CC MINS 19860701M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JULY 1 , 1986 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Hinchliffe at the Fred Hesse Community Park Center, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard. Following the pledge of allegiance to the Flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: HUGHES, RYAN, BACHARACH , McTAGGART & MAYOR HINCHLIFFE ABSENT: NONE Also present were City Manager Donald F. Guluzzy, City Attorney Steve Dor- sey, Acting Director of Environmental Services Ann Negendank, and City Clerk Jo Purcell. CEREMONIAL MATTER Mayor Hinchliffe presented a Commem- (304) orative Proclamation to Palos Verdes High School Principal John White, Miraleste High School Principal Andy Seymore, and Rolling Hills High School Principal Howard Lawrence. Also representing the School Dis -trict were Superintendant Jack Price and School Board member Jack Bagdasar. These proclamations commended the schools for having won the California State Department of Education 1986 Distinguished School Awards, WAIVER OF FULL READING OF Councilman McTaggart moved, seconded ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS by Councilman Hughes and carried, to waive reading in full of all ordi- nances and resolutions adopted at this meeting with consent to waiver of reading deemed to be given by all councilmembers after reading of the title, unless specific request was made at that time for the reading of such ordinance or resolution. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The City Clerk announced the follow- ing additions to the Agenda: W.R. Grace Company Restaurant, Report on JPIA, F.A.C.T. Committee, Valley View Tract, Western Avenue Merchants Association, and a Closed Session to discuss personnel and pending litiga- tion. The agenda as amended was approved on motion of Councilman McTag- gart, seconded by Councilman Hughes and carried. 703CP /MIN491 CONSENT CALENDAR The City Clerk announced that the following items were deleted from the Consent Calendar: Legislation and the Resolution for the Exchange of Property Taxes. The Consent Cal- endar was approved as follows on motion of Councilwoman Bacharach, seconded by Councilman Ryan, MINUTES CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY BY DONALD T, & JAMES Me HE CKE L ( 30 3 ) CIVIC CENTER JANITORIAL SERVICE (1201 x 1204 ) PT* VICENTE PARK SEWER LIFT STATION (1201 x 1204) ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROJECT - PALOS. VE RDE S DRIVE WEST/ 25TH STREET (1404 ) CURVE REALIGNMENT PROJECT - PALOS VE RDE S DRIVE EAST (1404 x 1204) SIGN UPGRADING (1404 x 1204) RESOLUTION NO. 86 -42 - PRIVATE STREETS (1408 x 1502 ) Approved the minutes of May 20, 1986. Rejected the claim and directed the City Clerk to notify the claimant. Renewed the janitorial services con- tract with Lomita Maintenance at a cost not to exceed $28,700 per year. Renewed the contract with M.E. Frid- ich Company for the work outlined in the contract specifications to main- tain the sewer lift station at Pt. Vicente Park at a cost not to exceed $1,5004, Approved agreement with Greiner En- gineering for the preparation of plans and specifications on the Pal- os Verdes Drive South /25th Street reconstruction project. Approved consultant agreement with Greiner Engineering for the prepara- tion of plans and specifications on Palos Verdes Drive East curve re- alignment project. Approved a consultant agreement with Basmaciyan- Darnell Inc. for the pre- paration of plans and specifications on the Citywide sign upgrading pro- ject. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 86 -42 DECLAR- ING LA VISTA VERDE AND AVENIDA COR- ONA TO BE PRIVATE STREETS HELD OPEN FOR PUBLIC USE. 703CP/MIN4 . 1-7 -2- July 1, 1986 ORDINANCE NO. 208 - AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 108U (1801) TREE SERVICE CONTRACT (1204 x 1407) ROAD CLOSURE - UPPER CREST ROAD (1408) WEED CONTROL CONTRACT (1204 x 1701) RESOLUTION NO. 86 -43 - FEES FOR COPYING ( 201 x 60 2 ) ADOPTED ORDINANCE NO. 208 AMENDING ORDINANCE NO, 108U. AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NOS, 118U, 120U, 123U3 128U, 130U, 131U, 139U, 140U, 143U, 148U, AND 155U. (This Ordinance was presented for a first reading on June 17, 1986.) Approved renewal of contract with Travers Tree Service for the work outlined in the contract specifica- tions for FY 1986 -87 for an amount not to exceed $375,000. Authorized closure of upper Crest Road from Ganado Drive to the City limits from the evening of July 3, 1986 through the morning of July 7, 1986. Approved renewal of the contract with Nof t Pest Control for the work outlined in the contract specifica- tions for FY 1986 -87 for an amount not to exceed $18,200. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 86 -43 ADOPT- ING CERTAIN FEES FOR COPIES OF BUILDING PERMITS. RESOLUTION NO. 86 -44 - ADOPTED RESOLUTION N0. 