CC MINS 19940516 ADJM I N U T E S
MAY 16, 1994
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 o'clock P.M. in the
Community Room, 30940 Hawthorne Boulevard, by Mayor Kuykendall,
notice having been given with affidavit thereto on file. Following
the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, roll call was answered as
Also present were City Manager Paul Bussey, Assistant City Manager
Pamela Antil, City Clerk Jo Purcell, Planning Director Bret
Bernard, Public Works Director Trent Pulliam, and Senior
Administrative Analyst Veronica Dolleschel.
Mayor Pro Tem Byrd moved, seconded by Councilwoman Brooks to
approve the agenda. Motion carried.
Mayor Kuykendall opened the Study Session Meeting by welcoming all
who were present and reminding the Council Members that they are
continuing with a revised version of the March 29th Budget Policy
Issues Memorandum for 1994 -95 Fiscal Year.
Mayor Kuykendall asked City Clerk Purcell if there were any
speakers. City Clerk Purcell stated that she had no requests to
speak. Council then proceeded to comment on items listed in the
following sections of the budget:
Policy Issues: Planning Public Access Computers (Not Budgeted) Item
Number Sixteen on original Memo -- Planning Director Bernard
explained that the idea is an opportunity for the City to become a
data site. It is where a company would like to develop software or
hardware -- they identify a site and use that site to assist with
their development during its development stages. In this case,
EDAW, the environmental testing company, who has been doing some of
the environmental work for RDA, has approached the City with a
proposal to modify this software for adaptation to a city planning
environment. If Council decides to take advantage of this
opportunity, the plan is to place at least one computer in the
public counter area in the main City Hall building. This would
allow the public to have access to the Codes, their property, and
requirements and /or standards for developing or renovating when the
counter hours are closed in mid - afternoon.
To initiate this program, the Planning Department has proposed the
purchase of three computers. These would be placed at strategic
locations such as on the Planning and Building public counter, main
City Hall foyer, the Library, Hesse Park, or some other public
location. The future possibilities for this might be networking --
wherein people who do have modems in their community can have
access and learn about the Codes in their own homes. Costs
involved begin with the purchase of the three computers. The
development of the computer software assistance program and input
of the data and information would be borne by EDAW.
Planning Director Bernard stated that these computers would be
dedicated specifically for "Public Access Computers."
City Manager Bussey pointed out that there are some potential
costs involved -- staff time for data input and for any
upgrades in the future. Some concerns, which were brought up,
included -- unanticipated amount of staff time and hours for
development and maintaining the data base, costs of the
computer equipment on which software operates, and other
planning project priorities.
Planning Director Bernard commented that EDAW is aware of
competition and has indicated they might proceed without the
purchase of the computer equipment in order to get it to some stage
of development using some of the City Codes,
Mayor Pro Tem Byrd moved, seconded by Councilwoman Brooks to budget
$2,500 for one computer and for minimal assistance for review and
supervisory staff time. The Motion to Approve to budget for a
computer purchase with minimal staff assistance carried on the
following roll call vote:
Policy Issues: Noise Ordinance Consultant(Not Budgeted) Item
Number Seventeen on original Memo -- Planning Director Bernard
explained that during the Planning Commission and City Council
deliberations, on a number of projects over the past year, they
indicated that Rancho Palos Verdes might be in need of a City Noise
Ordinance. The "Automotive Service Station Overlay Zone" district
is an example of this issue. Currently, the standards for noise
control relate to City -wide limits on starting and stopping times
for construction work,leaf blowers, and a Refuse Collection
Contract limiting the hours for collection. Some options discussed
included -- the developing of specific noise standards for the
MAY 16, 1994
City's various zoning districts by existing staff and /or a hired
"Noise Consultant, or incorporating an already established
Ordinance into the City'sMunicipal Code. The adoption of such an
Ordinance could "result in additional code enforcement activity and
the need to purchase equipment." The cost for a professional Noise
Analyst would vary according to the extent of consulting services
required. However, Planning Director Bernard estimated the fee to
be around $10,000.
Councilwoman Lyon moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Byrd to go
with the recommendation -- not use a noise analyst consultant --
study and adopt an already established City Noise Ordinance.
The Motion to Approve to adopt an established Noise Ordinance
at a minimal cost carried on the following roll call vote:
Crest Road Median(Budget Pgs. 181, 183 & 185)
Item Number Twenty -one on original Memo -- City Manager Bussey
explained that the real issue is not necessarily the "Crest
Road Median," but whether or not Council wants to install
permanent landscaping or whether existing plantings should be
replaced with a combination of landscape and hardscape. He
stated there may be other medians in the City which may have
been around longer and that are in need of more care.
City Manager Bussey asked Council if they would prefer that a
report be brought back to the Council, as a policy matter, on
the medians which are in need of development and maintenance.
