CC MINS 19840403M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING APRIL 3, 1984 The meeting was called to order at 8:.00 P .M.. by Mayor Jacki Bacharach at the Hesse Park Community Center, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard. After the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: McTAGGART, HINCHLIFFE, HUGHES, RYAN, AND MAYOR BACHARACH ABSENT: NONE Also present ..were City Manager Donald F. Guluzzy, City Attorney Steve Dorsey, Director. ..of Environmental Services Sharon Hightower, City Clerk Jo Lof thus, Acting Administrative Services Director Greg Beaubien, Community Services Director Tom Bandy, Director of Leisure Services Mary Thomas, Director of Public Works Charles Abbott,Deputy Director Gordon Siebert, City Engineer Don Winslow, Senior Planner Ann Negen.dank, and Assistant Planner Dino Putrino. WAIVER OF FULL READING OF Councilman-Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman ORDINANCES . & RESOLUTIONS McTaggart and carried, to waive reading in full of all ' ordinances and resolutions adopted at this meeting with consent to the waiver of reading deemed to be given by all Councilmembers after reading of the title, unless specific request was: made at that time f or the reading of such ordinance or resolution. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The City ..Clerk announced the following additions to the.Agenda: Hesse Park (Bacharach), and Park Security (City ,Manager) : the contract for instal- lation of Piezometers was removed from the New Business section. The Agenda as amended was approved on motion of Councilman McTaggart, seconded by Councilman Hinchliffe and carried. CONSENT CALENDAR The City Clerk announced that the following items were deleted from the Consent Calendar: Contract with Specialty Maintenance, Western Avenue Mainte- nance agreement, and Tract No. 37818. The amended Consent Calendar was approved as follows on motion of Councilman Hughes, seconded by Councilman McTaggart. _. � #700Y -B1. -- MINUTES Approved Minutes of March 6, March 14, and March 20, 1984. CLAIM BY MICHAEL Rejected, the claim, .and directed the City Clerk to McLACHLAN notify ` fhe claimant . (303) CLAIM BY FRANK LONG/ Rejected the.. claim and directed the City Clerk to MERCURY CASUALTY notify the claimant. (303) RESOL. NO. 84 -17 Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 84 -17 OF THE CITY COUNCIL AMENDING ENVIRONMENTAL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ,AMENDING THE QUALITY ACT GUIDELINES PROCEDURES IMPLEMENTING THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRON- (12 0 3) MENTAL QUALITY ACT AND THE GUIDELINE'S OF THE SECRETARi OF RESOURCES AND - AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 83 -7 4 . RE SOL . NO . 84 -18 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 84 -18 OF THE CITY REGISTER OF DEMANDS COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $1279504.819 DEMAND NUMBERS 5151 THROUGH 5239, 11747 THROUGH 11760, AND. 26443 THROUGH 264890 HESSE PARK AND CLOVERCLIFF (1) Accepted,,the Hesse Park /Clovercliff Project. PARK CONTRACT COMPLETION _ (2')' Released the retention. (3) Retained $1,500 (1201) as a backcharge for weeding done by others. (4) Retained the amounts backcharged for utilities* (5) Retained $2,560 until the electrical as- builts have been delivered. (6) After receipt .11 of the electrical as- builts , release Faithful Performance Bond No. 2054 -27- 051751 and direct L the City Clerk to notify the surety and contractor. ACCEPTANCE OF DESIGN WORK FOR REMOVAL OF ARCHITECTURAL BARRIERS AT CITY HALL (1201.) Accepted the architectural design work as complete and authorized payment of the $965.70 retention. COUNCIL -2- 4/3/84 #700Y -B2 CLOVERCLIFF PARK REMEDIAL- Approved insta33ation of additional boulders at WORK C1ov+ercliFf Park at a cost not to exceed $800 (1201) to be funded from .the Environmental Excise Tax fund balances. HESSE PARK BENCHES- Approved installation of three additional park (1201) benches at Hesse Park at a cost not to exceed $2,100 and to be funded from the Environmental Excise Tax fund balances. RESOL . NO. 84 -19 Accepted'' the Traffic Engineer's report and. ESTABLISHING SPEED changes in the speed limits on To canini Drive LIMITS and -Trudi Drive. Adopted RESOLUTION N0. , 84 -19 (1502) OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMITS FOR CERTAIN STREETS WITHIN THE CITY . RESOL . NO. 84-20 - Adopted RESOLUTION N0. 