CC MINS 19811207 ADJ M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 7, 1981 The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Mayor Jacki Bacharach at the Palos Verdes Unified School District Building, 30942 Hawthorne Boulevard. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: HEIN, RYAN, SHAW, DYDA & MAYOR BACHARACH II/ ABSENT: NONE Also present were City Manager Donald Guluzzy, City Attorney Patrick Coughlan, Director of Public Works Carl Abel, Director of Planning Sharon W. Hightower, Associate Planner Richard Thompson, Director of Parks & Recreation Maynard Law, Director of Administrative Services Kiti Laisure, and Deputy City Clerk Mary Jo Lofthus. Mayor Bacharach announced that this meeting would be adjourned in memory of the recently deceased Corinne Camino who was very active in efforts to incorporate the City. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The City Manager requested addition of the Agreement with TM Cable and setting a date for a work session to discuss reorganization. The amended agenda was approved on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilwoman Shaw and carried. WAIVER OF FULL READING OF Councilwoman Shaw moved, seconded by Council- ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS man Dyda and carried to waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions adopted at this meeting with consent to the waiver of reading deemed to be given by all members of Council after the reading of the title unless specific request was made at that time for reading of such ordinance or resolution. # If # # # 11 # # It # CONSENT CALENDAR After removal of A-3(fencing for Nike ele- vator- and A-9 (Agreement with Bank of America) the remainder of the Consent Calendar was approved as follows on motion of Councilwoman Shaw, seconded by Councilman Dyda. RESOLUTION NO. 81-84 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 81-84 OF THE CITY REGISTER OF DEMANDS COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $133,946.40, DEMAND NUMBERS 10571 THROUGH 10669. LIBERTY LIFE ASSURANCE Authorized the Mayor & City Clerk to sign HEALTH SERVICES POLICY and execute the contracts with Liberty Life (902) covering health, life, dental, and prescriptior drug coverage for City employees. CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY Rejected this claim as provided in Government BY SO. CALIF. EDISON CO. Code Section 912.6. (303) CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY BY Rejected this claim as provided in Government WEST AMERICAN INSURANCE/ Code Section 912.6. RANDEL JONES (303) CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY Rejected this claim as provided in Government BY MARVIN HALL Code Section 912.6. (303) TRACT NO. 32991 - Found that all work has been completed, re- EXONERATION OF FAITHFUL leased the subdivision water system agreement, PERFORMANCE BOND released Bond No. 009281 issued by Covenant (1411) Mutual Insurance Company and instructed the City Clerk to notify all appropriate parties. 1981 SLURRY SEAL PROGRAM - Accepted the 1981 Slurry Seal ACCEPTANCE OF WORK Project as complete. (1404) HAWTHORNE BOULEVARD RESURFACING- Accepted the Hawthorne Boulevard/Crest ACCEPTANCE OF WORK Road resurfacing project and released (1404) the retention in the amount of $8,588.47. RESOLUTION NO. 81-85 - ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 81-85 OF THE CITY DENYING HEIGHT VARIATION COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS NO. 186 VERDES DENYING THE APPEAL AND THEREBY (1804) DENYING HEIGHT VARIATION NO. 186. AGREEMENT