CC MINS 19840403 Work SessionM I N U T E S
APRIL 3, 1984
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M., notice having been given with
affidavit thereto on file.
Also present were Planning Commissioners Brown, Ortolano, Wike, and Von Hagen.
Staff members present were City Manager Donald F. Guluzzy, Environmental
Services Director Sharon W. Hightower, City Clerk Jo Lofthus, City Attorney
Steve Dorsey, and Senior Planner Ann Negendank.
Representing Williams Kuebelbeck and Associates, Inc. were William H. Whitney
and Shari Yuen.
GOLDEN COVE - ANALYSIS It was the consensus of Council to start the
OF MARKET POTENTIALS discussion at Chapter VI and proceed forward
on the January, 1984 report prepared by
Williams Kuebelbeck & Associates, Inc.
Chapter VI - Council made a number of inquiries about this Chapter, including:
how it was concluded that recreational uses would not be studied as possibili-
ties at this site; was the market area different for each of the uses con-
e sidered; if a survey of the needs of the surrounding area had been done; the
questions used to extract this information; if a retail marketing survey had
been conducted; had a conference center been considered; if members of the
public had been interviewed with regard to hotel /motel facilities; what amount
of land should be set aside incase such a hotel /motel would be necessary by
perhaps 1990; and if institutional zoning was considered in this research.
Chapter V - Council questions regarding this Chapter were as follows: the
96% occupancy rate for office developments; how it was determined that'the
need for office buildings would diminish; the average tenancy in a matured
community; and.if this Chapter had adequately addressed projected demand
for office space.
Further questions on this chapter centered on the following: how the
triple net i:iyures compared with the gross figures mentioned in Table V -2;
if the occupancy rate of the Palos Verdes Estates office development could
be determined; the reasons why medical and dental facilities were not
considered for the study site, and if information on such facilities could
be collected. Additionally, Council inquired if the site could be con-
sidered for mixed use; what percentage of the office space tenants were
paying the full rental rate-versus those with discounted rates.
Chapter IV,- Market Potential for Retail Development
Council then inquired if the traffic generated by Marineland called for more
restaurants in the area; had the consultants interviewed the owners of the
study site to get their views of potential uses; if an income analysis had
been done and how that affected shopping behavior; where additional stores on
Hawthorne could be built that would draw off business from Golden Cove; and
the parking space required for restaurants.
Chapter III - Market Potential for Residential Development
Council questions regarding Market area and Residential Development Potential
for the Golden Cove Site were as follows: if any trends occurring since 1973
incorporation had been detected; deletion of the use of the term high rise; what
was the marketing area referred to and if it should be enlarged; was there a
focus on new housing; had two to four units per acre been considered; how did
the suggested housing density of six to twelve units per acre compare with the
adjacent area; how was the term "secluded" arrived at in referring-to the site; and
the financial feasibility of a lower density.
It was the general consensus that the consultant should consider the following
issues in the final report:
*Determine occupancy rate of Palos Verdes Estates office building.
*Get information on medical and dental use.
°Determine if some of the Rolling Hills Estates tenants were
renting at "discounted" rates.
°Delete term "high rise" on'III -5.
°Schedule of what the next steps are in this project.
°Consider a combination of uses.
°Clarify the conclusion that six to twelve units has the most
market viability.
°More attention to the question of pre and post incorporation
housing and what has happened since then.
Work Session -2- 4/3/84
°More information on the range of densities.
°Conclusions at the end of Chapters V and VI should leave room
for planning.
°Guidelines regarding zoning in relation to mixed land uses.
0 I was decided that Council would give comments on report to
Environmental Services Director; these would then be dis-
tributed to all Councilmembers.
°Whitney will respond to Council's comments in three weeks
after receipt of those comments. Schedule for May 1st
Work Session
At 7:50 P.M. the meeting adjourned
on motion of Councilman McTaggart,
-3- 4/3/84