84 -20 OF THE CITY COUNCIL PROVIDING-FOR-LOADING OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES PROVIDING FOR ZONE LOADING ZONE IN; FRONT OF THE ENTRANCE TO 5987 (1502) PEACOCK RIDGE ROAD. RE SOL . NO.' 84 -21 - ADOPTED RE SOLUTION , NO. 84 -21 OF THE CITY REGISTER- -OF DEMANDS - t - 4 COUNCIL _OF THE-CITY-OF RANCHO . PALOS VERDES, ALLOWING -CERTAIN CLAIMS AND" DEMANDS IN THE SUM OF $304,119909, DEMAND NUMBERS 5204 THROUGH 5311, 11761 THROUGH 11771, 26443 THROUGH 26541, AND 25249. RESOL. N0. 84 -22 - Adopted RESOLUTION N0. 84 -22 OF THE CITY COUNCIL APPLICATION FOR LAND OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES APPROVING THE AND WATER CONSERVATION APPLICATION . FOR: LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUNDS FUNDS AT PT. VICENTE PT VICENTE-PARK`-PROJECT and authorized the City PARK Manager to submit the 1984 Land and Water Conser- (1201) vation Fund application for development of Pt. Vicente - Upper site. The motion to approve the Consent Calendar' carried _on the following roll call vote: AYES: McTAGGART, HINCHLIFFE, HUGHES, RYAN, AND MAYOR BACHARACH NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE COUNCIL -3- 4/3/84 #700Y -B3 AWARD OF CONTRACT - Deputy Director Siebert presented the staff memo REMOVAL OF ARCHITECTURAL of April 3 which listed the contractors bidding BARRIERS 'AT CITY HALL on this project, the method of award, references (1201) _ for these -contract:ors , and a list of seven alternates for the ,construction. Staff recom- mended award of the contract to Environment planning, Inc. A brief discussion followed regarding some of the alternates suggested, whether the skylights should be eliminated, and the use of aluminum doors. Councilman Ryan moved-, seconded by- Councilman Hughes to approve the staff recommendation but delete number 4-and add alternates nos..3 and.6. The expenditure of $79,840 and appropriation of an addltional , $7 -,, 7.95 f rom i -the ..CIP Fund balances to complete this project carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: McTAGGART , HIN CHL I FF'E , HUGHES , RYAN.. AND MAYOR BACHARACH NOES: NONE ABSENT:. NONE PORTUGUESE BEND Director Thomas presented the March 28 staff SOFTBALL FIELD memorandum which presented a brief summary on (1201) staff's and Parks and Recreation Committee review o possib a locations for the :softball backstop and softball diamond at Portuguese Bend Field. Staff recommended that Council" authorize . expenditure of $12,635 from the Parks and Recreation fund for the work outlined. Council then discussed if this improvement was necessary right at this time, and noted there would be no funds aef t in the P & -R Account after this expend -,iture . Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Hinchliffe to adopt the staff recommendation. - The motion failed on the following roll call vote: AYES: HINCHLIFFE, AND RYAN NOES: McTAGGART , HUGHES, AND MAYOR BACHARACH ABSENT: NONE PART TIME CODE Senior Planner_Negendank presented the April 3 ENFORCEMENT staff memorandum which proposed a part. time (1202 x 1203) Code Enforcement staff for comprehensive week- end coverage Staff recommended the following: -(1 -) Authorize a pant time position for code enforcement to work no more than 19 hours per week, including weekends, at an hourly rate between $4'.50 and $6.50. (2) Authorize purchase and installation of a message machine not to exceed $250. (3) Review Code Enforcement program effectiveness in six months* During Council discussion, it was noted that this staff member would use the existing City beeper, and this would be in addition to the present 40 hours per week for code enforcement. Councilman Hughes moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart to adopt the staff recommendation. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: McTAGGART, HUGHES, RYAN, AND MAYOR BACHARACH NOES: HINCHLIFFE ABSENT: NONE COUNCIL -4- 4/3/84 RPV TRANSIT; - REQUEST Deputy ,Director Siebert presented the staff memo FOR-ADDITIONAL S=ERVICE of- .� March 20 which summarized the Transit Advisory (1505) Committee's request that Council authorize addi- tional vehicles in order to serve current unmet needs. Staff recommended that the Council authorize an amendment -to the agreement with Transit Contractors to provide an additional-- -77 hours . of service -for Rancho`• Palos Verdes per- week through September: 3.0 ,r 1984 beginning March 26, 1984: , at a cost ­not: - to :exceed $28,500 to be financed from the 1983 -84 Proposition "A" sales tax revenues Council then discussed -the necessity' .for,- another van,. the useage of this transit system by school children, the questions being considered by the - Transit Advisory Committee, when the Committee would report back to the Council with their find- ings, an:d .if the rates being. charged • by the Rancho Palos Verdes Transit were competitive with the RTD rates. Councilman McTaggart moved, seconded .-by Council- man Hughes to approve staff recommendation. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES : ­ McTAGGART , HINCHL IFFE , =HUGHES , RYAN, AND MAYOR BACHARACH NOES: NONE ;1 ABSENT: NONE It was the. consensus that the Committee would report back at the next meeting with some data on the additional subscriber trips. f PT. VICENTE PARK Deputy Director Siebert-.-presented the staff SECURITY memorandum of April 3 which summarized the need (1201) `--for,. additional light's , bollards, and gate . rein- forcement to make the entrance ' to Pte Vicente Park more secures Council- then discussed f the- proposed � fence will -be -adequate, and_ i f a` security i service should be hired for the park. - Staff recommended that Council authorize an expenditure of $10,300 to provide for additional lights, bollards adjacent to the, entrance road, a more secure gate and- fence between the., entrance -road and_1- ther r edge of the cliff adjacent to the rock -wall.` Councilman Ryan so; mnved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart. The motion carried on the following roll . call vote: AYES: McTAGGART, HIN.CHLIFFE­ HUGHES, RYAN, AND MAYOR BACHARACH NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE It was-the consensus that these = measure`s should be'-discussed with the Parks & Recreation Committee. COUNCIL -5- 4/3/84 #700Y -B5 KLONDIKE CANYON Deputy Director Siebert presented the staff memo DRAIN - SELECTION OF of March 20 which summarized the proposals from ENGINEERING DESIGN a number of. _engineering consultants— to analyze CONSULTANT needs and impacts and the design for replacement (1801) of the storm drain under Palos Verdes Drive South in.the Klondike Canyon area. Staff recommended a contract witfh --Sikand Engineering Associates to design the Klondike Canyon Drain At - a cost not to exceed .$6 , 0D00 . .- In response to Council's -question regarding- 4" possible con, f lict of, interests7 with Sikand Engineering, City Attorney Dorsey replied that he ' had examined the:; situation and found no conf lint. Counc.ilmau Hughes moved,. seconded by Councilman McTaggart to aapprove- ; the- st,af f recommendation. The motion carried* on the' following roll call vote: AYES: McTAGGART, HINCHLIFFE,-HUGHES, RYAN, AND MAYOR BACHARACH NOES: NONE. ABSENT: NONE - PORTUGUESE BEND Public works Director Abbott presented staff LANDSLIDE - ESTABLISHING memorandum of April 3 which summarized. the selec- MONITORING WELLS tion process for a drilling contractor to establish (1801) these monitoring wells. Staff recommended that Council approve the proposed agreement and authorize the Mayor to' sign a contract with California Testing Laboratories for a cost not to exceed $41,125. Councilman Ryan so moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: McTAGGART, 41NCHLIFFE, HUGHES, RYAN, AND MAYOR BACHARACH NOES: Q NONE ABSENT: NONE It was the consensus, of Council that- -staff -r. epor-t s. . should -indicate the remaining balances in fund accounts. MORATORIUM EXEMPTION Assistant Planner Putrino .presented -,the -staff N0. 