CC MINS 19830124 ADJM I N U T E S
JANUARY 24, 19 8 3
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Ryan, at the Palos
Verdes Unified School District Building, notice having been given with affidavit
thereto on file. Roll call was answered as follows:
Also present were City Manager Donald Guluzzy, City Clerk Mary Jo Lof thus,
Environmental Services Director Sharon Hightower, Senior Planner Ann Negendank,
City Attorney Steve Dorsey, Director of Administrative Services Kiti Laisure,
Director of Public Works Carl Abel, Leisure Services Director Mary Thomas,
Associate Planner Sandi Lavitt, and Planning Commissioners Brown, Hughes,
McNulty, McTaggart, and Hinchliffe.
COUNCIL /PLANNING COMMISSION Director Hightower gave the staff report of
DISCUSSION OF GOLDEN COVE January 24, 1983 and requested comments from
(701)- the City Council and Planning Commission.
Discussion then followed along the general guidelines for development of this
project: should the Planning Commission develop plans and present to the
Council for approval, if the zoning in that area should be changed from
commercial to residential, what marketing projections had been made for rental
of these apartments, adherence to the City's building codes, and the ultimate
cost of these units. Additionally, discussion ensued on whether these units
should be stacked and the general appearance of such an arrangement.
It was the consensus of those present that some important issues had been
discussed and that the project should proceed through hearings.
At this time the Planning Commission left the meetings.
PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE Council enquired of the City Attorney whether
(306) or not they should review material on a matter
after the public hearing was closed. He
explained that it is preferable for Council not to offer testimony or view the
site after the public hearing is closed. If a Council member visits the site
after close of the hearing, they should avoid talking to any persons at the
site, if possible. For the record, Council members should state at the
meeting that they made such a visit. If they make a site inspection, the
public hearing must be reopened.
AMENDMENT TO ANIMAL CONTROL Community Services Director Bandy presented an
SERVICES FOR EASTVIEW amendment to the agreement for animal services
AREA (104) in the recently annexed Eastview area of the
City. As of January 19, 1983 the County no
longer provided animal control services thus necessitating this amendment to
the SPCA contract.
Councilwoman Hein moved, seconded by Councilman Dyda, to approve the $5,005
expenditure for animal control services for the months of February through
June conclusive with the understanding that an attempt will be made to recover
the appropriate proportion of fees already collected by the County.
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Senior Planner Negendank presented samples of the roofing tile to be used
for the Interpretive Center. The consensus was to use the green glazed
SALE OF CITY OWNED HOUSE City Manager Guluzzy presented the staff memorandum
ON RUE DE LA PIERRE of January 17, 1983 recommending that the
(1404) Council authorize staff to sell the city -owned
house on Rue de la Pierre.
Director Laisure stated that she spoke with the Board of Realtors to determine
how the house could be listed without going through an agent or broker. She
was advised that the house would have to be listed and then the City could
negotiate with an agent.
It was the consensus that the City should act as its own agent and give a two
percent commission to the seller.
At 10:12 P.M. the meeting adjourned on motion
of Councilwoman Shaw, seconded by Councilwoman
NPi n and carried.
JANUARY 24, 1983
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JANUARY 24, 1983