CC MINS 19890502M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MAY 2, 1989 The regular business meeting was called to order at 7.*50 P.M. by Mayor Bacharach, at Hesse Park Community Center, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard, PRESENT* �McTAGGART.. HUGHES, HINCHLIFFE, RYAN AND 9 MAYOR BACHARACH ABSENT: NONE Also present were City'Manager Dennis McDuff ie, City Attorney Ariel Calonne, DiT ector of Environmental Services Robert Benard,.Pu-blic Works Director George Wentz, Finance Director Kevin Smith and City Clerk Jo Purcell, WAIVER OF FULL READINGS: Councilman Hughes -moved, - ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS seconded by Councilman Hinchliffe and carried to waive reading in full of all ordinance and resolutions adopted at this meeting with consent to the waiver of reading deemed to be given by all councilmembers after reading of the title of such ordinance or resolutions. ADDITION TO AGENDA Because an emergency situation existed necessitating the approval.of the easement between the County Sanitation District and the City discussion of the item was added to the Agenda with the consensus that it would be considered as the last item of New Business. 'Councilman McTaggart so moved, seconded by Councilman Hinchliffe and carried unanimously, CONSENT CALENDAR After removal of the item regarding Waiver of Penalty Fees for various street addresses on Tarrasa Drive, the Consent Calendar was approved by Councilman McTaggart, seconded. by, Councilman Hughes, MINUTES Approved the minutes of March 27 and April 10, 18, 1989. STREET /CONCRETE REPAIR PROJECT FY 1988 -89 GRANDVIEW AREA (1404) TRACT NO. 44239 (VILLA CAPRI) ACCEPTANCE OF TRACT IMPROVEMENTS (701 X 1411) the City Clerk to notify the this action. Awarded the contract to Excel paving at a cost not to exceed $239,147, plus provide a contingency of $24,000 for a total of $263,147. Accepted the on -site improve - ments for the recreational facility as complete and re- leased the Faithful Performance Bonds for this item. Directed" surety-and the principal of RESOLUTION NO. -89 -36 Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89 -36 -- RENEWAL OF FIVE YEAR LAW A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY ENFORCEMENT AGREEMENT COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO (1286) PALOS VERDES REQUESTING ADDITIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES WITHIN THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES FROM THE LOS ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT UNDER THE CITY- COUNTY LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES AGREEMENT. RESOLUTION NO. 89 -37 PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON WESTERN AVENUE (1502) STOPPING ZONE WEEKDAYS FROM EAST SIDE-OF WESTERN AVENUE CHURCH. AND SCHOOLS Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 89 -37 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES ESTABLISHING A NO 7:00-A.M. TO 7:00 P.M. ON THE ADJACENT TO THE CHRIST LUTHERAN LADERA LINDA REMODELING Awarded the contract to Jamik CONTRACT (3201) Construction at a cost not to exceed $32,287.86 plus provide a 10% contingency of $3,228.79 f or a total expenditure of $35,516.670 Authorized the addition to budget line item 001- 301, 530- 00 -910 SANITATION DISTRICT AGREEMENT (1) Directed the City Attorney ELECTRICAL. SERVICE - to prepare an agreement. WESTMONT AVENUE PARK SITE between the City and Sanitation (1201 x 1402) Districts to bring permanent electrical service to the Sanitation Districts' Westmont Avenue site at this' time; and, (2) Authorized expenditure of -:up to $27,040 for construction costs from-environmental excise tax funds. CLAIM AGAINST THE Rejected the claim and re:- CITY BY MENDOZA (303) quested the Risk Manager to notify the claimant. -2 - MAY 2, 1989 RESOLUTION NO* 89-38 Adopted RESOLUTION NO* 89-38 REGISTER OF DEMANDS ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND SPECIFYING FUNDS FROM WHICH THE SAME ARE TO BE PAID* The motion to approve the Consent Calendar carried on the following roll call vote. AYES* McTAGGART, HINCHLIFFE, RYAN, HUGHES AND MAYOR BACHARACH NOES* NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS. WATT SUBDIVISION - RESOL* The City Manager presented.