WITH TM CABLE Authorized Mayor and City Clerk to sign FOR USE OF LADERA LINDA SITE the agreement with TM Cable Company for (1401 x 1201) rental and lease of Building "A" and use of parking lot at Ladera Linda Site. RESOLUTION NO. 81-86 - ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 81-86 OF THE CITY PROHIBITED STOPPING ZONES COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES (1502) PROVIDING FOR PROHIBITED STOPPING ZONES ON THE EAST SIDE OF PALOS VERDES DRIVE EAST FROM 250 FEET WEST OF CREST ROAD SOUTHERLY FOR A DISTANCE OF 800 FEET. The motion to approve the Consent Calendar carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: HEIN, RYAN, SHAW,, DYDA, & MAYOR BACHARACH NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE # # 11 # II PUBLIC HEARING TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 40640 Mayor Bacharach opened this public AND APPEAL OF CUP NO. 68 hearing on a request for approval of (1411) a tentative tract map to subdivide a 36.4 acre site into a twenty-five lot residential planned development. The City Clerk reported that notice had been published and that written protests were made a part of the agenda package. Associate Planner Richard Thompson presented the staff report of December 1, 1981 which described this project as allowing twenty-five single family dwelling units with maximum pad and ridge heights established for each lot, a private park, land designated for agriculture purposes, required infrastructure facilities, and other improvements as required by the Code. Zoning on this property is RS-1 RPD and is within the Coastal Specific Plan District. Staff recommended that Tract No. 40640 be approved. Additionally, the Report presented the facts regarding the appeal of Conditional Use Permit No. 68 which had been approved by the Planning Commission on November 25, 1981. Staff re- commended that the Council affirm the decision of the Commission and dismiss the appeal. Director Hightower noted that a letter had been received from the Kildiszew Construction Company requesting that their name be removed from the appeal. Council inquired about the design of the median breaks and if they would comply with the Traffic Committee's design, the proposed slope of the lots, the total number of buildable lots, and the various levels of the homes. Council then discussed how they should proceed on this hearing: if the tract should be discussed first or the appeal of the Conditional Use Permit. It was the consensus that the Tract would be discussed first and the C.U.P. would be discussed together. Speaking in favor of this tentative tract was the applicant Tim Burrell, 4038 Exultant who presented his analysis of the staff report and appeal. He said that this tract had been designed to meet the requirements of the City's Code, the Coastal Specific Plan and listed the amendments made to the original plan in order to meet those requirements: all of the roads are curved, setbacks are larger than those required by the Code, the lots are large and the heights proposed are within the criteria. He questioned the necessity of Condition No. 42 (in-lieu fee for affordable housing) to Exhibit "A" of the proposed resolution and objected to it being applied to this land and not elsewhere in the City. He then presented an exhibit of cross sections of the bluff area showing where the proposed structures would be located and how they would City Council -2- 12/7/81 effect the views of residents across the street. Additionally, he presented pictures taken from the Wiedmann ,Forbes and Erland residences to show