CC MINS 19870221 ADJM I N U T E S
February 21, 1987
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 A.M. by Mayor Hughes, at Fred Hesse
Community Park, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard, notice having been given with
affidavit thereto on file.
Also present were City Manager Dennis McDuffie, Public Works Director
George Wentz, Finance Director Kevin N. Smith, Leisure Services Director
Mary Thomas , Environmental Services Director Robert Benard , and City Clerk
Jo Purcell.
Opening remarks and welcoming was made by Mayor Hughes.
Tree Removal Program - Director Wentz gave an overview of this ongoing pro-
gram; summarized the history of the program and generally brought every -one
up -to -date on where it now stands.
Audience questions dealt with trimming trees for view, and review of commu-
nity standards on limiting the height of trees.
Bus Shelters /Palos Verdes Transit - Transit Administrator Marta Espantman
gave a brief overview of the use of Proposition A Funds and their use in
regard to Palos Verdes Transit. Additionally, she made a slide presenta-
tion showing the current bus shelters and the shelters proposed by the
Media Shelter Company. These shelters will have an advertising panel,
however, the City will have control over what will be advertised.
The audience questions dealt with the types of bus shelters that would be
put in certain areas, particularly along Palos Verdes Drive East,
Portuguese Bend Landslide Abatement - Mayor Hughes gave a brief overview of
the history of the slide and the efforts undertaken to halt its movement.
He explained the nature of the slide and the recent earth moving project
and the just completed hydroseeding project. He also alluded to the lobby-
ing efforts that will be necessary in order to get the Army Corps of Engi-
neers to do a study of the coastline. That study will be used to get addi-
tional funding which will be used to further stabilize the area.
Cable Television - Councilwoman Bacharach summarized the action taken to
date in getting the Cable TV Access Channel and how it will be available
for various civic groups in the community. Generally, she went on to ex-
plain the Community Access Program and the fact that the City Council has
now appointed a Cable TV Advisory Board.
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Refuse Disposal Franchise - Councilwoman Bacharach summarized the meetings
that have taken place with the various refuse companies in an effort to de-
termine whether or not the City should create a franchise or if the present
system should be changed.
Neighborhood Watch - Terri Werner, the Neighborhood Watch Coordinator sum-
marized this Crime Prevention Program and said that she is available to
meet with Homeowner's Associations to explain the program.
False Alarm - Mayor Hughes explained the False Alarm Ordinance and the
amount of time spent by the Sheriff's Department in responding to false
alarms. He also explained the fine system that is part of the ordinance.
Recess - At 10:00 A.M. the Mayor declared a recess. At 10:15 A.M. the
meeting reconvened.
Marineland - Mayor Hughes summarized what has taken place since the pur-
chase of Marineland by Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich. He further explain-
ed the reasons for adoption of Ordinance No. 213U. Citing the fact that
Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich has put up barriers to prevent coastal ac-
cess, he explained that the company has been notified that people cannot
be denied access to the coastal area. Additionally, he explained that the
staff and the City Attorney have been directed to research what legal ac-
tion can be taken to enforce the coastal access provision of Ordinance
No. 213U. The City Attorney has also been directed to contact the State
Attorney General's office to ensure that the Coastal Act is being adhered
to with regard to access to the coast.
Council then discussed the illegal fines that could be charged, and the
signs that Marineland had posted on the east side of the parking lot.
Staff was requested to re- examine the ordinance to make sure that all of
the violations subject to a fine are covered in it, that Harcourt, Brace
and Jovanovich be encouraged to take advantage of every opportunity to com-
municate to the Council any difficulty they are having with public access
provisions. Council discussed the release of a press statement indicating
that it is the intention of the Council to support access to the coast and
encourage Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich to comply with that request.
Council discussed the picketing and demonstrations that had recently taken
place at the location and the suggestion was made that demonstrators use
restraint when picketing the area. The Mayor suggested that a press re-
lease be made regarding that item.
Discussion continued regarding the press release by Harcourt, Brace and Jo-
vanovich and the fact that they promised to continue the animal care fa-
cility at the site. Reference was then made to the subcommittees meeting
with groups regarding the continuation of the animal care facility and
their concern that adequate provision be made for funding on a long -term
basis for such a facility. The Mayor requested that staff contact all of
the necessary interested parties and see if some way could be found to for-
mally set up long -term funding for the continuation and staffing of this
facility. He explained that the Foundation for care of the animals is
currently inactive and not involved in operating the animal care facility.
He went on to explain that Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich's position is for
the short -term and that the Department of Fishery and Waterways, the issu-
ing agency for a permit for such an animal care facility, is interested in
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a long -term commitment. Additional discussion took place on whether Har-
court, Brace and Jovanovich could commit to a six, month or a one year com-
mitment for the facility.
The City Attorney then gave his opinion about the City's part in requiring
Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich to remain open and opined on the various
constitutional issues involved in such a matter.
In response to Council's inquiry about the demolition that is presently
taking place, staff responded that a building official has gone to the site
and made inspections and it was concluded that the work being done did not
require a permit, that it was all superficial work. No mechanical or
structural work was being done.
The Mayor then requested that staff act as a catalyst in pulling all these
things together and that the public contact the City Manager about funding
ideas. The Mayor urged the City Council to consider negotiating with Har-
court, Brace and Jovanovich for an adequate educational facility at the
Point Vicente site and to provide land at Marineland for an animal care
facility. The pros and cons of having this activity at Point Vicente in-
stead of at the Marineland area were discussed. Additional Council discus-
sion dealt with having Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich meet with the Council
to discuss their plans for the site; request that they provide funding for
the educational site, and if the City should take the money that Harcourt,
Brace and Jovanovich had already offered. The suggestion was made that
perhaps the Coastal Plan should be revised and that a Specific Plan be
devised which would have a theme for that area.
Councilman Hinchliff a moved the Mayor's recommendation, the motion was
seconded by Councilwoman Bacharach. (At 11:09 A.M. Councilman Ryan left
the meeting.) The motion carried on the following roll call vote:
A brief discussion then continued on the efforts for special legislation
regarding removal of the animals from the state. Also discussed was the
sign at Marineland which Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich has agreed to give
the City.
Adjournment - At 11:13 A.M. the meeting adjourned on motion of Councilman
City Clerk
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