CC MINS 19830310 ADJ BudgetM I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING - WORK SESSION MARCH 10, 1983 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Robert E. Ryan, notice having been given with affidavit thereto on file. PRESENT: HE IN , DYDA , SHAW, BACHARACH , & MAYOR RYAN ABSENT: NONE Also present were City Manager Guluzzy, Environmental Services Director Hightower, Administrative Services Director Laisure, Public Works Director Abel, Roy Jorgensen Deputy Director Abbott, and Leisure Services Director Mary Thomas. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES City Manager Guluzzy presented the staff report BUDGET OBJECTIVES 1982 -83 of March 8, 1983 which outlined the workload of (1203) the Environmental Services and how the increased tasks as a result of the Eastview annexation could be accomplished without significantly increasing the staffing of that department. - Council discussed the priorities, staffing rearrangements, responsibility changes, makeup of the Goals Committee, General Plan amendment process, and the City's sign policy. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach and carried that staff prepare a draft of options, including the elements necessary for a General Plan amendment in the Eastview area, for Council review. This draft should identify those areas where options exist; and then be presented to the Eastview Goals Committee. Additionally, the Committee should be charged with the responsibility of making recommendations to the Council on the policies to handle these options. Sixty days after the Committee receives the options list, they should present their recommendations to the Council. After additional Council discussion of the 1982 -83 work objectives, Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilwoman Hein to delay any action on the Work Program and hiring an intern. PROGRAM BUDGET (602) City Manager Guluzzy presented the March 8, 1983 staff memorandum which outlined the development of the program budget as being based upon a structure of programs and sub - programs instead of line items. After Council discussion of the structure of this budget versus a line item budget, it was the consensus to use the line item format previously used prior to the two -year budget. Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach and carried to: (1) Set up an accounting procedure to identify City resources used. This procedure should set up a numbering system for each task or project. (2) Develop a system to record expenditures for all work elements involved in each task. These expenditures to include overhead and all direct costs. (3) Staff to record the number of hours involved in these projects. COST ACCOUNTING Administrative Analyst Greg Beaubien presented ( 602) the staff memorandum of March 8, 1983 which outlined and defined what determines a "direct" and "indirect" cost. Addition- ally, the report suggested four steps and two options on how to implement this program. #702 -A8 Council discussed if secondary indirect costs should be charged, and if general overhead for Public Works and Environmental Services should be included in fees charged by those departments. It was the consensus that staff should prepare a report on "User Pay Fees" for the April 5 Council meeting. Parks and Recreation Fees and Charges - It was the consensus to adopt Option I to: (1) Maintain current fee structure with an emphasis on cost reduction to recover more secondary direct and indirect costs. (2) Pursue fund raising activities to generate additional revenue to offset unrecovered costs. ( X6 02 ) Equipment Replacement_ F_ and - Councilwoman Hein moved, seconded by Mayor Ryan to set up an Equipment Replacement Fund for all equipment over $300. The motion carried unanimously. (X6 0 2) Facilities Replacement Fund - Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilwoman Shaw and carried to maintain the current system using a five year Capital Improvement Program with no guaranteed funding source. ADJOURNMENT At 10:22 P.M. Council adjourned on motion of Councilman Shaw. ATTEST: 7TY CLE COUNCIL -2- MARCH 10, 1983