted a one-year extension to the OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS contract with Rancho Crest Associates (1411) for monumentation, storm drains, ir- rigation and landscaping. RESOLUTION NO. 80-34 - APPLICATION ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 80-34 OF THE FOR SB 821 FUNDS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO (112) PALOS VERDES APPROVING THE APPLICATION FOR BICYCLE AND/OR PEDESTRIAN FUNDS AUTHORIZED UNDER SB 821 AND APPROVING THE ADOPTION OF ITS BICYCLE AND/OR PEDESTRIAN PLAN. CITY COUNCIL -2- April 15, 1980 The motion to approve the Consent Calendar carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: RYAN, BACHARACH, SHAW, DYDA & MAYOR HE IN NOES: NONE GRADING APPLICATION NO. 419 - Since this grading project impacted APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION an entire area, the suggestion was made DECISION (1801) that the neighbors be informed of this hearing. The applicant, Mr. Frank Parkes, 15 Rockinghorse, said he had no objection to this matter being continued. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach and unanimously carried to continue this matter until the next meeting and notify all neighbors within 300 feet or visual sight across the canyon. STREET STANDARDS REPORT Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by (1403) Councilwoman Shaw and unanimously carried to accept the STREET STANDARDS STUDY RE- PORT as completion of the contract with Willdan Associates. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan, to provide authority to the Public Works Department, with Traffic Committee Review, to update specific streets and cross- sections to reflect actuals as necessary. The motion carried unanimously. Councilwoman Bacharach's motion to change the name of the Report to STREET GUIDELINES died for lack of a second. AB 3214 - COURT REFORM BILL Councilman Dyda explained how this (310) proposed legislation would reduce the number of unnecessary lawsuits and moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan to send a letter to the Judiciary Committee of the State Legislature supporting AB 3214. The motion carried unanimously. REGIONAL COASTAL COMMISSION Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by (306 x 309) Councilman Dyda and unanimously carried, to endorse the candidacy of Councilman Ryan for a seat on the Regional Coastal Commission and to send a letter to all the cities in Los Angeles County requesting their endorsement of his candidacy. CITY SELECTION COMMITTEE Mayor Hein reported that the Contract (306) Cities Association was endorsing Ken Chappell of West Covina and Will Simendinger of La Mirada as representatives to LAFCO. She then moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and unanimously carried, to endorse their candidacy. CITY SELECTION COMMITTEE, Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by SANITATION DISTRICT & COMMITTEE Councilwoman Shaw and unanimously OF MAYORS (306) carried, to send a letter of confirm= _ ation to the City Selection Committee, Sanitation District and the Committee of Mayors naming the.Mayor as voting delegate and the Mayor Pro Tem as alternate to those committees. RECONSIDERATION OF MOTION MADE Mayor Hein moved, seconded by Council- AT COUNCIL/PARKS & REC. COMMITTEE man Ryan to reconsider a motion made JOINT MEETING (1201) at the April 10th meeting with the Parks & Recreation Committee. The motion carried unanimously. She then moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan to amend the motion dealing with the Parks & Recreation gift catalogue as follows: "That staff and the Parks & Recreation Committee examine the concept. . ." The motion carried unanimously. COUNCIL COMMITTEES & SUBCOMMITTEES Mayor Hein distributed a list of the Council committees and subcommittees and requested that each member indicate their choice of committees. CITY COUNCIL -3- April 15, 1980 ABALONE COVE BEACH Referring to the April 14, 1980 (109) proposal from Supervisor Burke re- garding repairs to be made in the Abalone Cove Beach area, Councilman Dyda questioned if it covered all of the con- cerns of the City. He then moved, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach to request from Supervisor Burke the following: that the County accept the responsibility for all the attendant traffic enforcement problems within and surrounding the area caused by the activity at the park, a commitment from her indicating her support of the City's request for year around parking restrictions in that area, mending of the fences, posting of "closed" signs, and protection of the ecological preserve. The motion carried unanimously. RECESS: At 9:10 P.M. Mayor Hein declared a brief recess. At 9:20 P.M. the meeting reconvened with the same members present. ABALONE COVE BEACH Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by (109) Councilman Dyda to request that staff and the Parks & Recreation Committee investigate the acquisition and/or lease of the Abalone Cove Park. The motion carried unanimously. DEVELOPMENT IN WESTMONT AREA Referring to the information received (105 x 1203) on the Westmont-Western Project, Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan to send a letter to County Supervisor Burke informing her that because of the litigation involving this particular parcel, the Council feels it is in- appropriate for any governmental entity to proceed until that litigation is resolved and a determination is made as to whose j ur isd icat ion this property falls into. The motion carried unanimously. CITY MANAGER SELECTION WORK It was the consensus of Council to SESSION (1202) hold a Work Session at 8:30 P.M. on April 29th, 1980 to discuss the pro- cedure for hiring a city manager. LANDSLIDE TESTIMONY (1801) Councilman Dyda reported that his prepared testimony to give before the committee headed by Senator Paul Priolo would be available for Council's review; if they had any comments, they should contact him. He also reported that he has requested a Landslide Subcommittee meeting to con- sider additional dewatering wells in the Abalone Cove Beach area; after the meeting a report will be presented to Council. DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR Referring to a bulletin received from PALOS VERDES BLUE BUTTERFLY the Department of Interior, Councilman (1203) Dyda requested that they be informed of the correct name of the Fred HessQ,Jr. Park and inquired about any restrictions that may be placed on the City if that area is considered a habitat for the endangered Palos Verdes Blue Butterfly. City Manager Hightower responded that there would be no restrictions except on Federal Agencies; that the Department's recommendations are only advisory. AB 3439 - CHANGES TO SUBDIVISION Councilwoman Shaw reported on the MAP ACT (14 09 x 306) effects of this bill and moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan to oppose this legislation. The motion carried unanimously. DIAL-A-RIDE Councilwoman Shaw reported on her (1201) meeting with representatives from the Chamber of Commerce, Rolling Hills Estates and Palos Verdes Estates during which it was decided to support the 90/10 ratio for the Dial-A-Ride program. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda to adopt the 90/10 ratio in concert with the other Peninsula cities. The motion carried unanimously. CITY COUNCIL -4- April 15, 1980 086T `ST TTJdV -S- 'IIONn00 AIID dNON :S HON NIdH 2IOAVN '9 VGA J `MWHS `NVA I :Sdxv :alon TTua TT0-1 2utmoTToJ ag: uo paJI.IBO not:ow agz •OS+7$ paazxa of lou aunouz8 uu ut uoTaupuaunuooaz j :s adopu o: BpAG uuuzT-Ounop Aq papuoaas 'panotu uBkH uuuITTOUnop •paiTnbat SaoTAJas TBtzads age. apTAold off. a3TA.zas TuTaula1Oas TITO uuoTlauT Jo luaiu&oTdma aga papuaunuozat aqs •iaguuuui alto u jo auamaTmloai am. gatm :stssu o:. saoTAias 2utp1B2a1 aYtn1as TuTaulaioas u g:tm aouamo2 ;aq uo Tt Ounop am. (ZOZ T) pa3at.zq zamO11-12tH za2uuuL1 ATM gutloV SIOIAUES mammal' 2IdOVMVW AIID •pat.1.1BO iTsnouituuun puu gouiegoug uumomTTounop Aq papuoaas `uBAH uumiToUno3 jo uotaom uo andoav puu aTaTa Aq Rua.' sum dDNVNI flIO 1021ZNOD 'IVWINV [HI 2TdUNn ZdS dg OZ gird GNV QIOUVH0 dg OZ Sddd ONIHSII VISd SdD2Idn SOTVM OHONV I dO AIID IHZ dO IIONn00 AIID dHI dO 58-08 'ON NOIIXIOSd2T •ATsnomtuBun pat.z1uo not aoui ags •u2ts Oa IOA BN am. azt 1oganu puu lZB1luo3 VDds am. JO Tumauaz aAolddu Ttouno0 am. amp. BpAG UBfTl3Unop Aq