CC MINS 19860617M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VE RDES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JUNE 17, 1986 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Hinchliffe at the Fred Hesse Community Park Center, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard. Following the pledge of allegiance to the Flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: HUGHES, RYAN, BACHARACH, McTAGGART & MAYOR HINCHLIFFE ABSENT: NONE Also present were City Manager Donald F. Guluzzy, City Attorney Steve Dor- sey, Acting Director of Environmental Services Ann Negendank, City Clerk Jo Purcell, Public Works Director George Wentz, and Associate Planner Steve Rubin, WAIVER OF FULL READING OF Councilwoman Bacharach moved, sec - ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS onded by Councilman Hughes and car- ried, to waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions adopted at this meeting with consent to waiver of reading deemed to be given by all councilmembers after reading of the title, unless specific request was made at that time for the reading of such ordinance or resolu- tion. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The City Clerk announced the follow- ing additions to the Agenda: Coast- al Commission, Monaco Homeowners Letter, Newspaper Clippings in Coun- cil Office, JPIA and CDBG. The agenda as amended was approved on motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilman Hughes and carried. CONSENT CALENDAR 703CP /MIN2.1 The Consent Calendar was approved as follows on motion of Councilwoman Bacharach, seconded by Councilman Ryan, MINUTES CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY BY CHERYL RITTGER ( 303 ) CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY BY NORMAN & EVELYN BYER ( 303 ) RESOLUTION NO. 86 -38 DESIG- NATING CERTAIN ROADS AS FAU ROUTES (1404 ) Approved the minutes of April 29, May 6 Adjourned Meeting, May 27, May 21, and June 4. Rejected the claim and directed the City Clerk to notify the claimant. Rejected the claim and directed the City Clerk to notify the claimant. ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 86 -38 DESIG- NATING CERTAIN ROADS AS FAU ROUTES. ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETED (1) Accepted completed work and ap- SHOREVIEW DRIVE (1404 ) proved final payment in the amount of $31,303,30, ($34,781.45 less l0% retention of $3,478.15.) (2) Di- rected the City Clerk to file a No- tice of Completion, notify the sure- ty and to exonerate contract bonds and retention 30 days after said notice is recorded if no claims are filed against the contractor during that per- iod, ACQUATICS PROGRAM AGREEMENT WITH PALOS VERDES PENINSULA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT (1201) COMMUNITY RECREATION PROGRAM AGREEMENT WITH THE PALOS VERDES PENINSULA UNIFIED SCHOOL (1201) MONTERE INA DRIVE /AVENIDA ESTUDIANTE RECONSTRUCTION (1404 ) 703CP /MIN2.1 -9 Approved and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agree- ment between the City and the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified school Dis- trict to cover the five -year period from July 1, 1986 through June 30, 1990. Approved and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the agree- ment between the City and the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School Dis- trict to cover the two -year period from July 1, 1986 through June 30, 1988. Approved award of the Montereina Drive /Avenida Estudiante reconstruc- tion project to Vernon Paving Com- pany for an amount not to exceed $89,875* RESOLUTION N0. 86 -39 - ADOPTED THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION NO. DENYING THE PROJECT 86 -39 OVERRULING THE DECISION OF THE (1804) PLANNING COMMISSION ON THE APPEAL OF HEIGHT VARIATION NO, 426 THEREBY DE- NYING THE PROJECT AT 2112 CRESTWOOD STREET. RESOLUTION NO. 86 -40 - ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 86 -40 ALLOW - REG1STER OF DEMANDS ING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND SPECIFYING FUNDS FROM WHICH THE SAME ARE TO BE PAID, The motion to approve the Consent Calendar carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: HUGHES, RYAN, BACHARACH , McTAGGART , AND MAYOR HINCHLIFFE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE SPECIAL PRESENTATION - CARL Representing Carl Warren & Assoc i- WARREN & ASSOCIATES - ates was Wayne Mouland who made a CLAIM PROCESS special presentation on the organi- zation of the Southern California Joint Powers Insurance Authority. He reviewed the process that claims follow from the time they are sub- mitted to the settlement process. He explained the difference between a claim and a lawsuit, and reviewed the claim summary sheet submitted to the City on a monthly basis, PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE NO* 185 - GOLDEN COVE - Mayor Hinchli f f e opened the cont inu- RESOLUTION NO. 86 -41 - APPROVING ed public hearing on this matter, TENTATIVE TRACT MAP N0. 