CC MINS 19851203MINUTE S RANCHO PALOS VE RDE S- � CITY, COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 3, 1985 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor McTaggart at the Fred Hesse Community Park Center, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard. Following the pledge of al-legianc-e to the Flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: HINCHLIFFE , BACHARACH , HUGHES, & MAYOR McTAGGART - LATE: ARRIVAL: RYAN AT 8:52 P.M. Also present were City Manager Donald F. Guluzzy, City Attorney Steve Dorsey, Environmental Services Director Sharon W. Hightower, Public Works Director - George Wentz, Senior Planner-Ann Negendank, Assistant Planner Greg Fuz -and City Clerk Jo Purcell. WAIVER OF FULL READING OF ORDINANCES Councilwoman Bacharach moved, AND RESOLUTIONS seconded by Councilman Hinchliffe and carried, to waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolu- tions adopted at this meeting with consent to waiver of reading deemed to .be given by all councilmembers after reading of the title, unless speci- fic request was made at that time for the reading of such ordinance or resolution. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The City Clerk announced the fol- lowing additions: Tour of General Telephone Facilities (McTaggart), Fire Detectors (Ryan) , Rule 20 Undergrounding (City Manager), Request to cancel January 7 Council Meeting (City Manager), and Request for Closed Session (City Manager). The resolution for the Western Avenue boundary adjustment was continued , to December 17, 1985. The agenda as-pre- sented was approved on motion of Councilwoman Bacharach, seconded by Councilman Hinchliffe and carried. RESOLUTION NO. 85-68 .- RECITING THE FACTS OF THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION (501) RESOLUTION NO. - 85 =68 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VE RDE S RECITING THE FACT OF THE GENERAL MUN I C I PAL ELECTION HELD IN THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ON NOVEMBER 5 , 1985 DECLARING THE 704CP /MIN2.1 -9 -1- December 3, 1985 RESULTS AND SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS PROVIDED BY THE PROVISIONS OF THE LAW was presented by title and ADOPTED on motion of Councilman Hinchliffe, seconded by Councilman Hughes and carried. CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION & City Clerk Purcell administered the OATH OF OFFICE ( 501) Oath of Office to newly elected Councilwoman Bacharach. (Councilman Ryan was sworn in after the meeting adjourned). ELECTION OF MAYOR & Mayor McTaggart moved, seconded by MAYOR PRO TEM Councilman Hughes to nominate Coun- (306) cilman Hinchliffe as Mayor. The motion carried unanimously. Mayor Hinchliffe moved, seconded by Coun- cilman McTaggart to nominate Councilman Mel Hughes as Mayor Pro Tem. The motion carried unanimously. Councilman McTaggart commented on his tenure as Mayor and the events -that occurred during that time. He then presented mementos to the councilmem- bers and staff, RECESS MINUTES ORDINANCE NO. 196 - CABLE TELEVISION ( 605 ) At 8:10 P.M. the Mayor declared a brief recess. The meeting recon- vened at 8:25 P.M. Adopted the minutes of November 6, 1985. ADOPTED ORDINANCE N0. 196 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS'VERDES GRAFTING A FRANCHISE FOR A CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM TO TIMES MIRROR CABLE TELE- VISION OF PALOS VE RDE S PENINSULA , INC. MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (1) Adopted FY 1986 goals of 10% GOALS (601) Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and 1% Women Business Enterprise (WBE) participation on Federally funded projects. (2) Directed the City Clerk to advertise these goals for continent -and post them at City Hall for a period of 30 days, RESOLUTION N0. 85 -69 (1410 ) 704CP /MIN2.1 -9 -2- ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 85 -69 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES DENYING PARCEL MAP NO* 16748* December 3 3 - 1985 CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY Rejected claim of Jorge Revilla and ( 303) - - -directed the City Clerk to -notify the claimant of Council's action. APPROVAL OF CITY BUILDING (l) Approved and accepted painting PAINTING PROJECT work on Environmental Services /Pub- (1201) tic Works building and Leisure Ser- vices Building. (2) Exonerated con- tract bond. (3) Released the cone - tract amount owed by A.J. Fistes for completion of the project ($5,500). (41 Directed the City Clerk to notify the Surety.and-Principal of Council's action. VARIANCE N0, 125 APPEAL Postponed action until the Decem- (1804) ber 17th meeting pending re- notifi - cation of surrounding property owners. RESOLUTION N0. 85 -70 - REGISTER. ADOPTED RESOLUTION N0. 