CC MINS 198304057­7 U M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING APRIL 59 1983 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Robert E. Ryan, at the Palos Verdes Unified School District building, 30942 Hawthorne Boulevard. After the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag roll call was answered as follows: PRE SENT : HEIN , DYDA, BACHARACH , & MAYOR RYAN ABSENT: NONE Also present were City Manager Donald F. Guluzzy, City Attorney Steve Dorsey, Environmental Services Director Sharon W. Hightower, Director of Public Works Carl Abel, Associate Planner Sandi Lavitt, Senior Planner Ann Negendank, City Clerk Mary Jo Lofthus, Administrative Services Director Kiti Laisure, Leisure Services Director Mary Thomas, and Community Services Director Tom Bandy. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The City Clerk announced the following additions to the agenda: Pt. Vicente Park cut, SB 888 (Bacharach), and the City Manager requested a closed session to discuss pending litigation. The agenda as amended was approved on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach and carried. WAIVER OF FULL READING OF ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS this meeting with consent Councilmembers after read: that time for the reading Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein and carried, to waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions adopted at to the waiver of reading deemed to be given by all ing of the title, unless specific request was made at of such ordinance or resolution. CONSENT CALENDAR City Clerk announced the following deletions from the Consent Calendar: A2 (Sale of City - owned House), and A9 (Application for Land and Water Conservation Funds) would be considered under Continued Business. The remainder of the Consent Calendar was approved on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilwoman Hein. MINUTES Approved as presented the minutes of March 2, 10, 15, and 21, 19830 INSPECTION SERVICES FOR Authorized the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign FISCAL YEAR 1982 -83 - a contract and addendum No. 1 with W. R. G. SLURRY SEAL PROJECT (1404) Company Inc. for inspection services for Fiscal Year 1982 -83 slurry seal project at a cost not to exceed $9,600. SLURRY SEAL PROJECT - Council authorized awarding the Fiscal FISCAL YEAR 1982 -83 Year 1982 -83 slurry seal project contract (1404) to the low bidder, ECNA Incorporated for a cost not to exceed $135,994.15. REQUEST FOR USE OF CITY City Council approved the use of City streets STREETS - PHIDIPPIDES /PRO- for November 12, 1983 contingent upon the COMFORT 10K RACE (1201) applicant's ability to satisfy the City's requirements for a certificate of insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000; execution of a Hold Harmless Agreement; and reimbursement of all costs incurred by the City, guaranteed by a pre -race deposit. #702 -B1 C961 E S gIUcTV -Z- 'IIONn0O a,zaM s2saload u9jilam ou 3E42 PUP papiooaj ATnp uaaq pEq aoTiou lRgI paounouu8 AjaTo A3T3 aqs (109) • spund 2uTjv4S anuanag JO asn papuame sTg2 uO SaNnd OKIXVHS gn aMm d0 aSn uado SUTIEaq oTTgnd agl paJVToap URAX JoAVW QgQNHKV - OKI -dVaH OlZgna •sasTo,zaxg 2UTUTVII SBOTA19S AouaSIOMa ETUJO JTTEO JO 93EIS aql UT saTITO ETnsuTuaa (10*7) SgSIDUXa lagjo gaTM uoTjvdToTjjPd s,AITO aqj pazTjoglnV OKIHIVEI SsaNagxvagxa ZKIOr 'LL-Z9 NoIln'IoSHH ONIarRMN arm £8 -2061 xvaAx rivosid xod Zgoang cma