CC MINS 19861007 M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VE RDES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 7. 1986 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Hinchliffe at the Hesse Park Community Center, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard. After the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: HUGHES, RYAN, BACHARACH, McTAGGART AND MAYOR HINCHLIFFE ABSENT: NONE Also present were City Manager Dennis W. McDuffie, City Attorney Steve Dorsey, Director of Environmental Services Robert Benard, City Clerk Jo Purcell, Public Works Director George Wentz, Community Services Director Tom Bandy, and Associate Planner Greg Fuz. CEREMONIAL MATTERS Mayor Hinchliffe introduced and wel- comed City Manager Dennis McDuffie. Mayor Hinchliffe presented letters for exemplary service to Commander of the Lomita Sheriff' s Station, Captain Elmer Omohundro and Lieutenant John Malone and to Assistant Fire Chief Ray Brunstrom from the Los Angeles Coun- ty Fire Department for their departments' participation in repairing the broken water main on Miraleste Drive. WAIVER OF FULL READING OF Councilwoman Bacharach moved, sec- ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS onded by Councilman Ryan and car- ried, to waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolution adopt- ed at this meeting with consent to the waiver of reading deemed to be given by all Councilmembers after read- ing of the title, unless specific request was made at that time for the reading of such ordinance or resolution. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The City Clerk announced the follow- ing additions: FPPC request, NEWS- LETTER, October 21 , 1986 Council Meeting, and Report on Four Cities Equestrian Committee meeting. The agenda as amended was approved on motion of Councilwoman Bacharach, seconded by Councilman Ryan and car- ried. CONSENT CALENDAR The City Clerk announced that the claim against the City was deleted from the Consent Calendar. The Con- sent Calendar was approved as fol- lows on motion of Councilwoman Bach- arach, seconded by Councilman Ryan. MINUTES Approved the minutes of August 6 and September 16. RESOLUTION NO. 86-64 AUTHORIZING ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 86-64 AUTHOR- DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN RECORDS IZING DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN CITY (301) RECORDS AS PROVIDED BY SECTION 34090 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. RESOLUTION NO. 86-65 CONSENTING TO ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 86-65 CON- ESTABLISHMENT OF A PORTION OF SENTING TO ESTABLISHMENT OF A POR- THE PALOS VERDES DRIVE SOUTH TION OF PALOS VERDES DRIVE SOUTH AS AS A PART OF THE SYSTEM A PART OF THE SYSTEM OF HIGHWAYS OF OF HIGHWAYS (1404) THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. CDBG PROGRAM - CONTRACT Authorized the City Manager to sign AMENDMENT (601) CDBG Contract Amendment No. 2 for an additional $281,896 in funding. TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 32322 - RE- Approved a six month extension to QUEST FOR EXTENSION (1411) April 4, 1987. RELEASE OF BOND POSTED BY Instructed the City Clerk to release PALOS VERDES DEVELOPERS Bond #35M 569 238 posted by Palos (1404) Verdes Developers, Inc. for median improvements on Western Avenue at Avenida Aprenda. RESOLUTION NO. 86-66 - ADOPTED RESOLUTION N0, 86-63 ALLOW- REGISTER OF DEMANDS ING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND SPECIFYING FUNDS FROM WHICH THE SAME ARE TO BE PAID, The motion to approve the Consent Calendar carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: RYAN, HUGHES, BACHARACH, McTAGGART, AND MAYOR HINCHLIFFE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE 701CP'MIN4.1-7 - AUDIENCE QUESTIONS - REQUEST Representing the Palos Verdes Board FROM THE PALOS VERDES of Library Trustees was Mr. R.A. LIBRARY DISTRICT Rowe, 27942 Beechgate, who requested (1001) that the City Council send a letter of support for their request for ad- ditional special augmentation fund- ing from the County of Los Angeles. Councilman Hughes moved, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach to support the Library District in their effort to obtain this special funding. Walt Yeager, 27803 Montereina Drive, requested that the City Council sup- port the effort to adjust the Library District boundaries to include the Eastview area. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart and carried to go on record supporting the extension of the Palos Verdes Library Dis- trict Boundaries to include the Eastview area and encourage the Library District to take whatever action is necessary to affect such a change. PUBLIC HEARINGS SPECIFIC PLAN III - Mayor Hinchliffe opened the public ORDINANCE N0. 