the effects of the proposed ridgeline on their view. Also speaking in favor of this development was Judith Miller, 3200 Palos Verdes Drive West, who referred to the grove section of Palos Verdes Estates and said because of the adjacent parkland the area has a feeling of spaciousness. Speaking against this project were the following residents of the area: Gary Erland, 7430 Via Lorado; Robert Haase, 707 Wilshire Boulevard, who was representing the Mr. & Mrs. Weidmann and the Crofts; Rudi Klein, 30108 Palos Verdes Drive West; Charles 0. Good, 8323 Via Lorado; Eleanore Wiedmann, 30032 Palos Verdes Drive West; R. M. Brockett, 3420 Palos Verdes Drive West; and Dr. Charles Forbes, 7343 Via Lorado. They were concerned that this project would not be homogeneous with the other homes in that area, if it would appear like a solid block of homes along the bluff, if Lot 1 could be changed for a portion of Lot 29 to preserve the panoramic view in that area, the amount of cut and fill that would take place, the necessity of building two-story homes, if the homes exceeded the height limitation allowed by the Code, how their view of the white water would be effected, and the density of the development. Speaking in rebuttal to these remarks, Mr. Burrell commented that this development would not present a solid wall appearance; the homes are far back from the bluff-and the grading to be done would be very minor. The geologists on this project, Roy Hoffman, 1440 State College Boulevard, Fullerton, said that the fill was minimal and insignificant. Speaking in rebuttal, Mr. Haase questioned if these houses would have a blanket row effect and block out views. He suggested more creative design to allow views to the ocean and said it should have more open space background like the adjacent lots in Palos Verdes Estates. Planning Commission Chairman Mel Hughes, said that the proposed project had only one feature that the Planning Commission did not see and that was the shack for the guardhouse. Referring to the development guidelines for Subregions one and seven, he said this is the only region in the coastal area where there is no road along the bluff. The Planning Commission found that this project meets all of the guidelines set out in the Coastal Plan, Coastal Specific Plan and the Development Code. Council then questioned if the Planning Commission ever considered further clustering for this project, if the agricultural activity would be continued in this area, and the need for the fencing along the bluff. There being no response to the Mayor's call for additional public testimony, she declared the hearing closed. Council discussion then centered around the issue of Lot 1 and if it could be graded to lower the ridgeline, if wider setbacks should be required, the necessity of the fencing along the bluff, and if lots 1, 7 and 8 should not be built on but kept as open space. Additionally, Council discussed the pros and cons of maintaining the condition requiring in-lieu fee for affordable housing. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman Shaw to accept Condition No. 42. City Attorney Coughlan suggested modifying Line 1, of Condition 42 as follows: ". . . and bond or cash deposit or other securities satisfactory to the City Attorney in an . . . ." Additionally, modify the fifth line as follows: " . . . housing or other expenditures which mitigate the impact of the development." Councilman Dyda so moved,seconded by Council- woman Shaw. Councilman Ryan proposed a substitute motion, seconded by Councilwoman Hein to eliminate Condition No. 42. The motion carried on a three - two vote with Councilmembers Shaw and Bacharach voting in opposition. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried to modify Lot 1 for a re- duction by a combination of height limitation and/or grading to reduce ridge height of 216 feet down to 213 feet. RESOLUTION NO. 81-87 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 40640 was presented by title. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Mayor Bacharach to ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. 81-87. The motion carried on a three - two vote with Councilmembers Ryan and Hein voting in opposition. City Council -3- 12/7/81 T8/L/ZT -17- Tzouno0 AlTD 'Ezaup •Z •f 01 aoua:uoo aq: pnuvv ol paT;Uttc puu uEill uuUITTOUno0 Aq papuooas 'panoul mugs uuuloiIT3unop —Du' uoza3nalsuo0 uz1UO •Z •f o: 00'Z58`17171$ JO :OE1:uoo aTuda.t )ITumapTs Z8-T8 Ad aqa paumu TTouno0 mega papuaunuooaa jjuas •loualuoo i1Edat )TTUMapzs Z8-1861 szgl ;apun paaTuda1 aq of sit aqa 2uzupT (50171) -:.no sfzgzgxa 2uTuTuluo3 as' naqulaoaa Jo VZHVO '1 'r - IDV IINOO l.zodaa jjuas alp pawuasaad Tagy zoioanza Nd2I002Id IIIVdall )FIVMaGIS •paT;tlu3 puu uzaH UEUZOM -TTouno0 Aq papuooas 'EpIQ uumTzzunop jo uozaom uo aaIdOQV pine aT1z1 4. puaa sum ADII0d ONI2IVHS ZSOO DONVNdINIVN NO2IdV AVMdAIWI GNV )IrIVMdGIS V ONIHSIUVISd SaGUaA SOPId (COT) OHDNVIT d0 A L IO an' dO 17 5-L L 'ON NOIZn'IO Sd2I WN/2I002Id ONINVHS Z SOD ONISInd2I SdG2IdA SO-NJ OHONVI dO AIIO an dO dDNVNaINIVN NO IdV AVMHAI KE 'S )I'IVMdGIS IIONfOO A LIO MI dO 88-T8 'ON NOIIfl1OSd2I dHZ ONISInd2I 88-18 'ON NOISn'IOSd2I •UOZlzsoddo uT 2uTlon uzaH uuuloMTTOUnop q�zm aeon auo - .zno� uo paz.z�uO uoz�oul au •�uT�aaul TTouno0 axau mil au UOT1Onp011UT ;oJ aouuuTpao 2ufTquua uE aaudaad off. Aauaoiav AlTD aga lonalsuz of Mugs uEUIOMTTounop 1q papuooas `panoul uUAH uumTTounop 'uoTaupTTosuoo Lions JO aTnsa1 E su ssaooad uozloaTa aq uT asaaaluT aalon pasua1ouz pine 's2uTAus asoo aTgzssod aqa jo uoTssnoszp Tzounop naajy •saalon aqa Aq panoadde JT uozaEpTTosuo3 sTga alupounuozzt Oa paonpai aq P1noo sui.al jT puU loTTuq :xau aq: uo anssz szga 2uTOETd gaTm aTuap sauawmoz izags •aATaa uoTTun 5069 `1CaTiCuD auaai puu 's1112zaH apzsuas 6095 `aUTd azggog :a2pzzlsTW TELS `saaumoamoH JO TTOUnop sapaan soTud ogOuull aqa 2uzluasaadaa 'puuiv ugor sum uozaEpTiosuoo szga asuzu2E 2uzluads •uoTaTsoddo 2uzssaadxa panzaoaa aiai siallaT anoj puu uoT aupTiosuop alp Jo JO/1E3 uT paATaoa1 aaa1 sTTUO auogd ag2Ta asuaTaa ssaxd auga jo aTnsan u sy •sauaic paaagmnu-ppo jo 1agmanoN uT PTaq aq of uoTloaTa lziagsz j TooLiOS alp gaTm uozaoaTd TudT3TunN Tuaaua0 sic:-O agq a:.upTTos -uo0 01 TESOdoid aq: 01 UOZ1oUa1 oTTgnd Mg) 2uiasanbaa asuaTa; ssaad u panssz jjuas NOIZOaid 1VdIOINfN amp 2uz:ou 1861 'T as quta o a Q go l a o da n 'IVITaNdO do RO TZvar'_IO8N00 jjuas aq: paluasa.td )TzaTO Alca AandaQ au •uoTaTsoddo uT 2uTlon upAG uuuJTTOUnop gaTm aeon T-17 u uo paTaau3 uoTaom uzuul au •uoTluTTulsuz alp JO TUno1ddU TuuT J aiopaq uaau aqa uT sgqOjT aq: jo uoTauzTUO.tgouAs 2uT sanbaa saivasd STTTH 2uTTTo11 jo AlTD aqa of IallaT U al-pm toXuJ4 aqa auga paz11UO puu .toXEy1 aq. Aq papuoaas`auautpuame uu pasodoad uzaH uuuzoMTTOUno3 'Ac1ussazau ATTuaa sum 11.12zT sTgl 3z puu 'pasn aq off. Tuu2Ts jo adAl aqa ands ;aATTS 2uoTu sq T TT OT3J 'l aaq:o aqa Jo UOZTEZTUO1gDUJ S agl JO uoTSSnusTp TTOunop aaajy •Lion . -Upuawmooa1 jjuas adopu o: panoul puu gouaugoug Jokey,' Aq papuooas 'panom uzaH uumo1TTOUnop •aouuua:uTEUI TTE 103 iclITzgzsuodsa1 aqa anuq Timis sa:u:sd sTTzH 2uTTTO1I 30 ICI-TO age puu 000'L$ JO uoz1ngz1luoz MTIMTxuul E Li11M 