Tamio gHZ OHIZdOQV CM WaISAIS OKIMIM MMlI(lN2lClXR iV Q09) ES-Z961 'IVOSIA OKIAOXdaV SgaxHA SOrIVa OHOIVx do lZIO gHZ d0 xod walsLS OHIZHOang zl oKnOD 11I O gHZ do L T -£ 8 NOI lflgO S gx agZaoaf MlI C Najxg - 81-Co * 'IOS gx 9 Z,7 T 1 HOnoxHS Z 1 i71 T GNV ` 917 0£ HonoxHZ Z 9 6 Z d0 WflS gHZ NI SGNVKaG OW SWIV IO NIVZxHO ONIMO IV SaCMA SO'IVa OHOiVx d0 LZIO gHZ d0 zlDNnoo LZIO gHZ do L1 -£8 NOIlnzosgx agZaoaV •joTjjsTa aq3 Aq pasn aq o3 dvm aq3 pub 2oTaIsTa ju9m93EgV aPTTspuEZ aAOO auoTEgV aqi jo uoTinTosaa pasodoad aqi panOjddV Sxag m arvKg(i `ZL' 6££` £L1t Sa W21(i d0 EHISI02M - LT -£8 ''IOSHH 0081) Sgxnagooxa OHI aHOg do 7VAOxaaX - ZOIIIZSIQ INSHgzvilv gaI'ISa Vrl aAOO aNO'IV9V ' OL' ll7Z ` 061t 070+11) ISHEIS HZSZ aim paaoxa Ol IOU 3900 E IV mulsola Alajvs HAIXa HISH7"IN 4 ZSV7 HAIM uoTlvuTmTTH PJEzEH aql japun sjaTajvq puE sTTvJ SHCMA SO'IVa IV SxglxxVg alb pivnS asag3 jo uoT3vTTE3suT aq3 JO J 6 •OUI SAOTTV S'Ilvxcluvno d0 KOIZv'IavZSKI ulapoR `jappTq MOT 9q3 03 30PIlUO0 aql papJaMV xOd ZOVxZKOO d0 a2vMv S aC[HaA SOWa OHOAI" d0 lUIO gHZ NI ` ZS anbgx roan ` ZNgjZUVaaa aVox JUNflOO S agaDNV So'I gHZ 19 agaIAOxa SaOIAUS GHIVNOISaa do UNWHO"aa C�oz1 900 gHZ OHIZIxOHSnV SaCWA SO'IVa OHONVE do lUIO gHZ lNHKaaUDV SaOIAUH do 'IioNnoo Uio gHZ do 91 -£8 KoiZngosgx aalaoav wugxgo - 91 -£8 * gosgx • UOT33P s, TTounoo jo SIUVMTETO AJTIOU 03 (£0£) xOISSHK *a vI'IvaI A19TO AITO aql p9339ITP PUP 90Z16 UOT309S aPOD alb mxriOx 'r xOvr jUamuJanOO UT papTAOjd se smTETo asagl p93049g - UIO gHZ ZSKIVOV SHWIO ( '70v1) • uoTjaTdmoO To 93TION aql p10092 Ol -419TO AITO 9q3 Hlvxa HOBO vuiwvigv aim pajoalTa Q) • IuamAied uoTlualaj TEUT3 aql anssT HMOS HAIM SHaxgA SO7Va 02 10109ITa saOTA19S OATIEIIsTUTmpV 9q3 pazT d0 HOISga KOIZOnxZSHOOgx - loglnV Q) • pajaTdmoo sE lloM aql pajdaozV (1) 2103 Mom d0 HONVICIHDDV *AaTO aql JO luamaSEuvm TEIol 04 p83ET91 AT109ITP slsoo asogj SuTpnToxa SISOO 209ITpuT puE 309ITp TEn3ov uo pasvq saa3 SuTglvgo jo jdaouoo aqj paldop8 TTounoo (Z09) sacra Iva -dasn • avaA jad ££ 1$ 10 aaj TEjuaj 8 loj ToogoS AjasjnK aATjvjadoo0 puag asanSnijoa aqi Aq govag ano0 auoTvgV jo ( TOZ1) asvaq suoTliod paTjToads aqj ;o asn SuTjjTmjad juamaaa5v HOVgg aAOO aNOZygV /'IOOHOS pasodoad aqi alnoaxa o3 jjaTO A3T3 puE JOARK aq3 Lugs llN CIN2[q asgnonluod pazTjogjnv puE 9sv9T sTg3 jo TEMauai panoiddV d0 'IvMmau xod ZSanbgx •p9TlsT3es SuTaq ju9m9sjngmT9j 3900 puE '3U9m99JSV 999TMJRH pTOH 69ouransuT ioj (TOz1) NoaHZvI2IZ aKnd s Iuam9JTnbaj s , A3 T O aql uodn juaSuT woo C861 gdI'Ia'IIM a'IxOM uOA S ZgaxZS 11Z 3snSnV uo siaaa3s A3TO 3o asn aqj panOjddy uIO do asn x03 ZSgnbgx received by the City. City Manager Guluzzy reported that it has been proposed to use Entitlement 12 and 13 Revenue Sharing Funds for capital purposes, specifically to designate $135,824 for Hesse Park. This amount had previously been appropriated to City Hall building acquisition. The change in use is for additional construction and professional services at Hesse Park. Total estimated Revenue Sharing Funds available for Fiscal Year 1982 -83 remain at $34190570 There was no response to the Mayor's call for public testimony. He then declared the public hearing closed. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda and carried to approve staff recommendation and approve use of Entitlement 12 and 13 Revenue Sharing Funds for capital purposes, specifically to designate $135,824 for Hesse Park. ORDINANCE N0. 