9 APPLICANT/ memorandum of ,April .-3 which summarized the back - LANDOWNER -.DAVID ground on Council's approval of -the placement of LEEPER a comfort _ station /maintenance bui lding.. at . (1801) 1 Rose Apple for horticultural tool storage purposes on the condition that the facilities were_ not permanent , ..were clearly accessory and subordinate to, would not alter the nature of, and were limited to the approved facilities only for utilization of the open space land with a clear-,understanding that this was not an entitlement for any other use of the structure. The applicant has graded and built a deck without approval and in violation of the Moratorium Ordinance. Staff recommended the following: (l) deny Moratorium Exemption No. 9 due to the reasons set out in the staff report, (2) determine that the proposed use did not meet the findings of Section 17.30.040 of the Development Code. (3) require the property owner to remove the illegal structure ( deck) and restore the slope by Noon on April 13, 19840 COUNCIL -6- 4/3/84 #700Y -B6 Councilman : Ryan ,4so ,:moved , seconded- -by : C:ounci-lman McTaggart and carried: ­ RECESS At 9 -:10 .,P.M. the Mayor declared a brief recess. The meeting reconvened at . 9 :.25 P.M** AUDIENCE _ QUESTIONS George Owens 2616 Via Anacapa, representing the Kiwanis =Club of Palos- Verdes, requested a waiver on the $300 -fee for, -use of -City streets to conduct the Palos -Verdes Marathon Council then inquired if this was part of the new Parks & Recreation fee policy, and what groups would be excluded from paying such a fee. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded b - -C'oune lman Hinchlifffe t' 'wa vre the f ee . The motiorr carxied on the following roll call vote:: ; r 'AYES: McTAGGARTi ; -� HIN CHL -I FFE: ,- 7 HU�GHE S j, � RYAN , AND MAYOR BACHARAC H NOES: NONE,• ABSENT: NONE It was the - consensus of Council - that the requirement for this °'particular -fee be reviewed* f Jack Brooke, 2113 Trudie Drive, inquired about the two story structure being construe ed in his neighborhood and voiced-his- concern that it might be used as a g-r nriy" addition R and that asuch additi:on*s s might become wide pread in the area .:.. Council then suggested that- the matter of - requiring inside access to additions and limiting, the"-, size of sinks, installed be :referred. to the - Planning Commission. Raymond Newby, 2125 Trudie Drive, also expressed concern about the second story addition and-the fact that residents of the area did not ._.receive any notification of this addition. After discussion of the problems encountered with delivery of mail because of the use o f % , the 902 7.4, . number for that ' area • it was the consensus of Council that staff should ma l a letter to that . area'-using both -zip code numbers* Jean Longae-re',= 16 Martingale Drive,. presented � -a petition requesting that Council. get .,thee - .Martingale trai.lcopened a_-s.,o there can be access to the trail ne twak t PARK NAMES Director Hightower presented , the Parks . & Recrea- (1201) tion Committee memorandum.of April 3 which summarized the Council's - request that the- Parks t &rRecreation,Committe' hold a public meeting;_to get input `on the _ names. f or two -parks:" -parks Montemalaga site and Crenshaw site-*' After the public hearing , , the Cobmittee . recomm.ended that the Montemalaga site be named "Grandview Park ", Crenshaw site be named "Del Cerro Park" and consider naming either Vista Park or Rancho Palos Verdes Park "Vanderlip Park". COUNCIL -7- 4/3/84 #700Y -B -7 Representing the Del Cerro Homeowners Association was Mr. L. R. Sitney, 24 Oceanaire Drive. He presented the Council with a petition containing 124 signatures of residents of the area recommending that the park site retain the name of Del Cerro Park. William Martin, 26,177 Barkstone, representing the Grandview residents,. requested that the Montemalaga park site be named Grandview Park. Councilman Hinchliffe moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart and carried that the Montemalaga Park site be known as "Grandview Park ". Councilman Hinchliffe moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried that the Crenshaw park site retain the _name ° of . "Del, - Cerro Park t' . .Councilman Hughes' moved , seconded by Councilman McTaggart and carried that Vista Park be called "Frank A Vanderlip Sr . Park" . LEVITT PROJECT - Director Hightower presented the.