- NO. 89 -39 CERTIFYING the staff recommendation to FINAL EIR NO* 28 - RESOL,* adopt the three.,proposed 89-40 APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO'e 45667 RESOLe NO. 89-41 CONDITIONAL Council inquired why staff USE PERMIT NOV 130o(14111) was recommending 47,units instead of the 43 approved at the April'18, 1989 meeting., Staff.. responded that this recommendation was the result of a staff review of a revised tentative map submitted by the developer where it was determined that with these.47 lots the. grading could be reduced and all of the other Council concerns had been addressed. Representing Watt was their attorney, Steve Kap ' Ian, 1.334 Park Avenue, Manhattan Beach, who told the Council that his client has w ' orked with staff to abide by.the City Council direction, that they met with the City Manager and the Director of Environmental Services to show them a revised design...a.nd again on another occasion to address the concerns raised by the Council. He said that a lot of work had gone .into .this project and that it had been well thought outand-planned. He said that his client believed that a 47 lot sub-division was an appropriate number for this site, P, With respect to the grading restrictions he said that his client had . met the criteria of 250,000 cubic.yards.; that the streets would be private but without gates; lot pads would be a 3-1 or gentler slope* and he then distributed a.: drawing showing the grading profile of this development versus the grading of other developments along Palos Verdes Drive South, He requested that Council consider allowing a,height of 26 feet for the structures near Palos Verdes.Drive:South instead of the recommended 24 feet and he also requested a square footage of 5100 feet be approved for the residences. He -3- MAY 2, 1989 stated that this was not a disproportionate size for,the lots involved. Regarding the I trails, he said that his clients supported the staff analysis and agreed to the trail along Palos Verdes Dr. South. He said that the lots proposed did not present the problems that existed at the prior Council meetings. He-reiterated his support for the staff's recommendation with the exception of the 24 ft. restriction. Council inquired why the number of lots was the only factor considered for change and why the 2 foot reduct I ion in height made such a difference. Donald Kowalewsky, Environmental and Engineering Geologist, 22933 Pac'ific.Coast Highway, Suite C, Malibu, CA. 90265, presented a-prepared statement to the City Council regarding an independent engineering geological review of Tentative Tract 45667. Mr. Kowalewsky's statement is on file with the City Clerk's Office and made a part of this record. Mr. Kowalewsky's- letter contained a list of comments principally related to the geotechnical reports prepared for this tract. He suggested that additi*onal*work be done to.,evaluate the proposed development and to study some of the concerns raised in his report, Phil Robinson, 3205 Barkentine, representing the Abalone-Cove Homeowners' Association thanked the City Council for the guidelines that were given to the staff at the last meeting and said that he was very disappointed that they had been changed, particularly on the key issue of density. He said that he thought the developer and staff would be sensitive to that issue. He requested that the Cit,Y'Councilconsider having the minimum number of lots and that they bekept at 15,000 square feet. Roberta Watkins, 3136 Marne Dre., cited.her.concern for the effect that this tract would have on the property in her neighborhood and referred to Section 1102 of the California Civil Code dealing with sale of real estate and the provision requiring mandatory disclosure of certain information when homes are being sold. She questioned who would b6nefit from the installation of the trails in that area. Ann Richardson,, 30833 Cartier Dr., expressed.her concerns about land mo * vement'in the area and she said that safety was an issue'* She requested that Council check the developer's plans thoroughly. She also referred.to homes on Rhone Dr. that had structural problems because they were built on pads that did not have "correct drainage. -4- MAY 2, 1989 Joel King, 6919 Maycroft, expressed his concerns about the development going on in the City and suggested that a trust fund be implemented to pay for any . problems,arising as a result of developments. Responding to a - remark by Mr. King that the City,.Attorne'ylp office