CC MINS 19860204M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 4, 1986 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Hinchliffe at the Fred Hesse ..Community Park Center, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard. Following the pledge of allegiance to the Flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: HUGHES, RYAN, BACHARACH , McTAGGART & MAYOR HINCHLIFFE Also present were City Manager Donald F. Guluzzy, City Attorney Steve .Dorsey, Acting Director of Environmental Services Ann Negendank, City Clerk Jo Purcell, Public Works Director George Wentz, Assistant Planner Greg Fuz, Associate Engineer Kevin Smith, and City Engineer Don Winslow. CEREMONIAL MATTER KEVIN KINKOR (304) Mayor Hinchliffe presented a Procla- mation to Kevin R. Kinkor in recog- ni t ion of him being chosen as the 1986 Poster Child for the Epilepsy Foundation of America. WAIVER OF FULL READING OF Councilman Hughes moved, seconded by ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS Councilman Ryan and carried, to waive reading in full of-:all ordi- nances and resolutions adopted at this meeting with consent to waiver of reading deemed to be given by all councilmembers after reading of the title, unless specific request was made at that time for the reading of such ordinance or resolution. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The City Clerk announced the fol- lowing additions: Reports from Pub- lic Safety, Landslide and Rental Housing Subcommittees, Los Angeles School District Permit, report on weekend retreat -, Certificates °of Deposit, and closed session -to discuss po- tential litigation. The agenda as amended was approved on motion of Coun- cilman Hughes seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried. 704CP /MIN13.1'-6 -1- February 4, 1986 CONSENT CALENDAR The City Clerk announced that the Resolution regarding speed limits was removed from the Consent Calen- dar. The remainder was approved as follows on motion of Councilwoman Bacharach, seconded by Councilman Hughes, MINUTES Approved minutes of January 21, 1986. ORDINANCE NO. 203- ADOPTED ORDINANCE N0, 203 OF THE VESTING TENTATIVE: CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES PROVID- (1411) ING FOR VESTING TENTATIVE MAPS AND AMENDING THE RANCHO PALOS VERDE S MUNICIPAL CODE, DESIGN AGREEMENT FOR Authorized the Mayor and City Clerk CREST ROAD (1404) to sign the agreement for $11,000 ($10,000 + 10% contingency) with Mohle, Grover and Associates for the preparation of plans and specifica- tions for Crest Road, RESOLUTION NO. 86-4 ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 86-4 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VE RDE S ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND SPECIFYING FUNDS FROM WHICH THE SAME ARE TO BE PAID . The motion to approve the-Consent Calendar carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: HUGHES, RYAN, BACHARACH, McTAGGART, AND MAYOR HINCHLIFFE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN:, NONE VARIANCE N0. 125 APPLICANT: ROBERT HAASE (1804 ) City Manager Guluzzy presented the February 4, 1986 staff report and recommended that Council adopt the proposed resolution. Assistant Planner Greg Fuz gave a brief summa- ry of the conditions that the appli- 704CP /MIN13 ,,1 -6 1 - -2- February 4, 1986 cant was objecting to: the duration- -of the temporary use of the enclosed porch, the building permit requirement, and the parking layout. Responding to the Council's inquiry on the areas which could be discussed at this hearing, the City Attorney said that discussion should be, limited to conditions previously discussed by Council at the public hearing of December 17, 1985 City Engineer Don, Winslow explained the State Energy regulations affecting the.enclosed porch area The applicant in this matter, Robert Haase, 20 Seacove Drive, referred to his proposed resolution which deleted the requirement of a building - permit. He said he would meet with the building official to determine how the ener- gy requirements could be met. Council discussion then centered on how the City could monitor who was leasing the office space, and the requirement for the applicant to pay the Environmental Excise tax. On the issue of energy requirements, it was the consensus that the applicant 'would work with the staff, in fulfilling the criteria. Councilman, McTaggart moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried that the City Attorney prepare a revised resolution and schedule for the Consent Calendar at a later meeting CREST ROAD CROSSING GUARD City Manager, Guluzzy presented the (1503) February 4, 1986 staff memo with the Traffic Committee's recommendation that Council consider funding a crossing guard for Crest Road at Highridge. Road. Funding to be allocated from General Funds, $1,800 for the balance of FY 85 -86 and $4,000 for FY 86 -87. The City Manager, however, recommended. that this request for additional services be tabled until we review the 86 -87 budget in May, especially since the school year is under- way and our revenue situation is not good. Council then inquired what stage of discussion this was at with the Rolling Hills Estates City Council, whether the Traffic Committee has considered both the issue of liability and creation of a false sense of security in installing a cross walk. :.Of even greater concern was the lack of visibi- lity in this area on foggy days. Speaking in favor of a crosswalk and a crossing guard were Dee Beaumont, 30143 Matisse Drive; Dick Jones, 6644 Lautrec; Marilyn Long, 5410 Ocean Terrace; and Chellie Powell, 31120 Marine Driver These speakers were _also concerned about the foggy conditions that sometimes prevail in this area. Mrs Beaumont presented to the Mayor 32 letters requesting a crosswalk and crossing guard Council discussion then dealt with possible ways of ensuring the safety of those using the -interse.cti.on: whether a volunteer car pool could be organ- ized to transport students, if Palos Verdes Transit could have a "bad weather" van, and if a pedestrian overpass could be considered for the 704,CP /MIN13.1 -6 -3- February. 