papuoaas 'paAotU mugs uButomTTOUnop •STsnomTuuun pataiuo uoT om ags •STBUItuB paiaanau puu paiaanauun ioj L$ puu +7TH ol saaJ am. 2utsua1aut JO not aupuaUnuooa z J JBIs aga adopt. of BpAG uuuigt Ounop Aq papuoaas 'paAoui MELTS uumomTTounop •iTaAT 1Oadsa1 'SIBUZtuu paaagnau puu paJaanauun IOJ L puu +7T$ 3° 9 J u papuauz -1uo3aa JJuls- ti lzBZluoo 2utlsT'xa age. JOAO asua1OUt %Z•L u sauasaida.z Tusodold stu , '00'6LT`ZS$ JO :soz Tuba u au TaAaT aoTAias 2utastxa aq. &utnuTauoo IOJ VDds age. Aq paluasatd Tusodold age pagt1Osap gitgm UinpuB1oUratu 0861 '6 Tt idV agp pa luasa.zd (170T) Sddd 1O UNOD IVWINV Ipuug zaot J JO saOTAia s Altununuo0 ONIHSI1 VISd S8-08 'ON NOIZn'IOSJ •Bpuagu aq: JO 2utuut2aq alp p1umoa asaJalut Aitunmmoz JO sfalT ssnzstp Ttouno0 amp `aTgtssod zanauagm Tem. palsanbai `asa.1OJTno Z+7+7£ 'TgsBABH rr sMolzsanb dONdIQfV •ATsnomTuuun pat11BO papuauiu Su uotaom utuui aqs ,�• • • pa.zaptsuoO 2cTaTos lou puu lassB A Tununuo3 • • •.:SmoTToJ su papuauiu aq uotaom aq: amp paTi.zuo ATsnomtuuun puu mugs uBmomTjzunop Aq papuo0as 'paAoui gpB.1BgZBg uuWO [Eauno0 pub uotaom stga JO SuOTSTAO.td alp 2utpie2az pansua uotssnzstp iagland •az.inos anuanai B su pa1aptsuo0 lou puu lassu Altunmmoz B sT aT amp uTaA alp ut pa1aptsuo3 aq pTnogs Aliado.zd Toogos aga uo uoT do asBaT Auu :aT 2uTiaptsuoo STaATaou aq TTtm Aaq. IBaA 2utwoz aqa 2uTinp ' tanamoq 'Taa.xpad JOJ SuBTd DTjToads ou passnzStp sBq TTOunoO alp auga 2utauls JallaT B lot1aSt[ Toogos aqa ol aTmsuB1l o: pat ztBO ATsnomTuuun put. upXG uumu oUnop Aq papuoaas `paAoui uuka uuWTT OUnop •SalTs gioq IOJ auaUZa2UB11B 2utsuaT B JO AlITtgtssod am. tut.xoTdxa .xaptsuoz Knom puu Aataua auo Su Bput7 B.zaPB7 puu puag asan2na1od S.zaptsuo0 AlTD aqa Tem. paUUOJut aq aalatunuoogns TBSodslc aq. aBga pat11BO ATsnoUituuun puu mugs uumomTTOUnop Aq papuoaas 'panoUI upAG uBtUTTOUnop •Salts Toogos puag asan2na1od pub TB2azpad 'BpuTi B1apui JO UOT1TSodSTp age. 2utpie2a.1 SaT T1oTad s I aalaTmmo0 not auaIOa[ S)1ud am. PalsTT gotgm 0861 `5T TT1dV Jo :.1oda.1 (TOT x TOZT) J JBaS am. pazt.xBmmns mug 1oloaJTQ SLZIS I00HOS Snid2Tns •1BaS auo 1aa ju paaunTBna-a1 aq mu12oJd alp amp asanbai 'osTq •au812 age IOJ uotlBOTTddB ,salu1sd sTT'H 2uTTTo21 2uTAo1ddu puu Ure.2oad aqa ut uoTaudToTaaud s,Alt0 stga 2uT BOtput Sa1B4sd STT'H &uTTT0H Jo SaTD aga 01 zallaT B pugs :TTOUnop am. Aq passa.ldxa su.zazUOO am. UIOIJ uoTaTsod s 1ilTO aga aluTa tau (31 gouieg3Bg puu mugs uamomTTounop lutoddB puu ada3uoo apTu-y-TuTG am. asiopua o: 'pat.z1u0 kTsnoUJTUBun puu BpAG uumTTOUnop Aq papuoaas 'panom uBAH uumTT uno0 •aoJA as JO Ba.IB aq. puu SuotlBnaTs AOua2zauia TBOtpaUI-uou aTpuBq ol apBUJ aq pinoz Tem. SUOTSTAo.zd `)Iaam B SABp uaAas Jo aAT J aTgBTTuAB aq TTtm aoTAJas am. Jt `aoTAJas stgW JO J asn Jo Stnoq ATtup age passnostp uaga Tppunop ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: EXTENSION OF RTD BUS SERVICE TO Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by MARYMOUNT (1505) Councilwoman Bacharach that the letter going to the RTD clearly indicate that financial support would be coming from Marymount College; there will be no subsidy from the City of Rancho Palos Verdes for the construction or the additional buses. The motion carried unanimously. CIVIC CENTER PLANNING - UNDERGROUNDING Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by OF UTILITIES (1109) Councilman Dyda that this RFP be referred to an ad hoc committee of Ryan and Dyda for their perusal and recommendation to the City Council. The motion carried unanimously. Councilwoman Shaw moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan that after this review by the ad hoc committee, that the RFP be distributed by the staff. The motion carrier unanimously. RECESS TO EXECUTIVE SESSION: At 11:00 P.M. on motion of Council- woman Shaw, seconded by Councilman Dyda and unanimously carried, Council recessed to executive session to discuss potential litigation. RECONVENED & ADJOURNMENT The meeting reconvened at 11:45 P.M. with no action taken and immediately adjourned on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried unanimously. MAYOR SHARON W. HIGHTOWER, ACTING CITY CLERK & EX OFFICIO CLERK OF THE COUNCIL y_ / 'ig CIi CLERk CITY COUNCIL -6- April 15, 1980