211 hearing on this Specific Plan which (701) deals with a unique commercial area along Western -Avenue. The City Clerk reported that notice had been duly given. City Manager McDuf f ie pre- sented-the recommendation to approve Specific Plan III. In response to the Mayor's call for public testimony was Kathy -McCowen, 28902 South Western Avenue, who requested clarification on the area includ- ed --the-Plan. nclud-ed the Plan. There being no response to the Mayor's call for additional public testimony he declared the hearing closed. Council .then proceeded to make inquiries and comments about the Plan, par- ticularly about the signage, and correction of the text under Section 6 as follows: "additions 500 square feet or less,". Additionally, they discus- sed if the CUP process was necessary in the case of setbacks and buffers, the distinction between renovation and repair, and the need to include a variety of means available for undergrounding of utilities. ORDINANCE N0. 211 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN III was read by title. Councilman Hughes moved, seconded by Council- woman Bacharach to waive further reading and INTRODUCE ORDINANCE NO. 211 with Exhibit "A" as revised, VALLEY VIEW ROAD RIGHT- Mayor Hinchliffe opened the public OF-WAY VACATION (1408) hearing on this request to vacate six foot of frontage on Valley View Road for lots 1 through 34 of Tract 701CP/MIN4.1-7 -3- October 7, 1986 31714. The City Clerk reported that notice had been duly published. City Manager McDuffie presented the recommendation to close the public hearing and request staff to prepare a formal resolution ordering vacation of these lots upon the developer's completion of the agreed street drainage recon- struction. There being no response to the Mayor' s call for public testimony he declar- ed the hearing closed. During Council comments on this item, the issue of the five foot pedestrian access easement on the north side of lot 19 was raised and it was concluded that this is a pedestrian access. Councilwoman Bacharach. moved, ' seconded by Councilman Hughes to adopt the staff recommendation. The motion carried unanimously. TREE REMOVAL PROGRAM - City Manager McDuffie presented the EASTVIEW AREA (1407) staff recommendat ion to continue the present tree removal and replacement policy City-wide. If trees other than Italian Stone Pines are identi- fied for removal they should remain only on an exception basis with the property owner responsible for any future street, sidewalk or curb, and gutter damage. Speaking about this tree removal program were the following residents: Richard Hub acer, 2127 General Street; Walter Yeager, 27803 Montereina Drive; Dr. Deborah Palmieri, 1907 Valleta Drive. Their concerns centered on the alternative available to residents should they want to keep the tree and were willing to pay for any future damage that may be incurred by its retention. Also, they were concerned about the aesthetics ` of removing sev- eral trees in one area and requested postponement of removal until another plan can be developed which takes into consideration their request. By way of giving background on this subject, Council commented on previous discussions and considerations given to the development of the tree pro- gram, the liability involved in maintaining certain trees that cause dis- ruption to the sidewalks, and how the letter sent to residents could be re- vised to include notification that trees may be kept if the resident is willing to assume the liability for the damage caused. Councilwoman Bacha- rach moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart to add a clause to the notifi- cation informing the residents of that provision; additionally, that a clause be added to the Covenant Agreement stating that it would be manda- tory to remove the tree if it causes further damage. The motion carried unanimous ly. HEIGHT VARIATION N0. 446 - City Manager McDuffie presented the APPEAL (1801) staff recommendation to dismiss the appeal thereby approving the pro- ject, based on the conditions listed in Alternative No. 1 in staff report. 701CP/MIN4.1-7 -4- October 7, 1986 City Attorney Dorsey explained that discussion of this matter would be lim- ited to explaining why the decision of the Planning Commission was incor- rect and therefore should be set for a- public hearing before the City Coun- cil. Representing the appellants was their attorney Beverly Worth, 1801 South Catalina Avenue, Redondo Beach, who stated that she felt the Planning Com- mission had improperly concluded that there was no significant impact on the view of various residents in this neighborhood. Also speaking on this matter was the appellant Mr. Robert Eaton, 26132 Barkstone Drive, who al- luded to code violations that have occurred elsewhere in the City. Russell Barto, 3 Malaga Cove Plaza, Palos Verdes Estates, represented the appli- cant, Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Pitz, 26138 Barkstone Drive. Mr. Barto stated that the project was a good design and met with the requirements of the Development Code. Objecting to the project was Mickey Masdeo, 5739 Wild- briar Drive. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart to set this matter for public hearing and request that staff prepare a procedure which allows height variations to come to the City Council on a straight appeal basis. The motion carried on a 4-1 vote. with Mayor Hinchliffe voting in opposition. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION At, 11:02 P.M. _the Council and the AND RECONVENE Redevelopment Agency recessed to a closed session for discussion of the Horan Case and discussion of poten- tial - litigation against the- Redevel- opment Agency and the City. The mo- tion was made by Councilman Hughes. At 11:54 P.M. the meeting reconven- ed. CABLE TV - ESTABLISHMENT Councilman Hughes :summarized the OF COMMUNITY ACCESS Committee's report to the Council ORGANIZATION and the recommendations that the (605) Council approve the concept of cre- ating a City Council Foundation and an Advisory Board, that resolutions creating the Foundation and- the Advisory Board be prepared for Council adoption, and that the goals and objectives of the Foundation be approved by the Council. Discussion then centered on the possible Brown Act restrictions to the Foundation since the Council would be acting as the Foundation. Further- more, it was discussed that the proposed method is the best way for this access channel to be governed and promoted. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman Hughes and carried- to adopt the subcommittee recom- mendation in concept and request staff to prepare resolutions creating the Foundation -and Advisory Board. 701CP/MIN4.1-7 _-5- October 79 1986 CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS Newsletter—- Councilman Ryan suggested that the articles for the Newsletter be submitted for review to the subcommittee at an earlier date. It was the consensus that the subcommittee of the City Manager, the Community Services Director, Mayor Hinchliffe and -Councilman Ryan meet early in November to discuss the Newsletter articles and possible changes in format. Slide Committee (306) Mayor Hinchliffe announced hs . resignation from the Slide Committee. He then appointed Councilwoman Bacharach to serve on this Committee along with Councilman Hughes . Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) (1202 X 1203) - Councilman- Ryan requested that the Council consider sending a letter to the FPPC requesting that they consider community - service work by Dr. Brown in lieu of the $4,000 fine. He then moved that such a request be sent to the Commission, the motion was seconded by Councilman McTaggart and carried unanimously. This letter will be written to the Chairman of the Commission from the City Council. October 21 , 1986 Council Meeting - After a brief discussion of the League of California Cities meeting that will take place on that day, and if it conflicted with the City Council meeting, it was the consensus that the regular Council meeting would be held on October 21 , 1986. Four Cities Equestrian Committee - Mayor Pro Tem Hughes briefed the Council on the September 29, 1986 meeting that he attended at which an inquiry was made regarding the City's support for a loop trail that will connect with Palos Verdes Estates and, Rolling, Hills Estates. He requested that staff explore- the concept of such a loop trail, its impact on Planning Activi- . ties., prepare a report and recommendation for Council. E1 Segundo Light Rail Extension - It was the consensus of Council to reaf- firm support of this extension- of the El Segundo Light Rail System, CITY MANAGER REPORTS City Manager McDu f f ie expressed ap- preciation to the staff and particu- larly to Leisure Services Director Mary Thomas for the welcoming recep- tion held for him on September 26, 1986. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY BY Upon clarification for the City's KEILBACH AND WOLF (303) involvement in this claim against the County, Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach to reject the claim and direct the City Clerk to notify the claimant. 701CP/MIN4.1-7 -6- October 7, 1986 ADJOURNMEIJT At 12:40 P.M. the meeting adjourned on motion of Councilman McTaggart. Mayo ATTEST: City Clerk 701CP/MIN4.1-7 -7- October 7, 1986