CC MINS 19941119 ADJM I N U T E S ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING COMMUNITY LEADER BREAKFAST RANCHO PALOS VERDES CITY COUNCIL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1994 The meeting was called to order at 9:00 A.M. by Mayor Steven T. Kuykendall at the Hesse Park Community Center, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard, notice having been given with of f idavit thereto on file* PRESENT: BYRD, McTAGGART & MAYOR KUYKENDALL ABSENT: LYON & BROOKS Also present were City Manager Paul Bussey, Assistant City Manager Pamela Antil, Planning & Building Director Bret Bernard, Public Works Director Trent Pulliam, Finance Director Brent Mattingly and City Clerk Jo Purcell. Self- introductions followed the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CITY FINANCIAL UPDATE Finance Director Mattingly reported on the completion of the City Audit which, for the second year in a row was an "unqualified audit" f rom the f irm of Diehl , Evans & Company . This audit report showed that the City's financial condition had improved significantly during the past two years. The ending General Fund balance was the highest in several years for several reasons: departments were saving money by reducing expenditures, the City had just completed the first six months of collecting the Utility User Tax, and some major capital projects were delayed until the Fiscal Year 1994-95. With regard to the Utility User Tax adopted by the Council in December 1993, Director Mattingly said that the purpose for this tax was to allow continuation of City service levels, the continued funding of public safety, and to provide funding for road repair and maintenance. This utility tax was set at a rate of 3 %, compared with several other South Bay cities that range as high as 10%: the neighboring city of Palos Verdes Estates has a 10% utility tax. Referring to the f inancial model displayed for audience viewing, he said that the major consideration of the model was the inclusion of necessary funding to meet the timelines set forth in the City's five year Capital Improvement Plan and Pavement Management Study. With regard to the five year model, he reported that an updated five year model would be presented to the Council on December 6 at which time Council would review the utility user tax rate with a view toward reducing it below its current 3 9to. Next he reported on the activities of the Financial Advisory Committee which during the past eight months had reviewed the City's budget format, approved a "budget in brief" to assist citizens in understanding the City's rather complex budget and reviewed and approved the priorities set forth in the City's five year Capital Projects Plan. Currently, the committee is working to address the City Council's goal for maintaining and improving the Peninsula's business climate. MAJOR DEVELOPMENT UPDATE Director Bernard provided a brief synopsis of the state of development in the City and highlighted the current status for the following previously approved projects: Alta Place - construction underway; Forrestal (also known as Diamond Brothers) - nothing new, still awaiting submittal of geotechnical information; HMDI - nothing new, property rumored to be for sale; Kaj ima - review of the project's supplemental EIR and design of the required off-site detention /retention basin continues; Long Point (Marineland) - property in escrow; Marriott Senior Care Center - nothing new, property rumored to be for sale; Ocean Trails - amended project approved by City, awaiting California Coastal Commission review; Salvation Army Conference /Education Center - nothing new, rumored to be awaiting appointment of a new site commander; and, Wallace Ranch - continues under phased construction. PROCEDURE FOR ADDRESSING CITY COUNCIL VACANCIES City Clerk Jo Purcell reported that to fill the vacancy on the City Council, there were two options for the Council: make an appointment within 30 days of the vacancy, or call a special election to fill the vacancy. QUESTIONS & DISCUSSION The meeting then opened up into a question and answer period where the following inquiries were made by members of the public: • The cost of repairs for Palos Verdes Drive South. • Whether the design of the Marriott project remains the same. • The status of the Regional Comprehensive Plan. • The impact of the Von's market closure on City revenues and what was going to take its place. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 2 • How the traffic situation at Hawthorne and Via Rivera will be addressed in the event of development along the coastline. • What agency was responsible for trimming of trees around power lines. • If the light at Vallon could be synchronized with the other lights on Hawthorne. • Whether a stop sign could be installed on Miraleste Drive at 1st street. • A description of how the recycling grant program worked and how the funds are used. • If the City has a toxic waste round -up program. • The status of the landfill in Rolling Hills Estates. Adjournment: There being no further business for consideration, Councilman McTaggart moved to adjourn the meeting. ATTEST: DEPUTY CITY CLERK A:111994.CLB MAYOR- PR CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 19, 1994 PAGE 3