CC MINS 19900226 ADJM I N U T E S
FEBRUARY 26, 1994
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Mayor Melvin
Hughes at Ridgecrest Intermediate School, 28915 Northbay
Road, notice having been given with affidavit thereto on
file. After the pledge of allegiance to the flag roll call
was answered as follows:
PRESENT: McTaggart, Hinchliffe, Ryan, Bacharach and
Mayor Hughes
Also present were City Manager William Cornett, Deputy City
Manager Mark Rohloff, Director of Environmental Services
Robert Benard, City Attorney Ariel Calonne, Planning
Commissioners Peter Von Hagen, Robert McNulty, Robert
Katherman, Charles Hotchkiss, and Susan Brooks.
Motion was made by Councilmember Hinchliffe and seconded by
Councilmember Bacharach to approve the agenda as presented.
Motion unanimously passed.
City Attorney Calonne explained the process of consolidation
of the appeal process in the Development Code.
Councilwoman Bacharach questioned the difference between
permit issuance and permit renewal with regard to the issue
of foliage removal.
Director Benard summarized the Council's request that staff
look at ways to streamline the permit review process,
including the possibility of creating a Zoning Board, and
announced that the purpose of the workshop was for the
Council to provide direction to staff regarding creation of
this Board or other new review authority, and to amend
Development Code provisions regarding appeals, permit
processing, fees and staffing for planning review.
Mr. Benard then reviewed the City's existing permit review
process, including permits which fall under the authority of
staff, the Planning Commission and the City Council, and the
timef rames for scheduling items for review by the Planning
Commission and the City Council.
Mr. Benard next outlined the permit application review
processes that are used in the South Bay by other cities. He
said it was determined that the cities surveyed allow for
appeals from staff decisions to the Planning Commission
and /or City Council. Rancho Palos Verdes has a double appeal
process which is very time consuming.
Mr. Benard stated that the City Attorney had prepared a
memorandum to encourage consolidation of the appeal process
in the City's Development Code. He reviewed the fiscal
impact and effect of Proposition M on development processing,
timing, fees, staffing, and discussed two options for
reducing Planning Commission workload: creation of a Zoning
Board; and, allow staff approval authority over certain
categories of permits which presently require Planning
Commission approval.
Mr. Benard concluded by stating that staff is prepared to
proceed, at Council's direction, with revisions to the city's
fee structure and staffing levels to address the increased
workload required by Proposition M.
City Attorney Calonne explained that the authorization in
Proposition M would add clarity to the time sequence
referenced with respect to vegetation reviews. He added that
these are jurisdictional issues and are not necessarily in
sequence of events. The sequences may be adjusted through
administrative guidelines and criteria. Projects can
therefore be consolidated so as not to require undue staff
and homeowner time.
Mr. Calonne then reviewed the provisions of the Ordinance and
the difference between the jurisdictional and administrative
prohibitions. He agreed that this issue needs to be reviewed
Mayor Pro Tem McTaggart questioned the methodology for
inspection of trees that are assumed to cause view blockage.
City Attorney Calonne noted that the absence of complaint may
be analogous to no significant view impairment, and added
that in terms of Proposition M regulations, his only comment
about the staff report is that he sees no reason why there
should be shortfall in the permit fees, and the Council has
authority to authorize staff to implement the services.
In the ensuing discussion, Councilman Ryan recommended making
the procedure self-policing and self-enacting,
Mr. Benard was of the opinion that the burden on staff and
the applicant can be eased by not bringing grading
applications before the Planning Commission.
Discussion followed regarding whether control of grading
permit applications represents a density control or a
-2- FEBRUARY 26, 1990
topography measure to limit the size of developable areas.
Planning Commission members were asked about the Commission's
workload. The members concurred that they are not personally
overworked, and they also were in agreement that certain
items take an excessive amount of time through Planning
Commission reviews. It was also felt that certain issues,
such as sign permits, do not need to go before the
Commission. Regarding increased staff authority,
Commissioner Von Hagen stated that staff should be allowed
authority over certain categories of permits which currently
require Planning Commission review with minimal injury to
public welfare.
Councilmember McTaggart recommended the formation of a
subcommittee of two staff members and two members of the
Planning Commission to deal with issues such as height
variation applications in order to eliminate large delays in
Director Benard then reviewed the processes involved in
issuing certain permits.
No,., one from the public wished to speak.
Commissioner Katherman acknowledged that having a separate
zoning administrator to review specific applications was a_
sound recommendation. He said the individuals could be
familiar with the City's Zoning codes, have decision making
authority, and could be either members of the City staff or
contract employees, and would deal with routine procedures
and applications that are not appealable.
Mr. Cornett added his preference for a contract individual
who could provide a broad viewpoint.
In the discussion following, Chairman McNulty also agreed
with the recommendation for a separate subcommittee to review
certain items as long as the review is discretionary and each
matter is taken on a case by case basis. He also recommended
inviting two members of the public to join the subcommittee.
Other recommendations offered were to change the subcommittee
to a task force and report back to the Council in 60 days and
that Mr. Benard and the City Attorney Calonne do an in -depth
investigation to see where project reviews and code changes
can be shortened.
-3- FEBRUARY 26, 1990
Councilman Hinchl if fe said he was ±inclined to have staff,
review processes to determine those areas where staff could
be allowed additional control.
Motion was made by ' Counc-i man Hinchl if fe , seconded -- by
Councilman Hughes to , accept the � staf f conc l us ion to prepare
revisionsF .to: the Development Code which' would result - in -a
more efficient appl icationa review -procese - Motion
unanimously passed.. ,
Director Benard recommended holding a workshop-regarding
rezoning issues on-April 23, 1990.
There being o further : business,, = the-- meetin
g g was duly
adjourned tit 9:02P.-M-,
`)-k'JI4Jq ART M091-1 ?W0IT821UQ
-4- FEBRUARY 26, 1990
-4- FEBRUARY 26, 1990