CC MINS 19880830 JNTM I N U T E S
AUGUST 30, 1988
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. at the Fred
Hesse Park Community Park, 29301 Hawthorne Blvd.
Also present were Planning Commissioners Connolly, Von Hagen,
McNulty, Ortolano, and Wike. Trails Committee Members
Longacre, Bloland, and Sunshine were present. Traffic
Committee Members Wheeler, Blue, Iseda, Mills and West were
also in attendance.
Also in attendance were City Manager McDuffie, Public Works
Director Wentz, Parks and Recreation Director Thomas,
Environmental Services Director Benard, Administrative
Assistant Luppens, City Clerk Jo Purcell, and Acting Senior
Planner Fuz.
COASTAL ISSUES Discussion amongst the Planning
Commission and City Council
first dealt with plans for trails and roads along the coastal
bluff areas. of concern was encroachment into the coastal
setback area and the clarification necessary for what would
be allowed in that area. A question arose whether the state
law required a bluff top access road and it was stated that
this is a requirement of the City's Coastal Specific Plan.
In further discussion of coastal bluff trails, it was
clarified that all of the coastal access policy is outlined
in the City's Coastal Specific Plan.
The discussion next centered on the liability aspect of the
coastal areas and in particular how other cities treat that
issue. With regard to the issue of protecting the coastal
bluff areas it was the consensus that the Commission should
always err on the side of keeping the bluff trail open.
Regarding open space credit and whether a trade-off should be
made between the kind of project and the intensity of the
project, staff indicated that particular subject was
presently under study*
The Traffic Committee expressed concern about whether they
were getting adequate information about projects in the
Coastal Subregion 7 area. In particular they were concerned
about the traffic impact resulting from the various proposed
developments. Staff pointed out that traffic considerations
are part of the environmental impact studies done for large
GRADING AND OTHER The Council and Commission dis-
DEVELOPMENT ISSUES cussed the issue of grading and
how on individual projects the
grading is done strictly in accordance with the City's code
however big projects, such as subdivisions, are treated
differently. The issue of grading for trails and the
difference between the trails and the standards that have
been applied was the next area of discussion. Briefly
touched upon was the housing stock and how the proposed
projects might effect that stock.
Committee and Trails
the various projects
their impact. It was
take place on a Satu
The Mayor proposed that a field
trip for the City Council, the
Planning Commission, Traffic
Committee be arranged so they can visit
within the City and view firsthanded
the consensus that such a meeting should
rday and be followed by lunch.
EMERGENCY SERVICES Councilman Hughes reported on
the outcome of the Contract
Cities suit ambulance service suit against the County of Los
Angeles and how it has resulted in very high rates for
transporting people to the nearest hospital.
The issue of emergency preparedness was next discussed and in
particular the part that the Traffic Committee would play in
creating a plan for the City. It was the consensus that an
emergency preparedness work session be planned and that the
Traffic Committee and perhaps County disaster personnel
should be in attendance at that meeting.
COMMUNICATIONS The Traffic Committee members
expressed concern about getting
all of the information for the various projects brought to
them so they could, determine the cumulative effect of the
various projects along the coast. The possibility of
requiring scale models for Planning Commission use was
suggested as a means to determine more accurately the result
of grading.
The Trails Committee reported that they are in the process of
identifying all of the easements in the City and are also
revising the Trails Master Plan and intend to incorporate
them into the Loop Trail Plan. A brief discussion followed
regarding the necessary relationship required in requesting
developers to provide trails adjacent to developments.
-2- AUGUST 30, 1988
The Planning Commission pointed out that they need this kind
of information when ruling on projects.
The minutes of the Trails Committee meetings were next
discussed and whether those minutes could reflect the
detailed requirements of the Committee in dealing with
trails. After discussion, it was the consensus that the
Trails Committee should devise a policy whereby their
specific recommendations would be in the form of resolutions
thereby obviating verbatim minutes.
RECESS At 10-008 P.M. the Mayor
declared a recess. At 10-016
P.M. the meeting reconvened for the City Council, City
Manager and the City Clerk only.
CONSULTANT AND The City Manager requested that
RETREAT DATE the City Council authorize the
hiring of a consultant to
perform his evaluation.
A discussion followed regarding the necessity for a
consultant, how the consultant would conduct his interviews,
the fact that the consultant can approach each member of the
City Council on an individual basis and that those opinions
can be summarized and used in the evaluation. Councilman
Hinchliffe moved, seconded by Councilman Hughes to hire the
consultant at a cost not to exceed $1,000. The motion
carried on the following roll call vote.
The Council next discussed the date for the City Manager re-
treat and it was the consensus that the City Council would
meet for dinner on Friday, September 30, 1988 and that the
retreat would be conducted on October 1, 1988, and if
necessary, October 2nd. It was also the consensus that the
tentative agenda would contain the following items: Monaghan
Development, golf course, housing, public works concepts, the
strategy for Barna Szabo, view initiative, taxes, and
Eastside issues*
At 11:15 P.M. the meeting
adjourned on motion of Council-
-3- AUGUST 30, 1988