worked for Ray"Watt, City Attorney Calonne said that his office did not presently work for the Watt Company, that they had done work for the Watt Company in the pals.t. Currently there''are no relation's with Mr. Watt and nothing ever existed that .would raise a conflict of- interest Lois Larue, 3136/Barkentine, talked about the condition of the Barkentine Canyon over the past 15 years. She,said she has been reading the minutes of 1976 and 1977 dealing with the Presley Development and in particular with how the drainage from that development 'Would go into the canyon. nyon. She inquired about the hydrology of the Watt development and then presented photographs of the project area and'of the canyon where she said she found water. She explained how she thought runoff drains into the canyon. She presented pictures of"the canyon and what was carried by the water down onto the property. She said that the water coming down into the canyon has a great deal of power and is capable of carrying rocks with it, Carl Vonder Linden,, 5 Stowe Lane, Menlo Park, representing the Watt Cbmpan'y*, In response to Mr* Kowalewsky's, statement-said that the geology investigation of the area would continue. Be said that he had spent half a day in the canyon area checking on the geologic formations. RECESS AND RECONVENE At 9:07 P.M. the Mayor declared a recess. At 919018 P.M. the meeting reconvened. AUDIENCE' QUESTIONS: Responding to the Mayor's call for audience questions was Roy Fulwider, 28219 Hazelridge, who voiced his opposition to the undergrounding and the cost thereof: cited his opposition to the tower antenna, and.., requested that the Council plant.more trees a''long Hawthorne Boulevard., Lois Knight Larue, 3136 Barkentine, presented some pictures to the City Council depicting repair of certain items by the Public Works De'pa'rtment,at the Point Vicente Interpretive Center. These pictures were of the water pipe and the lamps along the walkway at the park. Staff was.requested to prepare':I-a response to the Council to Mso Larue's,questionsO. Rudy Maus, 420 Mesa Road, Santa Monica, inquired-about the notification process to the homeowner associations about the MAY 2, 1989 recycling program. He also asked if the City was going to return the funds to the..homeowner,ls association.and inquired about the lee for recycling. Lyle Quatrochi, 4002 Exultant, recommended that the City Council consider putting a cap on the length of the City Council meetings.. Warren Sweetnam, 7 Top Rail, President of the Rancho Palos Verdes Council ofBomeowners' Associations, inquired about the method of notifying residents about the May 3rd hearing on the View Initiative, WATT SUBDIVISION, Council resumed its discussion of the Watt subdivision. Edward Pearson, 4184 Maritime Rd., engineer for the Watt Company,, explained the reasons for requesting the 47 lots, how the road could be placed.on,the property to minimize inimi,ze the grading export.and the criteria used to establish the.,side- yard set backs. When considering the 47 lots he said that they met'all of the required criteria. Council then inquired why some of the houses were still on the 35% slope area, how some of the -lots-would-take access from 15% street grades; how the lots fronting the street would be conditioned; and, if the driveway.in those-homes would be circular. There being no further testimony on the item the . Mayor declared the hearing closed. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded.by Councilman McTaggart to change the resolutions to reflect the 43 single family residential lot project* that the reduction in lots was to, avoid the adverse impact of filling the ravine and lessening the impact of exporting grading material-* Additional Council discussion ' then included concern about the driveways at ,a certain sharp curve in the project; about the sight visibility from certain lots, and the.fact that 43 lots is a more environmentally sensitive design. Concern,Was expressed about lots 43 and 17 because of the slope of the road, and the suggestion was made to remove lots 47 and 1. The consensus was.to remove lots 12, 13, 17,.,and 43. The motion carried on a 4-1 vote, with Councilmember Hinchliffe voting in opposition. The next issue to be discussed was.