-Planning Commis- SILVER SPUR ROAD sion memorandum of April 3 which recommended (1502) referring the potential parking problem on Beach -. gate ' resu ting --from Levitt Project be :referred to the Traffic Committee. Council suggested that the Traffic Committee study the impact on available parking spaces for the newspaper and real- estate offices when studying the issue of red striping the lower portion of Beechgate. r, ABALONE COVE BEACH ;.Director Hightower presented the April 3 memoran- PARK - PROPOSAL FOR dum from the Parks ,& Recreation Committee which PLAY EQUIPMENT summarized the proposal from the Portuguese Bend (1201) Cooperative Nursery School to contribute $1,000 toward a joint purchase.of a permanent climbing structure for- the park area. The Committee requested that staff be directed to investigate the total cost for this proposal. 'Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart and carried to approve the recommendation. HESSE PARK - Deputy Director Siebert presented the March 22 LEFT TURN POCKET memorandum _which summarized the - Traf fie. Committee s (1201) review of access to Hesse Park for northbound Hawthorne Boulevard traffic. Staff recommended that Council consider installatiori of a lef t turn lane on Hawthorne Boulevard for access to the Park for northbound vehicular - traffic. Council then discussed if there should be a . public hearing for installation of this left turn pocket, parking problems created on Locklenna by closing the Locklenna gate , and possibly keeping the gate open for the summer months so some data can-be collected on the-matter. Councilman Hughes moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart to open the gate for the next six months-on Locklenna, that the Public WorksDepartment post appropriate signage_ indicating the entrance COUNCIL -8- 4/3/84 #700Y -B -8 at Locklenna Drive, post signs indicating the park hours, arrange with the Sheriff's department to close the-gate,.-:post Ary emergency telephone number, and post .a no -deft turn -. sign "on Hawthorne .-Boulevard* The motion carried on the f oll wIn.g roll; call _ -vote a AYES: McTAGGART, HUGHES, RYAN, AND MAYOR BACHARACH NOES:--, HINCHLIFFE ABSENT : ° NONE CABLEVISION Councilman Hughes reported that billing is still (605) - - - going, out - wirth. the installation : fee -for - subscrib- ers. who updia.ted , their service. Staff has contacted TM and scheduled a meeting for April 17. This matter. =will be reported � on -at the April 17 meeting. PARKS & RECREATION Referring to the March 27 letter from Committee COMMITTEE MEMBER member Larry-Zamos, Mayor Bacharach accepted RESIGNATION with regret his resignation from the Parks & (106 X 1201) Recreation Committee. Councilman Ryan moved, F= : second -6d. by Councilman McTaggart -and carried that the --C t-y Glerk post a notice of this vacancy. and that a press release be issued. HESSE PARK - Mayor Bac•harach recommended that staff prepare- TRASH-RECEPTACLES 'a -report -for -the next meeting , listing the costs (1201) for r�additional trash- - "receptacles, -at - Hesse Park. COUNCIL WORK SHOPS . The f ollowing - 'dat -es- `were -agreed upon for Council Work Shops: April 17 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm Council will discuss Budget priorities. May 1, 6 :00 pm to 7:30 pm Council will meet with the representatives of the Committees and Commission to discuss priorities. May 5 from 8:00 am to 10:00 am discussion of salaries . May = 29 from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm to meet with the Planning ` Commission. June-2-meeting with - the Community Leaders -. at � Hesse Park, and April 12 for a business breakfast STATUS �RE:PORT f The' Attorney reported that