85 -70 OF THE OF DEMANDS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VE RDE S ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND SPECIFYING FUNDS FROM WHICH SAME ARE TO BE PAID. CONSENT CALENDAR The Consent Calendar carried on the .following -roll call vote: AYES : HUGHES , BACHARACH j McTAGGART & MAYOR HINCHLIFFE - _ NOES: : -NONE ABSENT : RYAN PUBLIC HEARING -,-P-RE-ZONING - City Manager Guluzzy presented- the LAND ADJACENT TO WESTERN _ staff memorandum of December 3rd and PLAZA (105) recommended introduction of the-pro- posed zone ordinance. Mayor Hinch- 1 f f e opened. the public hearing--on this required pre�-zonin& _ for appli- cation. City Clerk Purcell an- nounced that notice- had been published and one written protest was re- ceived from Bridegate Management, 31822, Village Center Road -, Westlake Vil- lage, California. Director Hightower summarized the Planning: Commission public hearing on this matter and their-recommendation to :approve -the pre-- zoning. - 704CP/MIN2.1,4, -3- December. 3, 1 -985 Responding to the Mayor's call for public testimony was Margot Chapman, representative for Security Pacific Bank, 333 South Beaudry, Los Angeles. Her objection was based on the grounds that if the annexation is approved the present sign will be non- conforming in Rancho Palos Verdes. Also speaking in opposition was Nels Ostrem, 128 Mirab eau Avenue, San Pedro, who questioned the notification procedure for the Planning Commission's hear- ing on this matter. He also cited some additional costs that the City'may be responsible for in upgrading traffic controls in " that area, There being no response to the Mayor's call for additional public testi- mony, he declared the hearing closed. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, sec- onded by Councilman McTaggart and carried to INTRODUCE ORDINANCE NO 197 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES PRE - ZONING A STRIP OF LAND ALONG WESTERN AVENUE COMMERCIAL GENERAL , SPECIFIC PLAN DISTRICT* SITE PLAN REVIEW NO. 3378 City Manager Guluzzy presented the (1801) staff memorandum of November 19th and recommended denial of the appli- cant's request to allow an existing storage building to remain within an open space hazard zone. Council inquired about the status of the lot lines along the tennis court, whether the size of the structure was larger than what would be permitted under the code, if any drainage problems existed with the property, if the issue of the lot line adjustments was solved, and whether the appropriate findings could be made to allow the structure. (At 8:52 P.M..Councilman Ryan arrived.) Councilman McTaggart moved, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach and carried to approve this site plan review in concept: staff is to prepare-recommen- dations on requirements for the lot line adjustments and reduction of the building size. A time limit of six months was allowed to accomplish these requirements. AUDIENCE QUESTIONS Rent Control (1,801).- Responding to the Mayor's call for audience questions for items. not on the agenda, was Pam Foreman, 6756 Los Verdes Drive, #3, repre- senting the Palos Verdes Apartments Residents Association. Miss'Foreman summarized the action taken by this newly formed association and expressed concern for maintenance problems and future rent increases. She said the owners would be re- instating the rent increases in January and inquired if the Council could institute an ordinance on rent control. After a brief. discussion of how such an ordinance could be implemented and the fact that negotiations were still underway between the tenants and the landlords, Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart and carried to send a letter to the parties involved commending them for conducting negotiations and telling them that the City expects them to hold the rates until this matter has been resolved. 704CP /MIN2.1 -9 -4- December 3 , 1985 Monero Drive Geologic Stress (1203) - Mr. Hyman, 6805 Monero, told the. Council about his . concern - for geologic stress resulting from construction taking place in the City of Palos Verdes. Estates adjacent, to this Cl*ty_'•s7 border. During Council discussion it was disclosed that both cities are aware of these problems and the matter is currently under review. - - It was the con- s en -s_ us- , -of Council that staff prepare a report for the December 6th City Manager Status : Report to the City Council. It would be determined after that whether -this- -item should be - placed on the December 17th agenda. REVENUE, -RAISING MEASURES - City Manager Guluzzy summarized the REF,.USE FRANCHISE FEES _revenue raising ­es_timate-s: _ :if � .a refuse collection -fee is implemented within the City. The sub- committee (Bacharach and Ryan) is looking into the kinds-of service provided by the companies that currently service the City. It was the con- sensus that the Council should wait until the sub-committee had made a de- termination on whether the City should be asking for additional services. ORDINANCE N0. 