Council was reminded that they have referred their Capital
Improvement Program to the Finance Committee for their help in
prioritizing and making recommendations relative to priority.
City Manager Bussey commented that by referring this program to the
Finance Committee they were probably considering the "Road Paving
Projects" as a high priority. He explained that when Crest Road
was built, hydroseeding was put in the median area as a temporary
landscape. City Manager Bussey further explained the issue is not
whether the medians will be maintained -- ongoing maintenance is
conducted -- but whether Council wants to start an "Improvement
Program" on medians.
(During this discussion, Councilman McTaggart arrived at 7:31 P . M . )
Councilwoman Lyon moved, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Byrd to
forward the matter of an Improvement Program for the City's
medians, which are in need of the improvements, to the Finance
Committee for further prioritization.
MAY 16, 1994
The motion to approve to forward the matter of an Improvement
Program to the Finance Committee carried on the following roll
call vote:
Municipal Area Express (MAX) and PV Transit Funding -- Item
Number Twenty -three on original Memo -- Senior Administrative
Analyst Veronica Dolleschel provided a brief explanation to
Council stating that the City has been involved with the
Municipal Area Express (MAX) and with PV Transit with the
participation of Proposition A funds. Both of these means of
transportation have also been receiving funds from the
Metropolitan Transportation Authority. However, the
Metropolitan Transportation Authority has informed both MAX
and PV Transit that their contribution will be drastically
reduced this coming year if not eliminated entirely. A table
showing approximate levels of funding for the past four years
was provided for Council.
Ms. Dolleschel recommended that the issue be referred to the
Peninsula Transit Authority for a recommendation.
Councilwoman Brooks moved, seconded by Councilman McTaggart to
refer the issue to Peninsula . Transit Authority for further
Council continued to discuss the issue and City Manager Bussey
explained that in these two systems -- PV Transit System and MAX --
MTA Grants are grants which are separate from any contributions
coming from the City and represent approximately 10 percent of the
Budget. These are incentive grants. MTA Grants are based on
performance. With a little additional funding, the System is
within 10 percent of continuing its current level. City
Manager Bussey indicated that any additional funding would
probably have to be provided by Rancho Palos Verdes. In the
case of the MAX System, MTA's Grant Income proposed to MAX
represents approximately 50 percent of its Budget. If the MTA
should discontinue their funding, MAX would possibly cease to
It was pointed out to Council that they might want to address the
matter of contributing a greater piece of the Proposition A money.
Another area, policy wise, the Council was asked to consider is
whether or not to use some of the Proposition A money to hire a
consultant to draw up a plan for the system.
With the permission of the maker of the motion, Mayor Kuydendall
MAY 16, 1994
moved a substitute motion, seconded by Councilman McTaggart to ask
the Public Works Department,, to bring a report to Council outlining
the costs related to pro- active planning on Public Transportation
in the Peninsula Area. The substitute motion carried.
City Clerk Purcell informed Mayor Kuykendall that she had just
received a request from Ms. Lois Larue to speak to Item Number
Five on the Memorandum. City Manager Bussey stated he had a
Staff Report and requested he be allowed to give the short
report before moving on to comments on the Memorandum.
Staff Report: Annual Maintenance Contracts -- Item Number
Twenty -four on original Memo -- City Manager Bussey reported
that if Council were to meet its schedule to agree on the
contracts before the existing contracts come due, Staff would
have to move ahead. He stated Public Works has opted for a
basic two -year contract with the option of bidding for a third
year. He assured Council when the contracts come in, if the
Council feels differently about the particular contract, they may
reject the contract and ask for a single -year bid.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Lois Larue, 3136 Barkentine Road, spoke to Council
regarding Item Number Five on the Memorandum -- Annual Maintenance
Contracts. She urge Council to go for annual maintenance
Mayor Kuykendall pointed out that Council is referring to
contractors with whom they have had long- standing histories,
and they are aware of their current work performances.
City Manager Bussey explained that the "contracts" are policy
issues and Council comments and suggestions are used in order to
determine the most appropriate length for a particular contract --
whether it be annual or multi -year. Under the City's
specifications, a two -year contract would be issued with the option
of continuing with the contract for a third year.
Public Works Director Pulliam stated that the staff recommendation
is to award maintenance contracts for buildings, parks, streets,
and rights -of -way as multi -year contracts for a period of at least
two years with an option of three years.
Mayor Kuykendall asked Counc i 1 if there were any objections to the
staff recommendation. There were no objections stated, and Mayor
Kuykendall stated Council would agree to the recommendation
suggested by staff.
Mayor Pro Tem Byrd stated he would like to have available some
form of a line -item schedule which would show work measured --
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vis -a -vis the amount of work you say you are going to do.
