CC MINS 19840613 ADJM I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING .TUNE 139 1984 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P .M. by Mayor Jacki Bacharach, notice having been given with affidavit thereto on file. PRESENT: McTAGGART, HINCHLIFFE, HUGHES, RYAN, & MAYOR BACHARACH ABSENT: NONE Also present were the following members of staff: City Manager Donald F. Guluzzy, Public Works Director Charles Abbott, Deputy Director Gordon Siebert, Environmental Services Director Sharon W. Hightower, Senior Planner Ann Negendank, City Attorney Bill Strausz, City Clerk Jo Lof thus , and Community Services. Director Tom Bandy. REVENUE /ENPENDITURE City Manager Guluzzy presented a summary of the SUMMARY various revenues, expenditures and a list of the (602) proposed 1984 -85 Revenue /Expenditure major fund summary which showed the impact of the decisions made so far by the Council during these budget work sessions. Public Works Director Siebert summarized the status of certain public works projects, both funded and unfunded. Arterial Sign Upgrading - Council briefly discussed whether these signs needed to be replaced, and the priority of this project. It was the general consensus that staff should prioritize the C.I.P. projects. Redevelopment Agency Councilman Hinchliffe summarized the reasons for Timef rame forming this agency, its timef rame and how it can be used to reimburse the City for funds spent on the stabilization of the landslide area. Council then discussed the timeframe as outlined in the City Attorney's letter, the costs involved in implementing this agency, and the fact that due to pending legislation the agency must be formed this year. Additionally, discussed was whether bonds could be issued by the agency, how often the affected property could be reassessed, and the fact that -the agency work will be done through the Environmental Services Department and the Public Works Departments. ORDINANCE N0. 182 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES DECLARING THE NEED FOR A REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO FUNCTION IN THE CITY was presented by title. Councilman McTaggart moved, seconded by Councilman Hughes and carried to waive further reading and INTRODUCE NO. 182. Councilman Hinchliffe moved, seconded by Councilman Hughes and carried that the Landslide Subcommittee meet with the Planning Commission to discuss this matter and that City Attorney Bill Stausz attend that meeting on July 10. It was the general consensus that the City Manager should prepare a budget and funding source for this matter. #700Y -B10 Building and Safety City Manager Guluzzy presented the June 13, 1984 memorandum outlining the background on the difference of interpretation regarding the RJA contract for building and safety services as discussed with the Council at the June 6, 1984 meeting. He recommended that the status quo be maintained, continue to review bills on a monthly absis, but allow RJA to do the job they were hired to perform, and to thoroughly review their performance and costs at the conclusion of their contract with the City in August 1985. SPEED LIMIT ON Commenting on the road condition of Palos Verdes PALOS VERDES DRIVE Drive South in the area of the landslide, Council SOUTH man Ryan recommended that consideration be given (1502) to reducing the speed limit in that area. Public Works Director Siebert summarized the methods for posting a speed limit lower than 25 MPH. Councilman Hinchliffe moved, seconded by Councilman Hughes and carried to adopt the staff recommendation of placing this matter on the June 19th agenda; have this matter reviewed by the Traffic Committee at their June 20th meeting and, if they have no objections to this recommended speed limit, then it will become effective immediately. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT BUDGET Cable TV Franchise It was the general consensus of Council to charge the full cost of administration, supplies and the consultant to Cable TV franchise reserve. Discussion of this ordinance disclosed that it will also serve as a franchise document and that in the future the City may base the franchise ,fee on revenues derived from the basic services plus premium services. Town Hall Meetings These will be held on an as needed basis* Breakfast Meetings Four per year using the same format. Budget of $500. Newsletter After discussion of various special editions, Mayor Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman Hughes and carried to issue a fifth Newsletter which would focus on the annual budget on a one time basis at a cost not to exceed $2,500. COUNCIL -2- 6/13/84 #700Y -B11 Radio Communications After discussion of purchase and maintenance costs, it was! the consensus to defer this item to a later time and delete from the budget. Neighborhood Watch Community Services Director Bandy presented the Program - Policy May 30, 1984 memorandum requesting policy clar- Clarif ication if ication on this May 15th directive from Council to approve the preparation of an article for the next issue of the Community Forum seeking resi- dents to serve on a volunteer Neighborhood Watch Commuttee. Council discussed alternatives available for coordinating this program, how the volunteer system could be used to get the program started, how the program could be made more effective, and the amount of staff support this effort would require. Council- man Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Hughes and carried to authorize a budget of $2,900 for a summer intern for the department to aid with the creation of the Neighborhood Watch Volunteer Program. Advertising on RPV Vans Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman +i McTaggart to authorize a budget of $3,500 for public service advertising signs for the RPV Transit vans. The motion carried on a three - two vote with Councilmembers Bacharach and Hinchliffe voting in opposition. ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT BUDGET Computer System Director Hightower presented the June 13, 1984 memorandum which outlined the proposed computer system for this department. Staff recommended authorization of $6,500 for the purchase of this equipment. Councilman Hinchliffe moved, seconded by Mayor Bacharach to approve a budget of $6,500 being set aside for this item; the subcommittee will review the proposed list of hardware. CABLE TV - Councilman Hughes reported that the tape of the VIDEO TAPE OF Council meetings will. be shown on Thursday nights COUNCIL MEETINGS on Channel 3. The Radio Club needs a mixer pre - (602) amplifier and he requested authorization for expenditure of $250 to cover the cost of this item. Councilman Hinchliffe so moved, seconded by Mayor Bacharach and carried. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION At 9:50 P.M. the meeting adjourned to Closed Session to discuss personnel matters on motion of Councilman Hughes. COUNCIL -3- 6/13/84 #700Y -B12 RECONVENE AND ADJOURN At 11:00 P.M. the meeting reconvened and immedi- ately adjourned on motion of Councilman Hughes. p Mayor ATTEST: ty lerk COUNCIL -4- 6/13/84 #700Y -B13