15OO aq: Jo p.zzga-auo aangT aluoo put aAT JG U2UTPMalUON puu puoH ands aaATT s au Tuu2Ts oT J Dual u Jo uoTluTTulsuz sa:ulsd sTTzH 2uTTTO}I 30 ic:?O aql anoaddu Tzouno0 age. amp. papuammoz -aa puu Tuu2Ts sTga Jo UOTluTTE1SUT 0141 141ZM 2uTTuap sunaouo3 s,Tzouno0 JO autos (E05T) II paaamsuu 11.3Zgi 1861 `T aagmaoaa Jo mnput.z 2If1dS 2IaA1IS -ouzaul jjuas aqa paluasaad Taqv .zoo Oarz /vDy'I aINOInI ZV 'IVNOIS OIda aIZ •d•n•0 szq: go uozssnz -sz p aiqua ol pan iiuO puu uzaH uuuioiTT Ouno3 Aq papuooas 'panoul uaqa mulls uuuloMTZ Ounop •2uzuTuasqu uEAH puu uzaH saaqulaul -TT Ounop gaTm paT aauo uoz p om aqj •�ouq aas piuA a pz s aqa uT pamoTTu aq l ou Ala jus 103 nn uuga aag2Tq paaTnbaa 2uzouad •TTouno0 O )1.OUq 2uz.tq puu a2uaanoZ loT aqa gaTm Tuap ol uozaupuammooaa u .zoj UOTSSZUtmo3 2UTUUUTd alp 01 papuuulai aq ageianoZ J0T JO Uoz1sanb 0q1 amp ;t q:inj :j jn1q aqa uo Alaado.td aluAT1d aqa of ssaoou DTTgnd a2uanooszp of Alaadoad szq: jo pua aqa au 2uzoua j gels ao j apTAoad of •d'n'O aqa jo 11y11 azgzgxd Jo vE uoTaTpuo0 uT papnTouT aq uoznua:Liz age amp :puo.z jjnTq aqa uo ssaOOU aouuuaiUTEM 1oJ 2UT1U2 aluz.zdoiddU 1o3 papTAoad aq uozsTAold amp vEgaas pauA apzs auoij uT 'ag2Taq uT 11Z17 Oa pa1T TI aq spuoi jjnTq Aliadoad szgl punoau 2uTouaj alp AjTpom of gouavgoug 1okuyl Aq pa puooa s 'panom EpA [ uuuITTOUnop •:OU1: sTga 103 pasod -o.td 2uizua j pi "Pai aqp 2uzpau2aa pamoTToJ uaq: uozssnoszp Tzouno0 89 'ON ZII4RIdd asn 7vNOIZIQNOO STATUS REPORT Council requested that Council's direction to define a mechanism for development projects be included in the description under No. 16. COUNCIL WORK SESSIONS Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Council- man Ryan and carried to hold a work session on December 9th to discuss the Pavement Evaluation Management Systems Study, Abalone Cove Beach and introduce the ordinance for consolidation of the Municipal Election. PARK CONSTRUCTION BIDS The City Manager advised that staff would start advertising bids for the park construc- tion. AGREEMENT WITH TM CABLE FOR City Manager Guluzzy presented the Lease STORAGE ON THE NIKE SITE agreement with TM Cable Company for equipment (1109) storage behind the Parks & Recreation Building on City Hall grounds. This agreement was for 90 days at a cost of $500 per month with an option to lease for an additional thirty days at 600 per month, 30 days beyond that would cost $700. Councilwoman Shaw moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried to approve this lease. It # II II 11 II # It /i # It ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FENCING FOR NIKE SITE Administrative Services Director Laisure ELEVATORS presented the saf f memorandum of December 2nd (1109) listing the bids received to install railing 42 inch high on the p-latf oirni of each shaft of the missile elevator. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein and carried to increase the toeguard to 4" and established authorized personnel who will be instructed in the safe operation of the system. With the permission of the maker, Councilwoman Hein requested an amendment that visual aids and warning signs be posted at a cost not to exceed $2,800. The amended motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: HEIN, RYAN, SHAW, DYDA & MAYOR BACHARACH NOES: NONE ADJOURNMENT At 2:00 A.M. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein and carried to adjourn to December 9, 1981 at 7:30 P.M. ir . .L'. 4 :—../_, (A___--t-A MAYOR DONALD F. GULUZZY, CITY CLERK & EX OFFICIO CLERK OF THE COUNCIL lc ..4 A I t'ifr 4i CIT C RK /J City Council -5- 12/7/81