CC MINS 19921117M I N U T E S RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 17, 1992 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor McTaggart at the Hesse Park Community Center, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard. Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, roll call was answered as follows: PRESENT: BROOKS, RYAN, KUYKENDALL, BACHARACH AND MAYOR McTAGGART Also present were City Manager Paul Bussey, Assistant City Manager Pam Antil, City Attorney Carol Lynch, Environmental Services Director Dudley Onderdonk, Public Works Director Trent Pulliam, and City Clerk Jo Purcell. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The agenda was adopted on motion of Councilwoman Bacharach, seconded by Councilwoman Brooks. Motion carried. CONSENT CALENDAR Two items were moved from the consent calendar to be discussed later in the meeting: July 4th Celebration, and Waiver of Application Fees for Parcel Map No. 23548. The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) was removed from the agenda. Adopted a motion to waive full reading of all ordinances and resolutions adopted at the meeting with consent to the waiver of reading deemed to be given by all councilmembers after the reading of the title. MINUTES Adopted the minutes of August 9, 1992. INSTALLATION OF RIGHT TURN POCKET AT CRENSHAW AND CRESTRIDGE (1502) Approved installation of a right turn lane from Southbound Crenshaw to Crestridge. RESOLUTION NO, 92 -108 BUDGET APPROPRIATION - STRIPING MODIFICATION AT CRENSHAW BLVD, AND SEACREST DR. (602 X 1404) (1) Authorized modifications to striping on Crenshaw Blvd. to reduce the width of the travel lane. (2 ) Authorized transfer of $2,500 from Gas Tax Fund Reserve to Account 102- 302 - 530 - 000 -33 to cover the expenses of this modification. (2) Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 92 -108 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 92 -99, THE BUDGET APPROPRIATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 1992 -93. RESOLUTION NO. 92 -109 - VACATION - BRIDLE TRAIL EASEMENT AT ALIDA PLACE (1408 X 1411) Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 92 -109 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF RANCHO PALOS VERDES DECLARING THE COUNCIL'S INTENT TO VACATE THE BRIDLE TRAIL EASEMENT ALONG THE SOUTHERLY EDGE OF TRACT NO. 464220 ANNUAL SLURRY SEAL CONTRACT (1404 x 1204) (1) Awarded the FY 1992 -93 Slurry Seal Contract to Doug Martin Contracting Company, Inc. for $177,297.60 (2) Authorized expenditures to $195,000 which equals the contract amount plus a ten percent contingency. ANNUAL STREET PATCHING SERVICE (1404 x 1204) (1) Awarded the FY 1992 -93 Street Patching Service contract to Copp Contracting, Inc. for $83,000. (2) Authorized expenditures to $98,000 which includes an estimated $15,000 additional repairs through the end of FY 92 -93. RESOLUTION NO. 92 -110 REGISTER OF DEMANDS Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 92 -110 ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AND SPECIFYING FUND FROM WHICH THE SAME ARE TO BE PAID. The motion to approve the Consent Calendar carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: BROOKS, RYAN, KUYKENDALL, BACHARACH AND MAYOR McTAGGART NOES: NONE RECYCLING REGULAR BUSINESS: ON STREET PARKING ADJACENT TO MARYMOUNT COLLEGE (1502 X 1.804) Director of Public Works Pulliam presented the staff memorandum of November 17th and the following recommendations: (1) Make no changes to the current parking areas allowed on Palos Verdes Drive East. (2) Authorize staff to restripe a portion of Palos Verdes Drive East north of San Ramon to comply with minimum standards for a combined travel and parking lane. Kevin Smith, Traffic Engineer, further clarified the location and the effects of this striping and how it would result in widening the traffic lane. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilwoman Brooks to approve the staff recommendation. Motion carried. INSTALLATION - LEFT TURN LANE ON PALOS VERDE DRIVE EAST AT CASILINA (1502) Director of Public Works Pulliam presented the staff memorandum of November 17th and the recommendation to review the Traffic Committee's recommendation and give staf f direction on this matter. Council inquiries centered on whether consideration was given to making the southbound lanes into only one lane, and leaving the northbound lane in its present configuration. Traffic Engineer Kevin Smith, described the features of the intersection and the fact that it is a compound curve on the southbound lane downhill and explained the difficulty associated with reducing the area to one lane. Kim Candido, 30871 Casilina, representing the Mira Catalina Homeowners Association, said that she lives on the corner of Palos Verdes Dr. East and Casilina and has witnessed bad driving going both northbound and southbound. She expressed interest in the idea of widening or changing the southbound lane. Councilwoman Brooks moved, seconded by Councilman Kuykendall to remand this matter to staff for consideration of other options such as converting the CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 17, 1992 2 southbound lane into one lane. Additional discussion then centered on whether a right turn out lane from Casilina to South bond Palos Verdes Drive East could be considered, and, if the installation of reflectors on the curb would prevent the over - shooting of the corner. The motion carried. It was the consensus that after the staff reviewed this issue and provided some additional alternatives providing a left turn pocket to Casilina and reducing traffic to one lane South bound Palos Verdes Dr. East that it be brought back to City Council. REQUEST - RED CURB AND STOP SIGNS AT CRESTWOOD SCHOOL (1502) Director Public Works Pulliam presented the staff memorandum of November 17 and the following recommendations: (1) Approve installation of red curbs for bus loading zones requested by Crestwood School. ( 2 ) Review the Traffic Committee's recommendations regarding the request for stop signs on Crestwood at General Street-, Traffic Engineer Kevin Smith said that the Los Angeles Unified School District Traffic Safety Department reviewed the request and agreed that it would be beneficial. Representing Crestwood Elementary School was DeAnn Crouthamel, 1712 W. O'Farrell St., San Pedro, who described the nature of the traffic and the speed generated both coming down and going up General St. in front of the school. She said that parents are concerned about the safety of the children and are very strongly in favor of installing the stop signs and the red curbing. Council explained that this intersection does not meet the State warrants for installation of a four -way stop sign. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilwoman Brooks to approve the staff recommendation. Motion carried. It was the consensus that a resolution pertaining to the stop sign would be presented at the next City Council meeting. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: WAIVER OF APPLICATION FEES FOR PARCEL MAP NO. 23548 (1410 X 1203) Director of Environmental Services Onderdonk presented the staff memorandum of November 17th and the recommendation to adopt a resolution ratifying the Planning Commission's decision to waive application fees for the resubmittal of Tentative Parcel Map No. 23548. Further clarifying the background on this matter Director Onderdonk said that on October 27th the Planning Commission adopted a resolution denying without prejudice Tentative Parcel Map No. 23548 for a two lot subdivision of property located at 26559 Silver Spur. In denying the request the Planning Commission felt that concerns regarding the application could be addressed through resubmittal of the application. In order to reduce the burden to the property owner the Commission made a finding for the resubmittal of the application without fees, provided the application is submitted within six months of the denial. Council inquired about the anticipated amount of staff time to be spent on this parcel map should it be resubmitted and, why the Planning Commission wanted to waive this fee. Further discussion followed which clarified that the proposed resolution would CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 17, 1992 3 rectify an oversight in the Planning Commission's Resolution 92 -65; and, if the City Council could waive the application fee but still request a trust deposit. Councilwoman Bacharach moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan to conceptually waive the resubmittal fee but not the trust deposit and that staff should prepare a resolution for this fee waiver. Motion carried on the following roll call vote: YES: BROOKS, RYAN, KUYKENDALL, BACHARACH AND MAYOR McTAGGART NOES: NONE JULY 4TH CELEBRATION 1993 -954 (1201) City Manager Bussey presented the staff memorandum of November 17th and the recommendation that the City Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the two -year agreement with Mark Conte Productions for production of the 1993 and 1994 July 4th Celebration. Staff then proceeded to make certain corrections to the proposed agreement. In response to Council inquiry staff explained that the City would receive 50% of the net profit of the event. Lois Larue, 3136 Barkentine Rd., spoke relative to putting this contract out to bid. Council discussion then followed and centered on whether the contract should be sent out to bid; if there was adequate time to do this; if this contract could be brought back at a later meeting; and, the staff time and cost to advertise the contract for bid. Councilwoman Bacharach' s motion to ask staff to solicit other proposals died for a lack of a second. Another discussion then followed and comments were made relative to the fact that this was the first year that Mark Conte had conducted the July 4th Celebration and that some experience was needed with the contract before going out to bid on it* Councilman Kuykendall moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan to approve the staff recommendation. The motion carried on the following roll call vote: AYES: BROOKS, RYAN, KUYKENDALL, AND MAYOR McTAGGART NOES: BACHARACH METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY (MTA) (306) Mayor McTaggart explained that two members of the City Council (Councilmembers Bacharach and Ryan) were. running for a seat on the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and that he intended to vote for Councilman Ryan. After Council discussion, Councilwoman Brooks moved, seconded by Mayor McTaggart to put this item on the agenda as an urgency item. The motion failed on the following roll call vote: AYES: BROOKS NOES: RYAN, BACHARACH & KUYKENDALL At this point Mayor McTaggart withdrew his second. STATUS OF DIRECTIVES: CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 17, 1992 4 Council requested that the item pertaining to equestrian trails be clarified to indicate that it deals with Category VI trails only. Council briefly spoke about item No. 5 (Priviatization of Recreation and Parks Department) and the scheduling of the Spring brochure and inquired if staff was tracking the State budget and considering its possible effect on the City. Another brief discussion dealt with the issue of graffiti and the efforts that were being made to read the graffiti that had appeared in the Eastview Park area and the possibility that contacts could be made with the gangs responsible for it* AUDIENCE COMMENTS: Lois Larue, 3136 Barkentine Rd., spoke relative to the section dedicated to public comments on both the Redevelopment Agency and the Planning Commission agendas. City Attorney Lynch then stated that it is legally possible to convene both meetings, have one consolidated public comment segment, and allow the public to comment at one time to both the City Council and the Redevelopment Agency. However, that procedure would have to be implemented with extreme care and could be confusing to the public. Thus, it seems preferable to simply maintain a separate public comment period on each agenda. ADJOURNMENT: At 8:10 P.M. the meeting adjourned TEST: C Y CLERK C111792 on motion f Councilwoman Brooks. 4 ---_ YO CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 17, 1992 5