CC RES 1983-003RESOLUTION N0, 83- 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES INDICATING ITS INTENT TO APPLY FOR FEDERAL DISASTER ASSISTANCE UNDER THE DISASTER RELIEF ACT BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Council of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, THAT Carl Abel, Director of Public Works is hereby authorized to execute for and in behalf of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, California, a public entity established under the laws of the State of California, this application and to file it in the appropriate State office for the purpose of obtaining certain Federal financial assistance under the Disaster Relief Act (Public Law 288, 93rd Congress) or otherwise available from the President's Disaster Relief Fund. THAT City of Rancho Palos Verdes, a public entity established under the laws of the State of California, hereby authorizes its agent to provide to the State and to the Federal Disaster Assistance Administration (FDAA) , Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for all matters pertaining to such Federal disaster assistance the assurances and agreements printed on the reverse side hereof, PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 17th day of January, 1983. P1AaP0R , G ATTEST: L&4 Cry CLER6)-�- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) ss CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ) I. MARY JO LOFTHUS, City Clerk of the City Council of the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, hereby certify that the above Resolution No. 83 -3 was duly and regularly passed and adopted by the said City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 17th day of January, 1983. � s City Clerk Cit o YRan'c o Palos Verdes 111-61. ASSUaA NACES A. 1-t: S :a:: 2 --cvs to take necesuty actKSn within Star• i1�.iT'I :t :lts to -.r Nine ���trr :land' :tiit:i these ast� :tar. ;cs by the appticant o! :i to :pmns:5s:ity to t'se IrederA severnment fot my n•)? !v the satisflctijn ut the RMriun1! T:tis App!at ant C rtif s: : txst of ':is �zor► = :i: :c ar..t t -elien the d :sasicr to of work- dcscr ned on c:_h. I edeml W%3ster Assistance �ldmin- i,:sa:i .n (FDAA) P&wjc:: fnr which redcrat finarwl3l a.sis ;ance is 1equestc d is e :i :2b!e in acre dar=e with the critcria cun:ii cs! in 24 Code of Fc%;c:al RcF.- Utions, and VDAA (HUD)11andhooks. ' C. l' :at is :s :ht legal entity responsible under law for the perro.manee of the wo :k d::tailal or accepts such :espona- bility. D. T*.at the zmergency or disastet relief work therein described for which Fcdcral asristance is requested hereunder doesnot or •a-iU not duplicate benefits received for the sarne loss from another source. L. 'That :11 information given by is herein is, to the best of its know'sedge anti belief. truce and correct. F. 71ot ail flnanchl assistance received under this application *11.1 be, of his been. expersdod in aacotdarxe with appru:ab ?e Law and regulations thereunder. ' The A ppticunt Aaron: G. To (1) provide u :thout cost to the United States slh l:in.ls, casc rn: nts, snot rights-or-way recesiary for accomphshment of the ap- p. owed work; (3) holl and save the United States free from dum. ages due to the approved work o: Federal funding. It. To comply %i!h Title Yl of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (PL SS -352) and z!l requirements b"Posed by the Fcdeml Disaster AS• sistancc Adnii:nistration pursuant to that Title to the end that, in arch :dance with Title %I of that Act and the ReguI3tion, nu Ixru)n in Cic U- r. : :cd States shill, on the ground of race, co:or, rcligion. nationality, scx,age,or economic status.be excluded from pa. d0pation ir.. be d: tied the ttirertts of, or be other% ise subjecte-1 to discrimins: :on under any program or activity for Kluth the Applicant rcerivcd Federal :trineial assistance fron th-: Agency and IITRED� GIVES ASSURANCE THAT it wi:i irt::;•e iatciy uke any rre::sures neccs =:y to effectuate this n.grew :crt. L That if ant real property or structure thereon is provided or imp :ovod with the aid of r- et!cra: f nin.-.Ul atcis once ex tc; dcd to the Applicant by the Fecle_ *al Disaster ASSistWice Administration, this assurance shat1 obi=.L-W3tc ti:c Applicant, or in the c.tit of any transfer of such propvv, shy t ::nsferee, for tare periol during which the real p:oparry or structure is u wm! for a purpose for which the Federal financial assistance is extended o: for another purimse ant ohing the provirion of similar smites or benefits. If any pcorsonal property is so provided. this assurance shat obligate the Ap;tlinnt fot the period durirb which it retains ownership or possession of the property. In all other eases, this insurance shat obligate the App:icant for the period during which the federal Fuuncial assisunce is extended to it by FDAA. J. 1h3t the assurance is Shun in cors:deration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and art Federal ieraats, loans.reimburso- ments, advances, contracts,, property, discounts or other Federal financial assistzmm ettended after the date hereof to the Ap- PI "'" t by FDAA, taut such Federal financial asWstance will be extended in reliance on the T se eprenutsons arai agreements made in Nis assurance end that the United States shall have the riot to seek jud ic:bl enforcement of this assum :ce. This assurance is bind:n; on the Applicant, its sucaessers. transferees, and assigness, and the peraua or persons wimse siamtures appears on the te•:e :se are authorized to s:jn this assurance on behalf of the Applicant. . K. To eb in and mainuin any roe :d insurance a$ may be required for the life or the pmiect(s) for which F'edetai fimancial a=btarwe for or eonstrucdon purposes for buildings or nobile homes was pro &bd herein-. and. to obtain and mintsin any otic: s;::an:e as :may be �'ss.�:z=bl :, adequate and necessary to protect against further toss to snr prcgmty wchiclt was repLued. re sto. ed, repaired or ecrr. oc:ed xi:h this atslstanee. L. 7:t3t, as a candition for Lhe;=t, any repairs or construction financed herewith, shalt be in accordance wiith zpplieable standards of safety, decency and s:: its icn and in conformity with applicable codes, spocirrations and standards. and. to evaluate the na:uraJ -:rds in a_mw = which the proceeds of the grant or loan are to be used and take approprime action to tnitipte suck standards, including tut : :sect ::tie and construction practices. M. To defer funding of any projects involving flexible funding under Section 40' or S�:tion 419 un':t 1: DA.A n%Acs a favorable en isonmentil elegance determination. if this is required. C