198:- CLARIFYING City Manager Guluzzy presented the REFERENCES: - TO THE BUILDING staff memorandum of December 3rd and CODE.= x(.201) - - - recommended introduction of this _ ordinance. Additionally, the rec- ommendation was that staff prepare an administrative policy on limiting t p lumb,ing in., new: add it ions-. Senior Planner. Ann Negendank said that this is a,-follow--up--to Code Amend- ment No.-.20 which will go into of f ect � on December 6, 19850 Councilwoman Bacharach moved ,', s ec onded by-,-,Councilman McTaggart to, INTRODUCE' ORDINANCE NO* 198-10F THE CITY OF RANCHO PAL-OS VERDES REQUIRING -INTERIOR AC CESS TO RESIDENTIAL ADDITIONS , CLARIFYING REFERENCES TO THE BUILDING OFFI- CIAL AND DELETING THE PERMIT PROCESS FOR TRAILER COACHES. A brief discus- s ion. followed on- the necessity of the adoption of this ordinance, par - -- titularly the requirement for interior access, in residential additions The,motion carried on the following roll ,call vote:-. AYES: HUGHES-, BACHARACH-, MCTAGGART? &- MAYOR. HINCHLIFFE NOES: RYAN ABSENT: NONE RESOLUTION N0. 85 -71 ESTABLISHING- CERTAIN FEES (120 3 ) City- Manager Guluzzy presented the- staff memorandum of December 3rd and recommended adoption of the proposed resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 85 -71 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RAN- CHO PALOS VE RDE S AMENDING RESOLUTION 704CP /MIN2.1 -9- -- -5- December 3, 1985 N0. 84 -70 BY ESTABLISHING CERTAIN FEES TO BE CHARGED UNDER THE DEVELOPMENT CODE was presented by title and ADOPTED on motion of Councilwoman Bacha- rach, seconded by Councilman McTaggart and carried. PT. VICENTE - CIVIC CENTER - City Manager Guluzzy presented the INSTALLATION OF HEATING staff memorandum of December 3rd and SYSTEM (1201) recommended that Council authorize the purchase of temporary space heaters with funds from the existing budget. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman Hughes to approve the recommendation at a cost not to exceed $21800. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: HUGHES, RYAN, BACHARACH, McTAGGART & MAYOR HINCHLIFFE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE SANITATION DISTRICT SITE SPECIFIC PLAN - AYSO REGION 6 PROPOSAL (1201) City Manager Gulu zzy presented the Parks & Recreation Committee memor- andum and their recommendation that Council approve the AYSO proposal to build two soccer fields on the Sani- tation District site on Westmont Drive. Speaking in opposition to this proposal were the following residents of the area: Roy Stone, 1723 Westmont Drive; Leo Connolly, 1953 Avenida Felici- ano; Robert West, 2037 Avenida Aprenda; Jay D. Hodge, 28602- Friar-Stone Court; Don Heep, 1908 Avenida Feliciano; Andy Bonacich, 1909 Toscanini Drive; Tony Moreno, 28547 Radbrook Court. These residents expressed con- cern about the traffic and noise impact caused by converting this park to a soccer field and requested that this area be kept as a passive, open space park, - - - Speaking in support of the AYSO proposal was their attorney John Resich, 840 West 9th Street, San Pedro; and Robert Bryant, 2148 Crestwood. They explained that at this time AYSO is only requesting an application to apply for a Conditional Use Permit so they can meet and discuss with the County of Los Angeles the 'possibility of future use of this park. During Council discussion of this matter the suggestion was made that the representatives from AYSO should meet with the residents of the area to answer their concerns. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Council- man McTaggart to continue this matter. The motion carried. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Specific Plan No. 2 - Councilwoman Bacharach reported on the Planning Com- mission Public Hearing to discuss the Specific Plan where representatives 704CP /MIN2.1 -9 -6- December 3, 1985 of various businesses, in the area voiced their opinion on this Specific Plan;.,. During, -these meetings some mention was made that perhaps all of the of fected owners: -of property had- not - been notif ied of the meetings . It was the consensus that staff should determine the adequacy of the notification records. Salary,Survey Committee Report (1202),- Councilman McTaggart summarized the meeting -held with staff members-,--and the City Manager and recommended that the- Council - take - action- :on the sub - committee's recommendation to adopt the proposed resolution. A brief discussion followed regarding the maintenance of the differential, and the equity between the various positions. RESOLU- TION NO. 85 -72 