-whether the streets should be private to reduce City liability or if they should be public. Mayor 13acharach moved,:. seconded by Councilman Hinchliffe that'the streets in this project be public, "W6- MAY 2, 1989 The motion carried on a 4-1,vote with Councilman. Ryan voting in opposition. The next itemsof discussion were the trai1s, and the ctrl -de- sac in the project .and how that . might be affected. by the trails,* Street grades were then discussed and how the gra-d.es of the project streets compared-with existing City streets,, Conpern . was expressed about the slope.. of these streets a.nd if this project should. be delayed without prejudice to give it further co'nsideration,* Mayor Ba'charach moved, seconded by Councilman Hinchliffe to denywithout prejudice-this project,, The motion failed on the following roll call.voteo AYES, HINCHLIFFEF BACHARACH NOES: McTAGGART, HUGHES AND RYAN Council then proceeded to discuss the various provisions of the proposed resolutions: Mayor Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan to ,establish that the .Saturda.y,hours of construction would " be' .pursuant to. the ,;Cityl I st code, the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman Hughes to re q.'u-i*re an additional Sheriff's car to monitor the truck traffic involved in thi's project. The motion carried unanimously. Additional discussion clarified that this development specifically excluded luded individual,lot sales; that a requirement for maintenance of the drainage swalesbe "included in CUP; installation of certain solar energy requirements; a 'requirement that the .,trucks, trans-porting the fill be covered; and, the fact that there should be a prohibition that adjacent structures cannot have the same profile. Additionally, that class "A" -,roof shingles were required. Discussion next centered on the-size of the homes and if 5100 square feet could be considered excessively - large* Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart to allow 4300 square feet as the maximum square footage of the living area of the homes. The motion carried on a 3-2 vote with Councilmembers Hinchliffe and Bacharaoh voting -in opposition. a The next item of discussion was street lights and whether they were appropriate for this tract. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Hughes to eliminate the street lights. The motion barr'ied'unanimously. Discussion then stopped for Carl Vonder Linden to check into further information.. DEL CERROUND9RGROUNDING DISTRICT RESOL* NOS* 89-41 AND 8942 (901) report of May 2nd and the Close the public hearing The Mayor announced that. -this. was .a continued .public hearing on this matter. The City Manager presented the staff recommendations as follows: (1) on the original Engineer's Report -7- I and the proposed changes in connection with Rancho Palos Verdes Improvement District No* 9, Del Cerro* t2) Adopt RESOLe OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOSVERDES ORDERING PROPOSED CHANGES TO BE MADEr' CONFIRMING A PROPOSED ASSESSMENT, CONFIRMING A PROPOSED MAXIMUM ANNUAL ASSESSMENT, ORDERING PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MADE AND DECLARING ITS,' ACTION UPON THE ENGINEER'S REPORT, AS MODIFIED, AND THE ASSESSMENT IN CONNECTION WITH RANCHO PALOS VERDES 'IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 9*r DEL CERROe (3) Adopt'A RESOL. OFITHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES AUTHORIZING'THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS REPRESENTING UNPAID ASSESSMENIrS IN CONNECTION WITH RANCHO PALOS VERDES IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT N'O* 9, DEL CERRO* The Public Works Director announced that depending upon the outcome of the hearing that staff would request,the. City Council to award this contract and that this item be added to the agenda. The City Attorney reported that this was a combined.hearing On the e,ng,ineer's report.and. a hearing on the formation of the district. Add.itionally, that protests would - remain in effect unless they were withdrawn prior to this hearing. Wouter van Biene, 21-Odeanire Dr*, representing the Del Cerro Homeowners' Association, told the Council that this issue has been debated ,in'the neighborhood and cited 'the fact that even though the project was re-bid that the figurep came in 4W essentially the same. The'neighborhood now was looking, at the project based upon its merits. He said aid that ,a majority of the residents effected were in favor