CC MINS 19850702 ADJM I N U T E S
JULY 23 1985
The meeting was called to order at 6 :30 P.M. by Mayor John McTaggart, notice
having been given with affidavit thereto on file.
Also present were City Manager Donald F. Gulu zzy, City Clerk Jo Purcell,
Director of Environmental Services Sharon W. Hightower, Finance Director- Greg
Beaub ien .
Environmental Services - City Manager Galu zzy summarized
Code Enforcement Alternative the Environmental.. Services budget
for the year 1985 -86 and in par
ticular the code enforcement
alternatives and Council policy
issues to be decided upon at this meeting. Senior Planner Negendank summarized
the code enforcement program proposed for the 1985 -86 budget year.
Vegetation Abatement Program
Council then. discussed if it was more effective to spray these weeds, the cost
involved in sending out notices to the property owners, the effectiveness of the
notice, and generally how many areas within the City have a vegetation control
It was the consensus that staff find out the cost of spraying these weeds to
determine if it was more economical and effective.
Additional discussion took place on what department handled the vegetation.
control problem and if the responsibilities for it should be centralized. It
was the consensus that the Public Works Department present their comments on
whether it was effective for them to handle this or the Environmental Services
department. Council requested that they be presented with a copy of the
December-7, 1984 Code Enforcement report.
Bench Drains - Council discussed the present
program of continuing to handle
drain obstructions on a complaint
basis, if there exists an inven-
tory of the bench drains within the City, the liability involved if these drains
are not maintained. It was the consensus to continue this on the present
complaint basis.
#702CP -MIN .1 -1- July 2, 1985
Weekend Code Enforcement - Council discussed if the Weekend
Code Enforcement Program is effec
tive and whether it should be done
on a spot checking basis.
Additionally, the Council discussed the percentage of the City covered during
this weekend enforcement, the number of signs picked by the Code Enforcement
officer, and if a fine procedure should be established. Staff was requested to
give Council a copy of the December performance goals for this code enforcement
Use of Deputy District Attorney - It was the consensus to continue
the use of the District Attorney's
office with staff to work with the
Deputy District Attorney to reduce
time to schedule office conferences and to use the City Attorney for special
Council discussed if cases would be brought to the City Council prior to the
case being reported to the City Attorney's office. It was the consensus that
for the first few referrals that the City Manager should present a brief report
on them in his status report.
Meeting with Presiding Judge The consensus was to approve staff
and the City Attorney meeting with
the Presiding Judge of the
Municipal Court to discuss the
feasibility of pursuing an infraction complaint program.
Nuisance Abatement -
It was agreed to include cost of
code enforcement in all abatement
charges and have it passed on to
the property owners.
LEISURE SERVICES City Manager Guluzzy explained the
opportunity that exists for
purchasing a 3500 Minolta copier.
Council expressed concern about
the service record of the machine, it was agreed that prior to purchasing it
that the City Manager check the service record.
#702CP -MIN.1 -2- July 2, 1985