86 -44 ALLOW - REGISITER OF DEMANDS ING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND SPECIFYING FUNDS FROM WHICH THE SAME ARE TO BE PAID The motion to approve the Consent Calendar carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: HUGHES, RYAN, BACHARACH , McTAGGART , AND MAYOR HINCHLIFFE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE P.V. TRANSIT - COORDINATION OF SERVICES (1505) City Manager Guluzzy presented the July 1, 1986 memorandum and recom- mended adoption of the following: (1) Approve P.V. Transit and the 703CP /MIN4.1 -7 -3- July 1, 1986 9 Peninsula Dial -A -Ride Services be- ginning July 1, 1986, lasting through July 30, 1986 to the City of Palos Verdes Estates based on the conceptual approval of formal agreements and on good faith efforts to resolve the con- cern on share of liability. (2) Authorize the Mayor and the City Clerk to sign an agreement with Transit Contractors to provide Dial -A -Ride van ser- vice for FY 86/87 at $18 per trip. (3) Approve the addition of the follow- ing mutual consent items for P.V. Transit and the Dial -A -Ride: (1) Market- ing /Advertising, and (2) Transfer Agreement. Council then discussed the issue-of shared liability and whether Palos Ver- des Estates would accept the same position as Rolling Hills Estates,-and whether an extension of the present 30 day agreement was a reasonable length of time in awaiting a decision from Palos Verdes Estates about the shared liability issue. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman Hughes to adopt the staff recommendation with the amendment to recommendation No. 2 that the $18 per trip would be for trips within a five mile radius plus a charge of $3.50 for each mile over five miles. Additionally that recommendation No. 3 would exclude existing transfer agreements with the RTD. The motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 209 - City Manager Guluzzy presented the FIRE CODE ( 603 ) July 1, 1986 memorandum and recom- mended adoption of this proposed or- dinance which would adopt the 1985 edition of the uniform fire code. Speaking in favor of the adoption of this fire code was Assistant Fire Chief Ray E. Brunstrom, who explained how this code addresses the require- ment for heat detectors and the safety factor those detectors provide with early warning of fires. Also speaking about the fire code was Joann Lewis, 26904 Fond du Lac Road, ORDINANCE NO. 209 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY CODE, TITLE 32, FIRE CODE, AND AMENDING THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES MUNICIPAL CODE was read by title. Councilman McTaggart moved, seconded by Councilman Hughes to waive further reading and INTRODUCE Ordi- nance No. 209, SCHOOL DISTRICT - WAIVER OF FEES - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 107 (1401 x 1203 x 1801) City Manager Guluzzy presented the July 1, 1986 memorandum on the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School Dis- trict request for fee waiver on CUP No. 107 for review of uses at Pedre- gal School site. He recommended waiving the fees. Councilman Hughes moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan to waive the fees. The motion carried unanimously. 703CP /MIN4.1 -7 -4- July 1, 1986 PALOS VE RDE S MONACO HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION - REQUEST FOR NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION (801 x 1203) City Manager Guluzzy presented the July 1, 1986 memorandum and recom- mended.receive and file this request from the Palos Verdes Monaco Home- owners Association to be notified when applications for construction are submitted to the City. Acting Director Negendank reported that notification is sent out to home- owner associations when notice is mailed to neighbors. Also, notification is sent on items that require a public hearing process. Speaking in support of notifying homeowners associations of the issuance of construction permits were Elaine Van Amburg, 29959 Knoll View Drive, repre- senting the Miraleste Hills Homeowners Association and, Tom Alley, 6304 Sattes Drive, representing Palos Verdes Monaco Homeowners Association. Citing the fact that some residents or new home builders use materials not approved by their Homes Association, they cited the necessity of being in- formed whenever anybody takes out a permit. Council then discussed the additional steps that would be required of staff in notifying the various associations and in becoming familiar with all the CC &R's for the various Associations, the fact that the City is not in a position to enforce CC &R's, the liability that the City assumes in estab- lishing a policy of notification to the Homeowners' associations, if build- ing permits are- open for public inspection, and if the Council of Homeown- ers Association could play a part in this notification process to the asso- ciations. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart to approve alternative no. 3, request staff to develop a notification pro- cess with the Homeowners Association or applicant bearing the cost, and to report back to Council in August. The motion carried unanimously, RECESS AUDIENCE QUESTIONS CITY COUNCIL REPORTS At. 9:00 P.M. the Mayor declared a recess. The meeting reconvened at 9:20 P.M. Responding to the Mayor's call for audience questions for items not on the Agenda was Sunshine, 6 Limetree, who commented on the recent article about City Council in Los Angeles Magazine. W.R. Grace Company Restaurant on Western Avenue - Referring to the Coco's Restaurant on Western Avenue and the fact that their literature incorrectly indicates that they are located in San Pedro instead of in the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, Councilman Hughes suggested that the Mayor send a let - ter to the W.R. Grace Company informing them that the restaurant is indeed located in the City of Rancho Palos Verdes and ask them to develop a sense of pride for their location within this City. 703CP /MIN4.1 -7 -5- July 1, 1986 JPIA - Councilman Hughes reported that as of July 1, 1986 the City is now self- insured with the 51 other Cities in the Southern California Joint Powers Insurance Authority. He briefly explained the structure of the re- serve for the Insurance Authority and how claims were paid from this re- serve and how the members paid into. F .A. C .T . Committee F .A. C .T . Committee requiring elections November ballot. - Councilman Ryan alluded to the decision of the on the Parcel Tax and briefly discussed the propositions for the imposition of utility taxes that will be on the STATUS OF COUNCIL DIRECTIVES CITY MANAGER REPORTS Council requested that some publici- ty be given to the building of the new Miraleste Fire Station. Sun- shine, 6 Limetree, briefly summariz- ed the status of negotiations be- tween the Palos Verdes, Peninsula Horsemans' Association and the own- ers of the lot adjacent to the Mar- tingale Trail, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEPART- After 'a brief discussion of how the MENT - FY 86/87 BUDGET Assistant Planner position would be ( 602 x 1203) treated as an Independent Contractor and the advantage in such an ar- rangement, and reprinting of the General Plan, Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman McTag- gart and unanimously carried to approve the Environmental Services budget and the � Build,ing and Safety budget with the exception of the reprinting of the General Plan, WESTERN AVENUE MERCHANTS City Manager Guluzzy related his ASSOCIATION (306) contact with the San Pedro Chamber of Commerce and the idea of a Coun- cil Subcommittee meeting with Cham- ber members to discuss some areas of concern. Council then briefly discussed the application from the Chamber for the Western Avenue days, and the availability of Councilmembers to attend this event. Mayor Hinchliffe appointed a Subcommittee (McTaggart /Bacharach) to meet with the Chamber of Commerce. Relative to the Merchants Association in the E astview area and a recent article, -that appeared on that matter in the Palos Verdes News, Chris For - taine, reporter for the Palos-Verdes News, briefly described the circum- stances surrounding the publication of that article. 703CP /MIN4.1 -7 -6- July 1 , 1986 VALLEY VIEW DRIVE Public Works Director George Wentz gave a brief update on the drainage improvements in that tract. The de- veloper is requesting assurance that the City will proceed with vacation of the right -of -way and the encumbrances in the right -of -way. It was the consensus to proceed with the improvement in the drainage problem as well as to agree to vacate the right -of -way. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR ANNEXATION - HIGHRIDGE ROAD TO RANCHO PALOS VERDE S LEGISLATION DAILY BREEZE RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION AND ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: Council requested clarification of the provision in the proposed reso- lution transferring property tax from the City of Rolling Hills Es- tates to the City of Rancho Palos Verdes. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan to bring this item back to the next meeting with that clarification. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach and carried to receive and file this request from the City of San Diego for sup- port of a ballot proposition regard- ing off -shore oil drilling activi- ties. Larry Welsh, reporter for the Daily Breeze introduced himself to the Council. At 10:15 P.M. the Council recessed to closed session for discussion of pending litigation and personnel. At 12:15 P.M. the meeting reconvened with no action taken. 703CP /MIN491 -7 -7- July 1, 1986