CC MINS 19860121M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VE RDES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 21, 1986 The. meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Hinchl-iffe at the Fred Hesse Community Park Center, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard. Following the pledge of allegiance to the Flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: HUGHES , RYAN, BACHARACH , McTAGGART & MAYOR HINCHLIFFE LATE ARRIVAL: RYAN AT 7:38 P.M. Also present were City Manager Donald F. Guluzzy, City Attorney Steve Dorsey, Acting Director of Environmental Services Ann Negendank, City Clerk Jo Purcell; Public Works Director George Wentz, Associate Planner Steve Rubin, City; Engineer Don Winslow, Assistant City Engineer Gary Wynn, and Charles Abbott. CEREMONIAL MATTE R Mayor Hinchliffe presented a gavel to outgoing Planning Commission Chairman Robert McNulty in appre- ciation for his Chairmanship from December 4, 1984 through December 17, 1985. Outgoing Traf=fic Committee Chairman Tim O'Shea received a gavel and procla- mation for. his tenure of office from December 7 , 1982 through December 17, 19850 Outgoing Transit Advisory Committee Chairman Dr. Margaret Blue received a gavel'- and proclamation for -her tenure of of f ice from January 29, 1985 through December 17, 1985. The Mayor commented that a plaque had also been prepared for outgoing Traf- fic Committee member Arline Grotz for her tenure on the Traffic Committee from April 18, 1978 through December 17, 1985 and for Environmental Servi- ceg Director Sharon W. Hightower who, on January 17, was presented with a plaque ;and proclamation in recognition of her service to the City from February 24, 1974 through January 15, 1986. WAIVER OF FULL READING OF ORDINANCES Councilman McTaggart moved, seconded AND RESOLUTIONS by Councilwoman Bacharach and car - ried , to waive reading in full of all ordinances and resolutions adopted at this meeting with consent to waiver of reading deemed to be 704CP /MIN100- 1 -8 -1- January 21, 1986 given by all councilmembers. after reading of the title, unless specific request was made at that time for the reading of such ordinance or resolu- tion. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The City Clerk announced the fol- lowing additions: Report from the Parks and Recreation Subcommittee, appointment of Council Committee for Specific Plan No. 3, and City Hall Entryway.. The agenda as amended was approved on motion of Councilwoman Bacharach, seconded by Councilman McTaggart and carried-­'zi CONSENT CALENDAR MINUTES ORDINANCE N0, 199 APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN N0. 2 (701) ORDINANCE NO. .2.01:, APPROVING CODE AMENDMENT N0, 22 RESOLUTION NO. 86 -1 CITY SELECTION COMMITTEE ( 306 x 1505 ) CLAIM. BY- BARBARA TOWERS (303) 704CP /MIN10.1 -8 The City Clerk announced -that the following items were deleted from the Consent Calendar: Resolution for Variance No. 125. The Consent Calendar was approved as follows on motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach, Approved minutes of December 3, 93 and 17, 19850 ADOPTED ORDINANCE N0, 199 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ' APPROV- ING SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 2. ADOPTED, ORDINANCE NO,. 201 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VE RDES APPROV- ING CODE AMENDMENT NO. 22. , ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO 86-1 OF- THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VE RDE S APPOINTING A MEMBER AND ALTERNATE ME MBE R OF SAID COUNCIL OF SAID CITY TO THE CITY SELECTION - COM- MITTEE, Rejected the claim and directed the City Clerk to notify the claimant. -2- January 21, 1986 MEDIAN LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE (1405) BUS SHELTERS (1505 ) RESOLUTION NO. 86 -2 - CONSULTANTS FOR PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS .(1204) HE S S E PARK - REPLACEMENT OF TILES (1201) Awarded the median landscape mainte- nance contract to Bennett Enterpri- ses to maintain landscaped medians until June 30, 19860 Accepted as satisfactory the con- struction and installation of the bus shelters and approved final pay- ment, ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. 86-2 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VE RDE S ADOPTING THE PROCEDURES FOR ENGAGEMENT OF CONSULTANTS FOR PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS. Awarded contract for replacement of ceramic tile at Hesse Park to Coef- ficient Coatings, Inc.', for a cost not to exceed $75,600, and author - ized CAA to administer the inspec- tion work for a cost not to exceed $15,120. Money to come from General Fund balances. PT. VICENTE INTERPRETIVE CENTER - Authorized Mayor= and City- Clerk to MARINE MAMMAL FUND (1201) sign agreement 'with, Marine Mammal Fund SIDEWALK REPAIR PROGRAM - Awarded the contract for Fiscal Year FISCAL YEAR 1985 -86 1985-86. to J.T. Garza Construction (1405) Inc., at a cost not to exceed $122 , 000. Money to come from the Gas Tax Fund-. REPLACEMENT OF TRUCK (302) RESOLUTION NO. 86 -3 REGISTER OF DE MAND S 704CP /MIN10.1 -8 Authorized purchase of a new Chevro- let pick -up truck from Champion Chevrolet not to exceed price of $9,800. Money to come from the Equipment Replacement Fund, ADOPTED RESOLUTION . N0. 