CC MINS 19811021 ADJ MINUTES RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 21, 1981 The meeting was called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Mayor Jacki Bacharach at the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District Building, 20942 Hawthorne Boulevard. After the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: HEIN, RYAN, DYDA & MAYOR BACHARACH 11/ ABSENT: SHAW Also present were City Manager Donald Guluzzy, City Attorney Patrick Coughlan, Director Planning Sharon W. Hightower, Director of Public Works Carl Abel, Director of Community Services Tom Bandy, Director of Parks & Recreation Maynard Law, Administrative Services Director Kiti Laisure, and Deputy City Clerk Mary Jo Lof thus. CEREMONIAL MATTER Mayor Bacharach presented Ann Booth with a proclamation in appreciation of her leadership, personal commitment and dedication as Director of Switchboard Helpline from 1974 to July 31, 1981. APPROVAL OF AGENDA After addition of Geological Testing Permits (Ryan) and Grading (Ryan) , the agenda was approved on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilwoman Hein and carried. CONSENT CALENDAR After removal of A-6 (Tract No. 33871- Sanitary Sewer Agreement) and Item A-13 (Amendments to Local Coastal Plan) the remainder of the Consent Calendar was approved as follows on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilwoman Hein. MINUTES Approved as presented the minutes of October 6, 1981. RESOLUTION NO. 81-75 - ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 81-75 OF THE REGISTER OF DEMANDS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS & DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $259,281.71, DEMAND NUMBERS 10357 THROUGH 10425. RESOLUTION NO. 81-76 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 81-76 OF THE CITY SUPPLEMENTAL REGISTER OF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES DEMANDS ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1,427.86 DEMAND NUMBERS 10426 THROUGH 10437. TRACT NO. 33206 - GRADING Extended the bonds for one year and PERMIT AND STREET BOND TIME increased the bond amount on Bond II/ EXTENSION Nos. 2889451 and 2889452. (1411) TRACT NO. 33206 - Made all the determinations as outlined EXTENSION OF IMPROVEMENT in the October 5, 1981 letter from the AGREEMENTS & ACCEPTANCE OF County of Los Angeles, Department of RIDERS TO BONDS County Engineer-Facilities and signed (1411) by the City Engineer. BERRY HILL UNDERGROUNDING Authorized the Mayor and the City Clerk DISTRICT to sign a contract with Freese Construction (901) Electric Company at a cost not to exceed $4,500 for the utility undergrounding on selected private properties to be appro- priated from fund reserves. TRACT NOS. 39672 & 39673 Approved a six-month time extension to REQUEST FOR TIME EXTENSION May 18, 1982 on this tract map. (1411) TRACT NO. 32110 - Approved the recommendations as outlined ACCEPTANCE OF SANITARY SEWERS in the September 30, 1981 letter from (1411) the County of Los Angeles, Department of County Engineer-Facilities and signed by the Deputy County Engineer. TRACT NO. 35040 - TIME Approved the time extension until EXTENSION ON TRACT MAP June 17, 1983 on Tentative Tract No. (1411) 35040. TRACT NO. 35045 - RELEASE Released Bond No's. OSM555-966 and OF GRADING BONDS OSM 555-971. (1411) TRACT NO. 37060 - TIME Extended this tract map for a period of EXTENSION OF TRACT MAP one year to May 19, 1983 so as to (1411) maintain the option of the City to consider further conditions that may be imposed should the City find it necessary to do so. CITY HALL EXTENSION - Approved a sum not to exceed $6,300 PURCHASE OF FURNITURE for new furnishings for City Hall. (1109) The motion to approve the Consent Calendar carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: HEIN, RYAN, DYDA, & MAYOR BACHARACH NOES: NONE ABSENT: SHAW # # ORDINANCE NO. 141 - ADOPTION Ordinance No. 141 was presented for OF COUNTY BUILDING CODES adoption, first reading having taken (201) place on October 6, 1981. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan to waive further reading and ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 141 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY BUILDING CODE, 1981 EDITION, AND THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY PLUMBING CODE, 1981 EDITION, MAKING AMENDMENTS TO SAID CODES, AND AMENDING THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES MUNICIPAL CODE. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: HEIN, RYAN, DYDA, & MAYOR BACHARACH NOES: NONE ABSENT: SHAW RESOLUTION NO. 81-77 - CAPITAL City Manager Guluzzy presented this IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM & BUDGET resolution which listed the Parks & (602) Recreation Capital Fund as follows: Fiscal Year 1981-82 - $1,719,700; Fiscal Year 1982-83 - $2,176,700 and the Capital Improvement Program Fund as follows: Fiscal Year 1981-82 - $2,965,960 and Fiscal Year 1982-83 - $1,024,500. Dwight Yoder, 6550 Verde Ridge Road, requested that Council define Phases 1, 2, and 3 of Hesse Park. He said that he was very pleased that the City was now going ahead with building Hesse Park but felt it would be better just to grade and landscape rather than put in buildings. RESOLUTION NO. 81-77 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ADOPTING FISCAL YEAR 1981-83 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND BUDGET was read by title and ADOPTED on motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilman Dyda and carried. RESOLUTION NO. 81-78 - CAPITAL City Manager Guluzzy presented this IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR resolution and its accompanying exhibit 1981-82 which listed the capital improvement (602) projects, estimated costs, cash flow and fund balances for fiscal year 1981-82/1986-87 . RESOLUTION NO. 81-87 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ADOPTING FISCAL YEAR 1981-82/1986-87 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM was read by title and ADOPTED on motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilman Dyda and carried. CITY COUNCIL -2- 10/21/81 RESOLUTION NO. 81-79 - ADOPTING RESOLUTION NO. 81-79 OF THE CITY CERTAIN SALARY INCREASES FOR COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS FULL TIME AND REGULAR PART VERDES ADOPTING CERTAIN SALARY INCREASES TIME CITY EMPLOYEES FOR FULL-TIME AND REGULAR PART-TIME (1202) CITY EMPLOYEES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1981-82 was presented by title and ADOPTED on motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman Hein and carried. ORDINANCE NO. 142 - ESTABLISHMENT Director Abel presented this ordinance OF PARKING PERMIT PROCEDURE which enables the City to establish (1502) a parking permit system in the Seaview and Barkentine areas. Council then proceeded to discuss the ordinance and made the following amendments: Section 7411 (f) , 4th line, delete the following: "without written authorization from the City." Mayor Bacharach so moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda and carried. Section 7403 (a) 2nd line, add after the word "the": "area in which parking permits are required . . . ." (b) , 2nd line, add after the word "resident": "of the xea in which parking permits are required may purchase . . . ." Add subparagraph <c) Special Event Permit. Any bona fide resident of the area in which parking permits are required may obtain permits good for a twenty-four hour period if the applicant demonstrates that he/she is holding a party or special event at their residence on a date certain. No resident may obtain Special Event permits for two consecutive days. Councilwoman Hein so moved, seconded by Council- man Ryan and carried. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein and carried to waive further reading and INTRODUCE ORDINANCE NO. 142 as amended. Council requested that copies of the proposed ordinance be sent to the two interested homeowners associations and that they be advised that Council is considering its adoption and their comments are welcome. CITY HALL EXPANSION - PURCHASE Director Bandy presented the staff memo- OF TELEPHONE SYSTEM randum of October 8th which highlighted (1109) the agreement between the City and America West Telephone Company. Staff recommended that Council approve this agreement and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract not to exceed $27,567 from the non-departmental budget. Council- man Dyda so moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein and carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: HEIN, DYDA, & MAYOR BACHARACH NOES: RYAN ABSENT: SHAW . COUNCIL POLICY - DONATED Director Law presented the October 12th & MEMORIAL TREE GROVES memorandum from the staff and Parks & (306 x 1201) Recreation Committee members which con- tained a brief history on this idea of establishing memorial tree groves. Staff recommended the following as basis for a policy on donated trees: (1) Trees should be a minimum of 15 gallon size; (2) Tree locations be in the areas designated by the Parks & Recreation Director in accordance with the approved landscape design plan for that particular park; (3) Type of tree should conform to the approved landscape plan for the designated park; (4) The plaque size should be appropriate to the size and number of trees donated; (5) The plaque should be made of a material that is as durable and vandal-proof as possible, such as engraved, silk screened or photo etched aluminum, brass or cast bronze. All costs associated with the plaque will be borne by the donor. The Parks & Recreation Committee concurred with the above recommendations and made the following additions: (1) The choice and cost of a plaque should be left to the donor as long as it meets with established criteria of durability and is vandal resistant; (2) The City will not be responsible for the replacement of vandalized plaques; and (3) Plaques will not be attached to trees. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein and carried to adopt the staff and Committee recommendations. CITY COUNCIL -3- 10/21/81 SANITATION DISTRICT - Sewer Connection Fee - Mayor Bacharach (1402) summarized the Sanitation's' proposal to adopt an ordinance charging a sewer connection fee and requested Council's opinion on the use of the resulting funds. Council then discussed how these funds will be spent and the equity in charging a connection fee where the owner of vacant land has already been subsidizing the system through payment of property taxes. Revenue Collected from the Palos Verdes Landfill - After Council discussion, it was the general concensus that funds collected at the Landfill should be put back into developing and maintaining that area, that consideration be given to building a mini- transfer station as described in the 1978 study on that matter, and that the money be put back into the impacted South Bay District. GEOLOGICAL TESTING Referring to access roads being (1801) graded for on-site geological test- ing, Councilman Ryan inquired if permits were required for this grading. Director Hightower responded that this matter is being looked into by the Planning Staff GRADING Councilman Ryan commented that he was (1801) dissatisfied with the appearance of the grading that is being done for new tracts in the City. He requested a 90 day moratorium be implemented so the ordinance could be reviewed and possible alternatives suggested to ease this grading situation. The suggestion was made that a Planning Commission and City Council subcommittee be formed to review the grading ordinance. Additionally, it was suggested that considera- tion be given to applying the CUP process to all grading so it would be subject to more control. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein and carried to table this matter until the November 4, 1981 meeting. REOPEN AGENDA Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda and carried to re- open the agenda. ENCROACHMENT PERMITS Director Abel presented pictures of work being done in the public right- of-way at homes in the Packet Road area. Mayor Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried to table this matter until the next meeting. The suggestion was made that the City Attorney look at encroachment permits and the rights of the City in granting such permits. LADERA LINDA LEASE AGREEMENT City Manager Guluzzy said that this WITH TIMES MIRROR agreement will be ready to present to Council at the next meeting. # 11 11 # II # # ?1 # ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: AMENDMENTS TO LOCAL COASTAL Responding to Council's questions, PLAN Director Hightower explained the process (701) to be followed in this finalization of the Coastal Plan: the Planning Commis- sion will consider all of the proposed amendments, hold public hearings and then make recommendations to the Council for their adoption. Councilwoman Hein moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried that staff proceed with the Local Coastal Plan amendments. 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