CC MINS 19841030 SPC JNTM I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL /TRAFFIC COMMITTEE SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OCTOBER 30, 1984 The meeting was called to order at 7 :30 P.M. by Mayor Bacharach notice having been given with affidavit thereto on file. CITY COUNCIL: PRESENT: HINCHL IFFE , HUGHES, McTAGGART , RYAN, AND MAYOR BACHARACH ABSENT: NONE TRAFFIC COMMITTEE: PRESENT: BART Z , O' SHEA , MILLS, AND CONNELLY STAFF PRESENT: PRESENT: CITY MANAGER GULUZZY , PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SIEBERT , CITY CLERK JO LOFTHUS, AND ASSOCIATE ENGINEER RUSTY REED. After a brief discussion on whether additional items should be added to the agenda, Councilman Hinchlif f e moved, seconded by Councilman Hughes and carried to add the following items to the agenda: Via Colinita, direction to the Traffic Committee, and review : of letters to Los Angeles County Fiscal Review Committee. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: McTAGGART , HINCHL IFFE , AND MAYOR BACHARACH NOES: RYAN AND HUGHES PALOS VERDES DRIVE Council and the Committee discussed whether SOUTH REGAL IGNMENT there was adequate time for Committee review (1801) of the three alignments suggested for the relocation of this street, how rapidly the road is moving and how critical that it be realigned. Further discussion ensued regarding the method of construction to be used, whether a toll road would be feasible with the revenue generated being used to pay the cost of maintenance for Palos Verdes Drive South. Concern was voiced that it would probably be necessary to seek legislation for instituting such a toll road POLICE SERVICES Committee Chairman Bartz talked about the growing concern of residents about speeding on residential streets. #700Y----B5