86 -3 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VE RDE S ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND SPECIFYING FUNDS FROM WHICH SAME ARE TO BE PAID -3- --January 21, 1986 The motion to approve the Consent Calendar carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: HUGHES , RYAN , BACHARACH , McTAGGART , AND MAYOR HINCHLIFFE NOES: NONE ABSENT: NONE ABSTAIN:, NONE PROPOSED RENT CONTROL ORDINANCE Reporting as a member of the subcom- (1801) mittee, Councilman Ryan reported that a letter had been received from Corporate Management Services, rep- resentatives for Palos Verdes Apart- ments, -r- outlining their agreement for a 10% voluntary cap on rent increases. The subcommittee recommended- that the matter now be negotiated between the residents and the landlords. Speaking against rent control were the following individuals: Paul Lubin, representing Corporate Management Services, 4675 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Santa Clara Carter Comaford., 5959 Naples Plaza, and representing the Apartment Association; June and John Wasko, 28926 Indian Valley Road; Joseph Yousem, 1452 6th Street, Santa Monica, representing the Porto Verde apartments; Tom Alley, 6304 Sattes Drive; George Krayniak, 28425 Meadow - mist Drive; Jim Stockwell, 25535 Alline Avenue, Lomita, representing the Apartment Association; Brenda McKinnon, 2928 Briarwood Drive; Kent Mou- ton, 10960 Wilshire Boulevard_, representing the Porto Verde Corporation; and Jay DeMiranda, 6916 Verde Ridge Road, representing the Greater Los An- geles Apartment Association. In stating their objection, these speakers cited the small percentage of renters within the City, the cost for admini- stering.s -such an ordinance, allowing the market demands to determine the rental 'prices -for. units, the. effect rent control would have on property value and the subsequent effect on property taxes, Speaking in support of the ordinance was Virginia Larsen, 32640 Nantasket Drive, and Pamela Fore- man, 6756 Los Verdes Drive. Ms. Larsen reported on the agreement reached between the landlord of Porto Verde and the tenants in that complex. Ms. Foreman indicated that the.agreement had just been received from Corporate Management Services and she had not yet had an opportunity to review it. Council then - discussed supporting the subcommittee suggestion that this matter.be tabled since there appeared to be agreement between the tenants and the landlords , or whether the item should be brought back to a later meeting. Councilman Hughes moved, seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach and carried to adopt the subcommittee's recommendation and that this matter be tabled. At 9:00 P.M-. the Mayor declared a brief recess. At 9:10 P.M. the meeting reconvened. 704CP /MIN10.1 -8 -4- January 21, 1986 VARIANCE-NO. 125 Councilwoman Bacharach moved , sec- (1804) onded by Councilman Ryan to table this matter until the February 4th meeting. Motion carried unanimous- ly. AUDIENCE QUESTIONS Tree Removal - Responding to the Mayor's call for questions on items not on the agenda was Anastasia Wittenberg, 26758 Grayslake. .She cited her con - cerns about the tree removal, the reason for their removal, and the impact she felt this had on the aesthetics of the neighborhood. Council informed Ms. Wittenberg that trees were removed only if they are the type of tree that does damage to the sidewalk, curbs or gutters. GEOTECHNICAL `REVIEW BOARD City Manager Guluzzy presented the ( 201) January 21 staff memorandum which outlined information regarding the Geotechnical Review Boards for Los Angeles County, the City of Los An- geles and Orange County. Additionally, the staff report listed seven cases that could have possibly been reviewed by such a Geotechnical Board, C =ity Engineers Don Winslow and Gary Wynn reported on their conversations with Los :Angel-es County wherein it was suggested that the City submit a re- quest to the County for use�of their Geotechnical Board. After a brief discussion of use of the County Board versus forming a City review board, Councilwoman , Bacharach moved,- seconded Eby f Councilman McTag- gart and carried to work with the County to use their Geotechnical Review Board on an experimental basis for one year and at the end of that time staff should report back on cases heard and experience gained. HAWTHORNE BOULEVARD MEDIAN City Manager Guluzzy presented the ASTROTURF (1405 ) January 21 staff memorandum recom- mending that Council authorize $6,000 from the General Fund Balance to remove the Astroturf from the Hawthorne Boulevard median. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman Hughes to approve the staff recommendation.. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: HUGHES , RYAN, BACHARACH , McTAGGART , AND MAYOR HINCHLIFFE NOES: NONE ORDINANCE NO. 203 - VESTING City Manager Guluzzy presented the TENTATIVE MAPS (1411) January 21 staff memorandum recom- mending that Council introduce the 704CP /MIN10.1 -8 -5- January 21, 1986 proposed ordinances ;provding for vesting of tentative maps and"amend- ing the Municipal Code, Acting Director Negendank explained the state law necessitating the adop- tion of this ordinance. ORDINANCE N0, 203 OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES PROVIDING FOR JESTING TENTATIVE MAPS AND AMENDING THE RANCHO PALOS VERDES MUNICIPAL CODE was read by title and INTRODUCED on motion of Councilwoman Bacharach, seconded by Councilman Hughes and carried. STATUS OF COU-NGIL DIRECTIVES Narbonne Right -of -way - The City Attorney reported that they are still searching to find the previous owners of this property. A written report will be .submitted: to the Council for inclusion in the City Manager's Status Report, Vicious Dog Ordinance ­The City Attorney reported that he will send a copy of research done on this matter to the City Council. DEEP POCKET INITIATIVE Council discussed the extent to which the City can participate in publicizing the Deep Pocket Initia- tive scheduled f or the June Primary Election. It was determined that the City fcan publicize the problems encountered with c laims against ` the City and the impact this has on the City's budget. (At 9:50 P.M. the =City Attorney was excused.-from the meeting.) LETTER FROM MRS . ROBERTA VON City Manager Guluzzy presented the VOELKER REGARDING, HAWTHORNE January 21 staff memorandum and re- BOULEVARD CENSUS (1405) commended that Council request staff to use code enforcement to have un- sightly pilasters along Hawthorne Boulevard between Granvia Altamira and Eddinghill removed or straight- ened and consider a Specific Plan for Hawthorne Boulevard in the Fiscal Year 1986 -87 budget review. Council discussion followed on whether the Homeowners Association could be instrumental in having these repairs made or whether the code enforcement approach would be best. Councilman Hughes moved, seconded by Councilwoman B acharach and carried to have the Mayor send a letter requiring that the pilasters be straightened and correct any fencing deficiencies that may exist. The letter should also include some positive suggestions on what can be done to make improvements. 704CP /MIN10`-1 -8 -6- - January 21, 1986 CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Juvenile. Diversion - Mayor Hinchliffe reported on the cuts in budget made by the Federal Government for Juvenile Diversion. More than likely, South Bay Juvenile Diversion will be requesting funding from cities within the next fiscal year . Sanitation District Meeting - The Mayor reported on his attendance at the Sanitation District meeting where the sewer assessment rate was increased from $:12 to $18, SCAG water Policy (310) - Referring to the December 4th letter from SCAG requesting support for the -water policy adopted by the Executive Committee of that organization, Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Mayor Hinchliffe to adopt this water policy. Motion carried. Deep Pocket Initiative - Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Council- man Hughes and carried, to send a letter in support of the Deep Pocket Ini- tiative. It was the consensus that an article be published in the newsletter publicizing the effects of the Deep Pocket Doctrine. Parks and Recreation Subcommittee (1201) - Councilwoman Bacharach reported on the subcommittee's meeting with staff regarding the role of the Parks and Recreation Committee. It was the consensus, at the meeting, that the committee be disbanded until such time as future park development begins. Jean Longacre, 6 Martingale Drive, spoke against disbanding the committee and suggested some areas that could be considered by a new committee, Councilman Hughes moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart to, disband , the Parks and Recreation Committee as presently constituted and accept the re- signation of the members. The motion was carried. It was the consensus that the subcommittee would continue to work on recommendations for a fu- ture Parks and Recreation Committee. CITY MANAGER REPORTS Preparation for City Council Retreat - Mayor Hinchliffe reported that dis- cussion at the retreat will be limited to three items; Portuguese Bend Landslide, Long Range Objectives, and Revenue Raising Issues. Subcommittee on Specific Plan No. 3 - Mayor Hinchliffe appointed Councilwo- man Bacharach and Councilman Hughes to be the subcommittee for Specific Plan No. 3. City Hall Entryway (1201) - City Manager Guluzzy presented the January 21 staff memorandum which recommended that Council authorize construction of the new Civic Center entry as indicated on the proposed design. Installa- tion of this driveway at this time will coincide with building of the tract across from the City Hall entrance. The contractor on that job will pro- vide the fill dirt and the engineering at no cost to the City. A total of between $90,000 and $120,000 will be saved if the City proceeds at this time on this matter* 704CP /MIN10.1 -8 -7- January 21, 1986 Discussion then centered on the location of .'the soccer field. 'and if it could be properly relocated when development proceeds. Councilman Hughes moved , seconded by Councilman McTaggar t, and . ,carried to- proceed with the redesign. ADJOURNMENT At 11:00 P.M. the meeting adjourned to January 31st at 7:00 P.M. at Pa- padakis Restaurant, West 6th Street, San Pedro. That dinner meeting will then be adjourned to the February 1st City Council re- treat, MAY R ATTEST: 704CP /MIN10.1 -8 -8- January 21, 1986