4 1986 area. Finally, it was concluded that this matter should be referred to the Transit Advisory Committee for consideration of the "bad weather" van con- cept. Also, it was suggested that staff contact such cities as Bakersfield and Fresno to determine how they handle their similar situation. RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION AND RECONVENE ciation of Citizens vs. City o Portuguese Bend Landslide Area. City Attorney announced that no Closed Session, COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS At 9:00 P.M. Council adjourned to closed session on motion of Council- man Hughes, seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried. The City Attorney announced that the Council would discuss People vs. Tondre, the Asso- Rancho Palos Verdes, and Right -of -way in At 9:25 P.M. the meeting reconvened. The action was taken by then Council during the Peninsula Transportation Authority - Councilwoman Bacharach reported on'the last meeting of this organization where the issues of insurance and satel- lite points were discussed, particularly whether Harbor General Hospital should -be added as a satellite point. Interestingly enough, the transit survey just completed has revealed that Dial -A -Ride and Palos Verdes Tran- sit offer duplicate service, although it is less costly to use Palos Verdes Transit. The staff of the Authority will study the Dial -A -Ride usage and will prepare a concept for a study for coordination of Dial -A -Ride with Palos Verdes Transit, Palos Verdes Transit Analysis Alluding to the just recently completed study .of - Palos Verdes Transit service, Councilwoman Bacharach said the study highlighted two problems: from 9:00 A.M. to 1 :00 P.M. on weekdays the service is not running at full capacity, and there are a lot of "no shows ". The Transit Advisory. Committee Council suggested that perhaps an article about this "no show" problem should be published in the News letter . The study was referred to the committee for recommendation. False Alarm Ordinance - Mayor Pro Tem Hughes reported on the Public Safety Committee's (Hughes /McTaggart) meetings to solve the enforcement aspects of this ordinance. -A review of burglar alarms statistics revealed that 95% of the 885 alarms were false. He cited the time lost and cost to the City in responding. A new ordinance has been drafted which contains certain en- forcement and fine provisions. Copies of the ordinance will be made avail- able to the Council for their comments and will be presented at an upcoming Council meeting for adoption.. Landslide Subcommittee - Reporting that Dr. Ehlig has completed his analy- sis of the slide study and has put together a preliminary plan for abating the landslide, Councilman Hughes said that the subcommittee (Hughes /Hinch- liffe) has recommended that a public presentation be made to inform the public what has been done and what the plans are for slide abatement, It was the consensus to hold the hearing on March 5 at Ladera Linda. Staff was directed to prepare a document for the public. Notices about this 704CP /MIN13.1 -6 -4- February 4, 1986 meeting to be sent to the affected residents, the presidents of Homeowner Associations, and the Abatement Districts. Moreover, press releases are to be issued on this matter. Rental Housing (1801) - Councilman Ryan reported that an agreement had been reached between the Tenants Association at Palos Verdes Apartments and Corporate Management Services. This agreement would be in effect until De- c- ember 31, 19860 Representing the owners of Palos Verdes Apartments was Paul Lubin, who re- iterated the fact that the agreement has been. reached and they will try to meet with the Association prior to-December 31, 1986. Speaking for the tenants was Pamela Foreman, 6756 Los Verdes, said that the agreement has a 10% limit on rent increases for 1986. Sign Permit for Los Angeles School District (1801 x 306) - Referring to the request received from the Los Angeles School District for waiver of a sign permit fee Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach , car- ried to establish a policy whereby the City will waive sign permit fees for the Los Angeles and Peninsula School Districts. Also, that a letter be sent to John Greenwood of the Los Angeles School District requesting that they waive the facilities usage fees for the City. CITY MANAGER REPORTS City Council Retreat - Utility Users Tax - City Manager Guluzzy summarized the matters discussed at the Council retreat: Plans for dealing with the landslide, the City Council's goals, revenue raising measures, the infra- structure requirements, and the projected shortfall in City revenues over the next five years. Since the Utility Users Tax is the only major revenue raising means that can be implemented to meet the City's requirements, he recommended that Council consider adoption of a 7 to 7J% tax .to meet the shortfall. This ordinance would be brought to Council at the February 18th meeting for discussion and would be introduced at the March 3rd meeting. Council requested that an article on this matter be published in the NEWS- LETTER., and that a comprehensive letter on how the City reached this finan- cial situation be prepared. Council also briefly discussed if a parcel tax should also be considered so revenue from it could be used to offset the utility tax, and because it is a tax deductible expense. Staff was directed to prepare a draft of a letter to be sent to homeowners association presidents, Chambers of Commerce, and to give this matter as much publicity as possible, Mid -Year Budget Review - Staff is to provide a written report on this mat- ter to Council. Certificates of Participation - Council set February 25 at 7:30 P.M. as the date to discuss this matter. 704CP /MIN13.1 -6 -5- February 4, 1986 Items removed from the Consent Calendar: RESOLUTION NO. 86 -5 - After clarifying why the speed limit ESTABLISHING SPEED on Ridgegate was being increased to LIMITS (1502) 35 M. P . H . , it was the consensus of Council that the speed limit remain at 30 M. P .H . RESOLUTION NO. 86 -5 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RAN- CHO PALOS VERDES ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMITS ON VARIOUS STREETS WITHIN THE. CITY was presented by title and a- dopted as revised on motion of Councilman Hughes, seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried. ADJOURNMENT At 10:55 P.M. the meeting adjourned on motion of Councilman Hughes, ATTEST: MAYOR 1 704CP /MIN13.1 -6 11 -6- February 4, 1986