CC MINS 19801030 JNT .•t I U 'F E 5 ,
called to order al-* 7:30 by --yor Barbara Hein_ Ko?I
Call ansticred as follu':5:
P :TSS :til : R�tL�, B�1�...:.R.-�C��, D_DA S�-�.1+� ►���-C:� ii�I
Also �I'C�OI1t 1:0�.'e Parks c nd Recreation Coo-xmitte` I:t�:7 S ::aII:os, Sol 60 , S�otr,
�- 1 (Chai",na-iii) Gibson, Acting City `;L.X C> r Sharon �-Z> - tier, Ua.recto. of
Warks and Recreation 1-i?},zard Law, %l ssrs. Mark Russell and F>i l l Siiul- xe-pre-
senting the archit`ct ..ura1 fi , and 4c&Eing Secre�ary- 1i�ilyn Sn1i th.
On rction of Council-man Dyda, seconded by Councilwo:::an 113Pacharach, the
minutcs of August I.2; 1980 Works" op we*:re unanz;rousl y -L I—oN .
2. IIESSE P,pkRK (12 01)
Director Law gave a brief background to Cour ci l explaining that the work
on Hesse Park was at the SO% point. 'The concern fox Council ton�.ght v:as
to xeview the documents to see if there were F,robl e-ms tliat should be
discussed and ironed out before. going on to ie next stage. We-ssxs. Russell
and Shul z were in attendance to answer any gixes tiaras -the Council might
have. -
• - Councilman Dyda asked if the Parks & Recreat�.on Comm ittee bad xev'exted
the docuMe;�ts aid were ready ti•:ith recownend3t3 ons It was, �.;1dicated that
the Committee had not made recoms-nendations as a Comma�:tce.
Councilman Ryan asked why the Council was xevi eiv -ng the docwmr nts before
the Par hs and Recreation Comm-i-6-tee.
Director Law stated th�4t this-procedure was the dirertic�n the Council gave at
meet%ng. The Council and Committee were to meet at a -workshop and review
the pacIzage as .a whole.
• Councilman Dyda felt. that this workshop session %-:as a background session..
Tonights session was an "approval on condition."
Councilwoman Bacharach moved -that the- order of the Agenda be changed by roving
Item 2(b) , "Alternative Phasing �ptions'�, to be heard before- ltem 2(a) (2),
"Spec3fic Council Concerns,". This motion was approved unanimously.
The Council also invited. the ?arks & Recreation Committee to tal.•e an active -role
in the discussions.
Director Law passed ou` packets to Council and U-ab c CoTznittee and explained
to them how the packets should be interpre ted. He indicated that $i,.oz-
was available for t7he construction of the Pari: a this point in time., with
$63,000 commitf-ed to design, leaving a total o'L $1,039,000 available
for development.
The Council and Corn=z;ttee proceeded to review the documents asking
questions of both Director Law and the architects concerning access
to the Park, monetary consiu;:rations, `nd how the Park would look
if only a portion was done rather than the w13ole site.
Councilman Dyda hCad. done a rough financial survey on certain aspects
of the Park. lie handed out packets to Council and the Co., -nittee and
explained briefly where he felt dollar savings could be made. lie
specifically.mentioned community volunteer monetary support, less
extensive use of landscaping, and buying playing field equipment on
a lesser scale. These cuts would not mal.:e the Park more beautiful, but
it would still be functional and useful to the cortrnunity.
Councilwoman Shaw agreed with Councilman Dyda. She also Wished to discuss*
the concept and philosophy of the Park rather than specific dollar
an,�ounts. If the Council and Committee could agree on the former,
then they could consider how the concept and philosophy could fit
specific dollars available.
Councilman Ryan asked if a decision from Council was expected at this
meeting. .
Director Law indicated that until some decision was made, further work
on the park could not be continued.
Mayor Hein suggested that the Park be divided into two portions --- the .
upper portion and the lower portion. All agreed that dividing the park
into two sections would be easier to discuss. From that point on, the
major discussion was geared to the upper portion of the' park only.
Having put dollar constraints on the Park, Mr. zamos asked the architects
how they would have designed the Park.
The architects indicated that their design would have been totally different.
It was impossible to design a park for $1,000,000 _and have it turn out
lookinu like a 't3 000,000 park.-
Mr. Zamos asked Mayor Hein if the City would eventually have money to
complete the Park as designed by the architects. Mayor Hein indicated
.that at this time, money was definitely a problemm for every city.. She
did not see any windfalls in the near future and that the $1,000,000 plus
parameter should be the guideline.
Mr. Gibson was very concerned, as was the rest of the Committee, that
Council was discussing concepts and philosophies of parks wi thin the
City without advising the. Committee khat con-nitments or decisions had
been made.
Councilman Dyda agreed with-Mr. Gibson. It was the consensus of the Council
that -tine Committee be given pertinent data concerning parks before final,
approval ha-',W,beet given. This data could be used by the Committee, as a guideline.
kir. Rosenthal wanted to know where the City stood financially and if alt
financing had been considered by Council. He felt alternate financing
versus phasing gave more options. He also was concerned that the Council
was taking the park apart piece by piece. He felt the Park should be ra-
designed with the $1,000,000 parameter in mind _rather than trying to fit
a 3,900,000 park into a $1,000,000 budget if more money not going to
be forthcoming. =
I•irs. Stotz felt that if the park were phased,- doing Phase i now, with
the other phases following in order, that it made sense to construct
the Pari: with phasing. However, if there was not going to be enough
money to finish the Park in its entirety, teen phasing V-:as. not doing
the Park justice and that an entirely different plan was called for,
City Council 2- 10/30/80
• 301`r
OCTOBER 2300 10 0
Councilwoman Shati4 replied that the Council was co►,-.93_tte 3 to Nesse Part;
and its conceptual design, however, money was a problem and the Parc
would have to be -built with that in mind.
