CC MINS 19861216M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 16, 1986 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Hughes at the Hesse Park Community Center, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard. After the Pledge of Allegiance to the. Flag , roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: RYAN, BACHARACH, McTAGGART , HINCHLIFFE , AND MAYOR HUGHES Also present were City Attorney Steve Dorsey, Director of Environmental Services Robert Benard, City Clerk Jo Purcell, Finance Director Kevin N. Smith, and Public Works Director George Wentz. CEREMONIAL EVENT Mayor Hughes presented a- gavel to (304) outgoing Traffic Committee Chairman Leo Connolly in appreciation for his tenure on that committee from December 1983 until November 1986. Outgoing Planning Commission Chairman Peter Von Hagen also received a gravel in recognition of his tenure as Chairman of the Commission. Councilman Hinchliffe, as outgoing mayor, was presented with a proclamation in appreciation of his tenure as mayor. Southern California Edison Company representative Bob Brown presented the City with a Ceremonial Proclamation in celebration of Edison Company's Centennial. WAIVER OF FULL READING OF Councilman McTaggart moved, seconded ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS by Councilman Hinchliffe and carried, to waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolution adopt- ed at this meeting with consent to the waiver of reading deemed to be given by all Councilmembers after reading of the title, unless specific request was made at that time for the reading of such ordinance or resolu- tion. 700CP /MIN8.1 APPROVAL OF AGENDA The City Clerk announced the follow- ing additions: Leaf blowers (Ryan), and Post Office hours ( McTaggart) . The agenda as amended was approved on motion of Councilwoman Bacharach, seconded by Councilman Hinchliffe and carried. CONSENT CALENDAR The Consent Calendar was approved as follows on motion of Councilwoman Bacharach, seconded by Councilman Ryan, CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY BY Rejected the claim and directed the HAROLD PUFFER (303) City Clerk to notify the Claimant. REJECTION OF BID RECEIVED FOR Rejected the bid received from BLM FORRESTAL ROAD BENCH DRAIN ( 604 ) Constructors, Inc. 1987 TELEPHONE MAINTENANCE Authorized the Mayor and City Clerk AGREEMENT ( 302 ) to sign the agreement with GTEL for telephone maintenance services for 1987 for a fee not to exceed $2,016. EXTENSION OF CABLE TV LEASE Extended the existing lease and AT LADERA LINDA Special Use Permit with Times Mirror (605.x 1201) for use of space of Ladera Linda Community Center. through June 30, 1987. FISCAL YEAR 1986 -87 SIDEWALK Rejected the bid received from Damon REPAIR PROGRAM (1405) Construction and rebid the project. RESOLUTION NO. 86 -83 ADOPTED RESOL, N0, 86 -83 ALLOWING REGISTER OF DEMAND CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND SPECIFYING FUNDS FROM WHICH THE SAME ARE TO BE PAID* The motion to approve the Consent Calendar carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: RYAN, BACHARACH, McTAGGART , HINCHLIFFE , AND MAYOR HUGHES NOES: NONE ABSTAIN: NONE 700CP /MIN8.1 -8 -2- December 16, 1986 PUBLIC HEARING HEIGHT VARIATION NO 445 (1804 ) The Mayor declared the continued public hearing open on this Height Variation appeal which had been con- tinued from the November 18, 1986 City Council Meeting. Staff recom- mended that Council deny this height variation. Assistant' Planner Jack Roberts stated that this addition would have an eating area, but would not have cooking facilities. He explained that Plan "A" was the original design and did impact some views. Plan "B" offered less impact on view and put the addition over the pool area. Plan "C" would locate the addition on the eastern portion of the home, and Plan "D" did not require height variation, but rather conversion of the original garage and extension onto the house. Speaking in opposition to the height variation was Jerry Poppenheimer, 2749 San Ramos Drive. Stating that the second story addition would indeed effect his view and that of other neighbors. He requested that the Council protect that view. Councilman Hinchliffe moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart to close the hearing. The motion carried. Council then examined the display board which depicted the view from the Poppenheimer residence and showed the effect of the second story addition proposed for the Smith home. Councilman Hinchliffe moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart and carried to grant the Height Variation No. 445 in accordance with Plan "C ". RESULTION N0. 