of. proceeding with the project* He said he was concerned about the'dost'. He then requested that the Council consider paving the streets in the neighborhood after the completion of the undergrounding, and that th.6,Council consider giving people .3 to 4 additional days to send in their requests for the hook- up* Council discussed the possibility of the ' City Attorney investigating whether the bonds for this district could be privately placed, the schedule for the capital improvement program and how the streets in that area would be worked into that program. z Al Rosenthal, 14 Amber Sky, expressed ." his-concern- about the cost for the project and'J,p particular about some of the administrative fees such as legal, bond counsel fees, printing costs and City administrative fees. He said that these costs totaled,$50,000, which was a 10% loa-*d factor, and requested that Council consider waving some of them. He'. suggested that Council determine whether these bonds could be sold privately. -8- MAY 2, 1989 Speaking in opposition to this district was. .Dr.. Bruce Franklin, 15 Oceanaire Dr., who said that the only-benef it he would get.from this would be to have a telephone. -line buried. He complained about the cost and said he felt that there were a lot of u- nnecessary,expenses.. In particular, he cited the unexplained contingency amount of $42,000 and said that ., the elimination of these expenses would reduce the colt signif icantly . . He also requested elimination of some of-the- bond fees Council then discussed if there would be some action -taken on the street lights, and whether the residents were in favor of keeping them There being no response to the Mayor's call for further public testimony she declared the hearing closed. The Public Works Diirector announced that in comparing the protest received, not including the letters received requesting withdrawl of names, that a 43.9 %' protest was received against the - formation of this district. Extra time was given to Public Works Director Wentz to calculate the protest percentage received, (At this point in .the; hearing Council resumed . discussion of the Watt project so the resolutions pertaining to that project could be presented for adoption.) WATT SUBDIVISION - RESOLUTION' NO 89.39 TRACT 45667 -1 RESOL .. -NOS . CERTIFYING ENVIRONMENTAL 89 --39, 89 -40 AND 89 -410 IMPACT REPORT NO. 28 AND (1411) MAKING CERTAIN ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS I:N CONNECTION WITH TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO, 45677r CONDITIONAL,, USE PERMIT NO. 130 AND GRADING APPLICATION NO. 1061 was presented by title and adopted on motion of Councilman Ryan ,. seconded by Councilman Hughes. The motion carried on a 4 -1 vote with Mayor Bacharach voting in opposition. RESOLUTION 89 -40 APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 45667 FOR A RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CONSISTING OF 43 RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND 7 OPEN SPACE LOTS IN A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT ALONG THE 6500 BLOCK OF PALOS VERDES DRIVE SOUTH was presented by title and adopted on motion , of - Councilman Ryan, seconded. by Councilman: Hughes. The motion carried -,on a 3 -2 vote with Councilmembers�Hinchliffe and Bacharach voting in. opposi.tiond, RESOLUTION NO* 89 -41 APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 130 AND GRADING APPLICATION NO. 1061 FOR A RESIDENTIAL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT CONSISTING OF 43 RESIDENTIAL LOTS AND 7 OPEN SPACE LOTS IN-A- .-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT ALONG -9- MAY 2, 1989 THE 6500 BLOCK OF PALOS VERDES DRIVE SOUTH was presented by title and adopted on motion of Councilman Ryan, seconded by Councilman McTaggart. - The-motion carried on a .3-2 vote with Councilmembers-,Bacharach -and -Hinchliffe voting In oppo's'l-tion., SEACLIFF HILLS, The ..City Manager presented the HOMEOWNER I.5 ASSOCIATION- May 2nd staff memorandum and TRACT NOS. 3,2574 & 34834 recommendation to concur with (808 X-141-1). - the division of the 'Seacliff Homeowners Association into two separate associations subject to the original covenants, conditions, and restrictions applying to each'. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart.to adopt the staff recommendation. The motion carried unanimouslyi, SITE PLAN REVIEW The City Manager presented NO* 4734 APPEAL (1801) the staff memorandum of May-2nd and the following recommendation.