Counci loran R}'an agreed v ith.Mrs. Stotz.
Councl lZtio�13i1 Bachar ach did, not feel that an extensive redesign was
necessary. She would li�:e to see the upper portio; co:s s-- cted using,
alternate financing, if available, along with volunteer gifts. She
also felt that the construction of the building was the most important
item to consider in that donations would Post- 1 ikely core in the form
of equipment for the playing fields, etc.
Councilman Dyda requested that the architects subm, it their package in
such a way that phasing would be possible.
Mr. Zamos wanted to concentrate on playing fields rathar than the building.
In his opinion, playing fields w4ra far more important to the co• i unity than
the building. -
Councilman Ryan suggested that the Park b e redesigned_only -conszderin Q
the upper portion. He suggested that possibly the lower portion could
be sold and the money gleaned from the Sale be used for the building _
of the upper porion.
At .9:15 p.m. , Mayor Hein declared a IS minute recess.
At 9:30 p.m., the Workshop.reconvened.
A motion was :ade'by Councilman Dyda,, seconded by Courcilkoman Bacharach
that the Council adopt Alternate Set "C" as the approacn to be used for
completion of the construction drawings and the p�repat t?on of the bad -
packages with a vi6w to reducing the intensity of the lzndscapir:g and
_ impl•ementing a deferral of equipment in the appropriate areas that can be
obtained and installed outside the major coir s truction package and that
. the completed' package be •remanded back to the Parks and ?Recreation Comu-nitteee
for their review.
y.Councilman Dyda stated that this notion was a co m:n: tmen t_ to phasing.
.- if, during the course of -bidding, Money was available to complete the
w1iol e Park, then phasing would not be necessary.
Mayor Hein asked the architects if they understood the notion.on -the
• floor. They indicated they dial.
.t •
The motion was passed 3-2, Counilman Ryan and Mayor Hein voting f,,\ay,:t
4r: Councilwoman Shaw supported Councilman Dyda's motion. She felt the
building was the most essential item to be considered.
Councilwoman Bacharach also supported Alternate "C". She would like
to see playing fields go in but felt the impetus should b:: on the
bui.ldind. -
Mr. Zarzos did not agree with the Council's motion. He strongly felt
that playing fields were more important than the bui 1 di ng.
Rosenthal vas also committed to the playing fields rather than
the building. 0 .
Councilman Ryan cautioned the. Council not to be so concerned about
inflation and the cost of the building.
Mrs. Stotz asked the Council if a little pore nioney could be had so _
• that both the building and playing fields could be built.
City Council -3- 10/30/80
1,11 NUIrEs
OCTOBE-R 30, 3980
Council,, ail-Dyda stated that his notion would be flexible; that if
more money were available, it would be used for playing fields_
Mayor }dein was opposed to the notion in that the building
was not her main concern. She also felt that playing fields would
be nore advantage ous to the City.
Councilman Ryan suggested putting in a temporary building and use the
money for playing fields.,
Councilman Dyda was of the opinion that constructing the building_ first
would save money iii the long run.
Councilman '.fan then moved that the Hesse ParR design go back to ?ar'ks and
Recreation for their consideration after Council has given -he,..l realistic
• money guidelines. The motion was seconded by Mayor. Hein and rejected on
a 3-2 vote. -
- At 10:'15 p.m., Mayor Hein declared a 15 minute -recess.
At 10:30 p.m. the 1'1orkshop reconvened. •
_ wring the recess, the Warks and Recreation Committee held a caucus.
The following was their recommendation.
They hoped that the Council would see its way clear to construct the
whole upper half of the park including the building and the playing
fields. Not being able to do that, the Conmiiittee Tecommended that '
the building note constructed and that the Honey be used to construct
the whole site it its entirety without the building.
Dr. Soldoff wanted the construction of the upper site done simultan-
eously and not be phased with the building first and the playing fields
coming in later. _
Mrs. Stotx did not want the building to be the first phase. She was
coiicerned that money Would run out and all, the community would have
would be a building.
. • Councilman Dyda moved to amend his motion to include the following-
Move the grading and site. work of Phase 2 of Alternate "C", whish is
the lower site, into Phase 3.
The amended motion was seconded by Councilwoman Hacharach and passed
on a 3-2 vote, Councilman Ryan and Mayor Hein voting "Nay". -
'The Council wantecl the documents to be Teviewed to be sure t;.at fences
and landscaping along the fences was included. .
The Council also felt that only one set of drawings should be furnished
to Council -- that Council was willing to share the one set.
The Council; as requested by the Committee, clarified the C07,-.n tee's
role in that they should review the final documents for completeness
and accuracy.
City Council -4- 10/30/80
Lt i
L - -
or 30, 19So
The Parks and Recreation Committee was then excused from. the Workshop,
its contribution to the Workshop having been completed.
3. STATE HEARINGS i:0 ti'E1•f BER 6 73, 1980 -
The Assembly is having a hearing on November 6th concerning sharing of -
additional property taxes with cities who annex territories. It- was
decided that Coimciljtiomen Shaw and EachPrach would attend this meeting.
This meeting is being held in Rolling Hills Estates,,
On Nove:,iber 7th, there will be a meeing of the Coastal Commission either
in Sacram�nto or San Francisco.
There being no further business to discuss, the Workshop was adjourned at
11:00 p.m.
City Council -5- 10/30/80-