CC MINS 19861118MINUTE S RANCHO PALOS VE RDES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 18, 1986 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Hinchliffe at the Hesse . Park Community Center, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard. After the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT. HUGHES , BACHARACH , McTAGGART AND MAYOR HINCHLIFFE LATE ARRIVAL: RYAN @ 7:38 P.M. Also present were City Manager Dennis W. McDuffie, City Attorney Steve Dorsey, Director of Environmental Services Robert Benard, City Clerk Jo Purcell, and Finance Director Kevin N. Smith. CEREMONIAL EVENT Mayor Hinchliffe presented a Commem- (304) orative Proclamation to Jay D. Hodge for his commitment and civic dedica- tion in serving on the Planning Com- mission from June 20, 1985 to Sep- tember 223, 19860 WAIVER OF FULL READING OF Councilman McTaggar t moved, seconded ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS by Councilwoman Bacharach and car- ried, to waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolution adopt- ed at this meeting with consent to the waiver of reading deemed to be given by all Counc i lmembers after reading of the title, unless specific request was made at that time for the reading of such ordinance or resolu- tion. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The City Clerk announced the follow - ing additions: Undergrounding of Cable TV, Second Story Ordinance Re- view, and Coastal Commission Mitiga- tion (Ryan). CONSENT CALENDAR The Consent Calendar was approved as follows on motion of Councilwoman Bacharach, seconded by Councilman McTaggart . 700CP /MIN3.1 RESOLUTION NO. 86-74 - E S TAB LI S H- MENT OF A PORTION OF PALOS VERDE S DRIVE WEST AS A PART OF THE SYS- TEM OF HIGHWAYS (1404) HOLIDAY DUI ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM (1502) DAUNTLESS DRIVE LOT (1411) RESOLUTION NO. 86 -75 - DENYING VARIATION NO. 446 (1804) ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 86 -74 CON- SENTING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PORTION OF PALOS VE RDE S DRIVE WE S T WITHIN THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDE S AS A PART OF THE SYSTEM OF HIGHWAYS OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGE- LES . Approved participation in the re- gional DUI program for the 1986 -87 Christmas -New Year Holidays . Accepted and signed the amended es- crow instructions as a. preliminary step in completing the sale of the Dauntless Drive lot to the General Telephone Company, ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 86 -75 DENYING THE APPEAL OF HEIGHT VARIATION NO. 446 THEREBY APPROVING THE PROJECT AT 26138 BARKSTONE DRIVE. RESOLUTION NO, 86-76 - ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO, 86-76 ALLOW - REGISTER OF DEMANDS ING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND SPECIFYING FUNDS FROM WHICH THE SAME ARE TO BE PAID, The motion to approve the Consent Calendar carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: RYAN, HUGHES, BACHARACH, McTAGGART , AND MAYOR HINCHLIFFE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE PUBLIC HEARING HEIGHT VARIATION N0, 445 Mayor Hinchli f f e declared the public (1804) hearing open on this appeal to the Planning Commission decision to deny a Height Variation for 2749 San Ramon Drive, The City Clerk an- nounced that notice had been published. City Manager McDuffie presented the November 18, 1986 staff memorandum and the recommendation to deny Height Variation No. 445 appeal. 700CP /MIN3.1 -6 -2- November 18, 1986 A brief Council discussion ensued on whether notice was given to the people identified in the staff report who would be potentially denied permission to build second story additions because of the impact caused by this addi- tion. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Hughes to delay this public hearing until notice had been given to those people identified as having potential significant view loss because of potential second story additions. The motion died on a 3 -2 vote with Members McTaggart, Bacharach and Hinchliffe - voting in opposition. Speaking in favor of the project were the following residents of the area: Laura McSherry, 2714 San Ramon Drive; Richard Smith, 2704 San Ramon Drive; Deidra Woods, 2708 San Ramon Drive; Alexander Diaz- Lapham, 2701 San Ramon Drive. These neighbors expressed concern over their inability to build second stories to their homes. The applicant in this matter, Mr. Smith, explained his need for additional room and described how building out on his lot would reduce the parking available in his driveway, thus forcing visitors to park on the already overburdened cul -de -sac. He said that three other homes in the area that have second stories. The other residents of . the area stated their concern about the eventual prohibition of their building second stories, and cited some of the prob- lems associated with them building out on their lot and how this would affect their adjacent neighbors versus the affect of a second story. Speaking in opposition to the project were the following residents: Jerry Poppenheimer, , 2749 San Ramon Drive; and, Julian Wu, 6875 Alta Vista Drive. They were concerned about the cumulative view .impact and how the loss of view would impact the value of their homes.- Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman Hughes to close the public hearing. The motion carried. Council then inquired whether there were any trees on the Smith's lot that would block the view. Councilman McTaggart moved, seconded by Councilman Hughes to deny the Height Variance appeal and support the staff recomnenda- tion. Council discussion then followed on the geography of the area, whether something could be done about foliage that may be blocking views, and the fact that this is a clear: case of cumu- lative- view impact. Additional dis- cussion -followed on the actual height needed -for this project and whether it would be well below the thirty feet requested in the preliminary draw- ings. The motion to deny the appeal failed on a 4 -1 vote with Councilmem- bers Hinchliffe , Hughes, Ryan and Bacharach voting in opposition. Council briefly discussed the detail of those plans submitted for the project. Councilman McTaggart moved, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach to re -open the public hearing on this matter. The motion carried. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart to continue this matter to December 161 1986 and reque -sued -staff to study the design of this project and try to minimize its impact by lowering the second story to 23 feet; also, to make a determination of whether trees on the lot are blocking views and if so, to make their removal a condition of the approval. The motion carried. 700CP /MIrN3.1 -6 -3- November 18, 1986 RESOLUTION N0. 86 -77 - HAWTHORNE City Manager McDuffie presented the BOULEVARD UNDERGROUNDING DIS- staff memorandum of November 18, TRICT NO. 10 (901) 1986 and the recommendation that Council adopt the proposed resolu- tion to establish this underground- ing district. Council discussed the cost effectiveness of forming one or two districts at this time. RESOLUTION N0. 86 -77 ESTABLISHING UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT ON HAWTHORNE BOULEVARD (DISTRICT NO. 10) was presented by title and ADOPTED on motion of Councilman McTaggart, seconded by Councilman Hughes. Staff was requested to inquire about the changes for distribution of undergrounding funds being proposed by the League of California Cities, FOUR CITIES PLANNING GROUP City Manager McDuffie presented the (1203 ) staff memorandum of November 18, 1986 and the recommendation that the City Council support participation in the Four Cities Planning Group formed for the purpose of providing Planning Commissioners and Planning Directors an opportunity to discuss matters of interest and share infor- mation relative to planning issues on the Palos Verdes Peninsula. This group will meet on an informal basis at least once per quarter. Council then inquired if this was a departure from the normal process of appointments to committees, the participation of the City of Palos Verdes Estates, and, if the press would be invited to the meetings, Speaking in favor of the formation of this group was Planning 'Commissioner Chairman Peter Von Hagen who cited some of the problems experienced when working on projects that are adjacent to City boundaries. Sunshine, 6 Limetree, also spoke in support of this group and requested that consideration be given to cooperation with the Peninsula Horseman's Association, Councilman McTaggart moved, seconded by Councilman Hughes and carried to adopt the staff recommendation to participate in the Four Cities Planning Group, AUDIENCE QUESTIONS STREET TREE -S (1407 ) Expressing their concerns about tree removal were the following City res- idents Steven Barryte, 2011 Valez; and David Galas, 29504 Whitley Col - lins Drive. In response to Mr. Barryte's concern about the removal of Italian Stone Pines, the Mayor ex- plained the City's policy for requiring their removal. Mr. Galas inquired 700CP /MIN3.1 -6 -4- November 18, 1986 about the cost of retaining trees or the cost of replacing them. He re- quested that the City inform residents of the cost for repair of sidewalks in the case that someone wants to retain a tree that can damage the side- walk. Staff was requested to include in their letters going to the various neighborhoods the present typical cost information. Council also requested staff to provide them with statistical informafifon or correspondence as available. Also responding to the Mayor's call for audience question was Marcia Barryte, 2011 Valez, who requested an explanation of the process for joining the Palos Verdes Unified School District. Mrs. F47rrar, 26540 Hawkhurst Drive, presented her letter to the Council re- questing installation of the "No U- Turn" sign on the center median of Blackhorse and Hawthorne Boulevard that a road sign be painted on Hawthorne Boulevard- warning motorists of the up- coming traffic signal, and also re- quested. that consideration be given- _to placing a public telephone at the intersection of Blackhorse and . Hawthorne Boulevard, REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AT NO* 1 ROSEAPPLE (901) subject to the conditions recommended he referred t,o the addendum_ of Item No. ment, City Manager McDuffie presented the staff memorandum of November 18, 1986 and the recommendation to ap- prove the request for waiver of un- derground utilities at 1 Rose Apple in the staff report. Additionally, 7 to the proposed settlement agree- City Attorney Steve Dorsey recommended that this item be continued to the next hearing at which time he will present a report to Council on the mat- ter, Councilman McTaggart so moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and car- ried, SPECIAL USE PERMIT - WAIVER OF PROCEDURES - CHRISTMAS TREE LOT (1804 ) City Manager McDuffie presented the staf f memorandum of November 182 1986 which explained this request that the minimum twenty day noticing for issuance of a Special Use Permit be waived in this matter. Staff recommended that the twenty day ap- peal period be waived but that the fee be required, Councilman McTaggart so moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Cable TV Undergrounding - Referring to the installation of the cable which blocked the view of a resident on Bayridge, Councilman Ryan inquired if the Cable Franchise Fund could be used to underground this particular cable. 700CP /MIN3.1 -6 -5- November 18 , 1986 After briefly discussing if this would be an appropriate use of those funds, it 'was the consensus that staff should get an estimate from the 'Cable TV Company for the undergrounding of this cable . Second -story Ordinance Review - Councilman Ryan suggested a 90 day morator- ium on second-story permits to allow -time for the ordinance to be reviewed. After a brief discussion of how the ordinance could be made stronger and how the criteria could be applied more uniformly, it was the consensus that in conjunction with staff 'Councilmen Ryan and McTaggart should prepare a report for Council. Coastal Commission Mitigation- Referring to a pipeline that was approved by the Coastal Commission and the fact that the company installing the pipe- line has to pay $15 to $20 million for mitigation of coastline problems, Councilman Ryan inquired how the City could be put on the notification list for hearings which will determine the disbursement of these funds. It was the consensus" that staff should write to the Coastal Commission and request that we put on notice for any of those hearings. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION At 10:00 P.M. the meeting recessed AND ADJOURNMENT to a closed session for discussion of the Horan matter and several other items of pending litigation. At 1:30 A.M. the meeting reconvened and immediately adjourned on motion of Councilman McTaggart . ATTEST: 700CP /MIN3:1 -6 -6- November 18, 1986