* Affirm the Planni-ng,Commission's'decision to allow an existing satellite dish antenna with the following conditions, 1. The satellite dish antenna shall be relocated to Location_"D-2" as ,indicated on the attached plans,, which is the east, rear corner of the west wing of the house, 2. The antenna shall'be eave mounted at a maximum .. heighte-.of 20r feet above grade when positioned ' at its maximum height, 3. The dish and support pole shall be painted dark brown-or black.., 40 Existing vegetation on the property shall be maintained to- substantially'screen the view of the dish from adjacent public and private properties but shall not impact views, 5. All required Building and Safety ,pekmits shall be obtained.- and finaled within 60 days. The applicant in this matter-;: Don Wolf, 5014 Silver 'Arrow Dr., told the Council that he had Dial One Antenna Service come to the property�to survey the beat location for the , antenna. He described some of the signals that he gets with the satellite dish. In an effort to hide it he said that he has put .it back on the ,back of - the lot and there is only'a- narrow wedge - where it - can be;-,viewed, Speaking in support of the satellite dish was Eliott Weston, 10- MAY 2, 1989 4992 Silver Arrow the neighbors and Council briefly d would be removed.' Councilman Hughes unah imous I y Dr., who said he has talked to several of that they h ave'no concerns about it. iscussed: the' :fact that some of the" trees Counc ilman' Ryan movedy seconded by to grant the appeal,, The` motion carried` - Staff indicated that presentation at the requested to notify they would be preparing a re-'s'o-lu"tion''for next City Council meeting. staff, was the neighbors of this action. GRANT EASEMENT TO COUNTY The City Manager presented the` SANITATION DISTRICT recommendation to approve the (450 x 140-2 x 1801) agreement with the Sanitation' :., District of Lo.s Angeles' County granting an easement adjacent to Palos Verde's'. Dr. 'South- through the Portuguese Bend Landslide. As part of the re- construction of, Palos ,Verdes Dr. South a pad was provided for two 14 inch pressure sanitary sewer' lines -9 The 1-4 foot shoulder would be used by the Sanitation District for access to maintain the lines which are on an adjacent nt 8: foot wide pad. The new location of the sewer lines allows greater access for - required. .maintenance . In exchange' - for providing the pads, the County'-San''itation District has agreed to pay the Redevelopment Agency*$ ' 6 ' 0',000. Besides needing the approval of the RDA this item al*-s,o'requi red 'Council'- approves 1. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by- Councilman Hughes and. carried to approve- the staff recommendation-.. DEL CERRO (901) Council ,resumed it-'s discussion of the Del Cerro Undergrounding District. The Director oft Public 'Work's,announced,that the percentage of protests to the original engineer's report was 46 -6.3%, adjusted for names withdrawn brought it down to-43 * 219os. He reported that there was a 26.05% protest to the modifications in the engineer's report, RESOLUTION.''NOO -89-42 ORDERING PROPOSED CHANGES TO BE MADE,',' CONFIRMING A PROPOSED MAXIMUM ANNUAL ASSESSMENT, ORDERING PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TO-BE MADE AND DECLARING ITS ACTION UPON THE ENGINEERIS REPORT,,AS MODIFIED, AND THE'ASSESSMENT IN CONNECTION WITH RANCHO PALOS VERDES IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO* 9, DEL CERRO was presented by title and adopted on motion of Councilman Hughes, seconded by Councilman Ryan and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 89-43 AUTHORIZING -THE ISSUANCE OF BONDS REPRESENTING UNPAID ASSESSMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH RANCHO PALOS.-VERDES IMPROVEMENT ;DISTRICT'NO* 91 DEL CERRO-�was.,presented by title and adopted oh motion of Councilman McTaggartr''-.s-econded-by Councilman Hughe's and carried. MAY:" 2, 1989: Councilman Hughe.s moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan, and carried. ,,to add-to the - agenda -as an -emergency�: item -,.the contract for-th-is.project.. The motion carried i, unanimously . A contract with Henkel and McCoy, the-low-bidder-in this project was awarded for an amount of $389,697. plus -a $35.,303 contingency fees for a total bid package of $425,000. The motion was made,by -Councilman Hinchliffe, seconded .by,, Counci.1man.