44239 Associate Planner Steve Rubin pre - (GOLDEN COVE) (701) sented the staff report and recom- mended adoption of Ordinance No. 185 and adoption of the proposed resolu- tion approving the addendum to the final Environmental Impact Report. The staff report addressed the issues of: corrections to the Environmental Impact Report Addendum, left -turn pocket on Hawthorne Boulevard, affordable housing, secondary exit to Palos Verdes Drive West, easement between the Golden Cove offices, undergrounding utilities, site drainage during con- struction, clarification of dirt hauling route, and the Safeway ramp. Mr. Rubin went on to explain the church's concern about noise and traffic from the easement adjacent to the church. 703CP /MIN2.1 -9 -3- June 17, 1986 In response to the Mayor's call for public testimony were Howard Adler, 2081 Business Center Drive, Irvine, California, who introduced Mr. Fred Talarico, the housing specialist on the project, and Daniel Rainey, 17801 Cartwright Road, Irvine, California. Mr. Adler questioned whether his com- pany should be responsible for bearing all of the cost of redesigning the Safeway Ramp since use of that ramp would be by the Golden Cove Shopping Center. He felt that some of the costs for this design should be borne by the owners of the shopping center. Discussion between Mr. Adler and the Council then centered on allocation of the site development costs and the percentage that should be allocated to the. 'affordable units, Carl DiStef ano , 561 Promotory Drive West, Newport Beach, spoke to this issue and commented that the site development costs had been allocated evenly among the forty -nine units. Voicing concern about the easement adjacent to the church were the follow- ing representatives of St. Paul's Lutheran Church: Reverend Thomas Cooper, 3914 Admirable Drive; Joseph Picarelli , 30311 Via Borica; Henry Moeller, 20 Portuguese Bend Road; Jay Luedde, 827 Deep Valley Drive; Carl Barth, 32709 Seagate Drive; William Messer, 1740 Palos Verdes Drive West; Margaret Moody, 6570 Ocean Crest Drive; and Carol Ozark, 1468 Via Coronel. Their concerns centered on the noise generated by cars using the easement, the interference this would have with their worship, safety aspects of the closeness of the easement to the Church's entrance, and maintenance of the rolled curb used for the easement. Reference was made to an earlier agree- ment between the church and Mr. Adler which permitted only emergency vehicle use of this easement. During additional discussion of this easement, it was revealed that an earlier plan did call for use of another easement. However, during the Planning Commission review of the project it was determined to use the easement now proposed. Since an additional piece of park property is adja- cent to the project, a driveway alongside of the property on the south side of the Church was also discussed. Discussion then centered on whether the Department of Interior would allow development of this open area as a recreational site and whether the access through the park site would create problems with public use of the park- land. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Hughes to close the public hearing. The motion carried on a 4 -1 vote with Councilman McTaggart voting in opposition. RECESS AND RECONVENE At 9 :41 P.M. the Mayor declared a recess. The meeting reconvened at 9:50 P.M. Council resumed its discussion of the Golden Cove project. Councilman Hughes moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan to abandon the concept of using the proposed exit and return it to the intended use for emergency access only in terms of dealing with this project. The motion carried unanimous- ly. 703CP /MIN2.1 -9 -4- June 17, 1986 Discussion then centered on access to the Golden Cove Shopping Center from the interior of this project and how this could be accomplished. Council- woman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried to bond for a secondary roadway improvement ( the amount of the bonding should be equal to the reasonable value of the cost of the deleted access); send this item to the Traffic Committee for their review; and, contact our Congressional representative to guide this issue through the Department of Interior. Mayor Hinchliffe moved, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach to leave the af- fordable housing component in this Project as proposed. The motion carried on a roll call vote of 4 -1 with Councilman McTaggart voting in opposition. Council next dealt with the issue of the Safeway ramp and the allocation of the cost for its redesign. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Coun- cilman Hughes and carried to require a bond from Bredero for their portion of the ramp improvement. Council then discussed the affordable housing issue, the number of units, and the initial sales price for these units. Discussion centered on the recommendations listed in the staff report: (1) income of $50,000 and ini- tial sales price of $150,000; (2) 30 year resale control period; (3) owners may be absent from unit no more than six consecutive months; (4) a state- ment of assets under penalty of perjury to be furnished; and, ( 5 ) 50% of the windfall profit would go to the City. Council discussed whether the resale control could be extended beyond the 30 year period and the priori- ties that could be set for sale of the affordable units. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach to direct the City Attorney to research whether priority could be given to residents of Rancho Palos Ver- des for the purchase of these affordable units. The motion carried unani- mous lye A lengthy discussion then took place on the price of these affordable units and the number of units to be considered affordable. It was the consensus that there should be ten units at an initial sales price of $135,000. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan to adopt staff recommendations one as amended, two, three and four, and that item number five be considered pending and be discussed at a later time. The motion carried unanimously. Council then proceeded to discuss the proposed resolution and minor amend- ments and additions were made to the resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 86 -41 AP- PROVING THE ADDENDUM TO FINAL EIR NO. 22 AND TENTATIVE TRACT MAP N0. 44239 was presented by title and ADOPTED on motion of Councilwoman Bacharach, seconded by Councilman Ryan. The motion carried on a 4 -1 vote with Coun- cilman McTaggart voting in opposition. ORDINANCE N0. 185 APPROVING ZONE CHANGE N0, 12 CHANGING THE ZONING FROM COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD TO RESIDENTIAL MULTI- FAMILY, EIGHT DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE ( RM -8 ) WAS PRESENTED FOR ADOPTION* (First reading of this ordi- nance-was--on August 7, 1984.) Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Council- woman Bacharach to waive further reading and ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 185. The motion carried on a 4 -1 vote with Councilman McTaggart voting no. 703CP /MIN2.1 -9 -5- June 17, 1986 RECESS At 11:08 P.M. the Mayor declared a brief recess. At 11:20 P.M. the meeting reconvened. AUDIENCE QUESTIONS In response to the Mayor's call for audience questions was Sunshine 16 Limetree, who requested that Council send a representative to the June 26, 1986 meeting of the Palos Verdes Peninsula Horsemens' Associa- tion, SIGN PERMIT N0, 282 Associate Planner Steve Rubin pre - LOCATION - SILVER sented the June 17, 1986 staff mem- SPUR ROAD (1801) orandum which contained an analysis of this sign program for Home Feder- al Savings located at 450 Silver Spur Road. On February 25, 1986 the Planning Commission approved a sign program for that project. The approval was based on staff's recommendation which was not in complete accordance with the program requested by the ap- plicants. Subsequently, the applicant appealed the Planning Commission's actions. The proposed sign program called for major identification signs on�the southeast and north building frontages. The program also proposed a monument sign for secondary tenants and a directional sign for the auto- mated teller. The applicant was now requesting an identification sign for the east side of the building. Representing Home Federal Savings were architect Richard Kaufman, 625 Broadway, San Diego, California; Curt Bauer, 10845 Wheatland Avenue, San Diego, California; and, Dr. James Claus, 10845 Wheatland, San Diego, Cali- fornia. They made a slide presentation of the project and emphasized the competition and the signage allowed for other buildings of a like nature in the neighborhood. Councilman McTaggart moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried to af- firm the appeal. ORDINANCE N09 208 - REVISION TO LANDSLIDE MORATORIUM ORDINANCE (1801) landslide ordinance. Without obtain an exemption from the review it initiates. City Manager Guluzzy presented the June 17 staff memorandum and the recommendation that this ordinance would add Redevelopment Agency pro- jects and environmental reviews of exceptions provided in the current this exception the Agency will be required to City Council for each project or environmental 703CP /MIN2.1 -9 -6- June 17 , 1986 ORDINANCE N0. 208 AMENDING ORDINANCE N0, 108U, AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NOS. 118U, 120U, 123U, 128U, 130U, 131U, 139U, 140U, 143U3 148U AND 155U was presented by title and INTRODUCED on motion of Councilwoman Bacharach, seconded by Councilman McTaggart and carried.. WAIVER OF ROOF ORDINANCE City Manager Guluzzy presented the (1804 ) June 17 staff memorandum and recom- mended that the City Council grant a waiver of the Fire Retardant Roofing Ordinance for a portion of the roof at 26631 Grayslake Road with the following provisions; (1) the garage roof is to be treated with fire retardant spray of a type approved by Los Ange- les City. Such treatment -is -to be accomplished within sixty days and the materials to be pre- inspected by the City prior to application. (2) The substandard new roofing replaced on the remainder of the house be removed. (3) Except for this waiver for the garage only, the roofing for the house is to conform to the code which requires a Class "C" or better roof. The homeowner, Mr. Lawrence N. Baron, 26631 Grayslake told the Council that he was replacing the roof with the kind of shake that was presently on the house. He explained the efforts he has _gone - through in finding an accept - able fire retardant spray to use on the shakes and he presented a copy of literature dealing with the product being used to spray the shakes-. He further described the test that he used to determine the fire retardancy of the shake after it was treated. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried to approve the staff recommendations and require the homeowner to do all of the necessary maintenance PENINSULA DIAL -A -RIDE City Manager Guluzzy presented the (1505 ) June 17 staff memorandum and recom- mended the following: (1) Approve the consolidation of the administra- tion of the Peninsula Dial -A -Ride and the Palos Verdes Transit under the auspices of the City. (2) Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an agreement with Charles Abbott Associ- ates for the administration of the Peninsula Dial -A -Ride as submitted in their proposal for a not to exceed amount of $7,500. (3) Approve the Pe- insula Transportation Authority recommendation for this City to act as the lead Agency for the Peninsula Dial -A -Ride. (4) Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an agreement with Wilmington Cab for the operation of Peninsula Dial -A -Ride for Fiscal Year 86/87. (5) Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an agreement with the Cities of Palos Verdes Estates, Rolling Hills Estates and the County of Los -Angeles for the operation of the Peninsula Dial -A -Ride fore Fiscal Year 86/8.7. Council discussion then centered on the status of the current Joint Powers Authority, and how it would continue in place but inactive. Also discussed was the sharing of liability with Rolling Hills Estates and Palos Verdes Estates and how this could be accomplished, and what percentage of the liability they would share, 703CP /MIN2.1 -9 -7- June 17, 1986 Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman Hughes to approve the staff recommendation with the exception that Item No. 4 (the agreement with Wilmington Cab) be subject to the approval and review by the City Attorney. The motion carried unanimously. PARKS MAINTENANCE CONTRACT City Manager Guluzzy presented the FOR FISCAL YEAR 86/87 June 17 staff memorandum and recom- (1201) mended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign a contract with Bennett Enterprises to maintain the Parks and Civic Center grounds for Fiscal Year 86/87 at at total contract price of $116,015. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan to approve the staff recommen- dation. The motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Los Angeles City School Board Liaison Meeting - Councilwoman Bacharach re- ported on the Local Government Advisory Committee meeting that she attended and summarized some of the issues discussed at that meeting: the annexa- tion of the Lomita Schools from the Los Angeles School District region, and the possible effects of year round school on Parks and Recreation program- ming. Coastal Commission - Councilman Ryan summarized his attendance at a Coastal Commission hearing and the possibility of renewed annual reporting enforce- ment by the Commission. A public hearing will be held on this matter in Los Angeles and he will be attending that hearing. Letter From Monaco Homeowners Association - Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Mayor Hinchliffe to discuss the letter from the Homeowners As- sociation at the next City Council meeting. Newspaper Clippings in City Council Office - It was the consensus that clippings from the San Pedro News Pilot and the Daily Breeze be left in the City Council Office in City Hall. Staff was requested to delete the clip- pings from the Los Angeles Times. LAFCO Hearings on E astview - A brief discussion followed regarding the LAFCO hearing on the deannexation of a certain portion of the E astview area. It was the consensus that staff should get a schedule of the LAFCO hearing on this matter. Southern California Joint Powers Insurance Authority (306) - Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Mayor Hinchliffe and carried to nominate Coun- cilman Hughes a candidate to the Board of the SCJPIA. 703CP /MIN2.1 -9 -8- June 17, 1986 CITY MANAGER REPORTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (601) RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION AND ADJOURNMENT ATTEST: City Manager Guluzzy presented the June 17 staff memorandum and re- quested that he be authorized to sign the Amendments No. 1 to the CDBG program reimbursable contract. Councilman Hughes moved, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach to approve this amendment. The motion carried unanimously. At 12:45 P.M. the Council recessed to a closed session for discussion of personnel. The meeting recon- vened at 1:00 A.M. with no action taken. The meeting adjourned to June 24, 1986 on motion of Council- woman Bacharach and carried, MAYOR 7 703CP /MIN2.1 -9 -9- June 171 1986