166 - Director Hightower noted that this ordinance had EARTH STATIONS AND been presented for first reading at the March COMMERCIAL ANTENNA 15, 1983 Council meeting. TOWERS (1801) ORDINANCE N0. 166 OF THE CITY OF RANC50 PALOS VERDES MAKING REVISIONS TO THE TEXT OF THE DEVELOPMENT CODE TO ESTABLISH DEVELOPMENT, DE SIGN, AND LOCATION REGULATIONS FOR EARTH STATIONS AND COMMERCIAL ANTENNA TOWERS, AS CODE AMENDMENT N0. 16, AND AMENDING THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES MUNICIPAL CODE was presented by title for adoption. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein to adopt Ordinance No. 166. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: DYDA , HE IN , BACHARACH , & MAYOR RYAN NOES: NONE ADDITIONS IN THE MORATORIUM Director Hightower presented the April 5, 1983 AREA (1801) memorandum which referred to Council direction that staff investigate possible regulation criteria to allow additions in the moratorium area. Council then discussed whether or not the Planning Commission had reviewed these amendments, if these recommendations should be tabled until there is some measure of stability in the landslide area, if this was an appropriate time to allow additions, how adoption of these recommendations would affect existing requests for additions in the area, the affects of domestic usage of water versus the affects of the storms experienced this winter, if residents were able to sell their property under the present moratorium, and the risk that the City would be assuming in allowing additions in the moratorium area. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein to table these Building Code amendments to the moratorium. The motion died on a two -two tie vote with Councilmembers Bacharach and Mayor Ryan voting in opposition. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Mayor Ryan to send these matters to the Planning Commission for review and comment. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: HEIN , DYDA, BACHARACH , & MAYOR RYAN NOES: NONE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Director Hightower presented the March 15, 1983 REVISED WORK PROGRAM memorandum which referred to the March 10 Council (1203) direction that staff report back on the impact caused by the Eastview General Plan Amendment. Councilwoman Hein moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda to approve (1) the proposed revised work program and (2) approve an intern for the summer months at a not to exceed cost of $3,000. it COUNCIL -3- APRIL 5 , 1983 Discussion then centered on the makeup and selection of the Eastview Goals Committee and it was the consensus that the structure of this Committee would be brought back to Council at the April 15 meeting. Additionally, it was agreed that a press release would be issued announcing the formation of this Goals Committee and encouraging volunteers to apply. RESOL. 83 -19 - ESTABLISHING Associate Planner Lavitt presented the staff QUIMBY ACT FEES FOR TRACT memorandum of April 3, 1983 which presented the 37885 (1203 x 1411) background on the approval of this Tentative Tract by Council at the September 27, 1982 meeting. At that time discussion included the amount of in -lieu fee the developer would be required to pay to satisfy the Quimby Act requirement (Condition No. 25 of Resolution 82 -66). This memorandum also presented alternatives to be considered by Council in arriving at the appropriate in -lieu fee. Staff recommended that Council determine which per acre value is appropriate for this tract. Representing Palos Verdes Properties was Monte Brower who requested that Council adopt the most reasonable cost per acre in determining this fee. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein and carried to adopt staff recommendation (2) that the total number of buildable acres equals 47 acres and that the parkland dedication fee be determined at $63,000. RESOL. 83 -20 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ESTABLISHING THE PARKLAND DEDICATION FEE FOR TENTATIVE TRACT 37885 WAS PRESENTED BY TITLE AND ADOPTED ON MOTION OF COUNCILMAN DYDA, SECONDED BY COUNCILWOMAN BACHARACH AND CARRIED. HESSE PARK BUDGET CHANGE City Manager Guluzzy presented the March 28, (1983 -84) (602 x 1201) 1983 staff memorandum which contained a back- ground, summary of present and future contract costs, financing options, potential problems and impact, and the recommendation to shift $204,000 from the 1983 -84 City Hall building acquisition project to finance all of the remaining costs of developing Hesse and Clovercliff Parks. This would leave a balance of $60,176 of the General Revenue Sharing capital improvement budget for the City Hall project to either buy or lease the facility. Council then discussed the Valley Crest change order for $32,000 and whether or not the City was responsible for paying this charge for delay in construction. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda to approve recommen- dation No. 1 but reduce the amount by $32,000. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: HE IN , DYDA , BACHARACH , & MAYOR RYAN NOES: NONE HESSE PARK - PURCHASE OF Director Hightower presented the April 5, 1983 FURNITURE (1201) memorandum which contained the background on the contract with Moon /Dougherty for the interior design services for the Hesse Park building for a not to exceed amount of $5,100. Staff recommended authorization of an expenditure of $35,346 for furniture and equipment for Hesse Park. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein to approve staff recommen- dation. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: BACHARACH , DYDA , HE IN , & MAYOR RYAN NOES: NONE COUNCIL -4- APRIL .5. 1983 C861 ` S 'IIXdV -S- 'IIOKnOO owasaad sjagmam amps aqI glTM OK*a SZ :6 3E p9uaAUO39J SUT3991U aqj •ssaoaj jaTjq 8 pajvToap uBAX joAvx •y1•d 01:6 IV SSHOaX ex3aTooS TBOTIOISTH aq3 10 lagmam 8 ST aqs 38g3 p93OU uTaH uvmOMTTounoO 6piooaa aq3 joa MOK :SHOH NVAX 11OAV 19 `KIaH `Vala 6H0V9VH0V'S : Sany :930A TTBO TTOJ BUTMOTTO; 8q2 uo p9TJJ80 UOTIom OU •sTapom gjoq jioddns as8q sTgj j8g3 PUB `(£) 4(1) sjagmnu uoTivpuammooaj 33839 OAOjdde 03 paT1180 PUB uTaH uBmoMTTounoO Aq papuooas 4p8nom gO8J8gO8g uBmoMTTounoO •Tapom I8gI 103 AOTTod aousinsuT aq3 apTAoid pTnoM oqM pus A3TO 9q2 3nog2nojg2 SUTT9AVJ3 aq pTnoM 38g3 Tapom 8q3 passnosTp uag3 TTounoO •UOTIBUTmi93 pTBS STq MOIJ SuT3Tns9j A3T3 aq3 Aq pajanouT sasuadxa TEuOT3TPPE JO3 A3T3 9q3 03 aTgBTT aq PTnoM aq asn8o anog4TM 3oviwoo sTg3 a3BuTmJ93 J0308J3uo0 9q3 pTnogs 38gj 93BoTpuT o3 papuame aq pTnogs gd8i88a8d sTg3 38g3 snsuasuoo aq3 s8M IT uoTssnosTp j93jV •UOT38UTMJa3 g3TM SUTTBap asnBTO 9q3 JBTnoTjjvd uT puE 3ova3wo pasodoid aqj passnosTp U8g3 TTounoO • 30813u00 pasodoad 9q3 uSTs 03 AlaTO A3TO aq3 pu8 JOAV ,I aq4 8zT2og3nV (£) •TB303 339JIU03 9q3 03 00£`Zt PP8 6O9 3I 99s8q PU00as 8 3o UOT3 - onj3suoo 9q3 jo3 S8d pTnogs S3TO 9q3 3T auTmza3aQ (Z) •j9389d9i/JaAvTd ad83 pu8 Tapom 9q3 3o aou8ua3uTBm