86 -84 - CHANGING City Manager McDuffie presented the THE ENGINEER'S REPORT ON THE staff memorandum of December 16, LA VISTA VERDE IMPROVEMENT 1986 and the recommendation that the DISTRICT N0. -8 ( 901) hearing be opened, that public tes- timony be taken and that the hearing be continued to January 6, 1987. Additionally that the proposed resolution changing the engineer's report be adopted. RESOLUTION N04 86 -84 APPROVING CHANGES TO THE ENGINEER'S REPORT IN CONNEC- TION WITH RANCHO PALOS VERDES IMPROVEMENT DISTICT N0. 8 AND APPOINTING A TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OBJECTIONS- TO SAID CHANGES was presented by title and ADOPTED on motion of- Councilman Hinchliffe, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach -and carried. RECESS AND RECONVENE At 9:00 the Mayor called a brief recess. At 9:12 the meeting recon- vened. 700CP /MIN8.1 -8 -3- December 16, 1986 AUDIENCE QUESTIONS: Street Trees - Speaking about street tree removal was Cheryl Coughlin, 6412 Via Canada who requested reconsideration of the timetable for removal of stone pines in Miraleste. She requested that the Council base it consideration on whether or not trees were causing dam- age to sidewalks. Also speaking about retention of the stone pines in the area was Janet Esposito, 6276 Via Canada who requested that Council consid- er allowing residents to sign a waiver to keep the stone pines. Council discussion then included the fact that some of these trees are 60 years old and have not caused any damage to the street, the difference in soil conditions, and whether there should be a re- evaluation of the tree ._removal program in the Miraleste. area and a complete update on the status of the entire program. Additional comments followed on whether there should be a work session to discuss the tree removal scheduling, 'if the sub - committee could make some recommendations, and the fact that the Council would like to see an area map and some indication of the number of trees in the various areas and what the impact of the soil conditions has on these trees. Responding to Council inquiry about the age of these trees was Lee Jester who said that the trees in the Eastview area I were approxi- mately 25 years old. It was the consensus that the staff should prepare an update on the tree program, what has been done and what is scheduled. Also that the tree sub - committee of Ryan /Hughes prepare recommendations for Council's consideration. Rental Housing - Pamela Foreman, 6756 Los Verdes Drive told the Council that some of the new incoming tenants at the Palos Verdes Apartments were paying less rent than those tenants currently living there. She requested a permanent arrangement for review by a Council sub- committee of the agreement between the owners and the renters. Michael McCutcheon, 17782 E. 17th Street, Tustin, representing the apartment owners, explained that they are not charging lower rates to incoming tenants than those being charged to tenants for comparable units. He said that he will make the rent roll information available to the City Council. He explained that the increases have been 10% or less and he is willing to verify those rates. MINI -MART City Manager McDuffie presented the (1801) staff memorandum of December 16, 1986 which recommended initiating Development Code Amendment No. 23 to accomplish the following: (1) Classifying mini -mart conditional uses in the commercial general, commercial neighborhood, and commercial limited zones, and prohibiting them in the commercial residential and commercial professional zones. ( 2) Establishing definitions for a mini -mart and allowable accessory uses. (3) Establishing a separate chapter development code containing design and performance guidelines, supplemental conditional use permit findings, and enforcement procedures for mini-mart, ( 4 ) Revis- ing Chapter 17.26 in the development code to clarify that the incidental sale of non - automotive items inside or outside of a servicing station building is limited to vending machines only, with Planning Commission ap- proval. Any other sale of non - automotive items would require a conditional use permit, pursuant to new mini -mart regulations. 