CC MINS 19900507 ADJ JNTM I N U T E S CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION WORKSHOP ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING MAY 71 1990 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by Mayor Pro Tem McTaggart at the Hesse Park Community Building, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard, notice having been given with affidavit thereto on file. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was then recited. Roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT.* Hinchliffel Bacharach and Mayor Pro Tem McTaggart. ABSENT: Ryan and Mayor Hughes. ALSO PRESENT.* Planning Commissioners Brooks, Hotchkiss, Katherman, Von Hagen and Chairman McNulty. Also present were Environmental Services Director Robert Benard, Planning Administrator Curtis Williams and City Attorney Michele Brown. Mayor Pro Tem McTaggart announced that City Council adjourned to this meeting from a personnel session during which City Manager candidates were interviewed* APPROVAL OF AGENDA The agenda was approved as written. COASTAL RIDGE REZONING Director Benard presented the AND RESIDENTIAL PLANNED staff memorandum of May 8, DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 1990 with the recommendation to accept public testimony and provide direction to staff regarding the initiation of a rezoning study or development of revised residential development standards and a slope/density overlay* CC/PC WORKSHOP MAY 71 1990 1 Discussion of methods to reduce the maximum potential residential density of the area upland of the coastal zone bluff properties (hereinafter referred to as "coastal uplands") began with Direc- tor Benard responding to inquiries from Council as to Development Code modifications which would trigger a re-evaluation of the goals and policies of the General Plan. He noted the need for clearer Code provisions pertaining to the RPD Standards and touched on the need to address the redevelopment of existing single-family residences. Mr. Richard T. Bara's letter of May 7, 1990, requesting that the entire coastal ridge rezoning study area be temporarily rezoned RS-A-5 and that the entire area be placed in a slope/density overlay district, was read into the record. Public 'input began with Mrs. Luella Wike, 29172 Oceanrlidge Drive, Referring to written material distributed at the meeting, Mrs. Wike read aloud revisions she recommended to the RPD Code. Sunshine, #6 Limetree Lane, suggested that the size of RPD lots and setbacks be increased to accommodate the large homes being constructed in the City. She also suggested that staff be in- formed of existing areas representing the type of residential developments Council and the Planning Commission would like to see in the City. Ms. Lois Knight LaRue, 3136 Barkentine Road, expressed her firm disapproval of RPDs. She requested that deep thought be given to the development of the south side of the Peninsula and asked that the natural topography be retained. Ms. Barbara Dye, 7035 Harterest Drive, came forward to stress the importance of adequate noticing for public meetings. She requested that discussions of this nature be televised. Mrs. Bacharach strongly opposed the development of a specific plan. She supported the establishment of a slope/density overlay district, indicated that she could support the establishment of a RPD if further thought were given to a standard for clustering; and related her feeling that the construction of large homes should be addressed. With regard to Section 17.06.040 of the Development Code (Development Standards for Residential Planned Developments - included in agenda packets), Mrs. Bacharach ex- plained her opposition to reducing street widths where no on- street parking is necessary or permitted. CC/PC WORKSHOP MAY 71 1990 F4 Councilman Hinchliffe noted the apparent need to down zone the coastal uplands. He voiced his reluctance to take any action which might signify the City's desire for development in the area. Council questioned whether the area could be down zoned since it is under a development moratorium* City Attorney, Brown supplied information in that regard* Chairman McNulty supported the development of a specific plan. He questioned whether conditional use permits could be utilized to address the redevelopment of existing single-family residences. City Attorney Brown advised against such a proce- dure. Commissioner Von Hagen supported the development of a specific plan. He favored the use of variances rather than conditional use permi ts to address the redevelopment of existing single- family residences* Commissioner Katherman favored the establishment of a RPD# Commissioner Brooks supported the establishment of a slope/density overlay district. Like Councilman Hiinchliffel she was reluctant to take any action which might signify the City's desire for development in the area. Mayor Pro Tem McTaggart supported the establishment of a RPD. He asked staff to examine (1) the possibility of using Condi- tional Use Permits to address the redevelopment of existing single-family residences; (2) ways to improve the quality of life after construction by reducing grading, hardscape, storm drainage, etc.; and (3) the feasibility of utilizing slope /density overlay districts in neighborhoods which are built out* CC/PC WORKSHOP MAY 71 1990 3 ADJOURNMENT At 10:00 PM, the meeting was duly adjourned. City Council ad- journed to Saturday, May 12, 1990, 80#00 AM and the Planning Com- mission to May 12, 1990, 6#000 PM. ATTEST: 4 4A V20 1 RYOR A CC/PC WORKSHOP MAY 71 1990