--,Hughes and carried unanimously. LONG RANGE TRANS- The City Manager presented the PORTATION PLAN 11505) -staff report ,of May-2nd and the recommendation that the Mayor and . City. Council- approve, a draft of the City of:Rancho Palos Verdes Long Range Transportation Plan and the public review time line-for public- comment. After a. brief .discussion and clarification of:..: the ride... sharing provision.-it was the consensus. of C-ounciI to -approve.. the proposed draft.. -- Staff - was :requested to.,review the EIR process for ..this plan-..- EXTERIOR STAIRS-POLICY.... The City Manager presented the (18 01) ­,May. 2ndtstoff memorandum and the recommendation to review the existing policy and provide staff with direction. Council discussed the original prohibition on -stairsto prevent second units; whether the policy should be reviewed and modified to close any loopholes that exist* whether to reaffirm the policy that ., if ,there are extenuating circumstances that the Planning Commission should then explain those circumstances; and the fact that there may be justifiable circumstances allowing them under the exception permit procedure.* -It was the consensus that. - staff should prepare a history of outside stairs. and a hierarchy of the permit procedure.. 0 CITY COUNCIL REPORTS. ETHICS ;Councilma-n;Ryan - presented a` �prepared statement regarding the is-sue of him helpingidevelopers with the Coastal. Commission. This statement and a book containing an outline of the projects involved are on file in the City Council off ice. CABLE TELEVISION (605) ..Referring to a article.in the National League of .Cities. publication ,iregarding.,cable T,&V*.!. rates o-. Councilman Ryan inami, quired whether the City was keeping track. ,of the ,,Senate hearings,regarding rate structures. It was the consensus that staff should prepare a letter to send to both the National and the State League of Cities expressing the City's -12- MAY 2, 1989 interest in these `hearings and explaining that certain areas of the City are a captive audience for the 'ca'ble{'"T.V, CITY MANAGER REPORTS.' JULY 4TH CITY COUNCIL. The City Manager presented the MEETING (307) staff memorandum of May 2nd Chedule that the -City Council S' Wednesday, Julyl.5,,'-19-89,ass the first City Coundil"meeting in July* It was the consensus toadhereto the City's ordinance and hold the first council meeting on Wednesday, July 5th. GOLF COURSE TIMETABLE (1201) The City Manager presented the May 2nd memorandum and the recommendations ass 'fbllow. 1. Adopt the time table for reaching a decision on the design, engineering and financial feasibility of a public golf course. 2. Request the developers in Sub-region I and Long Point site to prepare a preliminary public golf course design in Sub-region 1, Pt. Vicente, City Hall, and Long Point. J.J.D. McLaren, 3923 Palos Verdes Dr. South, commented on the proposed golf course and inquired whether the golf course would be built according to certain professional design criteria for championship golf courses, Mayor Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman Hinchliffe to approve the staff recommendation. The motion carried on a 3-2 vote with Councilmembers Ryan and McTaggart voting in opposition. STATUS OF COUNCIL DIRECTIVES ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR# Ago 00 Stair reported that the Traffic Committee had reviewed the issue of markings at Crest Road and they will now be installed. WAIVER OF PENALTY FEES The City Manager presented the (1203) staff report of May 2nd and the recommendation to authorize the Director of Environmental Services to waive the penalty fee related to the variance application for existing -13- MAY 2, 1989 fencing exceeding Code standards .at 27600, 27604, 27612, 27624, 2763 D and:27654 Tarrasa Drive. Council inquired whether a code change would be appropriate to allow the residents in that area a wall higher on their property. It was the consensus that generally such wails encouraged rather than discouraged crime *.' Councilmen Ry, a:n moved , seconded, by Mayor Bacharach to approve the.staff recommendation. The motion carried unanimously, ADJOURNMENT At 12:58 A.M. the meeting adjourned J& MAYOR .ATTRST MIN181 MAY 21 1989