CC MINS 19830117 ADJM I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 17 , 1983 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Robert E. Ryan, at the Palos Verdes Unified School District Building, 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard, notice having been given with affidavit thereto on file. After the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: DYDA, BACHARACH , HEIN , & MAYOR RYAN ABSENT: SHAW Also present were City Manager Donald Guluzzy, Director of Environmental Services Sharon Hightower, Director of Public Works Carl Abel, Director of Community Services Tom Bandy Director of Administrative Services Kiti Laisure, and City Clerk Mary Jo Lof thus APPROVAL OF AGENDA The City Clerk announced that under Council Committee Reports, Councilwoman Hein had requested discussion of the fence around the City Hall property. The agenda as amended was approved on motion of Councilwoman Hein, seconded by Councilman Dyda and carried. WAIVER OF FULL READING OF Councilman Dyda moved, seconded by Councilwoman ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS Hein and carried to waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions deemed to be given by all councilmembers after reading of the title, unless specific request was made at that time for the reading of such ordinance or resolution. CONSENT CALENDAR: The City Clerk announced that Item A -6 (Real Estate Signs) had been removed from the Consent Calendar and that a Resolution dealing with Federal Disaster Assistance was being added as Item A -10. The amended Consent Calendar was approved as follows on motion of Councilwoman Bacharach, seconded by Councilman Dyda: It was the consensus to discuss Item A -6 as the second item of business after adoption of the Consent Calendar. MINUTES: Approved as presented the minutes of December 13, 21 and 28, 1982. TRACT N0. 38512 - REQUEST Approved the request to extend this tract map FOR EXTENSION (1411) until June 16, 1983, SIDEWALK REPAIR PROGRAM (1) Accepted the work as completed. (2) Released FOR FISCAL 1981 -82 (1405) the faithful performance bond and directed the City Clerk to notify the surety and the contractor. (3) Waived the thirty -five day requirement for retention payment and authorized the City Manager to issue a warrant to J. T. Garza Construction in the amount of $10,913.130 MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE Adopted the revised Minority Business (601) Enterprise program as outlined in the staff report of January 17, 1983 showing current City Council organization and goals of 10.8% and 1% female Minority Business Enterprise. 1 C861 ` L1 i2vnwr -Z- 'IioNnoO pT o8 pug uMoaq To UOTIVUTgmoo JOTOO g ajvzTpuT of papuamg aq 9 uoTja9S avgi p9TjjV0 pug UTaH usm0MTTounoO Aq papuooas 4panom uagj govavgzvg ugmoMTTouno0 • uoT iT soddo uT SUTIOA g3VJVg0Vq pug UTOH sJ;3gm8mTTouno3 ii:jTM aj0A OMI - OM3 g Uo paTp UOTIom 9q1 •uoT3nT0s9J pasodoid aq3 moil 9 uoT3oaS 939T9p 03 spAa uvmUounoo Aq papuooas 6panom UgAH JOASW •SUSTs aqI Uo paMOTTV SJOTOO 9qI a3vzTpuT pTnogs UOT3nTo991 sTg3 lag3agm Uo pa3u8mm03 TTOunoo •uoTjnTOsaJ pasodoid aqj Jo sauTTapTnS aq3 o3 jugnsand 'paAsTdsTp BUSTS aIvIsa TV91 Jo Iagmnu pug :luamaogTd auk alvTnSaa pug jTmzad o3 SUTUUET d 30 10309ITa aqI azTaoging Knoll sTgl •apoo TEdToTunW aq3 30 d 0£0'Z9'LT UOTIOaS 03 jugnsand AOTTod TVMJOJ se meagoad USTs 93v3s9 Tsai 9qI gsTTgv3sa TTounoo aqj :Isu:l papuammooai 338IS •aTss JOJ samOq Jo UOTIVOOT (1081) SHOIS HS110H auj asT3Janpg 9103TV91 PTV 03 p9jsT3TuT mragoad KHdO NI-aVH'I alVISa WHU Ts3uamTaadxa sTg3 uo punoj8Aogq aqj pazTas ns do IMRaoria xoa Smnaaino Pug £861 991 Aivnusr jo mnpugiomam T3g3s Lonod OKIHSI'IBVZSd aqj