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ADOPT- CERTAIN, SALARY RANGE INCREASES FOR - FULL -TIME AND: PERMANENT PART -TIME -EM PLOYEES- -FOR FY 85 -86 was presented by title and ADOPTED on motion of Coun- cilman McTaggart, �seeconded by Councilwoman Bacharach and carried on the following roll call vote: ,AYES:- HUGHES , BACHARACH , McTAGGART & MAYOR HINCHLIFFE NOES: RYAN ABSENT: NONE Tour of General Telephone Facilities - Councilman McTaggart re=ported ot-- the invitation for the Council to tour the new GTE facilities located just out- side, the-City of Palos Verdes Estates. It was agreed that the, Council would tour the facility on January 7, 1986 from 5:00_ to- 6_:00 P.M.. It will be followed by dinner at Del Conte's Restaurant in Torrance. Fire Detector Ordinance - Councilman Ryan. requested- that the Public Safety Committee (Hughes and McTaggart) review the Fire Detector Ordinance. City Manager Guluzzy reported that he has planned to meet with the Fire Chief and_. discuss this. ordinance-. r It-.was-..'the consensus 'that the- City Manager should -. determine, what- differentiates the City's ordinance, as compared with the standard , .ordinan.ces - It was- :also ; suggested that the Bay Club be con - tacted to find out about the inspections at that location. CITY.., MANAGER -REPORTS Landslide Seminar - Alluding to information_ previously distributed to Coun- cil,,, -City, Managier Guluzzy- briefly discussed the Landslide Seminar he at- tended where -various methods of controlling landslides and curtailing beach erosion-were discussed.- He stated that-he would also send this information to the City of Rolling Hills. Status of -: Parks and Recreation Committee; - City.-Manager reported that -Del cember 19th would be the last meeting for this Committee until clarifica- tion of their role, duties_ and: responsib=ilities is completed-. Sunshine, 6 Limetr-ee,, presented a letter from the Palos Verdes- Peninsula' Horsemens Association who suggested that the Committee be charged- with im- plementing the Trails Network -Plane.: It was the consensus of Council that staff prepare recommendations on the role of this committee. 704CP /MIN2.1, -9: -7- December 3, 1985 JANUARY 7 COUNCIL MEETING (307) CLOSED SESSION - PERSONNEL RULE -20 - UNDERGROUDING DISTRICT ALLOCATIONS (901) Councilman McTaggart moved, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach and car- ried to cancel -the Janary 7th meet- ing . Council agreed to meet at 6:00 P.M, on January 21, 1986 to hold a c los ed session to discuss_ matters of per - sonnel. City Manager- Guluzzy presented the June 5th 1985 League of California Cities Bulletin regarding the tenta- tive agreement reached with Southern California Edison for untility un- dergrounding Rule 20A allocations. Representing the Edison Company was Bob Brown, Area Manager, Edison. He told Council that Edison will be administrating this program to facilitate the allocation for the cities. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart and - carried to support this agreement. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: RESOLUTION N0. 85 -73 - HAWTHORNE UNDERGROUNDING DISTRICT ( 901) Commenting that the removal of util- ity poles along certain sections of Hawthorne Boulevard would increase safety, Councilman Hughes suggested that the area of Granvia Altamira and Hawthorne Boulevard be consid- ered for this undergrounding instead of that proposed by SCE. Darcy Scaggs, Service Planner for the Edison Company said that this pro- posed district is a natural extension of what already exists in the area as well as being an efficient and aesthetic way of providing undergrounding. Council discussion centered on the fact that some areas in this district already have undergrounding and how important it was that the residents in the area be notified of what this district will mean to them. After dis- cussion of the funds available for undergrounding, it was- -the consensus that staff should check with the County and the City of Rolling Hills to find out if there are any unused allocation of undergrounding funds that will be available to the City. Council also requested that staff find out the accident history at the intersection of Hawthorne Boulevard and Gran - via Altamira. 704CP /MIN2.1 -9 -8- December 3 , 1985 RESOLUTION N0, 85 -73 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE HAWTHORNE UNDERGROUNDING DISTRICT was presented by title and ADOPTED on motion of Councilwoman Bacharach, second- ed by Councilman McTaggart. The motion carried on a 3 -2 vote with Council - members Hinchliffe and Hughes voting in opposition. ADJOURNMENT At 11:55 P.M. the Council adjourned to 8:30 A.M. on December 7th for an inspection of the slide area. MAYO ATTEST: 704CPJMIN2.1 -9 -9- - December 3 , 1985