City Manager Bussey commented that, for example, on the City
Newsletter they budget and then are able to determine whether they
are on schedule -- along with all the other programs in the City
Budget, Mayor Kuykendall stated there are very few items in
which he would have an interest in knowing that sort of
detailed information -- other than the automatic on the
Mid -Year. Mayor Pro Tem Byrd agree that he was mainly
interested in the Programs and their schedules and "measured
work in terms of money expended."
City Clerk Purcell informed Mayor Kuykendall that she
received a request from Ms, Lois Larue to speak on Item Number One
on the Agenda -- Budget.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Ms. Lois Larue pointed out to Council
areas where she felt there were "typos" in the City Budget, Ms.
Larue also stated that she felt two Administrative Analysts, who
were listed under the "Public Works Department," should be listed
under the "City Manager's Department."
Mayor Kuykendall thanked Ms. Larue and stated, if she would bring
them to the staff's attention, they would be happy to correct
any typos and mistakes
PUBLIC COMMENT: Mayor Kuykendall asked City Clerk Purcell if
there were requests to speak on Item Number Two, City Clerk
Purcell stated she had no requests. Mayor Kuykendall asked if
Ms. Larue had a request to speak. Ms. Larue stated she did
want to ask questions. She referred to Account 437, page 104,
"reserved for general administrative assistants." She asked
what Council's plan was for 94 -95. City Manager Bussey
explained Council's decision is to contract for services where it
is cost effective.
REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Proposed Budget Discussion -- City Manager
Bussey reviewed and explained the "Proposed Budget for the
Redevelopment Agency." He referred to the various schedules
prepared, and informed Council a further break -down of the schedule
for the Public Works Department is available. City Manager Bussey
discussed the decision to keep the "Community Block Grant Money" in
the City Budget. Work is currently being done with some of the
FEMA money, which came in.
Councilwoman Lyon requested information regarding the removal of
bentonite. City Manager Bussey explained that bentonite is a
porous material( "clay produced by decomposition of volcanic ash,
that is able to absorb water and swell greatly as a result ") used to
create an impervious layer so that materials can't go through. One
MAY 16, 1994
of the most common uses is for landfills. Rancho Palos Verdes has
a large deposit of bentonite. Because it has a value, there is a
possibility it can be removed either free of charge or sold,
depending upon where it is located. The removal of any bentonite
would be closely monitored.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Mr. Charles Schlatter asked City Manager
Bussey a question regarding page 21 of the RDA Budget -- the
"Abalone Cove" -- "What is being done for that money ?"
City Manager Bussey explained that although the Public Works
Department does interface on - the RDA Budget, there is some
monitoring. However Charlie Abbott is still relied upon for
RDA Engineering and Administration. Some "backup's is
provided. City Manager Bussey offered to pull some billings
and provide examples of what has been billed.
City Clerk Purcell informed Mayor Kuykendall that Ms. Larue
requested to speak on the matter of the RDA Budget, Ms. Larue
referred to the RDA Budget and stated that she did not recall
anything being said about using "CDBG Money" for drainage. Ms.
Larue also commented that she would speak against any "debris
basin," referred to in the RDA Budget, and the removal of all the
bentonite. She also asked Council what was meant by "Grading
-- Southwest."
Councilman McTaggart explained that any bentonite that would be
removed are sections of bentonite on the surface that have been
"churned up" over the years due to land movement. This bentonite
retains the water and when saturated can cause landslides. Public
Works Director Pulliam explained that the term "Grading --
Southwest" refers to an area adjacent to Portuguese Bend Canyon,
Public Works Director Pulliam discussed the status of grading
and drainage in the Portuguese Bend Canyon area. He explained
that the project was previously approved by CDBG. City Manager
Bussey stated that it was part of an earlier project, which changed,
and for that reason had not been discussed recently. He explained
that the funds were taken away and were now back. The other
project mentioned in the "Block Grant Program" is another -project
and, if approved for funding, will occur later in the year.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Ms, Lois Larue commended City Council for their
support of "open space" in the City of Rancho Palos Verdes, Ms.
Larue voiced her concern over the pesticide spraying along the
sides of the road. She stated that the pesticide is going into the
ocean and asked that the spraying be stopped. Councilman McTaggart
pointed out that all pesticides used are approved by the State of
Councilwoman Brooks stated that the "Santa Monica Bay Project"
MAY 16, 1994
should be listed on the Agenda. City Manager Bussey commented
that a summary of policy choices could be assembled for
Council's review. However, the "Scheduling Report," which
Mayor Pro Tem Byrd requested, will take approximately 60 days.
ADJOURNMENT: At 9:27 P.M. the meeting adjourned on motion of
Mayor Kuykendall.,
MAY 16, 1994