puE AOTTod aouvinsUT 9q3 uo aTgT3Onp9p 000411 aql JO3 OTgTsuodsea aq TTTM A3aTOOS TVDT204STH 9q3 (p) pu8 `ja3uaO aAT3ajd -193ul 9q3 UT ABTdsTp Uo Tapom ago JO3 AOTTod a0u8insuT 000601t 8 A8d TTTM A3TO aq3 (o) `uSTsap asEq aq4 iaAo (TBAOidde Sou 3nq) MaTAaa uSTsap 9n8q TTTM A39TOOS TVOT103STH 9q3 (q) gas8q auo 3o uoT3onj3suo0 9q3 jo3 A8d TTTM A3TO 8q4 (8) :38g3 S3aTOOS TROTI03STH 9q3 A3T3ou o3 uoT4vzTaog3nV (T) :papuammo0aj 3382S •s3TgTgxa 9q3 3o japuTmal aq4 lo3 paATaoaa uaaq aABq sa3BmT3sa 69mT3 38g3 aouTS •ja3uaO 9AT39idaa3ul 9q3 jo3 s3TgTgxa 3o A4Tjofvm aq3 apTAoid o3 sa3BToossV uoTj80TunmmoO g3TM 3OBj3uoo 8 jo3 uoT3vzTaog3n8 TTounoO Z861 `LT 3snSnV aq3 o3 (TOZT) SZIBIHXa palialai goTgm mnpu8iomam 3383s £86T `S TTjdV XazKaO aAI12MaUa1KI 110a aq3 pa3uasaid AUBpuaSaK uUV J9UUVTa JOTuaS SZOVXS.KOO Mcl aZNMIA '61a aKOK :SZOK KVI2I XOILVI 9 ` KI aH ` VQ .1Q ` HOV2iWDVR : S aiv :930A TTBO TTOJ SUTMOTT03 aq3 uo paT1190 UOT30M OU •1 *ON UOTIBpuamMO081 338js 3dop8 03 uTaH uvmoMTTounoO Aq papuooas 4p9nom go8a8g08g uvmoMTTOunoO '0004Z$ paaoxa 01 IOU 3SOO 8 103 90U9T 2UT3sTx9 aqI aoBTdaj 04 18PIO aSU8g0 8 93BTIOSOU 03 pazTJOglnv aq 338js `sagsTM TTounoO 3I (Z) 'AITO aql 04 ISOD TBUOT3TPPS ou 38 18ajV mol3 MOD 03 papaau TBTlal m TEUOTITppB AUV •jj8d aqj 3o AI 8ajV JO3 TBTI93 m TTT3 JO3 IOT SuT'Alvd TTBH AITO agj o3 3uao8fp8 vale aqj asn o4 -Alva aluaoTA • 3a JO3 1030VIluOO ag3 gITM aIRTIOSau 04 p9zTaogln8 aq 33EiS (1) :suOTIBpu9mmo09J 3383s BuTMOTTo3 aql pu8 S TTidV 3o mnpu8jomam 33Ejs aqj pajuasaid TagV 103091TU (TOZI) 2110 xud azKaOIA Old Q3iX2IV0 a" Vaja KVI'Ii0Kn03 Xg QaQKOOaS ` KI aH KNIOMgIOKn00 30 KOIZOK KO QaQKwv Sv anjoav QIv agiii ig avn SvM ZOarOXd xavd a.ZKaOIA Zd 2103 SQKna KOIZVAXaSK00 XaZVM a" MM 2103 KOIZVOI'IddV MU OKIAOXddV S aQXaA S O'IVd OHOKVX aO UI O aHZ aO. 'II MIOO UIO aHS 30 OZ-CS ' OK KOI MIOS aX *saAlasaX Puna TB19u99 aql MOIJ aq pTnoM spun3 (TOZT) 3o aoinos aqj j8gj 91BoTpuT of uoTjnTosaJ ZOarOXd xwd RIK30IA 'Zd pasodoad aq3 3o oml jagmnu gd8aS8i8d puam8 XOa SQHna X211VM M QKV'I TTounoO j8gj papuammOOai pu8 £861 48Z gzlvH 10 X0a KOIZvOigadN aO 7VAOXddv ijodaj 3T82s aqj pajuasaid AzznTnq ja88uvH A3TO - OZ -£8 "IOSaX C861 ` g 'II2Idv -9- 'IIONt10O MOM : SROK I VKH WANK 9 ` HI aH ` wixa ` HOVUVHOVg : S aiv :aJOA TT80 TTOJ SUTAOTTOJ aql Uo PaTJJV0 UOT30M aqz o 1:)912uoo juaiano 8 Aq P91OA00 IOU Pug I08J3UO0 UasuaSlO f Aog aql JO MOTAind aqj puoAaq TTBJ I8gI sasuadxa Tensnun janoo of 4aag8uBw A3TO aq2 3O TEAOidda aq3 giTA 6sajBToossy uasuagaor Aog Aq pasn aq of punT AOuaguTwoo 0006Lt 8 apTAoid 03 uTaH uvmOATTounoO Aq papuooas 6paAOm BPAQ uBmTTounoO MON : S HON NV.X -I WANK 9 ` HIaH ` HDVIIVHOVg `vami : S axV :910A TTEO TTo, 2UTMOTTo3 aq, uO paTlIvo uoTjom aqs •Z pus T jagmnu suoTiep - uammooel jj8js anoidd8 03 uTaH urmoATTounoO Aq papuooas gpanom BpAa uvmTTounoO 'OOS`VZt paaoxa of IOU uoT3vTjdoidd8 TBIOZ •sasuadxa snTd VV94 0 P"Oxa 04 IOU 3900 ATgIUOM mnmTxvm 8 38 £861 `£ A81d g8noagj £861 91 goj8y1 poTiad jo; 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HESSE PARK CONSTRUCTION City Manager Guluzzy presented the March 14 ADMINISTRATION SERVICES letter from Kammeyer and Partners Inc. outlining (1201) their new rates effective March 1, 1983. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda to approve the new rates and payment of $6,510.93 on their invoice No. 6146. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: BACHARACH , DYDA, HEIN , & MAYOR RYAN NOES: NONE COMPATIBILITY OF OFFICES Mayor Ryan moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein (1202) and carried to authorize the City Attorney to prepare an opinion on the compatibility of offices for Council members. SALE OF CITY -OWNED HOUSE Director Laisure presented the March 17 letter (1404) describing the condition of the City -owned house on Rue de la Pierre. Staff recommended approval of an agreement with Very Important Properties for sale of this house at $280,000 and a total commission of 2%0 Council then discussed the condition of the house, the necessary repairs, and the price of other homes in the area. After Council discussion, it was the consensus to list the house at $295,000 and that staff should prepare a report on the cost of necessary repairs. RECESS At 11:10 P.M. Mayor Ryan declared a brief recess. The meeting resumed at 11:20 P.M. RESIGNATION OF COUNCILWOMAN The City Clerk presented the staff memorandum of ANN SHAW (306) March 24, 1983 and stated that Councilwoman Shaw has submitted her resignation on March 23 to be effective March 25. At this time it was recommended that Council should accept Mrs. Shaw's resignation and consider the option of (1) appointing somebody within thirty days of the effective date of that resignation to serve out her remaining term of office or (2) leave the position vacant until the November 8, 1983 general municipal election. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein and carried to accept Mrs. Shaw's resignation. Council then discussed the pros and cons of appointing somebody to fill this vacancy and if the City should encourage interested parties in applying for appointment to this Council seat. It was the consensus that a press release should be issued stating that the Council is accepting letters of interest from persons who would like to be considered for appointment to the City Council seat created by Councilwoman Shaw's resignation. The deadline for such letters is Friday, April 15. The City Council will decide whether or not to fill this vacancy by appointment at their meeting on April 19th. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION At 12 midnight Council recessed to closed session for discussion of potential litigation. The motion was made by Councilwoman Hein, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach and carried. RECONVENE AND ADJOURNMENT The meeting reconvened at 1:00 A.M. with the following action taken: KLONDIKE CANYON LANDSLIDE Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by ABATEMENT DISTRICT (1801) Councilwoman Hein and carried that the City Manager write to the Klondike Canyon Geologic Hazard Abatement District Board of Directors informing them that the City is formally turning over the following items to the District: COUNCIL -8- APRIL 5 , 1983 1. Robert Stone Associates (RSA) Geotechnical Report dated 8/13/80 2. RSA Report dated 9/15/80 3. Trenching and bore holes 4. RSA Addendum dated 12/10/80 5. RSA Review of Moore & Taber Report 6. RSA response to Council 7. Copies of Moore & Taber 8. Horizontal drain study dated 1/22/81 - ASL 9. Inclinometeres and borings 10. RSA moratorium boundary study dated 11/23/81 11. ASL Report - Klondike Canyon Concept Alternatives for Drainage Control 12. Maintenance and operation of the artesian well ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: At 1:00 A.M. on April 19, He in COUNCIL -9- Council adjourned to 6:30 P.M. 1983 on motion of Councilwoman 1� APRIL 5 9 1983