he is preparing an ordinance on., the distance safety zone and it will 1- be --presented aat -,the = next "`City Council meeting,. LEGISLATION (306 ) SB 2ZO2 was received and Roberti Fireworks,Bill Hughes to--oppose AB 2641 intrusion on local contra Councilman- �Hinchliffe moved,- seconded by Council- man McTaggart to approve support of AB 28949- AB 575, ACA 35, and oppose AB 3808, SB 1426, SB 1572, SB 1783, and AB 2641. Information on staff was- `instructed to `find out more ' about the Councilman Hinchli.ffe moved, seconded by Councilman and ,inform. the League , that Council feels it is an l . It ;,l was the consensus of Council that on future r r, . COUNCIL 4/3/84 #700Y -B -11 legislation report where the recommendation is to support the League position, that the item can be put on the Consent Calendar. HESSE :PARK - City Manager Guluz y presented the April I— . SECURITY T memorandum which made five recommendations to (1201) increase park security because of vandalism problems. Council then discussed various ways and means of reducing the occurrence of vandalism: if a volunteer teenage patrol be organized, and that flyers-be, distributed to the high schools and intermediate schools encouraging students to report any information about vandalism. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Hughes and carried that additional recommendations be added to this-.report: preparation of a flyer to go to the three high schools -and the junior high-- schools,.investigate the cost of a guard service, investigate a teenage park patrol, and investigate JPIA vandalism. insurance. ITEMS ' REMOVED FROM THE - CONSENT ,CALENDAR TRACT NO. 37818 - Franklin Weiss, 30711 Via La Cresta commented on REQUEST FOR .FINAL the, route for removal of 43,000 yards of earth, APPROVAL the conditions of the CUP, and the procedure to (1411) be followed by the applicants in this matter. Council discussion of this matter revealed -that the grading plan has been approved and that the route for removal - of the dirt will be reviewed -by --the Director of Environmental Services. Councilman Hinchliffe moved, seconded'by Councilman Hughes and carried to: (1) Approved the map. (2) Accepted the Bonds and Agreements. (3) Made the appropriate findings as set out in the March 8; 1984 County Engineer's letter. (4) __ Authorized City Clerk to - sign - final map. (5) Authorized Mayor and City Clerk to sign the three party subdivision water improvement. WESTERN AVENUE City Attorney Dorsey reported that he : needed to MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT do further research. on some of the provisions of (308 X 1405) this agreement, particularly the paragraph on page 5 stating that the City waives any and all rights arising from activities under this agree - ment to any type of express and applied indemnity against the State, its " - officers or employees. He "stated that hewill report-back at the next meeting to see if the provisions of that paragraph can be changed. Councilman McTaggart, seconded by Councilman Ryan to table this matter until the next meeting: Council noted -that _ the description of the routing should be corrected --also RECESS TO EXECUTIVE At 11:16 - P.M. _Council: recessed =to a Closed Session SESSION for discussion of pending litigation on �tiotion of Councilman - Hughes seconded by Councilman McTaggart and carried. At 12:00 the meeting re- convened* COUNCIL -10 4/3/84 #700Y -B -12 RANCHO PALOS VERDES Councilman Hinchliffe moved, seconded by vs DAVID ENGLISH Councilman McTaggart and carried to approve (303) the stipulation signed by David English as well as the proposed judgment. MIST CAGE Councilman McTaggart moved, seconded by Council- ( 303) man Ryan to authorize an expenditure of up to $17,000 to settle the matter with Superior Gunite. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: McTAGGART, HINCHLIFFE, HUGHES, RYAN, AND MAYOR BACHARACH NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ADJOURNMENT At 12:00 the meeting adjourned to 7:30 A.M. on April 12, 1984 on motion of Councilman Hughes. ATTEST. t Cler Mayor COUNCIL -11- 4/3/84 #700Y -B13