paluasaid ouTaIna ouTa 19uugTd 3uglsTss' - V -£8 *ON 0IOS2M •1933sm sTgI Uo SuTlsau OTTgnd Mau 8 aoTiou o3 j;gis azTaog3ns of paT,JV0 pug gpAa UVMTTOunoo Aq papuooas 6p9n0m UTaH uemoMTTaunoo •sainpaooid uoTjsoTTgnd Ajsssaoau aqi ggnoag3 oS pus AgM- jo -3g2Tg sTgj uo SuTigaq oTTgnd aqj uadoaa of Ajgssaoau aq pTnoM IT jsui pauTmaaiap svm IT `TTounoo (80+70 jo saagmam amos Aq pgaj pug paATaoaJ uaaq pvq KOIIVDVA IVM- dO -ZHOIU 1912vm sTg2 uo uoTlswojuT TguoTjTpps asngoaq ZSVU aAIXa SaCMA SO'IVd MATHS : ZK2[S qV aNOH : S 2[OH ITT .X2I 2IOKVI 9 ` KI3H ` VGXa ` HOVU HDVq : S 21xv :a30A TTV0 TT01 SUTMOTTOJ aqj uo paTalro aspuaTeD juasuo0 aqj 1dopg o4 UOTIom aqj 10V dHIgHU 'HHISVSIa aHZ UHC[Nfl aONVIS I S SV 2ISZSVSIa WUMaa UOa klaa T OZ S,HHZKI SZI OKIVOICINI SHC[UUA SO#1Va OHDN" do 1110 aHZ do 'II0NnO0 2SI0 SHZ do £ -£8 *ON HOISn'IOSHU GaIJOQV "999Z MIOHHZ 0+719Z do NO HHZ HI SUN WHa GNV SWIVZO KID IUM OHIMO'IqV SaC[URA SOgVd OHONW do UIO aHZ 30 gIDNnOD UIO aHZ do Z -£8 *ON KOIlflgOSSM GalaOQV (109) UDNVZSISSV Uals TSIa Waaaad 2IOd Laad[T OZ KOIINaIHI do a011OH - £ -£8 *ON "IOSHU SXHS%IM UNWHa ` 176' Zt71 ` L6t SaNVIHa do 2IHZSIDUH - Z -£8 ' ON 0 los2m 6 Z£ 11 HOf OXHZ Z 6 Z 1 1 aW ` L 7 9 Z Hono -&HZ 6 9 S Z S dUgKnx aNWaa ` 18 ' 9 9 0`£ 8£ 1 do KnS aHZ HI SQIVIaa aim SHIVIO KIVIIIaD ONIMOgrlV SaC[HRA SOTVd OHONVU do UI0 aHZ do SQIVIaa do ZI0K110O UIO aHZ 30 1 -£8 *ON HOIZn'IOS2M GaIJOQV UaISIOUH - 1 -£8 " OH * IOSSU •UOTjoaTToO ugTd pug jTpng ma2sAs aSguTvap uuo jaad o2 OZ£ ` 9� J0j S928TOOSSV •a Or 02 JOV12U00 E papaRAV •uquom /001 30 Isoo g Jo; 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When the gate is closed, only one lock will be used. HESSE PARK - PURCHASE OF Environmental Services Director Hightower STACKING CHAIRS (1201) presented the January 17, 1983 memorandum which recommended that 152 chairs be purchased at a cost of $7,700. Council then discussed the Hesse Park costs outlined in an additional January 17 memorandum from the City Manager which listed the contracts let to -date, additional projected costs and the financing alternatives. After Council discussion it was the consensus that a work session should be held to discuss the CIP projects and possible rescheduling of these projects. Council set January 24, 1983 as the date for that work session. Councilwoman Bacharach's motion to authorize staff to make an immediate purchase of these stacking chairs died for lack of a second. COUNCIL WORK SESSIONS It was the consensus of Council to hold a work session on February 1, 1983 at 6:00 P.M. to discuss the Eastview area. AUDIENCE QUESTIONS Answering the Mayor °s call for questions from (1801) the audience for items not appearing on the agenda was Mr. Art Unmack, 4004 Miraleste Drive, who questioned the necessity of having to refile an application for a height variance which had been approved by the Palos Verdes Art Jury and by the City. He said that minor changes had been made in the plans since being first submitted to the City; no views were being blocked and only 20 people live in the 500 feet radius surrounding his home. After Council discussion of the procedure Mayor Ryan moved, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach to require Mr. Unmack to resubmit his application and waive $100 of the fee. The motion carried. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION At 8:40 P.M. Councilwoman Hein moved, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach to recess to Closed Session to discuss personnel matters. RECONVENE & ADJOURN At 8:50 P.M. the meeting reconvened and immediately adjourned on motion of Councilman Dyda, seconded by Councilwoman Hein and carried. /1 � ATTEST: COUNCIL -4- JANUARY 179 1983