700CP /MIN8.1 -8 -4- December 16, 1986 Jeantte Mucha, 5538 Littlebow, requested that the Council consider prohi- biting mini -mart in the commercial neighborhood areas. Responding to the Council's inquiry about the definition of mini - marts, was Assistant Planner Greg Fuz who said that 'staff is currently working on de- vising a comprehensive definition for them. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman Hinchliffe and carried to adopted the staff recommendation. SALE OF CITY OWNED LOT ON City Manager McDuffie presented the MARTINGALE DRIVE staff memorandum of December 16, 1986. Council discussed whether the -City should have the geology investigation done or if it should be done by the potential buyer. The discussion con- tinued on whether the lot should be sold; the suggestion was made that perhaps funds from its sale could be set aside for trails access facili- ties . Speaking in opposition to the sale were Jean Longacre, 6 MartinGale Drive, Evie Hunter, 18 Martingale Drive, and Sunshine, 6 Limetree. These resi- dents were concerned that if the lot is sold that access to the trail will be eliminated. They questioned the designated boundary of the City since it is shown at the top of the canyon rather than the bottom. Additionally, they were concerned that there weren't any other recreational facilities in that area. Council then commented on the boundary issue and whether indeed the boun- dary shown was accurate, and the fact that this lot should be used only for a - residence . It was the consensus of Council that staff should establish what the City _ boundaries are and report back with an assessment and analy- sis of the situation-at the first meeting in February. WAYFARER'S CHAPEL - EXTERIOR City Manager McDuffie presented the LIGHTING (1804) December 16, 1986 staff memorandum and the following recommendations: (1) grant an exemption to the land - slide moratorium to permit exterior lighting as a minor project (2) grant a waiver of undergrounding utilities for the. minor project, with the condition that the utilities be under - grounded should the landslide moratorium ordinance be lifted. Representing the Wayfarer's Chapel was Rev. Harvey A. Tafel who requested this exemption and said that installation of the lights is based upon aes- thetic and safety factors. Additionally, they would also like to be able to underground the conduits. - Council then discussed the amount of activity at the Chapel in the eve- nings, how many lights were going to be installed and their height, and whether the modification. to the conditional use permit could be completed by the March 29, 1987-Dedication Services. Councilman Hinchliffe moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart and carried to approve these staff recommendations. 700CP /MIN8.1 -8 -5- December 16, 1986 COUNCIL CITY REPORTS: Outside Organizations: City Selection - Hughes /Bacharach, League of California Cities - Hughes /Bacharach, Sanitation District - Hughes /Ryan, Mayor's Committee - Hughes, S.C.A.G. - McTaggart /Bacharach, -South Bay Corridor Study Steering Committee - Bacharach /McTaggart, South Bay Juvenile Deversion - Hinchliffe /Bacharach, Southern California Joint Power Insurance Authority - Hughes /McTaggart, South Bay Cities Association McTaggart/ Bacharach, California Contract Cities Ryan /McTaggart , Chamber of Commerce - The Entire Council, and West Basin Water District - McTaggart/ Ryan Standing Committee: Newsletter - Ryan /Hinchliffe , Peninsula Transportation - B acharach /McTaggart, School Liaison - Ryan /Hinchliffe, Regional Sheriff - Hughes /McTaggart, Public Safety - McTaggart /Hughes, Landslide - Bacharach/ Hughes, Cable T.V. - Bacharach/ Hughes Ad Hoc Committees: Refuse Franchise - Ryan /Bacharach -, Rental Housing - McTaggart /Ryan, Post Office - McTaggart /Bacharach, Marymount College - Ryan /Hinchliffe, Parks and Recreations - Hinchliffe /Bacharach, Affordable Housing - Hinchliffe /Ryan , and Substance Abuse - Hinchliffe /McTaggart . CALIFORNIA CONTRACT CITIES (1102) March 18, 1987 meeting. He said that $1,500 to participate in this meeting. City Manager McDuffie made reference to the December 9th letter from the Contract Cities Association, re- questing the City to co -host the it would cost approximately $1,000 - Councilman McTaggart moved, seconded -by Councilman Hughes to approve participation in this meeting contingent upon the other three cities' part- icipation. It was the consensus that the-City Manager should report at the next meeting on the participation of the other cities and also his findings on what is expected of the host city. U . S . CONFERENCE OF MAYORS (1102) The City Manager said that mem- bership in U.S. Conference of Mayors would cost $1,390. The organization does however lobby heavi ly for Cities. It was the consensus of Council not to join the organization at this time PARR AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Councilwoman Bacharach reported on REPORT (1201) the sub - committee meeting and recom- mended that it was the consensus of the sub- committee to form a trails committee. Staff was directed to come back at the next meeting with a charter for formation of that committee. It was felt that trails is one of the major recreational issues in the City and that the committee should be made up of people with valid interested in the trails system. 700CP /MIN8.1 -8 -6- December 16, 1986 CABLE T *V, COMMITTEE REPORT Councilwoman Bacharach said that the (605) sub-committee and staff are working on a proposed policy that should solve the problem of Cable TV lines blocking view. This policy is sche- duled to be presented on the next agenda. PENINSULA TRANPORTATION AUTHORITY Councilwoman Bacharach reported on (1505) the last meeting of the Authority where she was elected Chair of that organization and Rolling Hills Estates Councilman Jerry Belsky was elected -Vice -Chair and where-the issued of budget was discussed. Because of -.an increase in usage of the Dial -A -Ride Program the budget of the Au- thority has been substantially impacted. It was the consensus of the Au- thority to gather information on other operators for the Dial -A -Ride system in an effect to see if costs could be reduced. LEAF BLOWERS Councilman Ryan reported that he received another letter and phone calls about the use of leaf blowers in the City. He requested that Council consider putting this issue on a future agenda. BUS SHELTER (1505 ) Councilwoman Bacharach reported on the sub - committee meetings with the Bus Shelter Company and described the program they have available for advertising on their bus shelters and the fact that these shelters would have signage. The City would have no control over the ads placed on these shelters which would be along Haw- thorne Boulevard and the Palos Verdes Drives, but were assured they would be in good taste. She suggested holding a community meeting so this idea could be introduced and so people would be able to comment on this program. Staff was instructed to contact Rolling Hills Estate to see if they were interested in participating in this Bus Shelter Program. Regarding the meeting to be held it was the consensus that a Community Leader Breakfast be held on January 17th at 9:00 A.M. at Hesse Park, NEW POST OFFICE HOURS Councilman McTaggart requested that consideration be given to advertis- ing the new Post Office hours in the City Newsletter. _ Add_ itionally , it was suggested that this item be put on the Cable TV message board. 700CP /MIN8.1 -8 -7- December 16, 1986 CITY MANAGER REPORTS January 20th- Council Meeting-- - City Manager McDuffie presented this staff memorandum of December 16, 1986 and recommended that the second meeting in January be held on the 19th at Hesse Park. It was the consensus to approve this recommendation. Holiday Schedule for 1987 - City Manager McDuffie presented the December 13 1986 memorandum and recommended that the Council adopt the schedule of holidays for:Calendar Year -1987. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman Hinchliffe and carried to approve the schedule. COUNCIL WORK SESSIONS Council set January 14th at 7:30 P.M. as the date to discuss the Capital Improvement Budget. Council recom- mended that the City Manager suggest a date for a Council retreat and report back items of discussion. L:A. UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICTS Council discussed the legislation DEVELOPER FEES which permitted the school districts to directly levy fees on new deve- lopment. A brief discussion ensured on the effects this might have on the Eastview area of the city. Concern was also expressed on who would be responsible for collecting these fees, and-the cost incur for such collection. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION At 11:44 P.M. the meeting recessed AND RECONVENE - to a closed session for discussion of pending litigation, an update on the Horan case, and discussion of threaten litigation. Also items of personnel were to be discussed. At 12:40 A.M. the meeting reconvened and immediately adjourned on motion Councilwoman Bacharach. YOR ATTEST: 700CP /MIN8.1 -8 -8- December 16, 1986